Democrats Continue To Prove Illegitimacy Of Their 'Coup 2.0' Impeachment Attempt


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. The House never held a formal vote on Impeachment.

2. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Declared the House of Representatives Were Moving Forward With Impeachment BEFORE Seeing the Whistle Blower Complaint or Transcript...WHY?!

"Speaker Pelosi announced the decision to move forward with Impeachment BEFORE the Whistle Blower transcript came out, helping to expose the fact that they already knew what was in it because D-Schiff had already been talking to the Whistle Blower, despite lying to everyone by saying he had not."

3. Whistle Blower Process Altered, Allowing The Complaint Based on 2nd-Hand / No-Personal knowledge of the Incident To Be Expedited To Congress Where it was weaponized / Leaked

The Whistle Blower has been identified as a politically partisan, anti-Trump, 2020 Democratic Party Presidential candidate-supporting CIA Agent - who just happened to be specifically trained in European / Ukraine Geo-Political operations and was temporarily assigned to the WH - whose complaint is completely based on 2nd-hand account (hearsay, which would never be allowed in a court of law) information and other politically partisan sources.

The ICIG altered the Whistle Blower requirements, allowing 2nd-hand information to be expedited to Congress.

“prior to the “whistleblower complaint” the Intelligence Community Inspector General did not accept whistle-blower claims without first hand knowledge. However, the ICIG revised the protocol to allow this specific complaint to be registered by the CIA whistle-blower.”

"Prior to the current “whistleblower complaint” the Intelligence Community Inspector General did not accept whistle-blower claims without first hand knowledge. However, the ICIG revised the protocol in August 2019 allowing for the EXACT type of complaint now registered from the CIA whistleblower.

The IGIC revision was made at the same time HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff was tweeting in August about President Trump, Rudy Giuliani and holding back funding pending assistance with political opponents."


The House never held a formal vote on Impeachment.

Specifically where does the Constitution require this formal vote? I can't seem to find it.
Article 1 Section 2 ; "The House of Representatives....... SHALL have the sole power of impeachment. "

In order for the House to formally do impeachment inquiries they must vote on a resolution to do so. It does not say the speaker shall..
4. The ICIG failed its responsibility, which was to investigate the validity / credibility of the complaint:

** A 2nd-hand information complaint from a politically-based, Democrat-supporting, anti-Trump Deep State Intel Community 'Whistle Blower' is FAR from 'credible' information. - It is being reported that there are others who do have 1st-hand account knowledge of the issue / events, but none of them came forward / none of them filed complaints.


"Now it surfaces that the ICIG Michael Atkinson – responsible for investigating the credibility of the Whistle Blower Complaint - didn’t even review the Trump-Zelenskyy phone call transcript before forwarding the complaint to congress"

- It has been reported the ICIG did not attempt to contact the Ukraine Ambassador or his staff to investigate / verify the accusation. The 1st time he heard of the accusation was from a DEMOCRATIC PART / LIBERAL MEDIA LEAK. Upon hearing the accusation, the Ukraine Prime Minister completely destroyed the accusation by stating IT NEVER HAPPENED.

- The ICIG never conferred with the criminal division of the DOJ about the phone call or its contents during his investigation...which proved to be either a very bad mistake or by design. The relevant criminal divisions within the DOJ UNANIMOUSLY agreed there was not only no crime committed but that there was no legitimate evidence suggesting a crime was committed (just like in the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' coup attempt).

- The ICIG completely ignored the existence of the Mutual Law Enforcement and Investigative Assistance And Cooperation treaties between the United States between European countries / Ukraine, treaties that establish cooperation between nations to investigate criminal activity and terrorism. These treaties require the leader of one nation to contact another and request assistance. At no time has - or will - the ICIG, Democrats, or the Liberal media mention / report anything on these treaties or the fact that the President was executing this treaty by asking Ukraine's PM for assistance in investigating a possible crime (confessed on video-tape by the former VP).
1. The House never held a formal vote on Impeachment.

2. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Declared the House of Representatives Were Moving Forward With Impeachment BEFORE Seeing the Whistle Blower Complaint or Transcript...WHY?!

