Did Trump Just Cancel a Meeting With Putin?

Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.
trump has had no choice ,

when oil price goes down, Putler provokes a war , straight froward. coz his bamboostan is NOT a country but a gas - station

We just don't believe a fucking word you post.
If I have unintentionally led you to believe otherwise, my true feelings on whether you believe me or not can be summed up this way....

View attachment 231633

It's Over.

Again, if I had a dollar for every time a snowflake - especially YOU - said the words 'It's Over' I would be rich right now.
You need to take a break and relax Twinkle Toes. You've been at it steady since 6:00 a.m this morning.

You keep this up and you're gonna have another one of your panic or anxiety attacks, you fluffy, little snowflake.
That's because you also want America to be a Banana Republic, too.
You must have mistaken me for a Democrat. You know, the open-border people.

Nope. Despots and dictators don't do open-borders.
You're all in for a Banana Republic.
You just fucking don't realize it.
Honduras was the original Banana Republic and to this day the primary source of future Democrat voters. Thus the Democrats' Open Border Policy.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin

I'm amazed the OP needs help figuring this out.
I don't understand how one impacts the other. NATO really has to make a move. Isn't containing Russia one of the big reasons for having NATO to begin with? At what point are they going to do something? It seems to me we let Ukraine down when Russia took Crimea. Are we going to do it again?
Ukraine is not a Nato member. And yes, the US is going to let Putin have his way in Ukraine again.
We promised (maybe it was just the US?) that if they would get rid of their nuclear weapons, we would protect them.
And I didn't know that NATO couldn't act unless it was a member country that was attacked.
Individual countries in the EU could decide to use military force to defend Ukraine, but they won't. To be fair, the Ukrainians aren't innocent, naïve munchkins. And Crimea and the Soviet ... Russian naval base is sort of multifaceted.

But yeah, there's a power vacuum, and Putin sees an opportunity to "mess" with the western democracies to show he can ... and Trump is apparently too weakened by whatever Putin has on him to even go to a meeting and call Putin out.
He didn't check with Putin first?

Trump proves daily he really isn't good at this collusion thingy.

Wait. I thought Trump was Putins puppet??

How could he cancel a meeting with his puppeteer??

Maybe he didn't. Maybe Putin canceled it.
You guys are such dupes.
You believe whatever Trump tells you.

Could be. Though I can't see Putin cancelling the meeting. Why would he??

I can see Trump cancelling over the Ukrain incident.

Why would Putin cancel the meeting?
Because his ties to Trump for the building in Moscow are now exposed by Mueller, and his bank in Frankfurt, Deutsche Bank, has been exposed for money-laundering.
It's Trump's bank too.

Trump, Russia, and Deutsche Bank: What We Know So Far - The Moscow Project

Is Donald Trump’s dark Russian secret hiding in Deutsche Bank’s vaults?


Putin doesn't hang out with losers.
Donald is now a loser.
That's because you also want America to be a Banana Republic, too.
You must have mistaken me for a Democrat. You know, the open-border people.

Nope. Despots and dictators don't do open-borders.
You're all in for a Banana Republic.
You just fucking don't realize it.
Honduras was the original Banana Republic and to this day the primary source of future Democrat voters. Thus the Democrats' Open Border Policy.

Your screen name really serves you accurately.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin
If Trump shows his weakness and really cancels his meeting with Putin on Saturday, Deep State will keep manipulating him in future using the same primitive tactics and Trump will become just another Bush.

However I think Trump is uncomparably smarter and braver than Bush W. and will reconsider his decision. Time will show.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

He did it so that the Republicans in the Senate wouldn't feel so much more compelled to add any more sanctions to Russia over what they did to Ukraine.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.
Apparently, Saudi's king ran away with dismembering a journalist but Putin is bad just for protecting his borders from a Ukrainian provocation? Smells with double standards, doesn't it?

Vladimir Putin: As concerns the incident in the Black Sea, it was obviously a provocation organised by the current officials – I think, by the incumbent president, ahead of the presidential election in Ukraine to be held next March.

