Do Aborted Babies Go To Heaven?


VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016
The answer is a resounding NO!

Since killing their unborn children is one of the many punishments the followers of God have inflicted on nonbelievers, it is obviously not an act any True Christians® may undertake for themselves by choice. Furthermore, humans have no business performing abortions because that is God’s role. After all, it was God who killed all the unborn children on the planet (other than those of Noah’s immediate family) when He drowned everyone with the Great Flood (Genesis 7:23). And it was God who inflicted abortion on all the pregnant women when he rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, killing everyone who lived therein (Genesis 19:24-25). And it was God who killed the unborn babies during the countless plagues and pestilence he inflicted on the planet throughout history. Abortion is obviously an act God reserves for punishing those groups of people who rub him the wrong way. It is not an act to be performed at human whim.


The reason aborted babies get burned in hell for all eternity is because they did not accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

Many false christians will claim that babies have 'not reached the age of accountibilty', but God's Holy Word lays waste to this rubbish

Psalm 51:4-5
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Since aborted babies are under the original sin and never accept Christ and be covered in his blood, they go straight to HELL, despide what liberal mamby pamby christians say. Babies are all shapen in iniquity from the time of conception. This makes sense because the aborted babies and the sinful parents can be reunited in hell.
Dear TeaBagger
What if the abortion process is the "gnashing of teeth" and torment talked about in the Bible.

What if the future souls that go through cleansing where evil/sins are burned away in the lake of fire
are the ones going through abortions, or being tortured in war camps, etc.

What if that is the manifestation of hellfire used to purify by burning away
all that which was attached to to the ill will and unforgiveness of the past.

Ever thought about that?

That as we forgive and break the cycle of abuse from the past,
then we won't have war, abortion, torment and torture. So hell will come to an end,
on earth or beyond, wherever this process takes place spiritually in time or over time.
Only God knows.
What if it is connected as one spiritual process?
all heading to heaven but going through hell to get there until we choose the
way out by grace and forgiveness?
Accepting Christ takes place AFTER birth so as long as its TIED to the mother I think it enjoys the SAME protection until it comes of age to understand.
Dear TeaBagger
What if the abortion process is the "gnashing of teeth" and torment talked about in the Bible.

What if the future souls that go through cleansing where evil/sins are burned away in the lake of fire
are the ones going through abortions, or being tortured in war camps, etc.

What if that is the manifestation of hellfire used to purify by burning away
all that which was attached to to the ill will and unforgiveness of the past.

Ever thought about that?

That as we forgive and break the cycle of abuse from the past,
then we won't have war, abortion, torment and torture. So hell will come to an end,
on earth or beyond, wherever this process takes place spiritually in time or over time.
Only God knows.
What if it is connected as one spiritual process?
all heading to heaven but going through hell to get there until we choose the
way out by grace and forgiveness?

Why ask me these questions? Why not ask God? God has already provided the answers in His holy word in the Holy Bible and the Bible clearly says that hell is eternal torment and the only way to escape eternal torment is to accept Jesus as your lord and savior and since babies cannot do that ALL babies go to hell and are tortured for all eternity. With all due respect, everything you say and ask in moot.
Accepting Christ takes place AFTER birth so as long as its TIED to the mother I think it enjoys the SAME protection until it comes of age to understand.

None of what you said in backed by scripture. God places no value on fetuses or infants less than one month old. "And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver. -- Leviticus 27:6"
The answer is a resounding NO!

Since killing their unborn children is one of the many punishments the followers of God have inflicted on nonbelievers, it is obviously not an act any True Christians® may undertake for themselves by choice. Furthermore, humans have no business performing abortions because that is God’s role. After all, it was God who killed all the unborn children on the planet (other than those of Noah’s immediate family) when He drowned everyone with the Great Flood (Genesis 7:23). And it was God who inflicted abortion on all the pregnant women when he rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, killing everyone who lived therein (Genesis 19:24-25). And it was God who killed the unborn babies during the countless plagues and pestilence he inflicted on the planet throughout history. Abortion is obviously an act God reserves for punishing those groups of people who rub him the wrong way. It is not an act to be performed at human whim.


The reason aborted babies get burned in hell for all eternity is because they did not accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

Many false christians will claim that babies have 'not reached the age of accountibilty', but God's Holy Word lays waste to this rubbish

Psalm 51:4-5
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Since aborted babies are under the original sin and never accept Christ and be covered in his blood, they go straight to HELL, despide what liberal mamby pamby christians say. Babies are all shapen in iniquity from the time of conception. This makes sense because the aborted babies and the sinful parents can be reunited in hell.

