Do Deviants with Purple Dildos have access to your children?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Deception is being used to subvert the law and rights of parents to decide what their children should have access to and what is in their own children's best interest. These people are truly sick pushing the sexualization of children in the schools claiming it falls under the guidelines of the law. If you take the time to read the whole article and consider the screenshot photo you will know why the phrase the purple dildo is going around......

How Colorado parents were threatened, ignored, and deceived by school officials after exposing hardcore pornography available via middle school’s Internet portal

School officials admit that x-rated pornography is there but refuse to remove it.

A nightmare for the parents. Here's what they've been going through.

You are about to get a frightening lesson on the mindset of today’s school officials.

In our previous post MassResistance documented the sickening pornography (much of it involving sexual violence) that school officials have made available to middle school students in the Cherry Creek School District in suburban Denver, CO.

The parents who discovered it and brought it to the school’s attention (starting in September 2016) were at first ignored, and later faced a nightmare of hostility, deception, and even threats from school officials.

Schools not liable under most pornography laws
In any other era, most if not all of these officials and School Board members would likely be arrested and jailed – and certainly lose their jobs. Many adults have told us they are sickened by seeing this material.

But unfortunately, Colorado and 44 other states have passed laws exempting schools from criminal liability for exposing minors to obscene materials. A few years ago, MassResistance filed a bill in the Massachusetts Legislature to repeal that exemption, but it was opposed by the education establishment and died in committee.

As we described, parents from the Fox Ridge Middle School happened to see the obscene materials by logging into the school’s student Internet portal, using the child’s password. (The material was not available using the parents’ password.)

At first: Ignored, told not to talk about it, and threatened
One would imagine that a public school official would be shocked to learn about and be shown screenshots of this material, and want to get to the bottom of it immediately. That’s what the parents expected. But that’s the opposite of what happened. The schools apparently didn’t want this material to be known by anyone or interfered with.

Just a sample of what parents found. But school officials insist that this has some educational value for middle school students.


The parents initially reported it to the Director of Middle School Education, John Kennedy on Sept. 12, 2016. They got no response. So they sent emails to several teachers and the school librarian advising them of the obscene material, including a few screen shots, and asked them if they knew how to remove it.........more at link......
Is this material part of the school curriculum, Rodi?

If so, then the parents who oppose it need to swamp the school board and get elected to it.
Deception is being used to subvert the law and rights of parents to decide what their children should have access to and what is in their own children's best interest. These people are truly sick pushing the sexualization of children in the schools claiming it falls under the guidelines of the law. If you take the time to read the whole article and consider the screenshot photo you will know why the phrase the purple dildo is going around......

How Colorado parents were threatened, ignored, and deceived by school officials after exposing hardcore pornography available via middle school’s Internet portal

School officials admit that x-rated pornography is there but refuse to remove it.

A nightmare for the parents. Here's what they've been going through.

You are about to get a frightening lesson on the mindset of today’s school officials.

In our previous post MassResistance documented the sickening pornography (much of it involving sexual violence) that school officials have made available to middle school students in the Cherry Creek School District in suburban Denver, CO.

The parents who discovered it and brought it to the school’s attention (starting in September 2016) were at first ignored, and later faced a nightmare of hostility, deception, and even threats from school officials.

Schools not liable under most pornography laws
In any other era, most if not all of these officials and School Board members would likely be arrested and jailed – and certainly lose their jobs. Many adults have told us they are sickened by seeing this material.

But unfortunately, Colorado and 44 other states have passed laws exempting schools from criminal liability for exposing minors to obscene materials. A few years ago, MassResistance filed a bill in the Massachusetts Legislature to repeal that exemption, but it was opposed by the education establishment and died in committee.

As we described, parents from the Fox Ridge Middle School happened to see the obscene materials by logging into the school’s student Internet portal, using the child’s password. (The material was not available using the parents’ password.)

At first: Ignored, told not to talk about it, and threatened
One would imagine that a public school official would be shocked to learn about and be shown screenshots of this material, and want to get to the bottom of it immediately. That’s what the parents expected. But that’s the opposite of what happened. The schools apparently didn’t want this material to be known by anyone or interfered with.

Just a sample of what parents found. But school officials insist that this has some educational value for middle school students.


