Trump Makes a Very Interesting Demand of Biden Before First Debate

Lawsuits Pile Up Alleging Remdesivir Killed COVID Patients​

Despite research showing remdesivir is ineffective against COVID-19 and can cause high rates of organ failure, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the experimental antiviral drug for use against COVID-19 — and it’s still being used.

‘Shutdown is literally killing people’: families of isolated nursing home residents demand compromise​

Nursing homes say they ‘treat in place.’ Then came covid-19.​

Why did so many nursing home residents die of covid-19 on site, and not in hospitals?​

There's that "reliable" MAGAT MEDIA producing those "scientific" joke articles again.

Oh honey...
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Your Swastika's almost ready.
Time for the circle jerk and you're the catchers today.
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Big whoop. Those are just citizens, with no power. The antisemites on the Left are presidents of Ivies, and Maxist pro-Palestinian professors, who refuse to condemn calls to genocide Jews are look away as Jews are bullied and assaulted on their campuses.

The administrations of leftist universities are turning the younger generation against the Jews. THAT is more concerning than some yahoos from redneck areas.
Trump was the President of the United States with a busy schedule. Yes, he told the Commission on presidential debates officials the truth about what was going on. He tested at first positive, and than upon retesting, later in the day, negative.

He showed up too late in to do yet another test. These are the facts as far as I ascertain them to be true.

You can throw on them your partisan hatred if you prefer, but I do not think there was any intent to deceive at all.

I don't believe Biden had been tested yet that day. If Biden had wanted Trump to be tested yet a third time that day, and thought he was being treated unfairly, he of course, always had the option to refuse to debate.

This is a free nation, I still believe, and I don't think he was forced or deceived into debating. It is not my opinion there was any coercion or deception going on. Given how the media habitually distorts stories around Trump, and given my critical reading of the facts presented, I think your biases are getting the best of you here.

I honestly expected better from you, than feeding into such silly narratives.

Trump, as silly and demagogic as he is, does not have the ability to pull shit like that over on the Commission on Presidential debates, the press or Biden. They could have just walked if they felt he was truly being a bully and uncooperative.

He already had two tests that day, and they all knew what the results of those had been.

This is just a sensationalized non-story to feed into folks hate of Trump to make him into a villian he is not. It is just a fake story.

Did anyone that was there get COVID? 🤔
Trump is hated because he's an asshole. How many people has he cheated out of money he owes them?

You guys believe a lie about Biden and you should be tired of telling it. He proven the crap you believe wrong time and time again. Trump got destroyed in the debates and ran because he coud not get things his way. Your excuses for him doesn't change that.

Biden is going to destroy Trump in these debates. Trump doesn't need to be asking for a drug test. So let me be blunt, trump is an old man just ike Biden and it's way past time you Trump sniffing morons realized this and quit pretending that Trump is a 20 something with full cognitve ability. Trumps father had Alzheimers when he died. This means Trump is geneticaly disposed to dementia. And right now it is Trump who is showing severe cognitive decline.
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Why won’t Trump step on a scale?

What is he afraid of?
Same could be said about Joe agreeing to a drug test as I’m sure Trump would do. Regarding stepping on a scale, who’s to say he would or would not.

The point of the thread is that Biden is making multiple demands while Trump makes one…. And then, you come up with another Biden demand idea.

Why don’t we bring some parity and have the demands be 1:1?
Trump is hated because he's an asshole. How many people has he cheated out of money he owes them?

You guys believe a lie about Biden and you should be tired of teling it. He proven the crap yu believe wrong time and time again. Trump got destroyed in the debate and ran because he coud not get things his way. Your excuses for him doesn't change that.

Biden is going to destroy Trump in these debates. Trump doesn't need to be asking for a drug test. So let me be blunt, trump is an old man just ike Biden and it's way past time you Trump sniffing morons realized this and quit retending that Trump is a 20 something with full cognitve ability. Trumps father had Alzheimers when he died. This means Trump is geneticaly disposed to dementia. And right now it is Trump who is showing severe cognitive decline.

