Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s the Outrage?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s the Outrage?
24 Aug 2023 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law.
Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion. These are facts.
The hypocrisy is beyond belief: The party that assails Republicans for questioning the integrity of the highly irregular 2020 election spent years and vast government resources to undo the results of 2016.
The charges Trump now faces are part of the ongoing campaign by Democrats to subvert the rule of law to delegitimize what they see as the greatest threat to their power.
In the meantime, Democrats are blatantly using the criminal justice system to protect President Biden. It is now beyond dispute that Biden lied to the American people when he said he never discussed foreign business with his son Hunter and when he claimed during his final 2020 debate with Trump that Hunter’s laptop, which contained evidence of those corrupt dealings, was a “Russian plant.” Has a candidate ever peddled more consequential falsehoods?
The arrogance is jaw-dropping; the lawlessness is in plain sight. Democrats are not even trying to hide their malfeasance – which is part of their method. If they can make us accept their authority to twist the system so that it is no longer a means of justice but a tool of their political power, then their possibilities are unlimited.
Here’s the conundrum. While no one wants conservatives to start engaging in direct action, their passivity is allowing Democrats to weaponize the government. On the one hand, I admire their faith in our system. Even Trump, for all his barking, has largely submitted to his gross mistreatment.
But our system is shattered. The rule of law is now more concept than fact. Where’s the outrage?

There is a rage is seething within the American people. They've been patiently waiting for the next election to remove Biden from the White House and put President Trump in. If that doesn’t happen and Biden gets in again or Harris is elected, there will be hell to pay. We will no longer be the silent voice, we will rain hell on the government and then watch out. We've been silent long enough and as Biden has said, “Our patience is wearing thin.”
The intent of Obama’s radical "Fundamental Transformation of America” as executed by Biden is to reduce the power of the middle class by doing everything possible to reduce their wealth relative to the elites and the welfare mob. Hence overspending/inflation, migrants, abetting crime focused against them, climate crises with more carbon taxes, expensive food, fuel, housing, transportation and wars, degraded public schools and worship of inherited-wealth types of little or no real skill or accomplishment.
Present day Democrats are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Conservatives and Republicans shouldn't be shy about saying so in so many words.
Then there's the FBI "suggesting" censorship to private social media companies, paying them millions to do it, is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Every conservative needs to denounce this activity, the Democrats who support it, and especially the media loudly.
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Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s the Outrage?
24 Aug 2023 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law.
Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion. These are facts.
The hypocrisy is beyond belief: The party that assails Republicans for questioning the integrity of the highly irregular 2020 election spent years and vast government resources to undo the results of 2016.
The charges Trump now faces are part of the ongoing campaign by Democrats to subvert the rule of law to delegitimize what they see as the greatest threat to their power.
In the meantime, Democrats are blatantly using the criminal justice system to protect President Biden. It is now beyond dispute that Biden lied to the American people when he said he never discussed foreign business with his son Hunter and when he claimed during his final 2020 debate with Trump that Hunter’s laptop, which contained evidence of those corrupt dealings, was a “Russian plant.” Has a candidate ever peddled more consequential falsehoods?
The arrogance is jaw-dropping; the lawlessness is in plain sight. Democrats are not even trying to hide their malfeasance – which is part of their method. If they can make us accept their authority to twist the system so that it is no longer a means of justice but a tool of their political power, then their possibilities are unlimited.
Here’s the conundrum. While no one wants conservatives to start engaging in direct action, their passivity is allowing Democrats to weaponize the government. On the one hand, I admire their faith in our system. Even Trump, for all his barking, has largely submitted to his gross mistreatment.
But our system is shattered. The rule of law is now more concept than fact. Where’s the outrage?