The parents initially reported it to the Director of Middle School Education, John Kennedy on Sept. 12, 2016. They got no response. So they sent emails to several teachers and the school librarian advising them of the obscene material, including a few screen shots, and asked them if they knew how to remove it.........more at link......


My purple dildo comment is because of a girl I once knew and nothing about what you post.

I would never condone any abuse against any child. What you posted is disgusting!
does the color of the dildo alter its effect? seems like a nice decorative object------like a snow globe
Is this material part of the school curriculum, Rodi?

If so, then the parents who oppose it need to swamp the school board and get elected to it.
Apparently it is from what the article describes and yes I agree with you parents need to swamp the school boards and get rid of these deviants.

I will share a little about what my family experienced back when mine were teens (keep in mind this shit happens in rural America too). I learned from a two second phone call with someone frantic on the other end that something tragic was about to go down and he repeated several times, "Don't believe them it is all a LIE! Whatever they are saying he did (son's name) they are lying. That is my cousin and I know she is lying. She likes young boys!" I didn't recognize the voice, it was the middle of the night and I thought perhaps it was some sort of weird crank call. Two seconds later after hanging up the phone lights from police cars were flashing all around our house. They were there to arrest my just turned fourteen year old son claiming he and another boy had raped a woman. Son gave me a quick rundown of him and his friends seeing this woman ten miles away in another town for sex and parties, "Mom she invited us over there and bought us beer, .....". I asked him at that point, "What did you do that pissed her off then as she is filing charges against you?" By then these assholes had their loud speakers going like it was a big city event and they had Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid cornered....It was ridiculous. Son said before we walked him outside, "We took a camera and took pictures". They had already arrested a friend of his that was a year older than him. Rod and I got into the car and followed the sheriff's cars to the county jail. Next thing I know we are at the sheriff's office and this guy is telling me that son and his buddy violently raped this woman but they had not charged them yet. It was the middle of the night and my head was spinning as I couldn't imagine either of these boys doing such a thing as raping some woman, plus that phone call. My brain was trying to take it all in at once and it didn't all add up. I started questioning the sheriff as to where this twenty-three year old woman was in all this. Why was she inviting these youngsters into her home in the middle of the day when no one else was around to party with her? I wasn't sure until the next day about the camera and photographs the son mention so I didn't say anything to the sheriff about that. The sheriff then started claiming she couldn't be held responsible because she was mentally challenged. I was like what the hell, she is twenty-three years old for god's sake and you are going to tell me that she is raped when she invited these boys into her home to party with her? Why isn't she being charged for raping these young boys and giving them booze? This all started at three in the morning and I had a business meeting a hundred and fifty miles away early the next morning so I wasn't feeling very patient after several hours of this new dumb ass sheriff's bs. After three hours my patience was drawn to that thin line, I finally I told him either charge my son or release him now! He claimed that he couldn't release son without the prosecutors permission. I told him he'd better get busy and talk to the prosecutor then as I had enough of this crap and I said, "You ask him if he is going to charge that woman for raping those young boys!" The guy was trying to talk me into leaving son with them and at this point after all the other shit we'd been through I wasn't about to leave my child in the hands of these creeps wiling to protect a woman who was a child rapist and ruin the children she raped and their families. The sheriff claimed he wasn't going to bother the prosecutor as it was the middle of the night. That got me going. I demanded he call the prosecutor and I told him I didn't give a damn what time it was they didn't seem to mind getting us all out of bed for their shit! I also told him if I have to cancel my meetings for in the morning I would do it but I would also be making a formal complaint through my attorney against all of them for trying to put us through more of their shit.

