dims For Full Disclosure. Here's Proof


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
When I say 'Full DIsclosure' I mean, well. What difference does it make at this point? I mean..... Really.

Same shit, different day.

Same criminal enterprise. Different criminals.

I bet the Lame Stream Media will be all over this one :boobies:

California Removes Arrest Records From Kamala Harris' Time as Prosecutor from Public Records
Ace of Spades HQ


A redesign of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation website will make it harder for voters to inspect Sen. Kamala Harris's controversial record as the state's top cop.
The department removed public access to a number of reports on incarceration in the state, including when presidential candidate Kamala Harris (D.) was California's attorney general. Twice a year, the CDCR releases information about the number of new individuals incarcerated in the California prison system as part of its "Offender Data Points" series. These reports provide important information on demographics, sentence length, offense type, and other figures relevant to criminal justice and incarceration.

Until recently, these reports were publicly available at the CDCR's website. A search using archive.org's Wayback Machine reveals that as of April 25, 2019—the most recent indexed date—ODP reports were available dating back to the spring of 2009. As of August 2019, the same web page now serves only a single ODP report, the one for Spring 2019. The pre-2019 reports have been removed.
I think they got mad when Gabbert found out how Harris hid evidence that would have cleared some felons she was prosecuting. AYFKM? And we have the audacity to crow about how good our legal system is? Our legal system is only as good as the people administering it and there are plenty of egotistical, self serving prosecutors who will sacrifice peoples lives as stepping stones toward their political or professional advancement. Harris is one of them. She's a lowlife phony who really doesn't belong in government or judging others. The bottom line is California deleted information that would have proved they run a crooked legal system.
I think they got mad when Gabbert found out how Harris hid evidence that would have cleared some felons she was prosecuting. AYFKM? And we have the audacity to crow about how good our legal system is? Our legal system is only as good as the people administering it and there are plenty of egotistical, self serving prosecutors who will sacrifice peoples lives as stepping stones toward their political or professional advancement. Harris is one of them. She's a lowlife phony who really doesn't belong in government or judging others. The bottom line is California deleted information that would have proved they run a crooked legal system.

About 95% of the prosecutors in the Country are not the least bit interested in 'Justice'. They care only about wins and losses. They care only about promotions and attention in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM.

We need to review the Immunity Laws covering Prosecutors and Judges.

Mike Nifong wrongly and illegally tried to put away innocent young men for decades for the crime of being White Young Men and he got NOTHING out of it. The 30 days he did was for Contempt.

Lawyers are scum and the absolute worst of them are prosecutors. By far. Defense Attorneys as well as Plaintiffs Attorneys are no angels but the worst are Prosecutors.

Too often, the biggest criminals in a Court Room are the Prosecutor and the Judge

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