There is a rage is seething within the American people. They've been patiently waiting for the next election to remove Biden from the White House and put President Trump in. If that doesn’t happen and Biden gets in again or Harris is elected, there will be hell to pay. We will no longer be the silent voice, we will rain hell on the government and then watch out. We've been silent long enough and as Biden has said, “Our patience is wearing thin.”
The intent of Obama’s radical "Fundamental Transformation of America” as executed by Biden is to reduce the power of the middle class by doing everything possible to reduce their wealth relative to the elites and the welfare mob. Hence overspending/inflation, migrants, abetting crime focused against them, climate crises with more carbon taxes, expensive food, fuel, housing, transportation and wars, degraded public schools and worship of inherited-wealth types of little or no real skill or accomplishment.
Present day Democrats are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Conservatives and Republicans shouldn't be shy about saying so in so many words.
Then there's the FBI "suggesting" censorship to private social media companies, paying them millions to do it, is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Every conservative needs to denounce this activity, the Democrats who support it, and especially the media loudly.
with help from the Bush/Cheney/McConnell wing of the GOP.
Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s the Outrage?
24 Aug 2023 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law.
Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion. These are facts.
The hypocrisy is beyond belief: The party that assails Republicans for questioning the integrity of the highly irregular 2020 election spent years and vast government resources to undo the results of 2016.
The charges Trump now faces are part of the ongoing campaign by Democrats to subvert the rule of law to delegitimize what they see as the greatest threat to their power.
In the meantime, Democrats are blatantly using the criminal justice system to protect President Biden. It is now beyond dispute that Biden lied to the American people when he said he never discussed foreign business with his son Hunter and when he claimed during his final 2020 debate with Trump that Hunter’s laptop, which contained evidence of those corrupt dealings, was a “Russian plant.” Has a candidate ever peddled more consequential falsehoods?
The arrogance is jaw-dropping; the lawlessness is in plain sight. Democrats are not even trying to hide their malfeasance – which is part of their method. If they can make us accept their authority to twist the system so that it is no longer a means of justice but a tool of their political power, then their possibilities are unlimited.
Here’s the conundrum. While no one wants conservatives to start engaging in direct action, their passivity is allowing Democrats to weaponize the government. On the one hand, I admire their faith in our system. Even Trump, for all his barking, has largely submitted to his gross mistreatment.
But our system is shattered. The rule of law is now more concept than fact. Where’s the outrage?

There is a rage is seething within the American people. They've been patiently waiting for the next election to remove Biden from the White House and put President Trump in. If that doesn’t happen and Biden gets in again or Harris is elected, there will be hell to pay. We will no longer be the silent voice, we will rain hell on the government and then watch out. We've been silent long enough and as Biden has said, “Our patience is wearing thin.”
The intent of Obama’s radical "Fundamental Transformation of America” as executed by Biden is to reduce the power of the middle class by doing everything possible to reduce their wealth relative to the elites and the welfare mob. Hence overspending/inflation, migrants, abetting crime focused against them, climate crises with more carbon taxes, expensive food, fuel, housing, transportation and wars, degraded public schools and worship of inherited-wealth types of little or no real skill or accomplishment.
Present day Democrats are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Conservatives and Republicans shouldn't be shy about saying so in so many words.
Then there's the FBI "suggesting" censorship to private social media companies, paying them millions to do it, is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Every conservative needs to denounce this activity, the Democrats who support it, and especially the media loudly.
the right doesnt condone political violence no matter if they lose the election .. what is a reality is dems [especially college age dems] may get very violent if a republican wins the WH in 2024 .
Democrats (I think there is way more to this) are brilliant at creating and exploiting a class of clueless idiots that no intellectual critical ability whatsoever. The sheer level of Machiavellian scheming and decades of work to that went into that has to be noted. Men can have babies! Pronouns! HAMAS is right to commit genocide! What the hell are we supposed to do to react to this lunacy?
Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s the Outrage?
24 Aug 2023 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law.
Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion. These are facts.
The hypocrisy is beyond belief: The party that assails Republicans for questioning the integrity of the highly irregular 2020 election spent years and vast government resources to undo the results of 2016.
The charges Trump now faces are part of the ongoing campaign by Democrats to subvert the rule of law to delegitimize what they see as the greatest threat to their power.
In the meantime, Democrats are blatantly using the criminal justice system to protect President Biden. It is now beyond dispute that Biden lied to the American people when he said he never discussed foreign business with his son Hunter and when he claimed during his final 2020 debate with Trump that Hunter’s laptop, which contained evidence of those corrupt dealings, was a “Russian plant.” Has a candidate ever peddled more consequential falsehoods?
The arrogance is jaw-dropping; the lawlessness is in plain sight. Democrats are not even trying to hide their malfeasance – which is part of their method. If they can make us accept their authority to twist the system so that it is no longer a means of justice but a tool of their political power, then their possibilities are unlimited.
Here’s the conundrum. While no one wants conservatives to start engaging in direct action, their passivity is allowing Democrats to weaponize the government. On the one hand, I admire their faith in our system. Even Trump, for all his barking, has largely submitted to his gross mistreatment.
But our system is shattered. The rule of law is now more concept than fact. Where’s the outrage?

