Do Deviants with Purple Dildos have access to your children?

The anti sex and health-ed opposition here is making false arguments and sensationalizing the issue.

Leave the pros to do their job, and have the concerned parents get involved at the schools.

Your "pros" delegate too often to activists. There is nothing is traditional teaching colleges that makes their JUDGEMENT or VALUES on tormenting children too early with massive R or X rated sexual disclosures.
Some people want us to live in the 18th century and look at sex like it just doesn't happen.

Well, guess what, that is pure fascism and I'd whether jump off a cliff then to deal with the bs. I thought you believed in freedom? I guess you're a bunch of liars.
It appears that many of the same activist that promote sexualizing children at a young age under the auspices of health education are ones who have a stake in the outcome of the commerce of doing it. There also seems to be a connection in the whole mess with abortionist promoting these types programs aimed at young children and of course the sexual predators of children seem to be thrilled when they can overcome a parents wishes about what or how their children will be taught in school. The LGBT crowd has a stake in ensuring that they can continue to teach the children that abnormal is perfectly normal and acceptable. I would imagine that some of the makers of birth control pills and devices also promote and lobby for the commerce of sexualizing children in public schools. Each time a child is impregnated someone either has one more free advertising tool, a cause or an possible case to promote an abortion that can be made which has also became a for profit non-profit business or a case to make a claim against the normal everyday parent who is not affiliated with or supporting the LGBT lobby look like a hater. Even some of the vaccine manufacturers have a stake is sexualizing children these days as they push for their vaccines to protect against sexually transmitted diseases like HPV. The chemical companies who are pushing their hormone disrupters like Atrazine and BPA. along with any other sex altering chemicals have a financial stake in keeping children compliant with thinking what is abnormal is normal. People who deny that parents like the ones in the OP and the links are seeking what is best for their children seem to desire to inhibit the ability of parents to protect their own children. Just think of how Tyrone Hayes was lambasted for bringing the truth out about the dangers of Atrazine. IMO, those who are deniers of the reports by these parents in the OP that attempt to disparage a person who brings these types abuses into the open about abuse by the current system and their propagandist are complicit and enablers of these child abusers and pedophiles. The moment a person mentions leaving the children alone to mature before they become sexually inquisitive or active up jumps a LGTB activist queer promoter or some form of denier attempts to disparage and degrade in some manner or at the very least claim that the person is "loony" or a "hater" who is pointing out these tragedies that are being perpetrated against the young people and children in this nation. I do not know of many parents that do not want the best for their children but I have seen people that were totally oblivious to what the children are being desensitized and manipulated to accept what is abnormal as being normal. Those people are not "pros" in rearing children and making sure that the children get what is best for them. They are abusers of children with a false claim of doing what is in the best interest of the child.

Leave good parents who know the maturity levels of their children alone to make the best decisions for their children.

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