Who would want to worship a Gawd like that?
The answer is a resounding NO!

Since killing their unborn children is one of the many punishments the followers of God have inflicted on nonbelievers, it is obviously not an act any True Christians® may undertake for themselves by choice. Furthermore, humans have no business performing abortions because that is God’s role. After all, it was God who killed all the unborn children on the planet (other than those of Noah’s immediate family) when He drowned everyone with the Great Flood (Genesis 7:23). And it was God who inflicted abortion on all the pregnant women when he rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, killing everyone who lived therein (Genesis 19:24-25). And it was God who killed the unborn babies during the countless plagues and pestilence he inflicted on the planet throughout history. Abortion is obviously an act God reserves for punishing those groups of people who rub him the wrong way. It is not an act to be performed at human whim.


The reason aborted babies get burned in hell for all eternity is because they did not accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

Many false christians will claim that babies have 'not reached the age of accountibilty', but God's Holy Word lays waste to this rubbish

Psalm 51:4-5
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Since aborted babies are under the original sin and never accept Christ and be covered in his blood, they go straight to HELL, despide what liberal mamby pamby christians say. Babies are all shapen in iniquity from the time of conception. This makes sense because the aborted babies and the sinful parents can be reunited in hell.

Who would want to worship a Gawd like that?

True Christians worship Jesus and his Father. That's who. Everyone else is going to hell.
The answer is a resounding NO!

Since killing their unborn children is one of the many punishments the followers of God have inflicted on nonbelievers, it is obviously not an act any True Christians® may undertake for themselves by choice. Furthermore, humans have no business performing abortions because that is God’s role. After all, it was God who killed all the unborn children on the planet (other than those of Noah’s immediate family) when He drowned everyone with the Great Flood (Genesis 7:23). And it was God who inflicted abortion on all the pregnant women when he rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, killing everyone who lived therein (Genesis 19:24-25). And it was God who killed the unborn babies during the countless plagues and pestilence he inflicted on the planet throughout history. Abortion is obviously an act God reserves for punishing those groups of people who rub him the wrong way. It is not an act to be performed at human whim.


The reason aborted babies get burned in hell for all eternity is because they did not accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

Many false christians will claim that babies have 'not reached the age of accountibilty', but God's Holy Word lays waste to this rubbish

Psalm 51:4-5
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Since aborted babies are under the original sin and never accept Christ and be covered in his blood, they go straight to HELL, despide what liberal mamby pamby christians say. Babies are all shapen in iniquity from the time of conception. This makes sense because the aborted babies and the sinful parents can be reunited in hell.

Who would want to worship a Gawd like that?

True Christians worship Jesus and his Father. That's who. Everyone else is going to hell.

Okay. I guess it's just hard to imagine worshiping a Gawd that would kill innocent women, children, and even babies, by way of a flood.
Can we please get back to the OP now? I want to discuss this all loving Gawd.

Thank you for trying to get this thread back on track. 007 got all excited when he saw the word teabagger. Perhaps he though he was on some gay sex forum.

The Bible is clear on this subject. A baby or a fetus cannot accept Jesus. Also, God causes miscarriages and those babies all go to hell to be punished for all eternity because of original sin.
John 3:16New King James Version (NKJV)

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
That's not what this thread is about. You're trolling.
Really? Then why did TEABAGGER post a picture of a wrestler with his head up another man's ass?

Because you derailed the thread in post # 6.
No, sorry, that doesn't wash. TEABAGGER was explaining to me the intricacies of teabagging. He obviously likes it, or he wouldn't have chosen that for a board name. He wouldn't have responded with a picture like he did either had he not wanted to discuss it.

I think you got that wrong Nancy. You shared you deviant teabagging expertise with me. We're you coming on to me Nancy? I was just explaining to you that the guy who drags his nuts across your face in the tea bagger and that you are the tea baggee. You seem awfully confused. Do you have AIDS?
Oh now that's bull shit and you know it, teabaggie. You started this whole thing when you first chose that board name. Second, I only questioned you as to how you liked you liked to be teabagged, which was more than reasonable, since that's your board name.

Own it, teabag, you wanted it, you got it... homo.