There is a rage is seething within the American people. They've been patiently waiting for the next election to remove Biden from the White House and put President Trump in. If that doesn’t happen and Biden gets in again or Harris is elected, there will be hell to pay. We will no longer be the silent voice, we will rain hell on the government and then watch out. We've been silent long enough and as Biden has said, “Our patience is wearing thin.”
The intent of Obama’s radical "Fundamental Transformation of America” as executed by Biden is to reduce the power of the middle class by doing everything possible to reduce their wealth relative to the elites and the welfare mob. Hence overspending/inflation, migrants, abetting crime focused against them, climate crises with more carbon taxes, expensive food, fuel, housing, transportation and wars, degraded public schools and worship of inherited-wealth types of little or no real skill or accomplishment.
Present day Democrats are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Conservatives and Republicans shouldn't be shy about saying so in so many words.
Then there's the FBI "suggesting" censorship to private social media companies, paying them millions to do it, is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Every conservative needs to denounce this activity, the Democrats who support it, and especially the media loudly.
The biggest problem with politics today is SIMPLE MINDED IDIOTS LIKE DOC7505.

Idiots on either side of the political spectrum think all the problems are a result of those on the other side of the political system.

SIMPLE MINDED IDIOTS. The extremists on both the right and the left are the best example.

There are many factors that need to be changed to make our country better. It will take us all. Republicans. Democrats and Independents.

The MAGA Republicans will not even work with other Republicans. MAGA idiots think the problem with the US is everybody but them.

I would say one of the biggest problems is the MAGA idiots but not the only problem.
Democrats (I think there is way more to this) are brilliant at creating and exploiting a class of clueless idiots that no intellectual critical ability whatsoever. The sheer level of Machiavellian scheming and decades of work to that went into that has to be noted. Men can have babies! Pronouns! HAMAS is right to commit genocide! What the hell are we supposed to do to react to this lunacy?
I think deep down you know the answer to that question. When there is no other form of recourse and all legal avenues

have been exhausted; They have to be stopped, regardless. When the rule of law is gone, there's nothing left to lose.

And they are steadily corrupting and perverting the law.
I think deep down you know the answer to that question. When there is no other form of recourse and all legal avenues