Next day after meetings were out of the way and we were back home I started investigating what went down. I told son you had better tell me every detail and tell me the exact truth or I won't be able to do anything to help you. More than four young local boys we knew had been sneaking out of school to go over to the next town to see and party with this woman for months for sexual trysts with her, booze and cigarettes. The youngest of those boys mom was a second year teacher at the local school so she did not have tenure but she was a very honorable person. When I explained that her eleven year old had also been over their during these sexual events she was livid too. She carefully questioned her son to find out his story. She and her son gave a statement to the sheriff's office. Here is the kicker. I was already on the shit list of some of the local political types for getting people out to vote and a little landslide election ensued tossing the people that believed it was their right to be in charge. So we were already targets. The woman who claimed her sexual parties with the children was rape after they photographed her doing it was the wife of the janitor at the school in the next town over from her house where the magistrate's wife also worked as a school teacher and they were also members of that towns Catholic Church along with the magistrate, his wife and another friend of ours in that town where the county seat was (those good friends would not speak to us for several years but when truth came they did accept it and apologized as they simply did not know). The magistrate had already charged me with bogus charges the year before that didn't work and he would have loved to get me in jail but was happy enough to get to me through my family members if he could not get to me directly. That magistrate originally was after a higher position that a friend of mine held and the magistrate was angry because I had written letter a year before about circumstances that I was aware of. The prosecutor at this point that had filed previous bogus charges was now gone but they thought they could get the new prosecutor to go along with their nasty games if they played it right. The teacher's who son was raped by the twenty-three year old was not retained in her teaching position (what a loss to the young people of that area too) and I imagine she was blacklisted if the powers that thought they were in control could get that done.
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Deception is being used to subvert the law and rights of parents to decide what their children should have access to and what is in their own children's best interest. These people are truly sick pushing the sexualization of children in the schools claiming it falls under the guidelines of the law. If you take the time to read the whole article and consider the screenshot photo you will know why the phrase the purple dildo is going around......

How Colorado parents were threatened, ignored, and deceived by school officials after exposing hardcore pornography available via middle school’s Internet portal

School officials admit that x-rated pornography is there but refuse to remove it.

A nightmare for the parents. Here's what they've been going through.

You are about to get a frightening lesson on the mindset of today’s school officials.

In our previous post MassResistance documented the sickening pornography (much of it involving sexual violence) that school officials have made available to middle school students in the Cherry Creek School District in suburban Denver, CO.

The parents who discovered it and brought it to the school’s attention (starting in September 2016) were at first ignored, and later faced a nightmare of hostility, deception, and even threats from school officials.

Schools not liable under most pornography laws
In any other era, most if not all of these officials and School Board members would likely be arrested and jailed – and certainly lose their jobs. Many adults have told us they are sickened by seeing this material.

But unfortunately, Colorado and 44 other states have passed laws exempting schools from criminal liability for exposing minors to obscene materials. A few years ago, MassResistance filed a bill in the Massachusetts Legislature to repeal that exemption, but it was opposed by the education establishment and died in committee.

As we described, parents from the Fox Ridge Middle School happened to see the obscene materials by logging into the school’s student Internet portal, using the child’s password. (The material was not available using the parents’ password.)

At first: Ignored, told not to talk about it, and threatened
One would imagine that a public school official would be shocked to learn about and be shown screenshots of this material, and want to get to the bottom of it immediately. That’s what the parents expected. But that’s the opposite of what happened. The schools apparently didn’t want this material to be known by anyone or interfered with.

Just a sample of what parents found. But school officials insist that this has some educational value for middle school students.


The parents initially reported it to the Director of Middle School Education, John Kennedy on Sept. 12, 2016. They got no response. So they sent emails to several teachers and the school librarian advising them of the obscene material, including a few screen shots, and asked them if they knew how to remove it.........more at link......


My purple dildo comment is because of a girl I once knew and nothing about what you post.

I would never condone any abuse against any child. What you posted is disgusting!
Bruce do you feel guilty or something? Did I mention you?
Not only do they want free access to children they believe that they have a right to criminalize any speech that says they are deviants and perverted....

Article worth reading along with the links in the article about Alien Tort Claims Act

LGBT lawsuit would make Christian belief a 'crime against humanity'


International LGBT lawsuit against US pastor Scott Lively reveals radical strategy to criminalize all criticism of LGBT behavior around the world

Christian teaching about LGBT behavior would become a "crime against humanity"

Battle over Pastor Lively's Motion to Dismiss this outrageous case

(Part 2 of 2).....

The intensely fought international lawsuit against Pastor Scott Lively has much bigger implications than most people realize. It represents a major strategy push for the LGBT movement.

The international LGBT movement has faced stiff resistance to their attempts to force their agenda into many parts of the world, particularly Africa and Eastern Europe, and Muslim countries. They are also facing challenges in the US and other places from the pro-family movement and articulate activists such as Pastor Lively.

