CDZ Do Illegal Aliens Vote in US Elections?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yes, of course they do as it benefits Democratic Party political machines to allow it, therefore they find ways of allowing it just like in the old Democrat Tammany Hall days.

For example, the state of California does not verify that those who want to vote when they get their DLs are in fact citizens.
Experts: California voter registration system 'highly susceptible' to fraud

The integrity of elections may be compromised by a lack of oversight of non-citizens registering and voting, said Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and senior legal fellow for the Institute for Constitutional Government at The Heritage Foundation.

“If you are talking about California, the state is apparently relying on the illegal alien to tell the state they shouldn’t be registered. There is still an honor system,” said von Spakovsky, co-author of the book “Who's Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk.”

The problem with California is there is no separate verification of citizenship on voter registration, said Charles Bell, Jr., a partner with California-based Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP, a law firm that specializes in election law. Applicants can check a box affirming they are citizens, and this is not checked against any other government database such as federal immigration records.

“We have an honor system, which is effective for people who are honorable, but is also an opportunity for people who are not honorable,” Bell said. “There is a gap in the system, and we don’t have administrative folks who will be aggressive about looking into that.”

One concern, said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies for the Washington D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies, is that California issues driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, allowing them to automatically be registered to vote under the federal “motor-voter” laws. Since the AB60 law went into effect in 2015, 806,000 illegal immigrants have received a license.

However, a spokesperson for the California Secretary of State countered that while state law prohibits the Department of Motor Vehicles from sharing AB 60 applicant information with the public and most state agencies, including the Secretary of State’s office, AB 60 license applicants are not afforded voter registration opportunities when visiting the DMV.

There is no driver’s license required to register to vote, and there are stiff penalties for illegally voting, the spokesman said.

Even John Podesta, former chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, acknowledged in a leaked email that driver’s licenses do provide a loophole.

“On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a driver’s license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in federal elections,” Podesta wrote in a February 2015 email leaked by Wikileaks.​

Nowhere does anyone explain how California PREVENTS illegals from voting. As it was stated, it is an 'honor system', a 'do you Boy Scout swear that you are not trying to vote illegally? kind of thing.

Even the leftist lacky Snopes does not explain how illegal voting is PREVENTED, but only that it remains illegal. Well no shit Snopes, of course it is still illegal just like their fucking presence HERE is illegal.

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016

But there is evidence to back Trump's claims. A 2014 study in the online Electoral Studies Journal shows that in the 2008 and 2010 elections, illegal immigrant votes were in fact quite high.

"We find that some noncitizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and congressional elections," wrote Jesse T. Richman, Gulshan A. Chattha, both of Old Dominion University, and David C. Earnest of George Mason University.

More specifically, they write, "Noncitizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress."

Specifically, the authors say that illegals may have cast as many as 2.8 million votes in 2008 and 2010. That's a lot of votes. And when you consider the population of illegal inhabitants has only grown since then, it's not unreasonable to suppose that their vote has, too.

Critics note that a Harvard team in 2015 had responded to the study, calling it "biased." But that report included this gem: "Further, the likely percent of noncitizen voters in recent U.S. elections is 0."

Really? That's simply preposterous, frankly, as anyone who has lived in California can attest. Leftist get-out-the-vote groups openly urge noncitizens to vote during election time, and the registration process is notoriously loose. To suggest there is no illegal voting at all is absurd.

What's appalling, as we said, is not the media's skepticism, but its denial. But why? Illegal votes shouldn't be allowed to sway U.S. elections. So why tolerate them?
I'll take a wild guess and suggest that maybe it has something to do with letting Democrats stay in office?
A dude that runs a bar never checks ID because he has never had any underage drinkers.
A dude that runs a bar never checks ID because he has never had any underage drinkers.
Not so much if the state aggressively enforces the law with inspections, and fake customers testing them.

The state of California, and any other Democrat controlled political machine has a huge disincentive to enforce voter laws against illegal voters as they think this is a huge base of voters for them.