have been exhausted; They have to be stopped, regardless.
I agree. How do we counter them? Democrats lied and conned themselves into power, and we have good people that have been deceived by the media and these monsters that call themselves "democrats." Some of them are family members/siblings. And they are totally so immersed into democrat culture of lies ...
Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s the Outrage?
24 Aug 2023 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law.
Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion. These are facts.
The hypocrisy is beyond belief: The party that assails Republicans for questioning the integrity of the highly irregular 2020 election spent years and vast government resources to undo the results of 2016.
The charges Trump now faces are part of the ongoing campaign by Democrats to subvert the rule of law to delegitimize what they see as the greatest threat to their power.
In the meantime, Democrats are blatantly using the criminal justice system to protect President Biden. It is now beyond dispute that Biden lied to the American people when he said he never discussed foreign business with his son Hunter and when he claimed during his final 2020 debate with Trump that Hunter’s laptop, which contained evidence of those corrupt dealings, was a “Russian plant.” Has a candidate ever peddled more consequential falsehoods?
The arrogance is jaw-dropping; the lawlessness is in plain sight. Democrats are not even trying to hide their malfeasance – which is part of their method. If they can make us accept their authority to twist the system so that it is no longer a means of justice but a tool of their political power, then their possibilities are unlimited.
Here’s the conundrum. While no one wants conservatives to start engaging in direct action, their passivity is allowing Democrats to weaponize the government. On the one hand, I admire their faith in our system. Even Trump, for all his barking, has largely submitted to his gross mistreatment.
But our system is shattered. The rule of law is now more concept than fact. Where’s the outrage?

There is a rage is seething within the American people. They've been patiently waiting for the next election to remove Biden from the White House and put President Trump in. If that doesn’t happen and Biden gets in again or Harris is elected, there will be hell to pay. We will no longer be the silent voice, we will rain hell on the government and then watch out. We've been silent long enough and as Biden has said, “Our patience is wearing thin.”
The intent of Obama’s radical "Fundamental Transformation of America” as executed by Biden is to reduce the power of the middle class by doing everything possible to reduce their wealth relative to the elites and the welfare mob. Hence overspending/inflation, migrants, abetting crime focused against them, climate crises with more carbon taxes, expensive food, fuel, housing, transportation and wars, degraded public schools and worship of inherited-wealth types of little or no real skill or accomplishment.
Present day Democrats are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Conservatives and Republicans shouldn't be shy about saying so in so many words.
Then there's the FBI "suggesting" censorship to private social media companies, paying them millions to do it, is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Every conservative needs to denounce this activity, the Democrats who support it, and especially the media loudly.
So you think it's time for MAGAs to ignore the law? The crazie's new term, lawfare, implies that adhering to our laws is somehow wrong or unfair. Quit whining. If the crook hadn't broken so many laws, he wouldn't have so many court cases.
So you think it's time for MAGAs to ignore the law? The crazie's new term, lawfare, implies that adhering to our laws is somehow wrong or unfair. Quit whining. If the crook hadn't broken so many laws, he wouldn't have so many court cases.
So you think it's time for MAGAs to ignore the law? The crazie's new term, lawfare, implies that adhering to our laws is somehow wrong or unfair. Quit whining. If the crook hadn't broken so many laws, he wouldn't have so many court cases.
What the hell is even this?
MAGA is a word for 'loser,' refusing to acknowledge that it lost.
Pedantic yet idiotic, Biden is a word for" Fucking demented old plagiarizing lying washed up old **** that never was wanna be that is destroying us in the concurrent era we live in because you asshole Democrats (whatever that IS) are such childish creeps you would cut your own noses off to spite your moronic faces". Like that.
Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s the Outrage?
24 Aug 2023 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law.
Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion. These are facts.
The hypocrisy is beyond belief: The party that assails Republicans for questioning the integrity of the highly irregular 2020 election spent years and vast government resources to undo the results of 2016.
The charges Trump now faces are part of the ongoing campaign by Democrats to subvert the rule of law to delegitimize what they see as the greatest threat to their power.
In the meantime, Democrats are blatantly using the criminal justice system to protect President Biden. It is now beyond dispute that Biden lied to the American people when he said he never discussed foreign business with his son Hunter and when he claimed during his final 2020 debate with Trump that Hunter’s laptop, which contained evidence of those corrupt dealings, was a “Russian plant.” Has a candidate ever peddled more consequential falsehoods?
The arrogance is jaw-dropping; the lawlessness is in plain sight. Democrats are not even trying to hide their malfeasance – which is part of their method. If they can make us accept their authority to twist the system so that it is no longer a means of justice but a tool of their political power, then their possibilities are unlimited.
Here’s the conundrum. While no one wants conservatives to start engaging in direct action, their passivity is allowing Democrats to weaponize the government. On the one hand, I admire their faith in our system. Even Trump, for all his barking, has largely submitted to his gross mistreatment.
But our system is shattered. The rule of law is now more concept than fact. Where’s the outrage?