They want to make speaking out against homosexuality – even the health dangers of the LGBT lifestyle – anywhere in the world not just a “hate crime” but a “crime against humanity” similar to the Nazi crimes in WWII.

The point of this lawsuit is to set that precedent internationally. If you are an American they want it to overpower your First Amendment rights.

Such a ruling would be used to ruthlessly pursue pro-family people in courts around the world using Nuremberg-like trials, not only for “damages” but also punishments fitting for “crimes against humanity.” This would obviously extend to churches...... more at link

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When I was in school we didn't have those fancy purple dildos. All we had was an old broom stick covered with tar.
Deception is being used to subvert the law and rights of parents to decide what their children should have access to and what is in their own children's best interest. These people are truly sick pushing the sexualization of children in the schools claiming it falls under the guidelines of the law. If you take the time to read the whole article and consider the screenshot photo you will know why the phrase the purple dildo is going around......

How Colorado parents were threatened, ignored, and deceived by school officials after exposing hardcore pornography available via middle school’s Internet portal

School officials admit that x-rated pornography is there but refuse to remove it.

A nightmare for the parents. Here's what they've been going through.

You are about to get a frightening lesson on the mindset of today’s school officials.

In our previous post MassResistance documented the sickening pornography (much of it involving sexual violence) that school officials have made available to middle school students in the Cherry Creek School District in suburban Denver, CO.

The parents who discovered it and brought it to the school’s attention (starting in September 2016) were at first ignored, and later faced a nightmare of hostility, deception, and even threats from school officials.

Schools not liable under most pornography laws
In any other era, most if not all of these officials and School Board members would likely be arrested and jailed – and certainly lose their jobs. Many adults have told us they are sickened by seeing this material.

But unfortunately, Colorado and 44 other states have passed laws exempting schools from criminal liability for exposing minors to obscene materials. A few years ago, MassResistance filed a bill in the Massachusetts Legislature to repeal that exemption, but it was opposed by the education establishment and died in committee.

As we described, parents from the Fox Ridge Middle School happened to see the obscene materials by logging into the school’s student Internet portal, using the child’s password. (The material was not available using the parents’ password.)

At first: Ignored, told not to talk about it, and threatened
One would imagine that a public school official would be shocked to learn about and be shown screenshots of this material, and want to get to the bottom of it immediately. That’s what the parents expected. But that’s the opposite of what happened. The schools apparently didn’t want this material to be known by anyone or interfered with.

Just a sample of what parents found. But school officials insist that this has some educational value for middle school students.


The parents initially reported it to the Director of Middle School Education, John Kennedy on Sept. 12, 2016. They got no response. So they sent emails to several teachers and the school librarian advising them of the obscene material, including a few screen shots, and asked them if they knew how to remove it.........more at link......
FAKE NEWS!!! I believe you've been had. The story is exact opposite of what is written here. A company named EBSCO provides streaming content to schools through the library system and they don't seem too concerned as to what advertising they include.

The prestigious Cherry Creek School District of Colorado recently contacted EBSCO and asked for the ground breaking, “Adams 12 Exclusion Package”. This removes a number of adult, graphic, pop culture magazines which are known to stream obscene content into children’s homework and research databases.
Deception is being used to subvert the law and rights of parents to decide what their children should have access to and what is in their own children's best interest. These people are truly sick pushing the sexualization of children in the schools claiming it falls under the guidelines of the law. If you take the time to read the whole article and consider the screenshot photo you will know why the phrase the purple dildo is going around......

How Colorado parents were threatened, ignored, and deceived by school officials after exposing hardcore pornography available via middle school’s Internet portal

School officials admit that x-rated pornography is there but refuse to remove it.

A nightmare for the parents. Here's what they've been going through.

You are about to get a frightening lesson on the mindset of today’s school officials.

In our previous post MassResistance documented the sickening pornography (much of it involving sexual violence) that school officials have made available to middle school students in the Cherry Creek School District in suburban Denver, CO.

The parents who discovered it and brought it to the school’s attention (starting in September 2016) were at first ignored, and later faced a nightmare of hostility, deception, and even threats from school officials.

Schools not liable under most pornography laws
In any other era, most if not all of these officials and School Board members would likely be arrested and jailed – and certainly lose their jobs. Many adults have told us they are sickened by seeing this material.

