Democrats 'Rigging Debates / Town Hall Meetings', Much Like 2016


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Two Biden town hall questioners linked to prominent Democrats, ABC News failed to disclose ties

Two Biden town hall questioners linked to prominent Democrats, ABC News failed to disclose ties

In 2016 the DNC gave Hillary Debate Questions In Advance....

In 2020, Democrats are rigging the Town Hall Meetings by 'rigging' questions, arranging to have questioners linked to prominent Democrats ask questions and hide their ties to these Democrats.

Two of the questioners at the ABC town hall featuring Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Thursday had ties to high-profile Democrats, including one questioner who was Nathan Osburn, a former speechwriter for the Obama White House.

Another questioner at the town hall was Mieke Haeck, who ABC presented as a physical therapist from State College, Pa. Haeck is also the wife of Ezra Nanes, a high-profile Democrat in Pennsylvania who in 2018 ran a campaign challenging Republican state Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman.

These 'plants' identities just escaped the Democrats' minds, or they simply felt this information should not be shared with the millions of Americans watching.

Same Dirty Shit, Same Dirty Tactics, Same Dirty Democrats, Different Election

Biden declared Americans did NOT have the right to know before the election if he planned to stack the court. When asked again during the Town Hall Meeting, Biden again declared THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DO NOT DESERVE TO KNOW BEFORE THE ELECTION IF THE MAN THEY ARE POSSIBLY VOTING FOR IN THE ELECTION WILL STACK THE COURT.

'You stupid sheep just vote for me, put me in the WH, and then find out what your just voted for.'

Years ago - when I was much younger and came back to the states for a while, my older brother and I went out looking for me a car. We pulled up into one particular dealership and we started walking over to a car that caught my eye. I noticed none of the cars had any of the sticker on them - there were no prices on any of them. I looked up and coming our way was some 'slick' looking salesman. Before he could get to us I called out to him, "How much is 'this' car?' The dumbass actually answered by saying, "The only way you will know that is if you come in and sign the paperwork 1st, THEN I will tell you how much the car is."

Yeah, I told him he was crazy as hell, we got back in our car and drove off.

Joe Biden is that same dumbass car salesman years later, still telling people he won't tell you how much voting for him will cost you until AFTER you vote for him.

He's still crazy as hell, and no way I will sign/vote for this clown. If you would sign the paperwork to buy a car without knowing how much its going to cost you 1st, Joe Biden is your man.

It's in Democrats DNA to cheat. They're all crooks and liars and I don't think they could change if they tried. Just look at how many old greedy Dems. are hanging onto power, just like Gollum. These are bad people. Vote Republican.
Sorry guy, Trump has cost you your righteous outrage card. Maybe next time you people can elect someone who does not think that rules are for suckers.
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

No wonder Crazy Uncle is afraid to debate head to head with Vice President Biden. It'l be interesting to see what strategy he employs to get out of the last debate. Hopefully Biden will find a way to force him to show up and help Biden's poll numbers.

Trump pulled out of the second debate, not Biden.

The commission cancelled the second debate, and substituted something to help Crazy Joe

In retrospect, the Trump campaign team probably would have accepted the offer that unless Trump proved he was not contagious both candidates would appear from remote locations.

Prove it how? I don’t think trump ever had Covid19.

Prove he didn't...or just be considered one of the snowflakes who always accuse Trump of things but never have any evidence.

It would be a hell of conspiracy to keep hushed up, involving a lot of people, if he didn't. I think he did. But I also question the validity of him being clear that quickly. Either way, seems to me, the President of the United States should care enough for the people he serves to not want to endanger them.

Well...he made all of his doctors sign NDAs. Why would one do that when doctors are already bound by HIPA? Maybe he doesn’t want them talking about anything else.

Who cared for him? His own personal doctors, not Walter Reed doctors.

No independent source has confirmed that Trump ever had Covid. I think he caught a cold or regular flu and they saw another gaslighting opportunity.
Hey Joe, here's another question for you...

Two Biden town hall questioners linked to prominent Democrats, ABC News failed to disclose ties

Two Biden town hall questioners linked to prominent Democrats, ABC News failed to disclose ties

In 2016 the DNC gave Hillary Debate Questions In Advance....

In 2020, Democrats are rigging the Town Hall Meetings by 'rigging' questions, arranging to have questioners linked to prominent Democrats ask questions and hide their ties to these Democrats.

Two of the questioners at the ABC town hall featuring Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Thursday had ties to high-profile Democrats, including one questioner who was Nathan Osburn, a former speechwriter for the Obama White House.

Another questioner at the town hall was Mieke Haeck, who ABC presented as a physical therapist from State College, Pa. Haeck is also the wife of Ezra Nanes, a high-profile Democrat in Pennsylvania who in 2018 ran a campaign challenging Republican state Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman.

These 'plants' identities just escaped the Democrats' minds, or they simply felt this information should not be shared with the millions of Americans watching.

Same Dirty Shit, Same Dirty Tactics, Same Dirty Democrats, Different Election

Biden declared Americans did NOT have the right to know before the election if he planned to stack the court. When asked again during the Town Hall Meeting, Biden again declared THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DO NOT DESERVE TO KNOW BEFORE THE ELECTION IF THE MAN THEY ARE POSSIBLY VOTING FOR IN THE ELECTION WILL STACK THE COURT.

'You stupid sheep just vote for me, put me in the WH, and then find out what your just voted for.'

Years ago - when I was much younger and came back to the states for a while, my older brother and I went out looking for me a car. We pulled up into one particular dealership and we started walking over to a car that caught my eye. I noticed none of the cars had any of the sticker on them - there were no prices on any of them. I looked up and coming our way was some 'slick' looking salesman. Before he could get to us I called out to him, "How much is 'this' car?' The dumbass actually answered by saying, "The only way you will know that is if you come in and sign the paperwork 1st, THEN I will tell you how much the car is."

Yeah, I told him he was crazy as hell, we got back in our car and drove off.

Joe Biden is that same dumbass car salesman years later, still telling people he won't tell you how much voting for him will cost you until AFTER you vote for him.

He's still crazy as hell, and no way I will sign/vote for this clown. If you would sign the paperwork to buy a car without knowing how much its going to cost you 1st, Joe Biden is your man.


Try to man up, Twinkle Toes.

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