Clearly you are a Republican aka a pink elephant. You went into great detail about the kind of tea bagging you like i.e. unwashed salty sweaty balls vs washed balls vs balls covered with jizz. It's becoming obvious that you are a Log Cabin Republican. It's time for you to come out of the closet and and REPENT or become a Demoncrat.
The answer is a resounding NO!

Since killing their unborn children is one of the many punishments the followers of God have inflicted on nonbelievers, it is obviously not an act any True Christians® may undertake for themselves by choice. Furthermore, humans have no business performing abortions because that is God’s role. After all, it was God who killed all the unborn children on the planet (other than those of Noah’s immediate family) when He drowned everyone with the Great Flood (Genesis 7:23). And it was God who inflicted abortion on all the pregnant women when he rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, killing everyone who lived therein (Genesis 19:24-25). And it was God who killed the unborn babies during the countless plagues and pestilence he inflicted on the planet throughout history. Abortion is obviously an act God reserves for punishing those groups of people who rub him the wrong way. It is not an act to be performed at human whim.


The reason aborted babies get burned in hell for all eternity is because they did not accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

Many false christians will claim that babies have 'not reached the age of accountibilty', but God's Holy Word lays waste to this rubbish

Psalm 51:4-5
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Since aborted babies are under the original sin and never accept Christ and be covered in his blood, they go straight to HELL, despide what liberal mamby pamby christians say. Babies are all shapen in iniquity from the time of conception. This makes sense because the aborted babies and the sinful parents can be reunited in hell.

Who would want to worship a Gawd like that?

True Christians worship Jesus and his Father. That's who. Everyone else is going to hell.

Okay. I guess it's just hard to imagine worshiping a Gawd that would kill innocent women, children, and even babies, by way of a flood.

Yes Carla_Danger

By the laws of nature, that are built into the world, we live healthy lives if we maintain balance and prevent ills from harming or killing us; and where we live out of balance, or allow ills to run unchecked, then people die.

The point is for humans to use our free will, reason and experience to learn based on cause and effect.

The more we do that, we learn how to restore healthy balance with ourselves, society, and our environment.
So we don't have to fear unnatural imbalances and disasters.
Nature will take care of itself if we don't throw it off doing unnatural things out of balance and harmony.

In the meantime we are learning. And the events that happen in the world, good or bad, teach us to recognize the difference. We wouldn't learn that difference if only the good healthy things happened in life.

We learn equally if not more from when things go wrong, whether you consider natural or unnatural disasters.
We are meant to learn so that the causes of problems can be reduced and prevented wherever possible.

It is an expensive painful learning curve, but how else can humans ever learn.
No pain no gain. But the suffering motivates us toward prevention.
If we didn't suffer any adverse consequences, why would we bother to change, learn and grow.

It's just a natural part of the learning process, the point being to reduce and prevent
the suffering stress and conflicts caused by ill will, and to maximize the benefits on the side of good will.
Dear TeaBagger
What if the abortion process is the "gnashing of teeth" and torment talked about in the Bible.

What if the future souls that go through cleansing where evil/sins are burned away in the lake of fire
are the ones going through abortions, or being tortured in war camps, etc.

What if that is the manifestation of hellfire used to purify by burning away
all that which was attached to to the ill will and unforgiveness of the past.

Ever thought about that?

That as we forgive and break the cycle of abuse from the past,
then we won't have war, abortion, torment and torture. So hell will come to an end,
on earth or beyond, wherever this process takes place spiritually in time or over time.
Only God knows.
What if it is connected as one spiritual process?
all heading to heaven but going through hell to get there until we choose the
way out by grace and forgiveness?

Why ask me these questions? Why not ask God? God has already provided the answers in His holy word in the Holy Bible and the Bible clearly says that hell is eternal torment and the only way to escape eternal torment is to accept Jesus as your lord and savior and since babies cannot do that ALL babies go to hell and are tortured for all eternity. With all due respect, everything you say and ask in moot.

NO TeaBagger
the evil is extinguished in the lake of fire, BURNED AWAY.
what remains is God's truth love justice and peace that part is eternal

If you imagine God keeping a record of this, sure, the evil is forever contained in that place.
but the point is to free the souls through Christ Jesus so the souls are saved while the evil is burned away

You know that God does not will that any soul should be lost
God's will being supreme would win over any evil that is subordinate compared with God

So in the end, Christ Jesus being savior for ALL humanity, the process of redemption will
process out all the sins and save all the souls by the definition and nature of God's will being supreme.

