Did Trump Just Cancel a Meeting With Putin?

Its real this time, read about it here.

If I had a dollar for every time a snowflake said those words the last 2 years I would probably be a millionaire. :p

Keep in mind that Mueller had previously taken down Manuel Noriega and John Gotti.

Keep in mind Mueller was also...

- The guy who manufactured and hid evidence to intentionally send 2 innocent men to prison for crimes Mueller knew they did not commit

- Working with Steele, according to Oher, before he was appointed Special Counsel or before an investigation was even ever opened

- Committed the crime of Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas

You know, we didn't believe your bullshit the first 15 times you posted it, we're unlikely to believe it now, Evgeny.

You're not fooling anyone, except Putin who continues to pay you for nothing.
Putin invades Crimea and the Ukraine, and now has committed an act of war against Ukraine.

And the pseudocons are puffing out their chests that Trump's only response has been to punish Putin with...the silent treatment.

ha ha ha comes out different in Russian?....
Of course.

Once again shattering the radical ridiculous Left's False Narrative of how Trump supposedly support Putin and is his guy, Trump snubbed Vlad today, cancelling their Argentina meeting over Putin's continued march towards what seems to be turning into Russia 'putting the band (USSR) back together again.....

PUTIN HIS PLACE: Trump snubs Russian leader, canceling Argentina meeting over Ukraine tension
Trump cancels meeting at G20 with Putin over Ukraine tensions

When Putin began putting troops on the Ukraine's border right before Russia militarily annexed Crimea, Barry didn't stop meeting with Putin...of course, Barry was trying to get Putin's permission to invade Syria at the time. I guess sacrifices needed to be made in order to get that permission: Crimea, 20% of the US supply of uranium, and no challenge to their attempts to hack the US electrical grid, to their counter-intelligence Op using US social media, and their gaining all of the TOP SECRET DATA on Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server....


Putin invades Crimea and the Ukraine, and now has committed an act of war against Ukraine.

And you dipshits are puffing out your chests that Trump's only response has been to punish Putin with...the silent treatment.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
- Donald Trump, Jr.
You know, we didn't believe your bullshit the first 15 times you posted it, we're unlikely to believe it now
yes, dear, we know. You and you ignorant butt-hurt Trump-Hating, Hillary-defending, Obama-ass-kissing snowflakes have lived up to Hillary's statement -

'Those who refuse to accept the outcome of elections is a threat to our Democracy' -

by continuing to keep your eyes and mind firmly shut, sipping the kool-aid, buying the Liberal Fake News, memorizing the talking points, ignoring every bit of existing evidence that proves the Democrats are the only ones who have committed the crimes they claim Trump has - without any evidence to support their claim.

Despite volumes of evidence, reports, articles, actual laws, links, etc you and your fellow dumbasses have successfully prevented yourselves from seeing the actual truth and admitting what evidence and testimony (like Oher's) has already proven.

Congrats - effort to successfully remain intentionally stupid and partisan is no small feat, I can imagine.

If you do not remember this conversation tomorrow because of your senility / Alzheimer's, don't worry - we can do it again tomorrow.

Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin

I'm amazed the OP needs help figuring this out.
I don't understand how one impacts the other. NATO really has to make a move. Isn't containing Russia one of the big reasons for having NATO to begin with? At what point are they going to do something? It seems to me we let Ukraine down when Russia took Crimea. Are we going to do it again?
The past 24 hours:

1) Jerome Corsi admitted he and Roger Stone lied to Congress
2) Trump's main lender, Deutsche Bank, raided for money laundering.
3) Michael Cohen enters plea deal and cooperation agreement with Mueller
4) Offices of Trump's tax guy in Chicago raided.

Its real this time, read about it here.

If I had a dollar for every time a snowflake said those words the last 2 years I would probably be a millionaire. :p

Keep in mind that Mueller had previously taken down Manuel Noriega and John Gotti.

Keep in mind Mueller was also...

- The guy who manufactured and hid evidence to intentionally send 2 innocent men to prison for crimes Mueller knew they did not commit

- Working with Steele, according to Oher, before he was appointed Special Counsel or before an investigation was even ever opened

- Committed the crime of Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas
- Judge Nancy Gertner says there is no evidence mueller kept innocent men in prison, it was 4 not 2.

- of course Ohr worked with Steele. Steele was british intelligence with expertise in russia, and Ohr had prosecuted alot of russian mafia.

- Mueller committed obstruction? now youre making shit up.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin

I'm amazed the OP needs help figuring this out.
I don't understand how one impacts the other. NATO really has to make a move. Isn't containing Russia one of the big reasons for having NATO to begin with? At what point are they going to do something? It seems to me we let Ukraine down when Russia took Crimea. Are we going to do it again?
Ukraine is not a Nato member. And yes, the US is going to let Putin have his way in Ukraine again.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin
View attachment 231589

Putin is a stone-cold killer. His eyes scare me.

Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin

I'm amazed the OP needs help figuring this out.
I don't understand how one impacts the other. NATO really has to make a move. Isn't containing Russia one of the big reasons for having NATO to begin with? At what point are they going to do something? It seems to me we let Ukraine down when Russia took Crimea. Are we going to do it again?


