Discuss the State of the Union Address here?

Judging from his demeanor during the 'kiss and shake' ritual as he made his way out, he didn't seem too pleased with his own performance.
Judging from his demeanor during the 'kiss and shake' ritual as he made his way out, he didn't seem too pleased with his own performance.

Obama kicked ass.

The angry old white men's party is going to lose.
Judging from his demeanor during the 'kiss and shake' ritual as he made his way out, he didn't seem too pleased with his own performance.

Obama kicked ass.

The angry old white men's party is going to lose.

I guess you need to pretend you heard something you didn't. Same old tired, worn out historically proven failure policies and bullshit. Just how was this different from the bullshit he gave us last year? Seriously. And how did that work out for us, huh? LOL You are nuts if you think people are going to ignore the reality and ignore what he has actually DONE to this country -just because he tried to mouth the correct words tonight hoping it will make some poor schmuck overlook his dismal record. (Hello schmuck.)

Obama's speech in a nutshell: "The only way for some of us to do better is by taking it away from others. It is the American way." All that blather about "fair share" and not one word about the fact that nearly half pay no federal income tax. Who the hell do liberals think they are to decide what is "fair share" anyway? Because most people disagree that it means half exist as parasites of the other half. Especially after seeing how well that worked out for the Greeks, huh.

Obama has decided to make the top issue his self declared war on the successful -which makes me very happy. Most Americans are not socialists or communists, most people do not want to exist as parasites taking the other half for all they can get and most do not waste their time envying and coveting what others have instead of seeking success for themselves -as they define it. And most inherently know that class warfare will harm those on the bottom the most. It always has, it always will.
Bringing Osama down, the troops home and the auto industry back to life.

Judging from his demeanor during the 'kiss and shake' ritual as he made his way out, he didn't seem too pleased with his own performance.

Obama kicked ass.

The angry old white men's party is going to lose.

That's the truth. Did you get a load of those pickle puss faces on Bonehead and McConnell??? They know it's coming. They know the GOP has nothing.
Bringing jobs back home, bring manufacturing back. The tax code, no deductions for outsourcing jobs.

No American company can avoid paying taxes by moving overseas. Not tax breaks for this. American manufacturer tax cuts, high tech manufacturer double tax cut. Create jobs here in America. Send him tax reform and he will sign right away.

National committment to train that will lead to a job. Join Obama, they have companies lined up to help. Give to community colleges to help this happen. Put people back to work, unemployment system to re employment system.

Why lay off teachers? Education matters. Every state to require student to stay in High School until they are 18. Stop interest rates for student loans from doubling in July. If colleges can't stop tuition from going up, money from taxpayers will go down.

Immigration reform right now. If election year politics keeps congress from acting on immigration reform, at least stop expelling responsible young people.

We have subsidized the oil industry for a century. Time to stop now.

Executive order clearing the way the red tape that slows down construction projects. Do nation building right here at home.
Stop a tax hike on 160 million Americans while the economy is still fragile. Agree now to pass payroll tax cuts without delay.

Deficit: agreed to cut 2 trillion already. Poised now to shelter the wealthiest Americans, stop this. (they showed Warren Buffett's secretary)

Everyone needs to pay their fair share like Obama and lots of members of congress. Tax reform should follow the Buffett rule. Stop subsidizing millionaires. No taxes should go up on anyone making less than $250,000. It's common sense. We don't envy the rich, not class warefare. It is not right, Americans know this.

Differing views, Americans know nothing will get done in Washington. It is broken. Send him a bill that bans insider trading, he will sign it tomorrow. Limit any official from owning stock in industries they impact.

Neither party has been blameless, both parties should work together.

Lower the temperature in Washington, the government should only do for people what they can't do for themselves and not more.

When they act together there is nothing the US can't achieve. We've learned lessons from our operations overseas. Troops coming home and we will form an enduring partnership with Afghanistan. Dictators and terrorists have been dealt with, we have a huge stake in the region but we will stand against oppression.

America is back, anyone who says we are in decline doesn't know what they are talking about. Looks like people have tears in their eyes when he talks about the military. Leon Penetta, Boehner, Biden. Increase VA funding, tax credits to companies who hire Vets.

Leave noone behind. Repubs and Democrates don't matter, all that matters is the mission. The mission succeeds when everyone does their job. They trusted each other. They knew that someone behind them was watching their back.

This nation is greater because we work together, no challenge too great, nothing too hard, the state of our union will always be strong. Not exactly but a quote from Ronald Reagan.


big words.. no action,, we have no oil and we have no pipeline.

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