God will find a way using Christ Jesus to save all souls.
So all the steps necessary the repentance the forgiveness the healing
will all have to take place in order for all humanity to be saved

Christ and God are not about partial truth but completeness and wholeness.
Restoring all the good, for God to be supreme.

So all that evil is eventually conquered by God through Christ.
We still go through all the steps of the process, but there will be complete victory.
Not partial, because God is absolute not relative.
Are you going to cite your source or claim that entire op as your own?

I'll also point out that there instances in scripture whereby unborn children are either assumed to go to heaven or are imbued with the holy spirit prior to birth

Do Babies Go To Heaven When They Die?

So, while there is no clear statement on this in the bible, possibly because abortion wasn't common in biblical times there is certainly no 'resounding no' in terms of whether or not aborted babies go to heaven.

What there is would seem to be enough grey area for a typical shit pot stirrer to crap on Christians. I don't actually care about that, as there's plenty of that on boards like this, so I'm not going to go all faux outrage on that, but you should cite your sources as well as realize that others knows about the googles too.
Dear TeaBagger
What if the abortion process is the "gnashing of teeth" and torment talked about in the Bible.

What if the future souls that go through cleansing where evil/sins are burned away in the lake of fire
are the ones going through abortions, or being tortured in war camps, etc.

What if that is the manifestation of hellfire used to purify by burning away
all that which was attached to to the ill will and unforgiveness of the past.

Ever thought about that?

That as we forgive and break the cycle of abuse from the past,
then we won't have war, abortion, torment and torture. So hell will come to an end,
on earth or beyond, wherever this process takes place spiritually in time or over time.
Only God knows.
What if it is connected as one spiritual process?
all heading to heaven but going through hell to get there until we choose the
way out by grace and forgiveness?

Why ask me these questions? Why not ask God? God has already provided the answers in His holy word in the Holy Bible and the Bible clearly says that hell is eternal torment and the only way to escape eternal torment is to accept Jesus as your lord and savior and since babies cannot do that ALL babies go to hell and are tortured for all eternity. With all due respect, everything you say and ask in moot.

NO TeaBagger
the evil is extinguished in the lake of fire, BURNED AWAY.
what remains is God's truth love justice and peace that part is eternal

If you imagine God keeping a record of this, sure, the evil is forever contained in that place.
but the point is to free the souls through Christ Jesus so the souls are saved while the evil is burned away

You know that God does not will that any soul should be lost
God's will being supreme would win over any evil that is subordinate compared with God

So in the end, Christ Jesus being savior for ALL humanity, the process of redemption will
process out all the sins and save all the souls by the definition and nature of God's will being supreme.

God will find a way using Christ Jesus to save all souls.
So all the steps necessary the repentance the forgiveness the healing
will all have to take place in order for all humanity to be saved

Christ and God are not about partial truth but completeness and wholeness.
Restoring all the good, for God to be supreme.

So all that evil is eventually conquered by God through Christ.
We still go through all the steps of the process, but there will be complete victory.
Not partial, because God is absolute not relative.

I'll take this point by point.

God does not use Jesus because Jesus is God.

In John 3:16 "the world" refers to the elect. If John meant souls or people he would have said it. Most people have been predestined by God for destruction. These babies were not given a choice as to their fate. God knew that they would be aborted and never given the opportunity to accept Jesus. God knew who was going to heaven and hell long before he created the earth. Included in the condemned are aborted babies.

Look at it this way. If aborted babies automatically went to heaven then a woman could put many babies in heave

John 3:18New International Version (NIV)

18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

It goes further.

2 Tim.1:9 "Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began."

Rom.8:29-30 "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate.... Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified."
Are you going to cite your source or claim that entire op as your own?

I'll also point out that there instances in scripture whereby unborn children are either assumed to go to heaven or are imbued with the holy spirit prior to birth

Do Babies Go To Heaven When They Die?

So, while there is no clear statement on this in the bible, possibly because abortion wasn't common in biblical times there is certainly no 'resounding no' in terms of whether or not aborted babies go to heaven.

What there is would seem to be enough grey area for a typical shit pot stirrer to crap on Christians. I don't actually care about that, as there's plenty of that on boards like this, so I'm not going to go all faux outrage on that, but you should cite your sources as well as realize that others knows about the googles too.

Abortion was very common in Biblical times. God caused miscarriages all the time as a way to punish people. God was the Planned Parenthood of the day back then.

The Bible is crystal clear on the fat of aborted babies. If one does not accept Jesus one goes to hell. God's rules not mine. John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. If you are looking for wiggle room you will not find it in the Bible.