"Speaker Pelosi announced the decision to move forward with Impeachment BEFORE the Whistle Blower transcript came out, helping to expose the fact that they already knew what was in it because D-Schiff had already been talking to the Whistle Blower, despite lying to everyone by saying he had not."

3. Whistle Blower Process Altered, Allowing The Complaint Based on 2nd-Hand / No-Personal knowledge of the Incident To Be Expedited To Congress Where it was weaponized / Leaked

The Whistle Blower has been identified as a politically partisan, anti-Trump, 2020 Democratic Party Presidential candidate-supporting CIA Agent - who just happened to be specifically trained in European / Ukraine Geo-Political operations and was temporarily assigned to the WH - whose complaint is completely based on 2nd-hand account (hearsay, which would never be allowed in a court of law) information and other politically partisan sources.

The ICIG altered the Whistle Blower requirements, allowing 2nd-hand information to be expedited to Congress.

“prior to the “whistleblower complaint” the Intelligence Community Inspector General did not accept whistle-blower claims without first hand knowledge. However, the ICIG revised the protocol to allow this specific complaint to be registered by the CIA whistle-blower.”

"Prior to the current “whistleblower complaint” the Intelligence Community Inspector General did not accept whistle-blower claims without first hand knowledge. However, the ICIG revised the protocol in August 2019 allowing for the EXACT type of complaint now registered from the CIA whistleblower.

The IGIC revision was made at the same time HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff was tweeting in August about President Trump, Rudy Giuliani and holding back funding pending assistance with political opponents."



Schiff and his staff had the document for six weeks prior to its submission. During this time they changed the whistle blower rules to give him cover... Its getting very ugly for Schiff and other dems on the Intel Committee.
5. Democrat Lack Of Transparency / Refusing To Allow The GOP to attend Hearings or Have Equal time and opportunity to question persons testifying before the House Intel Committee

U.S. envoy for Ukraine Kurt Volker is scheduled to be the first key witness to testify.

"The lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee wrote Wednesday evening: “I was alarmed to learn – less than 24 hours before the first interview is scheduled to start – that it will be led by the Intelligence Committee and that questioning will be done solely by their staff.”

“We were told that only a single Republican professional staffer from the Foreign Affairs Committee will be allowed to attend while the majority will have two,” Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the committee’s ranking member, continued. “These constraints on committee and Republican participation are unacceptable and at odds with House Rules and general fairness. We demand equal representation and participation in this inquiry, there is too much at stake for America and Congress.”

Democrats are attempting to ram this 'Collusion Delusion Impeachment 2.0' through, and they are attempting to make sure the Republicans have no opportunity to de-rail their plan by getting the opportunity to ask questions / poke holes in the false narrative.
5. Democrat Lack Of Transparency / Refusing To Allow The GOP to attend Hearings or Have Equal time and opportunity to question persons testifying before the House Intel Committee

U.S. envoy for Ukraine Kurt Volker is scheduled to be the first key witness to testify.

"The lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee wrote Wednesday evening: “I was alarmed to learn – less than 24 hours before the first interview is scheduled to start – that it will be led by the Intelligence Committee and that questioning will be done solely by their staff.”

“We were told that only a single Republican professional staffer from the Foreign Affairs Committee will be allowed to attend while the majority will have two,” Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the committee’s ranking member, continued. “These constraints on committee and Republican participation are unacceptable and at odds with House Rules and general fairness. We demand equal representation and participation in this inquiry, there is too much at stake for America and Congress.”

Democrats are attempting to ram this 'Collusion Delusion Impeachment 2.0' through, and they are attempting to make sure the Republicans have no opportunity to de-rail their plan by getting the opportunity to ask questions / poke holes in the false narrative.
Did you think Schiff was going to allow Republicans to derail his lie? This tactic exposed the democrat lie for what it is, a wholly contrived pile of shit..(schiff)
The House never held a formal vote on Impeachment.

Specifically where does the Constitution require this formal vote? I can't seem to find it.
Benjamin Franklin wrote it. 1787.
Using articles of impeachment the House must pass a resolution for impeachment. In order to pass the resolution you need a vote. 3 times some schmuck introduced articles of impeachment with no valid reason. 3 times the resolution has failed to impeach.
6. Lying, Leaking D-Schiff demonstrated in a recent House Intel Committee hearing for the Impeachment of a sitting President that if Democrats don't have evidence, they just make shit up...