Many, many more topics embarrassing to Trump than Biden
Trump is hated because he's an asshole. How many people has he cheated out of money he owes them?

You guys believe a lie about Biden and you should be tired of teling it. He proven the crap yu believe wrong time and time again. Trump got destroyed in the debate and ran because he coud not get things his way. Your excuses for him doesn't change that.

Biden is going to destroy Trump in these debates. Trump doesn't need to be asking for a drug test. So let me be blunt, trump is an old man just ike Biden and it's way past time you Trump sniffing morons realized this and quit retending that Trump is a 20 something with full cognitve ability. Trumps father had Alzheimers when he died. This means Trump is geneticaly disposed to dementia. And right now it is Trump who is showing severe cognitive decline.
I'm sorry. . somehow you have gotten this impression, that I'm some sort of Trump supporter?

You guys believe a lie about Biden
. . . and what lie is it that you suppose I believe about Biden?

He proven the crap yu believe wrong time and time again.

And what crap do you think I believe, that Biden has now proved wrong, "time and time again?"

it's way past time you Trump sniffing morons

Hmmmm. . . 🤔

Trump, as silly and demagogic as he is

Doesn't look like "Trump sniffing," to me. . .

Guess we now know who the "moron," is. .. :113:
Big whoop. Those are just citizens, with no power. The antisemites on the Left are presidents of Ivies, and Maxist pro-Palestinian professors, who refuse to condemn calls to genocide Jews are look away as Jews are bullied and assaulted on their campuses.

The administrations of leftist universities are turning the younger generation against the Jews. THAT is more concerning than some yahoos from redneck areas.
You mean citizens with no power?


Stand up for that Jew hate. It is so you!

Trump Makes a Very Interesting Demand of Biden Before First Debate​

18 May 2024 ~~ By Matt Margolis

The first debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is just over a month away, and Donald Trump has agreed to all of Biden’s conditions, including no live audience, timed microphones, and only pro-Biden outlets and moderators. But now Trump has a condition of his own.
And it's a justifiable one.
“I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said Friday evening, during the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner. “I am, no I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union, he was high as a kite.”
It has long been suspected that Joe Biden was drugged during his State of the Union address.
Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist specializing in elderly dementia patients, pointed out that Biden's increased speed and volume during the address, contrary to his usual slow and stumbling demeanor, could be indicative of stimulant usage, potentially Adderall or another amphetamine.
“[Adderall]’s given to focus someone’s attention so if you give it to someone who is not focused and give it to them ahead of a big event like the State of the Union, it will improve their focus,” Lieberman told the Washington Times. “But it’s treating the symptoms rather than boosting the brain and it’s addictive so it’s dangerous.”
So, yes, Trump is definitely justified in his request, but there isn't a chance that the Biden campaign will agree to this.

The article also pointed to a 2022 study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry that "found medications that treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, such as Adderall, can generally improve cognitive performance in Alzheimer’s patients."
Does anyone really think Joe Biden will submit to a drug test?
It’s starting to get to the point of diminishing returns and they’re having to constantly increase dosage.
Trump’s already scored his points on the issue and will not renege on his 2-debate commitment when Biden predictably refuses a pre-debate drug test.
Nobody is suspecting Biden was on drugs except you psychos.
With all of the conditions Trump agreed to, he might as well have not have accepted the debate. It will be more of an infomercial then a debate. It will be the most unusual set up for a.debate that's for sure.

Just think, Snoreleone NOT be allowed to talk over Mr. Biden. It will more interesting to see how his declining mental state plays out on tv. Will he have mental glitch and go silent.
First he was "Sleepy Joe", now he's "Jacked Up Joe". They cannot decide on anything right now. They should be more worried about P01135809 falling asleep during the debate.

Because you’re slow… “Sleepy Joe" and "Jacked Up Joe" refer to the obvious personality and dissociative identity disorder that grips the old fool he’s commanded to read a teleprompter.

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