Putin: "Crimea River?"

- Judge Nancy Gertner says there is no evidence mueller kept innocent men in prison, it was 4 not 2.

- of course Ohr worked with Steele. Steele was british intelligence with expertise in russia, and Ohr had prosecuted alot of russian mafia.

- Mueller committed obstruction? now youre making shit up.
1. I posted several links to the articles and info proving Mueller sent innocent men to prison. Thanks for the story, though.....

2. You haven't been paying attention / skipped right over all the pertinent details regarding Oher's testimony before Congress. Oher exposed the fact that Steel had been working for the FBI and on the 'Dossier' case with/for the FBI, showing Comey's FBI was already working with Hillary (the DNC Nominee), foreign spies and Russians before an official investigation had begun and before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel. Oher also testified he and Steele had been working with and communicating with MUELLER ABOUT THE DOSSIER - BEFORE an official investigation had been opened up and BEFORE Mueller was named special counsel - if they doesn't sent alarm bells ringing in your head you're an idiot.

3. Mueller's Obstruction - where have you been? Congress subpoenaed documents / info from BOTH Rosenstein and Mueller, neither of which complied. Catch up...
Nothing has been shattered. Trump is currently shitting his pants over the Russia probe, and Cohen's guilty plea. Totally shitting his pants. He spent 10 minutes lying about Cohen on the way to his helicopter today. It was spectacular!!!
You really are senile....

There has never been any evidence of Trump illegally colluding with Russia because the only evidence of illegal collusion with any candidate is that of Hillary colluding with / paying foreign spies (who were working for Obama's FBI and with Mueller before he was appointed as Special Counsel, according to Oher) and the Russians.

Such intense hatred for such a long period of time has fried the synapses in what is left of your geriatric mind.

As far as Trump and his continued performance on the world stage, he has surpassed every failed doom-filled prediction made by better snowflakes than you. He has been so successful that Barry has come out of hiding to try to re-write history and claim others' successes as his own on order to re-forge another Legacy since Trump has all but wiped his off the books, leaving Obama as nothing more than a footnote in the history books.

Once again snowflakes are doubling down - If he meets with Putin he is an obvious traitor. If he doesn't it means he is guilty and is scared he is about to be caught. Bwuhahahaha.....

Barry gets caught whispering to Putin-Puppet Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he will be more flexible after re-election...but snowflakes say Trump is the one who collaborated / colluded with Russia....

Hillary and Obama gave Putin a 'Re-set' Button, 20% of the US supply of Uranium, Crimea, and a free pass to continue to 'Interfere' in the US for 2 years in exchange for $145 Million & a Russian-Authored 'Dossier' for Hillary, $500,000 for bill, and permission to invade Syria for Barry...but Trump is the one who supposedly colluded with Putin / Russia/.

Bwuhahaha....you snowflakes are mental as hell.....FUNNY, but mental as hell. :p

What about Hillary??? What about Obama???

You're embarassing yourself, Evgeny. We just don't believe a fucking word you post. Everything you claim to be true has been thoroughly investigated, publically, multiple times and nothing has been found. No evidence, no witnesses, and the facts are not as you state them.

Trump is caught. He never thought he'd be elected, so he never thought he'd be caught. He'd get Putin's help, he'd lose and no one would notice. Then he'd get his Trump Tower and no one would be any the wiser how it happened. Instead, the whole scheme worked, and Trump is President. Putin has bragged that Trump does whatever Putin wants.

It's over.
Its real this time, read about it here.

If I had a dollar for every time a snowflake said those words the last 2 years I would probably be a millionaire. :p

Keep in mind that Mueller had previously taken down Manuel Noriega and John Gotti.

Keep in mind Mueller was also...

- The guy who manufactured and hid evidence to intentionally send 2 innocent men to prison for crimes Mueller knew they did not commit

- Working with Steele, according to Oher, before he was appointed Special Counsel or before an investigation was even ever opened

- Committed the crime of Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas
- Judge Nancy Gertner says there is no evidence mueller kept innocent men in prison, it was 4 not 2.

- of course Ohr worked with Steele. Steele was british intelligence with expertise in russia, and Ohr had prosecuted alot of russian mafia.

- Mueller committed obstruction? now youre making shit up.

make stuff up is all that easy does
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin

I'm amazed the OP needs help figuring this out.
I don't understand how one impacts the other. NATO really has to make a move. Isn't containing Russia one of the big reasons for having NATO to begin with? At what point are they going to do something? It seems to me we let Ukraine down when Russia took Crimea. Are we going to do it again?
Ukraine is not a Nato member. And yes, the US is going to let Putin have his way in Ukraine again.
We promised (maybe it was just the US?) that if they would get rid of their nuclear weapons, we would protect them.
And I didn't know that NATO couldn't act unless it was a member country that was attacked.
He didn't check with Putin first?

Trump proves daily he really isn't good at this collusion thingy.

Wait. I thought Trump was Putins puppet??

How could he cancel a meeting with his puppeteer??

Maybe he didn't. Maybe Putin canceled it.
You guys are such dupes.
You believe whatever Trump tells you.

Could be. Though I can't see Putin cancelling the meeting. Why would he??

I can see Trump cancelling over the Ukrain incident.

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