Do not vote for supporters of white privilege

Send the following to your legislators from all parties, that the bad old days of white privilege are over. Tell your legislators at local, county, state, and D. C., that you will vote against them if they support the bad old days.

View attachment 34765

List the White Privilege's

Joel Watson @hijinksensue

I shoplifted when I was 14 and they let me go because my parents came down and we "looked like a nice family." #crimingwhilewhite

7:28 PM - 3 Dec 2014

allison brown @henrystreetedit

Tonight, black protester & I both ignore barricade & walk in street. 4 cops pounce on him; I'm told to get in the pen. #CrimingWhileWhite

9:01 PM - 3 Dec 2014

Jeremy Scheuch @jeremyscheuch

I'm not proud of it, but when I was 22 I pushed a cop when I was drunk at a bar. I was told to go home and "sleep it off" #CrimingWhileWhite

9:04 PM - 3 Dec 2014
Send the following to your legislators from all parties, that the bad old days of white privilege are over. Tell your legislators at local, county, state, and D. C., that you will vote against them if they support the bad old days.

View attachment 34765

List the White Privilege's

Joel Watson @hijinksensue

I shoplifted when I was 14 and they let me go because my parents came down and we "looked like a nice family." #crimingwhilewhite

7:28 PM - 3 Dec 2014

allison brown @henrystreetedit

Tonight, black protester & I both ignore barricade & walk in street. 4 cops pounce on him; I'm told to get in the pen. #CrimingWhileWhite

9:01 PM - 3 Dec 2014

Jeremy Scheuch @jeremyscheuch

I'm not proud of it, but when I was 22 I pushed a cop when I was drunk at a bar. I was told to go home and "sleep it off" #CrimingWhileWhite

9:04 PM - 3 Dec 2014

That is not proof. You can say anything you want to on the internet it does not make it true.
I am talking about statistics and reports.
Send the following to your legislators from all parties, that the bad old days of white privilege are over. Tell your legislators at local, county, state, and D. C., that you will vote against them if they support the bad old days.

View attachment 34765

List the White Privilege's

Joel Watson @hijinksensue

I shoplifted when I was 14 and they let me go because my parents came down and we "looked like a nice family." #crimingwhilewhite

7:28 PM - 3 Dec 2014

allison brown @henrystreetedit

Tonight, black protester & I both ignore barricade & walk in street. 4 cops pounce on him; I'm told to get in the pen. #CrimingWhileWhite

9:01 PM - 3 Dec 2014

Jeremy Scheuch @jeremyscheuch

I'm not proud of it, but when I was 22 I pushed a cop when I was drunk at a bar. I was told to go home and "sleep it off" #CrimingWhileWhite

9:04 PM - 3 Dec 2014

That is not proof. You can say anything you want to on the internet it does not make it true.
I am talking about statistics and reports.

What stats and reports? I can find some if you tell me what would prove it.
White Guilt is Dead !!!!!

White Guilt Is Dead
He should call himself the founder of Clueless Conservative, since that's what he is, and I'm being generous.
You're a progressive, you're not generous, you're incredibly greedy.
I'm a liberal dummy, and his article is nonsense, like your posts and ideology.

Actually, you're a fucking idiot. You should be so lucky to just be a dummy.


Have a great day!
I read what you post. I've met smarter sanitary products.

Yes, I'm sure your tampons are quite brilliant and you talk to them a lot.
We were all told that the Rs were going to take a major ass kicking this election after shutting down govt last fall.

Show me the TeaPs (all of them) that survived the primaries; yes, you did take an ass beating from the GOP mainstream.

They were all re-elected. Mccain Mccain Mccain Mccain Mccain Mccain Mccain Mccain..........2016 baby!!!!!!!! The JS rallying cry, The Paul Revere of our times.
There is no such thing as white privilege.

That's exactly right, but there is economic privilege, aka privilege of the wealthy which they use to screw the rest of us. That's probably why they don't think that poverty causes crime, they are wealthy and they are also the biggest thieves around, making them wealthy didn't make them stop being criminals.
There is no such thing as white privilege.

That's exactly right, but there is economic privilege, aka privilege of the wealthy which they use to screw the rest of us. That's probably why they don't think that poverty causes crime, they are wealthy and they are also the biggest thieves around, making them wealthy didn't make them stop being criminals.

Ok, tell me how you are getting screwed by the wealthy?
The face of many of the far right.

Young crusader frank.jpg
I love my white privilege, and am very thankful for it.
I feed and bathe it every day, and tuck it in every night. It's always there ready when I need it.
I hardily recommend it to everyone !
Folks like you are stacking the deck against the GOP.

You were taught a lesson last fall, you can't produce a meaningful list of TPM congress critters, yet you want to topple the party with your stupidity.

Won't happen. The party will topple all of you if necessary to win in 2016.

We will not let you creeps alienate the minorities again after we worked so hard in 2014 to repair your stupidities.

Alienate Minorities= make them climb the same steps to success we had to
Send the following to your legislators from all parties, that the bad old days of white privilege are over. Tell your legislators at local, county, state, and D. C., that you will vote against them if they support the bad old days.

View attachment 34765

We don't have to worry. Most of you can't write anyway. None of you know who your Congress person is.
Folks like you are stacking the deck against the GOP.

You were taught a lesson last fall, you can't produce a meaningful list of TPM congress critters, yet you want to topple the party with your stupidity.

Won't happen. The party will topple all of you if necessary to win in 2016.

We will not let you creeps alienate the minorities again after we worked so hard in 2014 to repair your stupidities.

Alienate Minorities= make them climb the same steps to success we had to

The steps of white privilege? No.
Calling you a racist, 007, which you undoubtedly are, is not race pimping.

Son, I will call you out every time you race pimp or birfer poop or whatever.

It's not our fault the the average white person is born an IQ of 102 and the average black person is born with an IQ of 87. They should be thankful that whites raised their IQ's by interbreeding with their average 64 IQ sub-Saharan ancestors.

Now there's some racism bitch. Since you fuckers always complain about it (when it's not present), might as give you something to complain about.





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Guys I'm sorry I was born with the ability to compose and play my own organ music. I will chop off my hands and imbibe lead to fuck myself over to protest #whiteprivledge

Oh wait, did I mention that my piano, music and composition teacher and mentor was an amazing black man who could even play better than me?

There must obviously be a problem with #blackprivledge then!
If you vote for either the Democrats or the Republicans, you are voting for the status quo.

Find a third party candidate that have your core values and vote for them.
Send the following to your legislators from all parties, that the bad old days of white privilege are over. Tell your legislators at local, county, state, and D. C., that you will vote against them if they support the bad old days.

View attachment 34765
Notice how starkey attacks Republicans with no hesitation?
Starkey why do women make less than men in obama's white house?

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