There is a rage is seething within the American people. They've been patiently waiting for the next election to remove Biden from the White House and put President Trump in. If that doesn’t happen and Biden gets in again or Harris is elected, there will be hell to pay. We will no longer be the silent voice, we will rain hell on the government and then watch out. We've been silent long enough and as Biden has said, “Our patience is wearing thin.”
The intent of Obama’s radical "Fundamental Transformation of America” as executed by Biden is to reduce the power of the middle class by doing everything possible to reduce their wealth relative to the elites and the welfare mob. Hence overspending/inflation, migrants, abetting crime focused against them, climate crises with more carbon taxes, expensive food, fuel, housing, transportation and wars, degraded public schools and worship of inherited-wealth types of little or no real skill or accomplishment.
Present day Democrats are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Conservatives and Republicans shouldn't be shy about saying so in so many words.
Then there's the FBI "suggesting" censorship to private social media companies, paying them millions to do it, is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Every conservative needs to denounce this activity, the Democrats who support it, and especially the media loudly.

Rule one: Always blame someone else.
So you think it's time for MAGAs to ignore the law? The crazie's new term, lawfare, implies that adhering to our laws is somehow wrong or unfair. Quit whining. If the crook hadn't broken so many laws, he wouldn't have so many court cases.
If the law and current administration wasn't so corrupt, there would be no court cases.
Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s the Outrage?
24 Aug 2023 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law.
Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion. These are facts.
The hypocrisy is beyond belief: The party that assails Republicans for questioning the integrity of the highly irregular 2020 election spent years and vast government resources to undo the results of 2016.
The charges Trump now faces are part of the ongoing campaign by Democrats to subvert the rule of law to delegitimize what they see as the greatest threat to their power.
In the meantime, Democrats are blatantly using the criminal justice system to protect President Biden. It is now beyond dispute that Biden lied to the American people when he said he never discussed foreign business with his son Hunter and when he claimed during his final 2020 debate with Trump that Hunter’s laptop, which contained evidence of those corrupt dealings, was a “Russian plant.” Has a candidate ever peddled more consequential falsehoods?
The arrogance is jaw-dropping; the lawlessness is in plain sight. Democrats are not even trying to hide their malfeasance – which is part of their method. If they can make us accept their authority to twist the system so that it is no longer a means of justice but a tool of their political power, then their possibilities are unlimited.
Here’s the conundrum. While no one wants conservatives to start engaging in direct action, their passivity is allowing Democrats to weaponize the government. On the one hand, I admire their faith in our system. Even Trump, for all his barking, has largely submitted to his gross mistreatment.
But our system is shattered. The rule of law is now more concept than fact. Where’s the outrage?

There is a rage is seething within the American people. They've been patiently waiting for the next election to remove Biden from the White House and put President Trump in. If that doesn’t happen and Biden gets in again or Harris is elected, there will be hell to pay. We will no longer be the silent voice, we will rain hell on the government and then watch out. We've been silent long enough and as Biden has said, “Our patience is wearing thin.”
The intent of Obama’s radical "Fundamental Transformation of America” as executed by Biden is to reduce the power of the middle class by doing everything possible to reduce their wealth relative to the elites and the welfare mob. Hence overspending/inflation, migrants, abetting crime focused against them, climate crises with more carbon taxes, expensive food, fuel, housing, transportation and wars, degraded public schools and worship of inherited-wealth types of little or no real skill or accomplishment.
Present day Democrats are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Conservatives and Republicans shouldn't be shy about saying so in so many words.
Then there's the FBI "suggesting" censorship to private social media companies, paying them millions to do it, is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Every conservative needs to denounce this activity, the Democrats who support it, and especially the media loudly.
If America is broken, MAGA broke it.

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