Did The Deep State Force The Freedom Caucus To Expel Marjorie Taylor Greene?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is no longer enough of a hardline right-wing lawmaker for the House Freedom Caucus. Freedom Caucus Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) tells Politico reporter Olivia Beavers that it's his "understanding" that Greene is no longer a member of the caucus after it took a secret vote on her expulsion last month. The expulsion of Greene from the Freedom Caucus marks quite the falling out for the Trump-loving Georgia Republican, who gained notoriety early in her career for pushing the bogus QAnon conspiracy theory, as well as pushing theories that the Rothschild family funded space lasers that were being used to deliberately set California forests ablaze. Greene has been feuding more with her fellow right-wing Republicans lately over her backing of McCarthy, Harris also "called it 'an appropriate action,' and cited her debt deal vote, support of McCarthy, and criticism of other HFC [Republicans.'"

Now was this something that the Deep State forced the Freedom Caucus to do in order to hurt MTG; who is probably now (outside of Trump) the most beloved and nationally admired Republican in recent history? Is the Deep State afraid Trump is going to select her as his running mate in 2024, a move that would surely solidify one of the largest landslide victories in election history?

Or are reactionary right-wingers just pre-disposed to eat their own over the dumbest shit? Are House Republicans so petty and childish that they would expel someone who is ideologically, just like them, over the fact she supports a guy, who is their OWN HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER? No wonder these folks can't govern or build any meaningful coalitions to get any real policies passed; but hey, at least they believe Italian satellites and North Korean submarines carrying bamboo ballots helped Biden steal the election.

"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is no longer enough of a hardline right-wing lawmaker for the House Freedom Caucus. Freedom Caucus Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) tells Politico reporter Olivia Beavers that it's his "understanding" that Greene is no longer a member of the caucus after it took a secret vote on her expulsion last month. The expulsion of Greene from the Freedom Caucus marks quite the falling out for the Trump-loving Georgia Republican, who gained notoriety early in her career for pushing the bogus QAnon conspiracy theory, as well as pushing theories that the Rothschild family funded space lasers that were being used to deliberately set California forests ablaze. Greene has been feuding more with her fellow right-wing Republicans lately over her backing of McCarthy, Harris also "called it 'an appropriate action,' and cited her debt deal vote, support of McCarthy, and criticism of other HFC [Republicans.'"

Now was this something that the Deep State forced the Freedom Caucus to do in order to hurt MTG; who is probably now (outside of Trump) the most beloved and nationally admired Republican in recent history? Is the Deep State afraid Trump is going to select her as his running mate in 2024, a move that would surely solidify one of the largest landslide victories in election history?

Or are reactionary right-wingers just pre-disposed to eat their own over the dumbest shit? Are House Republicans so petty and childish that they would expel someone who is ideologically, just like them, over the fact she supports a guy, who is their OWN HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER? No wonder these folks can't govern or build any meaningful coalitions to get any real policies passed; but hey, at least they believe Italian satellites and North Korean submarines carrying bamboo ballots helped Biden steal the election.
Did you write your congressman to see if he could intervene?Or you could try these folks. :auiqs.jpg:
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Yes, the deep state did order the expulsion of MTG. It was decided at the same meeting where they voted to turn that sexy M%M into a Berkenstock wearing lesbian, and make Mr Potatohead bisexual.
It matters not! Nobody in D.C. is going to stop the corruption: Right, Center, or Left. Everyone joins their favorite club so they can have that sense of belonging. Similar to an inner city gang. They all talk, talk, talk but accomplish nothing other than making America worse in every possible way. Few of them actually represent their constituents.

I believe that anyone who seeks a position of power is a narcissist regardless of what side of the aisle they're on. They like the paycheck. They like to be seen and heard. They love to showboat. When it's all said and done, we end up with more of the same. Taxes, inflation, crime, drugs, illegal invasion, chaos, and just a few more links in chains of control.
It matters not! Nobody in D.C. is going to stop the corruption: Right, Center, or Left. Everyone joins their favorite club so they can have that sense of belonging. Similar to an inner city gang. They all talk, talk, talk but accomplish nothing other than making America worse in every possible way. Few of them actually represent their constituents.

I believe that anyone who seeks a position of power is a narcissist regardless of what side of the aisle they're on. They like the paycheck. They like to be seen and heard. They love to showboat. When it's all said and done, we end up with more of the same. Taxes, inflation, crime, drugs, illegal invasion, chaos, and just a few more links in chains of control.
So you just worship these people for the lulz?
The ripples from this political assassination washed up on my doorstep today. In the pub many worried conservatives were talking about little else.
The consensus being - What is America coming to.?

