

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I was watching a Netflix documentary on how to be a despot.

In the documentary, they looked at techniques from previous despots and examined them.

One of the more interesting techniques was to divide the people. Essentially, government wants to sow discord and a lack of trust everywhere it can, that way people will wind up not even being able to trust members of their own family, and as a result, there is no real way to build a movement to oppose them.

Naturally, you will still have a core number of groupies that trusts the government 100% in every despotic regime despite opposing views in the media. like we see some posters here. I think this is done by controlling the core of the media that gets watched the most while allowing alternative viewpoints along the side to control the propaganda most people never see.

Ironically, as I watched them cover the Qaddafi regime the documentary seemed to be providing propaganda for the DNC. It mentioned why Qaddafi was overthrown. They said it was because he became too soft on his opposition. For you see, Qaddafi was bombed by Reagan and then saw what the West did to Saddam, so he gave up his weapons program to appease the West to save himself, and he lightened laws against his own people, presumably to appease the West as well. But at the end of the day, Obama and the UN hunted him down anyway, bombing every area they thought he might be at, which weakened him considerably and led to his overthrow. This the documentary left out completely. The funny part is, I remember the media saying the UN was just there to set up a no fly zone to protect the opposition to Qaddafi in Libya. They swore up and down it had nothing to do with regime change LOL.

But had it not been for Obama and the UN, he would never have been overthrown.

So why was Qaddafi targeted? After all, there are far worse despots out there, as the people in Libya had a higher standard of living than any in Africa.

Why was Qaddafi singled out like that?

I will admit, him giving up his WMD program made the option plausible as they would not done it had he had WMD's

The cherry on the top was the Nobel Peace Prize given to the warring Obama.
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One of the more interesting techniques was to divide the people. Essentially, government wants to sow discord and a lack of trust everywhere it can, that way people will wind up not even being able to trust members of their own family, and as a result, there is no real way to build a movement to oppose them.

You just described our Govt since 1992.
You just described our Govt since 19
You just described our Govt since 1992.
That is because despotism is here.

There is no real opposition to the radical nature of the US Federal government, as any and all opposition to it's policies are declared radical.

Take the debt, for example. Does the GOP offer any really opposition to it? No. The debt is the largest in human history, dwarfing all others. It's very existence is evidence of the radical Left wing nature of the US Federal government as it puts the label radical on all that oppose it.
and we are too busy fighting each other over beer cans and swimsuits to do a damn thing about it.
There is a darker side to despotism for the future.

Technology will make their jobs far easier.

As they destroy the dollar, plans are being made for digital currency. Imagine a government that can track every financial transaction you make, and then redistribute the money the way they see fit as you will be unable to cheat on taxes ever again. Then when you go to purchase something they don't approve of, transaction denied.

Just look at how Trudy took the digital currency of his citizens in Canada just because they protested against him. They were not even charged with breaking the law. All their bank accounts and credit cards were frozen.

But no, there is nothing you or I can do to stop it.
So, like the Republicans, as long as a Republican is president.
As I have said, the GOP is not really an opposition party. All the talk about the debt ceiling is an example. The GOP has made no real drastic counter offers to it. It's all still massive spending beyond comprehension.

At the same time, you need someone to blame for any and all problems that might arise so they are useful idiots.

For example, could you imagine having to blame your beloved DNC for anything?

Just unthinkable really.
For example, could you imagine having to blame your beloved DNC for anything?
You don't seem to understand. We don't worship our politicans. You do, so you can't imagine anyone else not thinking like you.

That's why you made a BS conspiracy post blaming the Democrats for everything, while pretending you were being independent. You tried, but it didn't fool anyone. Saying "The Republicans aren't conservative enough" is just shilling for the MAGA politicians that you worship.
You may be confusing despotism with the tyranny of the majority ... Republicans control the House ... government can't do anything without Republican approval ... too bad Republicans hide and cower just like Democrats ...
I was watching a Netflix documentary on how to be a despot.

In the documentary, they looked at techniques from previous despots and examined them.

One of the more interesting techniques was to divide the people. Essentially, government wants to sow discord and a lack of trust everywhere it can, that way people will wind up not even being able to trust members of their own family, and as a result, there is no real way to build a movement to oppose them.

Naturally, you will still have a core number of groupies that trusts the government 100% in every despotic regime despite opposing views in the media. like we see some posters here. I think this is done by controlling the core of the media that gets watched the most while allowing alternative viewpoints along the side to control the propaganda most people never see.

Ironically, as I watched them cover the Qaddafi regime the documentary seemed to be providing propaganda for the DNC. It mentioned why Qaddafi was overthrown. They said it was because he became too soft on his opposition. For you see, Qaddafi was bombed by Reagan and then saw what the West did to Saddam, so he gave up his weapons program to appease the West to save himself, and he lightened laws against his own people, presumably to appease the West as well. But at the end of the day, Obama and the UN hunted him down anyway, bombing every area they thought he might be at, which weakened him considerably and led to his overthrow. This the documentary left out completely. The funny part is, I remember the media saying the UN was just there to set up a no fly zone to protect the opposition to Qaddafi in Libya. They swore up and down it had nothing to do with regime change LOL.

But had it not been for Obama and the UN, he would never have been overthrown.

So why was Qaddafi targeted? After all, there are far worse despots out there, as the people in Libya had a higher standard of living than any in Africa.

Why was Qaddafi singled out like that?

I will admit, him giving up his WMD program made the option plausible as they would not done it had he had WMD's

The cherry on the top was the Nobel Peace Prize given to the warring Obama.
Quaddaffi was taken out because he wanted to implement an African currency backed by gold.
You don't seem to understand. We don't worship our politicans. You do, so you can't imagine anyone else not thinking like you.

That's why you made a BS conspiracy post blaming the Democrats for everything, while pretending you were being independent. You tried, but it didn't fool anyone. Saying "The Republicans aren't conservative enough" is just shilling for the MAGA politicians that you worship.
What politician am I worshiping here?

No one

In fact, how have I defended the most hated GOP?

I have not even done that

You, however, have sold your soul to the DNC.

Like the communists, like the CCP, it's all about "the party".

You are a cultist,
Quaddaffi was taken out because he wanted to implement an African currency backed by gold.
I did not know that. Makes more sense now. Good to know, thanks

Anyone else?
You may be confusing despotism with the tyranny of the majority ... Republicans control the House ... government can't do anything without Republican approval ... too bad Republicans hide and cower just like Democrats ...
The DNC and GOP have done a fine job creating the massive debt we see today

And they will work hand in hand to destroy to finish off the dollar and create a digital currency.

In fact, they will create such a financial crisis, you will be begging them to do just that.

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