....which boomeranged quickly as Schiff was criticized and rebuked for his despicable mockery of the Impeachment process and fictional theatrics. Minority Leader McCarthy, among others, quickly signed on to a measure calling for Schiff's Censure and removal from the committee, as well.

Recently, during an Intel Committee hearing in which the Democrats were investigating the President to Impeach him for ‘Collusion Delusion 2.0’, having ZERO actual evidence to support his fake news / false accusation against the President, D-Schiff presented the only thing he could – a ‘skit’ consisting of his reading aloud a fictional exchange between President Trump and the Ukraine PM that Schiff wrote himself. This drew swift criticism and rebuke from lawmakers who declared a Congressional hearing to Impeach the President of the United States is neither the time nor place to engage in disrespectful, dishonorable partisan fictional ‘parodies’ in an attack on the President.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced that as a result of this despicable display he has signed onto a measure calling for Schiff to be Censured for his actions.
-- “Chairman Adam Schiff has been lying to the American people for years. Now he is so desperate to damage the president he literally made up a false version of a phone call.”

The measure calling for Schiff to be Censured states Congressman Schiff misled the American people” and made “a mockery of the impeachment process” with “egregiously false and fabricated retelling.”

R-Biggs said members of the intelligence committee have lost faith in the chairman’s ability to lead the panel after his disgraceful political fictional theatrics and have called for him to be removed entirely from the House Intel Committee .

Having no actual evidence of any crime committed by the President in their ‘Collusion Delusion 2.0’, Schiff turned the House Intel Committee Hearing on the potential Impeachment of the President of the United States into a ‘comedy club’ / SNL Skit.

Elise Stefanik, R-NY., later mocked the situation when it was her turn to grill Maguire:
-- “I’m not going to improvise for parody purposes like the chairman of this committee did,” Stefanik said when reading the complaint. “I’m going to quote it directly.”

** Stefanik also took to Twitter, calling the situation "disturbing and outrageous."


"Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who for two years falsely claimed he had evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia, is being taken to the woodshed for his parody of the transcript of President Trump's call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

"Adam Schiff is now doing a fictional retelling of the transcript. This is bizarre," Matt Walsh wrote on Twitter as the House Intelligence Committee grilled acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire on Thursday."

-- Schiff blasted for 'bizarre fiction' to Congress - WND

Specifically where does the Constitution require this formal vote? I can't seem to find it.
Article 1 Section 2: "The House of Representatives....... SHALL have the sole power of impeachment. " In order for the House to formally do impeachment inquiries they must vote on a resolution to do so. It does not say the speaker shall..

Buh-BAM! Brining 'sight' to the 'Blind'!

:clap: :p
1. The House never held a formal vote on Impeachment.

2. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Declared the House of Representatives Were Moving Forward With Impeachment BEFORE Seeing the Whistle Blower Complaint or Transcript...WHY?!

"Speaker Pelosi announced the decision to move forward with Impeachment BEFORE the Whistle Blower transcript came out, helping to expose the fact that they already knew what was in it because D-Schiff had already been talking to the Whistle Blower, despite lying to everyone by saying he had not."

3. Whistle Blower Process Altered, Allowing The Complaint Based on 2nd-Hand / No-Personal knowledge of the Incident To Be Expedited To Congress Where it was weaponized / Leaked

The Whistle Blower has been identified as a politically partisan, anti-Trump, 2020 Democratic Party Presidential candidate-supporting CIA Agent - who just happened to be specifically trained in European / Ukraine Geo-Political operations and was temporarily assigned to the WH - whose complaint is completely based on 2nd-hand account (hearsay, which would never be allowed in a court of law) information and other politically partisan sources.

The ICIG altered the Whistle Blower requirements, allowing 2nd-hand information to be expedited to Congress.

“prior to the “whistleblower complaint” the Intelligence Community Inspector General did not accept whistle-blower claims without first hand knowledge. However, the ICIG revised the protocol to allow this specific complaint to be registered by the CIA whistle-blower.”