But unfortunately, Colorado and 44 other states have passed laws exempting schools from criminal liability for exposing minors to obscene materials. A few years ago, MassResistance filed a bill in the Massachusetts Legislature to repeal that exemption, but it was opposed by the education establishment and died in committee.

As we described, parents from the Fox Ridge Middle School happened to see the obscene materials by logging into the school’s student Internet portal, using the child’s password. (The material was not available using the parents’ password.)

At first: Ignored, told not to talk about it, and threatened
One would imagine that a public school official would be shocked to learn about and be shown screenshots of this material, and want to get to the bottom of it immediately. That’s what the parents expected. But that’s the opposite of what happened. The schools apparently didn’t want this material to be known by anyone or interfered with.

Just a sample of what parents found. But school officials insist that this has some educational value for middle school students.


The parents initially reported it to the Director of Middle School Education, John Kennedy on Sept. 12, 2016. They got no response. So they sent emails to several teachers and the school librarian advising them of the obscene material, including a few screen shots, and asked them if they knew how to remove it.........more at link......
FAKE NEWS!!! I believe you've been had. The story is exact opposite of what is written here. A company named EBSCO provides streaming content to schools through the library system and they don't seem too concerned as to what advertising they include.

The prestigious Cherry Creek School District of Colorado recently contacted EBSCO and asked for the ground breaking, “Adams 12 Exclusion Package”. This removes a number of adult, graphic, pop culture magazines which are known to stream obscene content into children’s homework and research databases.
Not clicking your link and I don't believe that parents would be complaining if there was not a problem. From your headline that you post there is a suggestion that this organization also provides graphic content? This removes a number of adult, graphic, pop culture magazines which are known to stream obscene content into children’s homework and research databases
Porn should be required viewing in all classrooms

I had the honor-----circa (?) 1975 of being exposed to
two days of SOLID PORN-----the movies were projected onto FOUR screens-----so that we could view four at a time. . It was
a program of DESENSITIZATION----approximately 12-14 hours per day-------(sandwiches were handed around now and then). It was only part of the project. Included in the whole program were discussions about GENDER ID -----and the failure of the DICHOTOMY (ie the male vs female model) Implied was the notion the real sin is dressing girls in pink and boys in blue-------THAT DOES IT!!!!!!! I argued that blue does not do it-------the female brain gets hormonal messages
even in utero------but I was over ruled most of the time in group discussion. -------this stuff is nothing new ----it was
part of the propaganda thing way back----in my youth
Porn should be required viewing in all classrooms

I had the honor-----circa (?) 1975 of being exposed to
two days of SOLID PORN-----the movies were projected onto FOUR screens-----so that we could view four at a time. . It was
a program of DESENSITIZATION----approximately 12-14 hours per day-------(sandwiches were handed around now and then). It was only part of the project. Included in the whole program were discussions about GENDER ID -----and the failure of the DICHOTOMY (ie the male vs female model) Implied was the notion the real sin is dressing girls in pink and boys in blue-------THAT DOES IT!!!!!!! I argued that blue does not do it-------the female brain gets hormonal messages
even in utero------but I was over ruled most of the time in group discussion. -------this stuff is nothing new ----it was
part of the propaganda thing way back----in my youth
I was married to a real creep the first round. He insisted I go to a porn theater with him. Attempting to be an obedient lil' wife (plus the fact we had two very young children, one only a month old) I complied. I lasted about two minutes at the most in that filthy place. The stench was unbelievable and I saw a girl my brother was crazy about drugged up to the max slumped into a fetal position against one of the walls and several men standing above her doing the dirty all over the top of her. I couldn't get out of there fast enough and just prayed I could make it to the car by myself as soon to be exhusband said if I left I was leaving alone (thankfully I had the car keys too). That girl slumped against the wall and many others used to stop off on the way to school to smoke pot, sniff glue or whatever else to get high. I refused to join them back in the school days and thank God there was a gentleman among them back then who threaten to take anyone on as they tried to force me to join them into getting high with them. His name was Luke and he towered over the others so they left me alone that day.
Porn should be required viewing in all classrooms