The current president is, I think, fifth in the popularity rating and there is a chance he may not make it into the second round. Therefore, he needs to do something to escalate the situation and create unsurpassable obstacles for his rivals, especially in the opposition.

What happened this time? They did not respond to our border guard’s requests. They entered our territorial waters. I would like you to note that they entered our territorial waters which were ours before Crimea became part of the Russian Federation. That is, they entered the waters which have always been Russian territorial waters.

What should border guards do in a situation like this? Military ships had entered Russian territorial waters and were not responding to our border guards and it was unclear what they were going to do. What did the border guards have to do? Had they acted differently, all of them would have been put on trial. They were fulfilling their military duty, the order they were given and, as things stand, they were fulfilling their legitimate functions to protect the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.
Russia Calling! Investment Forum

Current Ukrainian officials were colluding with Hillary against Trump, framed his advisor Manafort. Dealing with them may cost him a lot of troubles, they are just Deep State puppets, and it tells you everything about them.

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine.

DNC coordinated with Ukraine, White House says amid Trump-Russia collusion claims
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There are a lot of reasons to wonder why President Trump, then candidate Trump, bent over backwards to support Russia
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin
If Trump shows his weakness and really cancels his meeting with Putin on Saturday, Deep State will keep manipulating him in future using the same primitive tactics and Trump will become just another Bush.

However I think Trump is uncomparably smarter and braver than Bush W. and will reconsider his decision. Time will show.

Thank you for the most unintentionally funny post of the month! It's brilliant. Comparing the IQ's of the two "C Student Presidents", One got into Harvard because he was a legacy, and the other got into Wharton because his rich Daddy bribed the Dean.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.
Apparently, Saudi's king ran away with dismembering a journalist but Putin is bad just for protecting his borders from a Ukrainian provocation? Smells with double standards, doesn't it?

Vladimir Putin: As concerns the incident in the Black Sea, it was obviously a provocation organised by the current officials – I think, by the incumbent president, ahead of the presidential election in Ukraine to be held next March.

The current president is, I think, fifth in the popularity rating and there is a chance he may not make it into the second round. Therefore, he needs to do something to escalate the situation and create unsurpassable obstacles for his rivals, especially in the opposition.

What happened this time? They did not respond to our border guard’s requests. They entered our territorial waters. I would like you to note that they entered our territorial waters which were ours before Crimea became part of the Russian Federation. That is, they entered the waters which have always been Russian territorial waters.

What should border guards do in a situation like this? Military ships had entered Russian territorial waters and were not responding to our border guards and it was unclear what they were going to do. What did the border guards have to do? Had they acted differently, all of them would have been put on trial. They were fulfilling their military duty, the order they were given and, as things stand, they were fulfilling their legitimate functions to protect the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.
Russia Calling! Investment Forum

Current Ukrainian officials were colluding with Hillary against Trump, framed his advisor Manafort. Dealing with them may cost him a lot of troubles, they are just Deep State puppets, and it tells you everything about them.

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine.

DNC coordinated with Ukraine, White House says amid Trump-Russia collusion claims

You Russians have all been "What about Hillary?" all day now. We don't believe this crap. We believe Mueller.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Well, I ain't a liberal...but the conclusion is ridiculously obvious if you Trumpbots would open your eyes.

Trump hates these meetings (he sent Pence to the last one). They make him look bad (usually). He is terrible at ceremonies - he always ad lib's. And since he has apparently no class and is a manchild, he acts just like that and the news media/late night talk shows/internet have a field day with him. And we know he HATES it when people mock him.

We also know for a fact that he REALLY likes Putin (and admires all strong dictator-types). Hell, he took Putin's word over his own intelligence service before...like a dufus.

Obviously, Trump called Putin and told him he would be doing this and not to take it personal - just something Trump thought he had to do to look good/strong.
Frankly, if he had not at least called Putin first to explain why he was doing this - that would have been stupid from a relations point of view.

Summary. We KNOW Trump hates these meetings - makes him look goofy. We KNOW he greatly admires Putin. We KNOW Trump is all about looking strong.

The conclusion is obvious.