"Prior to the current “whistleblower complaint” the Intelligence Community Inspector General did not accept whistle-blower claims without first hand knowledge. However, the ICIG revised the protocol in August 2019 allowing for the EXACT type of complaint now registered from the CIA whistleblower.

The IGIC revision was made at the same time HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff was tweeting in August about President Trump, Rudy Giuliani and holding back funding pending assistance with political opponents."


:desk: cause she and Schiff wrote it. that's how. I wasn't born yesterday, the day before maybe, but not yesterday.

BTW, the complaint doesn't match the transcript. So now they will subpoena everyone and if they fail to comply call it obstruction. just another lingering nothing burger trying to reverse an election. MY VOTE and for that she can get FKED!!!!!
In order for the House to formally do impeachment inquiries they must vote on a resolution to do so.

Still didn't find that rule in that part of the Constitution about a formal vote being necessary to hold impeachment hearings.
Buh-BAM! Brining 'sight' to the 'Blind'!

Here's what that section says about Impeachment:

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

Being willfully blind is a crime to oneself.
There is no requirement for a vote because there is no requirement for a real impeachment inquiry.

Well fuckmerunning, Maga gets it. Maybe we'll see if an impeachment inquiry grants them any real special power to pry documents from Trumpybear's unwilling hands.
The House never held a formal vote on Impeachment.

Specifically where does the Constitution require this formal vote? I can't seem to find it.

The Constitution confers impeachment power on the "House of Representatives," not the "Speaker." Do you need a Braille edition?

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

It's like arguing that the Grim Reaper didn't have the constitutional right to ignore Merrick Garland's nomination.
This impeachment business has four core components:

1. When Democrats do wrong they project on Trump. The same shit happened with Russia, because it was the Democrats who proved corrupt. Somehow they're unaccountable, however Trump is having his team/admin. investigate. Good for Trump and we appreciate his diligence.

2. The Democrats will impeach for any and all reasons, and they make-up the reasons.

3. Like all progressives they lead by emotion & falsehood, and don't know WTF they're doing. So of course they didn't follow the rules.

4. The deep state and Democrat party is fully corrupt & power starved, and they demonstrate so daily.

House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy On The Attack - Calls for Speaker Pelosi to suspend Trump
impeachment inquiry, accuses her of 'recklessness', and calls for her to remove D-Schiff from the House Intel
Committee due to despicable lies and fictional 'parodies' presented during an extremely serious Committee meeting
regarding the Impeachment of a US President.

"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., sent a letter on Thursday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., calling on her to suspend the impeachment inquiry into President Trump until “equitable rules and procedures” are set up.

Coming amid concerns by GOP lawmakers that they will be sidelined or shut out of the impeachment inquiry into Trump, McCarthy criticized Pelosi for the “swiftness and recklessness” which House committee chairs have proceeded with the impeachment inquiry and pleaded with the House Speaker to ensure Republican participation in the proceedings.

“Unfortunately, you have given no clear indication as to how your impeachment inquiry will proceed – including whether key historical precedents or basic standards of due process will be observed,” McCarthy said in his letter. “In addition, the swiftness and recklessness with which you have proceeded has already resulted in committee chairs attempting to limit minority participation in scheduled interviews, calling into question the integrity of such an inquiry.”


"Leading Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul, said in a letter to Chairman Eliot L. Engel, D-N.Y., that despite statements made by Pelosi and other Democrats, “there is not a 'House of Representatives' impeachment inquiry” because the entire House has not voted on the matter."

Citing House Rules X and XI, McCaul said that until Congress members from both parties vote to create a special impeachment task force to carry out proceedings, “Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff lacks the jurisdiction to investigate the Department of State’s conduct of United States foreign policy toward Ukraine. That prerogative belongs to our Members.”

Official impeachment inquiries are initiated by the adoption of a House resolution empowering or creating a committee or task force to undertake such activities,” McCaul continued. “In both the Nixon and Clinton cases, the Judiciary Committee debated and reported a resolution authorizing the Judiciary Committee to investigate whether there were sufficient grounds to impeach the President, which was then debated and voted on by the full House of Representatives. There have been no such debates or votes in this Congress.”

.McCarthy calls on Pelosi to suspend Trump impeachment inquiry, accuses her of 'recklessness'


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