Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?

Wrong again dipshit. Teens who get access to puberty blockers and hormone therapy show vast improvements to their mental health compared to trans individuals who were denied those treatments, went throw puberty and then transitioned as adults.

Puberty blockers can be 'life-saving' drugs for trans teens, study shows | CNN

Bullshit studies are bullshit.

They have to be "happy" or else because there is no turning back.

If they have to wait until they are 18 to mutilate themselves, so be it.
Bullshit studies are bullshit.

They have to be "happy" or else because there is no turning back.

If they have to wait until they are 18 to mutilate themselves, so be it.
When science disagrees with you bigots you always respond in anger. People who were actually concerned for children would consider all reliable information.

Tennessee is putting in a place a law, Tennessee, right wing, religious, not very friendly towards LGBT.

The law bans "drag performances in front of children and restricting medical treatment for transgender youth."

Does anyone have a problem with this?
Drag performances are SEXUAL. Kids should not be going to strip clubs, they should not have anyone performing sexual or sex based dances. I even think that thinks twirking should be banned from videos that kids can get their hands on. The amount of obscene stuff that is allowed to be open to everyone seems like "free speech gone too far".

As for the treatment for transgender youths, no kid should be allowed to have such a LIFE ALTERING operation at such a young age. Most teenagers are FUCKED UP in the head going through hormone changes, they need time as an adult to make such decisions.

And most importantly they need (which they won't get in Tennessee, will they?) mental healthcare possibilities.

A lot of transgender people are dealing with mental health issues, and I believe many might think their problems will be solved by having this surgery. What is needed, and needed to start as soon as possible is a study on mental health and transgender people so that healthcare professionals can help such people as early as possible, so they don't end up destroying their lives for a mistaken hope.
Why is considered "not very friendly?" I wish they would take it the distance that Kansas is pursuing to codify the definition of male and female. The endemic of mental illness and expectations to accept it are ridiculous.
The problem is so called "health professionals" are pushing this shit. I heard an interview with a gal, that already had a double mastectomy, that realized too late that she was making a big mistake. Her shrink was the one pushing her and got her to go under the knife. I think TN is right on target.


There's a lawsuit working it's way through the system filed by a kid who, as a minor, was coerced into "transitioning" by a hospital staff that makes huge profits from sexually mutilating children. I hope it sets a precedent that these places need to keep their knives and chemical poisons away from children.

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