Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Booosh started these programs, the ATF agent would just have been killed with another of the millions of guns they have. Holder ended it as soon as he heard about it. You brainwashed dunces are hysterical, change the channel and check out real issues, not Pub propaganda and feigned outrage...

Wide receiver resulted in NO arrests- at least this had some successes.
Booosh started these programs, the ATF agent would just have been killed with another of the millions of guns they have. Holder ended it as soon as he heard about it. You brainwashed dunces are hysterical, change the channel and check out real issues, not Pub propaganda and feigned outrage...

Wide receiver resulted in NO arrests- at least this had some successes.

Wide receiver? What's that?
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

Did ANYONE die with Watergate? NO--We know of 1 U.S border agent killed with these guns--and most likely 100's of others within Mexico including innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

Breaking into a campaign office- (Watergate)---or delivering 2000 semi-automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels.

Let me guess which is worse---:cuckoo:
Brian Terry's Family doesn't care about Politics. They don't see it as a Republican vs. Democrat issue. They only see it as losing a Dad, Brother, and Son. Their Dad/Brother/Son was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. They just want answers and accountability. Shame on Obama & Holder. This is a very sad disgrace.
Brian Terry's Family doesn't care about Politics. They don't see it as a Republican vs. Democrat issue. They only see it as losing a Dad, Brother, and Son. Their Dad, Brother, and Son was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. They just want answers and accountability. Shame on Obama & Holder. This is a very sad disgrace.

They may not be Political, But they did just say today in no uncertain Terms that they Blame Obama and Holder for Covering up the Facts to Protect their own asses.

The plan all along was to lose the guns and have people killed with them. That is because Obama and Holder are real gun lovers and want to remove all impediments to getting guns.

Obama and Holder have Terry's blood on their hands! They should be arrested and tried for murder!
Brian Terry's Family doesn't care about Politics. They don't see it as a Republican vs. Democrat issue. They only see it as losing a Dad, Brother, and Son. Their Dad, Brother, and Son was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. They just want answers and accountability. Shame on Obama & Holder. This is a very sad disgrace.

They may not be Political, But they did just say today in no uncertain Terms that they Blame Obama and Holder for Covering up the Facts to Protect their own asses.

They're angry and frustrated. They just can't fathom the fact their Dad/Brother/Son was brutally slaughtered with weapons provided by their own Government. It has to be shockingly stressful for them.
Brian Terry's Family doesn't care about Politics. They don't see it as a Republican vs. Democrat issue. They only see it as losing a Dad, Brother, and Son. Their Dad, Brother, and Son was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. They just want answers and accountability. Shame on Obama & Holder. This is a very sad disgrace.

They may not be Political, But they did just say today in no uncertain Terms that they Blame Obama and Holder for Covering up the Facts to Protect their own asses.

And they would be correct.

The plan all along was to lose the guns and have people killed with them. That is because Obama and Holder are real gun lovers and want to remove all impediments to getting guns.

Obama and Holder have Terry's blood on their hands! They should be arrested and tried for murder!

Sarcasm just doesn't play well on the Interwebs. And i wonder if you would feel the same if your Dad/Brother/Son was brutally murdered with weapons provided by your own Government? I'm guessing probably not.
Brian Terry's Family doesn't care about Politics. They don't see it as a Republican vs. Democrat issue. They only see it as losing a Dad, Brother, and Son. Their Dad, Brother, and Son was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. They just want answers and accountability. Shame on Obama & Holder. This is a very sad disgrace.

They may not be Political, But they did just say today in no uncertain Terms that they Blame Obama and Holder for Covering up the Facts to Protect their own asses.

They're angry and frustrated. They just can't fathom the fact their Dad/Brother/Son was brutally slaughtered with weapons provided by their own Government. It has to be shockingly stressful for them.

and all for what? To drum up support for repealing the Second Amendment ? Gun control and control of the 'bitter clingers"?

This smacks as a blatent abuse of power.
Obama didn't know about FF even though he said that it was a Bush program originally that he heard about in the news.

This is why he claimed executive privilege. Because anything he hears about in the news is classified once it reaches his ears.
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Oh wait! You mean to tell me that Obama and Holder are not to blame for the death of Terry, but they are to blame for covering up facts surrounding his death?

That is outrageous!

The plan all along was to lose the guns and have people killed with them. That is because Obama and Holder are real gun lovers and want to remove all impediments to getting guns.

Obama and Holder have Terry's blood on their hands! They should be arrested and tried for murder!

Sarcasm just doesn't play well on the Interwebs. And i wonder if you would feel the same if your Dad/Brother/Son was brutally murdered with weapons provided by your own Government? I'm guessing probably not.

Provided? As in given away to murderers willingly and knowingly so that they could be used to kill Americans? That sure seems very serious.
Of couse not. The Issa investigation is purely a partisan issue. On Watergate Nixon was facing a bipartisan impeachment.
Booosh started these programs, the ATF agent would just have been killed with another of the millions of guns they have. Holder ended it as soon as he heard about it. You brainwashed dunces are hysterical, change the channel and check out real issues, not Pub propaganda and feigned outrage...

Wide receiver resulted in NO arrests- at least this had some successes.

He ended it as soon as WE heard about it. He has backtracked about when he heard about it and even Bush administration involvement. He is a lying MF, just like you and his boss.

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