Do YOU Believe this Poll by the BIASED Poynter Institute..AKA Pravda West!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Trust in media grows under Trump, amid partisan split: survey
Trust in media grows under Trump, amid partisan split: survey
Now folks this was from the obvious biased MSM Yahoo! What is the take away?
Media is more trusted!


Now for the actual headline:

Trump is causing Democrats to trust media more, while Republicans are endorsing more extreme views, says a new study

This report summarizes an original public opinion survey of 2,100 Americans conducted in early November 2017

Our participants closely resemble the U.S. population in both demographics (52% female, 69% white, median age 46, 27% hold a four-year college degree or higher) and political attitudes and affiliations (35% identify as Democrats, 25% identify as Republicans; 35% approve of Donald Trump’s job performance).2

Now remember folks... This is also a VERY BIASED poll.
AGAIN 735 (35%) democrats were asked and only 525 (25%) GOP!
Yet as most of the BIASED pollsters claim... well there are more Democrats! WRONG!!!

According to Gallup poll
2017 Nov 2-8
25% GOP 42% Independent 30%
Party Affiliation

Do you people really understand now why this biased Poynter Institute parent of the St. Pete's Times AKA
Pravada West is allowing this headline:
Sorry Trump, New Poll Says More People Trust The Media Now
Sorry Trump, New Poll Says More People Trust The Media Now | HuffPost
YUP... Huffington post Headline says MORE people Trust the Media!!!

Total LIE taken from the BIASED STUDY of Poynter Institute a totally left wing supposedly "honest" journalism institute!

Once again, a twist with headlines. From their own article-

But 39 percent respondents had "not very much" trust and 13 percent "none at all."

Another 32% said they only have a fair amount of trust, not really confidence in.

They further don’t state the way they were questioned in the gallop poll they compared it with.

yea, we TRUST the media....they know what's going on. They're always correct.


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