Jude was the brother of Jesus and here is what he said. Jude 1:4 "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation."

Simply stated, God is all knowing he knew who goes to heaven and who goes to hell and who gets aborted because that is His will. Those aborted babies were condemned long before they were even conceived. Again, His rules not mine.

I cited my sources
and those sources were holy scripture which comes from God. Do you have a better source than GOD's Holy Word?
Are you going to cite your source or claim that entire op as your own?

I'll also point out that there instances in scripture whereby unborn children are either assumed to go to heaven or are imbued with the holy spirit prior to birth

Do Babies Go To Heaven When They Die?

So, while there is no clear statement on this in the bible, possibly because abortion wasn't common in biblical times there is certainly no 'resounding no' in terms of whether or not aborted babies go to heaven.

What there is would seem to be enough grey area for a typical shit pot stirrer to crap on Christians. I don't actually care about that, as there's plenty of that on boards like this, so I'm not going to go all faux outrage on that, but you should cite your sources as well as realize that others knows about the googles too.

Abortion was very common in Biblical times. God caused miscarriages all the time as a way to punish people. God was the Planned Parenthood of the day back then.

The Bible is crystal clear on the fat of aborted babies. If one does not accept Jesus one goes to hell. God's rules not mine. John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. If you are looking for wiggle room you will not find it in the Bible.

Jude was the brother of Jesus and here is what he said. Jude 1:4 "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation."

Simply stated, God is all knowing he knew who goes to heaven and who goes to hell and who gets aborted because that is His will. Those aborted babies were condemned long before they were even conceived. Again, His rules not mine.

I cited my sources
and those sources were holy scripture which comes from God. Do you have a better source than GOD's Holy Word?

No you didn't cite your source for your c&p and you have again failed to do so.

Miscarriage = abortion. Fail.

What you've provided is some circular logic in an apparent ruse to trump up some shit, further evidenced by your labeling God as an abortionist.

I have also provided links which refute your claims, so your premise has already been debunked, your continued flailings notwithstanding.
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Slaughtered murdered babies are slathered over the likes of Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Apparently, those evil kunts think it will rejuvenate their haggardly skin and stop global warming.

Left-wing "science". :rolleyes:
Are you going to cite your source or claim that entire op as your own?

I'll also point out that there instances in scripture whereby unborn children are either assumed to go to heaven or are imbued with the holy spirit prior to birth

Do Babies Go To Heaven When They Die?

So, while there is no clear statement on this in the bible, possibly because abortion wasn't common in biblical times there is certainly no 'resounding no' in terms of whether or not aborted babies go to heaven.

What there is would seem to be enough grey area for a typical shit pot stirrer to crap on Christians. I don't actually care about that, as there's plenty of that on boards like this, so I'm not going to go all faux outrage on that, but you should cite your sources as well as realize that others knows about the googles too.

Abortion was very common in Biblical times. God caused miscarriages all the time as a way to punish people. God was the Planned Parenthood of the day back then.

The Bible is crystal clear on the fat of aborted babies. If one does not accept Jesus one goes to hell. God's rules not mine. John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. If you are looking for wiggle room you will not find it in the Bible.

Jude was the brother of Jesus and here is what he said. Jude 1:4 "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation."

Simply stated, God is all knowing he knew who goes to heaven and who goes to hell and who gets aborted because that is His will. Those aborted babies were condemned long before they were even conceived. Again, His rules not mine.

I cited my sources
and those sources were holy scripture which comes from God. Do you have a better source than GOD's Holy Word?

No you didn't cite your source for your c&p and you have again failed to do so.

Miscarriage = abortion. Fail.

What you've provided is some circular logic in an apparent ruse to trump up some shit, further evidenced by your labeling God as an abortionist.

I have also provided links which refute your claims, so your premise is has already been debunked, your continued flailings notwithstanding.

My Source is the HOLY BIBLE and I quoted it and cited it. For YOU to say I cited no sources when I cited the HOLY WORD OF GOD makes you a liar

BTW, an induced miscarriage is an ABORTION and God caused them all the time. Stop your dishonesty. I know you are lying, you know you are lying, anyone reading this knows you are lying but most of all GOD knows you are lying. Is your pride so strong that you will not repent your lying ways?

Yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb. -- Hosea 9:16

Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. -- Hosea 9:14

God's law sometimes requires the execution (by burning to death) of pregnant women.

Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt. -- Genesis 38:24

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