Its almost as if they want the trannys and darkies to win.
It matters not! Nobody in D.C. is going to stop the corruption: Right, Center, or Left. Everyone joins their favorite club so they can have that sense of belonging.
As you've joined the "whiny independents" club. The whole point in being in the whiny independents club is so you can sit on your fat ass and complain, while doing absolutely nothing.

"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is no longer enough of a hardline right-wing lawmaker for the House Freedom Caucus. Freedom Caucus Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) tells Politico reporter Olivia Beavers that it's his "understanding" that Greene is no longer a member of the caucus after it took a secret vote on her expulsion last month. The expulsion of Greene from the Freedom Caucus marks quite the falling out for the Trump-loving Georgia Republican, who gained notoriety early in her career for pushing the bogus QAnon conspiracy theory, as well as pushing theories that the Rothschild family funded space lasers that were being used to deliberately set California forests ablaze. Greene has been feuding more with her fellow right-wing Republicans lately over her backing of McCarthy, Harris also "called it 'an appropriate action,' and cited her debt deal vote, support of McCarthy, and criticism of other HFC [Republicans.'"

Now was this something that the Deep State forced the Freedom Caucus to do in order to hurt MTG; who is probably now (outside of Trump) the most beloved and nationally admired Republican in recent history? Is the Deep State afraid Trump is going to select her as his running mate in 2024, a move that would surely solidify one of the largest landslide victories in election history?

Or are reactionary right-wingers just pre-disposed to eat their own over the dumbest shit? Are House Republicans so petty and childish that they would expel someone who is ideologically, just like them, over the fact she supports a guy, who is their OWN HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER? No wonder these folks can't govern or build any meaningful coalitions to get any real policies passed; but hey, at least they believe Italian satellites and North Korean submarines carrying bamboo ballots helped Biden steal the election.
No, it has nothing to do with the deeeeep state.
As you've joined the "whiny independents" club. The whole point in being in the whiny independents club is so you can sit on your fat ass and complain, while doing absolutely nothing.
Actually, I'm active and I give to good causes. But there are times I sit on my fit ass and complain.

"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is no longer enough of a hardline right-wing lawmaker for the House Freedom Caucus. Freedom Caucus Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) tells Politico reporter Olivia Beavers that it's his "understanding" that Greene is no longer a member of the caucus after it took a secret vote on her expulsion last month. The expulsion of Greene from the Freedom Caucus marks quite the falling out for the Trump-loving Georgia Republican, who gained notoriety early in her career for pushing the bogus QAnon conspiracy theory, as well as pushing theories that the Rothschild family funded space lasers that were being used to deliberately set California forests ablaze. Greene has been feuding more with her fellow right-wing Republicans lately over her backing of McCarthy, Harris also "called it 'an appropriate action,' and cited her debt deal vote, support of McCarthy, and criticism of other HFC [Republicans.'"

Now was this something that the Deep State forced the Freedom Caucus to do in order to hurt MTG; who is probably now (outside of Trump) the most beloved and nationally admired Republican in recent history? Is the Deep State afraid Trump is going to select her as his running mate in 2024, a move that would surely solidify one of the largest landslide victories in election history?

Or are reactionary right-wingers just pre-disposed to eat their own over the dumbest shit? Are House Republicans so petty and childish that they would expel someone who is ideologically, just like them, over the fact she supports a guy, who is their OWN HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER? No wonder these folks can't govern or build any meaningful coalitions to get any real policies passed; but hey, at least they believe Italian satellites and North Korean submarines carrying bamboo ballots helped Biden steal the election.
George Soros made Republicans kick her out!
Yes, the deep state did order the expulsion of MTG. It was decided at the same meeting where they voted to turn that sexy M%M into a Berkenstock wearing lesbian, and make Mr Potatohead bisexual.
Well..to be fair..his genitalia..some call them eyes..are pretty much plug and play~
"There a Deeper State beyond the Deep State, pulling the strings. And beyond that, there's an even Deeper State."

The most trenchant and penetrating insight offered on this venue in, well, like forever.
Poster 'mamooth' offers all poster and lurkers a real world reality.
It goes deeper, than anyone can ever imagine.
And if you can imagine that, well.....
....it goes even deeper still.
Our manipulators are being manipulated by other manipulators who are being.....well, you get the picture.
There is always someone behind some curtain somewhere.
Go ahead, ask Alice. 🖖

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