What they dont seem to realize is that those illegal voters are concentrated in states that they already have solid control of, and everyone else around the country is driven away from the Democratic Party because they dont want their cities to look like los Angeles.
Yeah, because appendages of the Democratic Party network are always honest about their evaluations, just trust them.

roflmao, if criminal groups can exploit loopholes in the system to enrich themselves, and the voting system is a means to that end, do you seriously think that they will not exploit those loopholes?

Come on! Put your thinking cap on, dude!

But the good news is that ultimately it wont matter. All the Democrats are doing is showing the people of other states why they should not let the Democratic Party gain control of their state and turn it into the dysfunctional mess that is California, Illinois or Washington DC which is going to build a statue to honor its most corrupt mayor, Marion Barry.
It's much easier to make accusations than it is to provide evidence to back it up, as the sham committee headed by Kris Kobach is discovering.
Simple enough to prove

Do a sampling of California voters and check their citizenship

Bet you have a hard time finding one

Probably more.

The estimated illegal population in the US is 11.2 Million. 60% of that population lives in California, 6.8 million illegal immigrants in California alone.

You'd better believe they're organised by local politicos.

That's the entire reason for sanctuary cities
I find the willingness of conservative consumers of right wing media to believe in these kinds of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories very alarming. Innuendo does not make for a convincing case.

Probably more.

The estimated illegal population in the US is 11.2 Million. 60% of that population lives in California, 6.8 million illegal immigrants in California alone.

You'd better believe they're organised by local politicos.

That's the entire reason for sanctuary cities
I find the willingness of conservative consumers of right wing media to believe in these kinds of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories very alarming. Innuendo does not make for a convincing case.
Are all these entities part of the conspiracy??
7 papers, 4 government inquiries, 2 news investigations and 1 court ruling proving voter fraud is mostly a myth

Probably more.

The estimated illegal population in the US is 11.2 Million. 60% of that population lives in California, 6.8 million illegal immigrants in California alone.

You'd better believe they're organised by local politicos.

That's the entire reason for sanctuary cities
I find the willingness of conservative consumers of right wing media to believe in these kinds of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories very alarming. Innuendo does not make for a convincing case.

The numbers I gave are well documented and the fact that they are organised by illegal immigrant advocacy groups is also a matter of public record.

If they vote or not could be easily ascertained with the cooperation of the state election commission. But, given that the commission is run by Democratic Party hacks (also a matter of public record), that cooperation is unlikely to happen.
Simple enough to prove

Do a sampling of California voters and check their citizenship

Bet you have a hard time finding one
"Easy enough to prove." If it was it would have been proven by now.
All evidence

If Republicans think there are illegals voting....just show us
Check the voter rolls from the last election and go back and verify their citizenship

Republicans won't do it because they know they won't find anything
Why would illegals want to vote?

High risk, little reward

Probably more.

The estimated illegal population in the US is 11.2 Million. 60% of that population lives in California, 6.8 million illegal immigrants in California alone.

You'd better believe they're organised by local politicos.

That's the entire reason for sanctuary cities
I find the willingness of conservative consumers of right wing media to believe in these kinds of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories very alarming. Innuendo does not make for a convincing case.

The numbers I gave are well documented and the fact that they are organised by illegal immigrant advocacy groups is also a matter of public record.

If they vote or not could be easily ascertained with the cooperation of the state election commission. But, given that the commission is run by Democratic Party hacks (also a matter of public record), that cooperation is unlikely to happen.
"The numbers I gave are well documented." I know you want to believe that but..............
Republicans take this roundabout logic to support their claims that illegals are voting in large numbers

Mainly, we don't check at the polls so that proves illegals are voting

The degree of illegals voting can be proven by checking voter logs....but Republicans refuse to do it
Republicans take this roundabout logic to support their claims that illegals are voting in large numbers

Mainly, we don't check at the polls so that proves illegals are voting

The degree of illegals voting can be proven by checking voter logs....but Republicans refuse to do it
It should be obvious to all but the most uninformed on this issue that the entire voter fraud narrative began as a justification for Repubs to impose voter restrictions meant to suppress the votes of those likely to vote for Dems. That, combined with the REDMAP project, is a coordinated attempt to maintain a Repub majority in the House despite more votes going to Dem candidates.

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