Doctor Who: The woman who fell to Earth


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
So we got our first full episode with Jody Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor.

I thought the story was mostly okay. It had most of the elements you would expect in an episode that introduced a new Doctor and new companions - three of them this time. Whittaker played the role pretty well.

Not a whole lot was made of the fact that the Doctor is a woman now...

That new costume! Ugh. But I've seen worse.

Anyone else watch it?
Tried to, DISH receiver went out.

Hoping for a rerun after I get replacement
i dont know if i can handle a 2,000 year old guy trapped in a womans body...

So the 2000 year old guy in the magic time-travelling box is okay, but turn him into a chick and that's a bridge too far?
yea joe it is....i grew up DC,Marvel and Gold Key Comics and i just cant stand it when someone gets to take over a character that has been around a while and changes the character because because THEY never liked this or that about the character,so they change it to what they want the character to be....the Doctor is now a 2,000 year old MALE now trapped in a female i guess this season should be very humorous.....
yea joe it is....i grew up DC,Marvel and Gold Key Comics and i just cant stand it when someone gets to take over a character that has been around a while and changes the character because because THEY never liked this or that about the character,so they change it to what they want the character to be....the Doctor is now a 2,000 year old MALE now trapped in a female i guess this season should be very humorous.....

Two points here, Harry. First, comic book characters change all the time. Batman went from a ruthless killer to a campy clown to an angst filled hero over his 80 year history. Wonder woman went from this campy BDSM character to a feminist icon.

Change is kind of a key part of Doctor Who. It has been since Patrick Troughton decided that HIS version of the Doctor was going to be totally different than William Hartnell's.

All that said, the first episode was kind of standard. It had all the elements you normally find in a post-regeneration episode. Doctor is out of it when there is a threat to Earth or the Universe, his companions try to figure out what is going on while she makes a recovery. Then the Doctor recovers just in time to defeat the threat. Somewhere in there she picks out a new costume that will be cosplay for years and remarks, "Oh, that's what I look like now."

Tom Baker and Matt Smith pulled this story off about the best.
yea joe it is....i grew up DC,Marvel and Gold Key Comics and i just cant stand it when someone gets to take over a character that has been around a while and changes the character because because THEY never liked this or that about the character,so they change it to what they want the character to be....the Doctor is now a 2,000 year old MALE now trapped in a female i guess this season should be very humorous.....

Two points here, Harry. First, comic book characters change all the time. Batman went from a ruthless killer to a campy clown to an angst filled hero over his 80 year history. Wonder woman went from this campy BDSM character to a feminist icon.

Change is kind of a key part of Doctor Who. It has been since Patrick Troughton decided that HIS version of the Doctor was going to be totally different than William Hartnell's.

All that said, the first episode was kind of standard. It had all the elements you normally find in a post-regeneration episode. Doctor is out of it when there is a threat to Earth or the Universe, his companions try to figure out what is going on while she makes a recovery. Then the Doctor recovers just in time to defeat the threat. Somewhere in there she picks out a new costume that will be cosplay for years and remarks, "Oh, that's what I look like now."

Tom Baker and Matt Smith pulled this story off about the best.
i do believe if you were a man for 2000 years and suddenly see you are now a female it would be more than "Oh, that's what I look like now." .......we will see how many people stick around.....
i do believe if you were a man for 2000 years and suddenly see you are now a female it would be more than "Oh, that's what I look like now." .......we will see how many people stick around.....

again, already been established Time Lords can change gender and it's just not a big deal.

Now, I know that toxic Masculinity has infected too much Sci-Fi these days, given the reactions to the New Star Wars and Star Trek Discovery, but hey, hopefully DW fans can show they are better than that.

This might destroy the entire franchise.

Yes, how dare the woman be the hero and not the supporting character who asks dumb question or waits to be rescued?
i do believe if you were a man for 2000 years and suddenly see you are now a female it would be more than "Oh, that's what I look like now." .......we will see how many people stick around.....

again, already been established Time Lords can change gender and it's just not a big deal.

Now, I know that toxic Masculinity has infected too much Sci-Fi these days, given the reactions to the New Star Wars and Star Trek Discovery, but hey, hopefully DW fans can show they are better than that.

This might destroy the entire franchise.

Yes, how dare the woman be the hero and not the supporting character who asks dumb question or waits to be rescued?
the ratings were already down joe.....lets see how many people feel like you do....lots tuned in for her first episode,lets see how many stick around....
the ratings were already down joe.

Because of the idiot they had playing the Doctor.

I could barely stand to watch him, and I've, thanks to youtube, seen every episode since the 60s, including the ones with Peter Cushing
the ratings were already down joe.....lets see how many people feel like you do....lots tuned in for her first episode,lets see how many stick around....

The question is how it does in the UK, not necessarily World Wide.

What I found interesting in the week leading up to the premeire, they reran all the Tennant and Matt Smith episodes, but none of the Capaldi episodes..
Loved Tennant, finally got used to Smith, but when Clara left, it was hard to put up with Capaldi episodes
Loved Tennant, finally got used to Smith, but when Clara left, it was hard to put up with Capaldi episodes

Clara mostly annoyed me, especially in her last season. I didn't mind Bill that much, but I think where they really shot themselves in the foot was having nearly a year hiatus between seasons- no new episodes for the whole of 2016.

I think the biggest problem with the Capaldi era, besides the fact that he was kind of wrong for the role - great actor, not just for that role - was that a lot of the stories were derivative.

The whole of Season 8 was the return of the Master. Okay, that was also the whole plot line of Season 3. And about half the fans figured out Missy was the Master in female form, so it wasn't even that big of a shock. Two Dalek stories, two Cyberman stories... kind of going to the same well too many times.
With a woman in the eponymous role, shouldn't it be ... Nurse Who?


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