This is a nothing burger. Simply something to make him look strong to his base.

I bet you privately Trump has ZERO problem with what Putin is doing in the Sea of Azov.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Well, I ain't a liberal...but the conclusion is ridiculously obvious if you Trumpbots would open your eyes.

Trump hates these meetings (he sent Pence to the last one). They make him look bad (usually). He is terrible at ceremonies - he always ad lib's. And since he has apparently no class and is a manchild, he acts just like that and the news media/late night talk shows/internet have a field day with him. And we know he HATES it when people mock him.

We also know for a fact that he REALLY likes Putin (and admires all strong dictator-types). Hell, he took Putin's word over his own intelligence service before...like a dufus.

Obviously, Trump called Putin and told him he would be doing this and not to take it personal - just something Trump thought he had to do to look good/strong.
Frankly, if he had not at least called Putin first to explain why he was doing this - that would have been stupid from a relations point of view.

Summary. We KNOW Trump hates these meetings - makes him look goofy. We KNOW he greatly admires Putin. We KNOW Trump is all about looking strong.

The conclusion is obvious.

This is a nothing burger. Simply something to make him look strong to his base.

I bet you privately Trump has ZERO problem with what Putin is doing in the Sea of Azov.
This thread is for sheer entertainment for me,mcrocket. I wanted to see how the left would respond and I wasn't disappointed.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin

I'm amazed the OP needs help figuring this out.
I don't understand how one impacts the other. NATO really has to make a move. Isn't containing Russia one of the big reasons for having NATO to begin with? At what point are they going to do something? It seems to me we let Ukraine down when Russia took Crimea. Are we going to do it again?

When Russia annexed the joint in 2014 he said Pootin' was "so smart" and "you have to give him a lot of credit". Praised Pootin' to the heavens for doing an "amazing job" . Now he wants to take the opposite stance. It just reeks of hypocrisy, which leads us to look for another motivation, and we all know Rump's prime motivation is his own self-aggrandizement, so we have to read it in that context. And couple it with the fact that he quickly reversed himself immediately after Cohen began singing, and it's immediately clear that this leap of desperation has little to do with Crimea and everything to do with Numero Uno.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Well, I ain't a liberal...but the conclusion is ridiculously obvious if you Trumpbots would open your eyes.

Trump hates these meetings (he sent Pence to the last one). They make him look bad (usually). He is terrible at ceremonies - he always ad lib's. And since he has apparently no class and is a manchild, he acts just like that and the news media/late night talk shows/internet have a field day with him. And we know he HATES it when people mock him.

We also know for a fact that he REALLY likes Putin (and admires all strong dictator-types). Hell, he took Putin's word over his own intelligence service before...like a dufus.

Obviously, Trump called Putin and told him he would be doing this and not to take it personal - just something Trump thought he had to do to look good/strong.
Frankly, if he had not at least called Putin first to explain why he was doing this - that would have been stupid from a relations point of view.

Summary. We KNOW Trump hates these meetings - makes him look goofy. We KNOW he greatly admires Putin. We KNOW Trump is all about looking strong.

The conclusion is obvious.

This is a nothing burger. Simply something to make him look strong to his base.

I bet you privately Trump has ZERO problem with what Putin is doing in the Sea of Azov.

I agree except I don't necessarily think he advised Pootin' first. That would be giving him I think too much credit for understanding personal dynamics. Isn't there already an established history of people finding out they're fired (or whatever) via Tweeter? The Orangeman runs on impulse and has no pattern of thinking things through.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin

I'm amazed the OP needs help figuring this out.
I don't understand how one impacts the other. NATO really has to make a move. Isn't containing Russia one of the big reasons for having NATO to begin with? At what point are they going to do something? It seems to me we let Ukraine down when Russia took Crimea. Are we going to do it again?

Once AGAIN I put to you the question you've never answered ----

WHAT soon-to-be-elected politician ANYWHERE did *NOT* have more flexibility after he was in office as opposed to before??

That's how linear time WORKS. You get the job first, THEN you use it. You can't start doing Presidential stuff BEFORE you're actually President.


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