I had the honor-----circa (?) 1975 of being exposed to
two days of SOLID PORN-----the movies were projected onto FOUR screens-----so that we could view four at a time. . It was
a program of DESENSITIZATION----approximately 12-14 hours per day-------(sandwiches were handed around now and then). It was only part of the project. Included in the whole program were discussions about GENDER ID -----and the failure of the DICHOTOMY (ie the male vs female model) Implied was the notion the real sin is dressing girls in pink and boys in blue-------THAT DOES IT!!!!!!! I argued that blue does not do it-------the female brain gets hormonal messages
even in utero------but I was over ruled most of the time in group discussion. -------this stuff is nothing new ----it was
part of the propaganda thing way back----in my youth
I was married to a real creep the first round. He insisted I go to a porn theater with him. Attempting to be an obedient lil' wife (plus the fact we had two very young children, one only a month old) I complied. I lasted about two minutes at the most in that filthy place. The stench was unbelievable and I saw a girl my brother was crazy about drugged up to the max slumped into a fetal position against one of the walls and several men standing above her doing the dirty all over the top of her. I couldn't get out of there fast enough and just prayed I could make it to the car by myself as soon to be exhusband said if I left I was leaving alone (thankfully I had the car keys too). That girl slumped against the wall and many others used to stop off on the way to school to smoke pot, sniff glue or whatever else to get high. I refused to join them back in the school days and thank God there was a gentleman among them back then who threaten to take anyone on as they tried to force me to join them into getting high with them. His name was Luke and he towered over the others so they left me alone that day.

sorry-----my "experience" was disgusting-----but germ free. It was a requirement of my schooling. We were all kinda worn out by back to back perversion
Porn should be required viewing in all classrooms

I had the honor-----circa (?) 1975 of being exposed to
two days of SOLID PORN-----the movies were projected onto FOUR screens-----so that we could view four at a time. . It was
a program of DESENSITIZATION----approximately 12-14 hours per day-------(sandwiches were handed around now and then). It was only part of the project. Included in the whole program were discussions about GENDER ID -----and the failure of the DICHOTOMY (ie the male vs female model) Implied was the notion the real sin is dressing girls in pink and boys in blue-------THAT DOES IT!!!!!!! I argued that blue does not do it-------the female brain gets hormonal messages
even in utero------but I was over ruled most of the time in group discussion. -------this stuff is nothing new ----it was
part of the propaganda thing way back----in my youth
I was married to a real creep the first round. He insisted I go to a porn theater with him. Attempting to be an obedient lil' wife (plus the fact we had two very young children, one only a month old) I complied. I lasted about two minutes at the most in that filthy place. The stench was unbelievable and I saw a girl my brother was crazy about drugged up to the max slumped into a fetal position against one of the walls and several men standing above her doing the dirty all over the top of her. I couldn't get out of there fast enough and just prayed I could make it to the car by myself as soon to be exhusband said if I left I was leaving alone (thankfully I had the car keys too). That girl slumped against the wall and many others used to stop off on the way to school to smoke pot, sniff glue or whatever else to get high. I refused to join them back in the school days and thank God there was a gentleman among them back then who threaten to take anyone on as they tried to force me to join them into getting high with them. His name was Luke and he towered over the others so they left me alone that day.

sorry-----my "experience" was disgusting-----but germ free. It was a requirement of my schooling. We were all kinda worn out by back to back perversion
Yeah my education on such matters wasn't germ free but it was definitely an experience that I would never forget. Knowing what happened to all those people who gave themselves over to such things over the years I am grateful every day that the lord kept me.
Not clicking your link and I don't believe that parents would be complaining if there was not a problem. From your headline that you post there is a suggestion that this organization also provides graphic content? This removes a number of adult, graphic, pop culture magazines which are known to stream obscene content into children’s homework and research databases
The link is harmless. I just wanted it known that it wasn't the school but this private company that is the problem. They are more interested in clicks than kids.
Not clicking your link and I don't believe that parents would be complaining if there was not a problem. From your headline that you post there is a suggestion that this organization also provides graphic content? This removes a number of adult, graphic, pop culture magazines which are known to stream obscene content into children’s homework and research databases
The link is harmless. I just wanted it known that it wasn't the school but this private company that is the problem. They are more interested in clicks than kids.
That is the school's issue for allowing such crap into the lives of the children. It is the school's problem as they are fully responsible for what they allow the children to access or anything crude and nasty that they allow to have access to the children.

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