Democrats Are Losing US Jews in Droves


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.

I am sure that most jews would have no problem joining with conservatives who hate jews.
On Fox & Friends this morning, Peter Hegesth made an interesting comment. He said instead of Omar criticizing Israel, maybe what she ought to be criticizing is, the high number of Muslim Somali immigrants in her home district in Minnesota, where more people have left the US to go fight with ISIS, than any district in America.
I am sure that most jews would have no problem joining with conservatives who hate jews.
I'm a conservative. I don't hate Jews. I know lots of conservatives. None of then hate jews. CNN and MSNBC put a lot of stuff out there. A lot of it is BS. A lot of people are hoodwinked.

There's only one group that can truly be said to, in general, be Jew haters, that would be Muslims.

The 20 Most Influential Conservative Jews In Politics | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.

Yet the Senate GOP has no jews in it and only has one (1) in the house. We can only assume and infer that Republicans do not like Jews and vote them in office.
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.
More of that fake #WalkingAway wishful thinking.....
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.

I am sure that most jews would have no problem joining with conservatives who hate jews.
American Jews know their history...they know that those christians and muslims that state support will turn around later on them. They've done it before again and again and again.
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.

Yet the Senate GOP has no jews in it and only has one (1) in the house. We can only assume and infer that Republicans do not like Jews and vote them in office.
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.

Yet the Senate GOP has no jews in it and only has one (1) in the house. We can only assume and infer that Republicans do not like Jews and vote them in office.

Perhaps more Jews will start registering as R's rather than D's.
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.

Yet the Senate GOP has no jews in it and only has one (1) in the house. We can only assume and infer that Republicans do not like Jews and vote them in office.
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.

Yet the Senate GOP has no jews in it and only has one (1) in the house. We can only assume and infer that Republicans do not like Jews and vote them in office.

Perhaps more Jews will start registering as R's rather than D's.

Only since Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem and since Trump pretty much gave them the Golan Heights, He is a friend to BIBI, the man I suspect was the mastermind behind 9-1-1
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.

Yet the Senate GOP has no jews in it and only has one (1) in the house. We can only assume and infer that Republicans do not like Jews and vote them in office.
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.

Yet the Senate GOP has no jews in it and only has one (1) in the house. We can only assume and infer that Republicans do not like Jews and vote them in office.

Perhaps more Jews will start registering as R's rather than D's.

Only since Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem and since Trump pretty much gave them the Golan Heights, He is a friend to BIBI, the man I suspect was the mastermind behind 9-1-1

It's because of Dem policies siding with Muslims who are anti Semitic, like Iran.
Yet the Senate GOP has no jews in it and only has one (1) in the house. We can only assume and infer that Republicans do not like Jews and vote them in office.
No basis for that deflection/assumption. Senate Democrats don't have any American Indians either. Or any Chinese-Americans. Or any full-blood blacks. So can we "only assume and infer that" Democrats "do not like" these groups and vote them in office ?
American Jews know their history...they know that those christians and muslims that state support will turn around later on them. They've done it before again and again and again.
But there's no question about who is turning around on them now.
Perhaps more Jews will start registering as R's rather than D's.
Many told me they were doing just that. Not only because of Muslim and Democrat anti-Semitism, but also because of Republicans' better relations with Israel, strengthening the US military, affirmative action, illegal immigration, and the booming US economy.
Only since Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem and since Trump pretty much gave them the Golan Heights, He is a friend to BIBI, the man I suspect was the mastermind behind 9-1-1
More reasons for Jews to vote for Trump. :biggrin:
Do I read popular polls ? Not much any more. Not since I found out that they are barely much more than reports of how US liberals feel. That's because liberals are primarily the only ones responding to those polls. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls, because they consider them to be part of the media establishment, which is seen as the left-wing enemy.

So, as an alternative, I do my own polls. I've done them quite a bit speaking to illegal aliens (usually in Spanish), talking to Muslims, talking to blacks who support affirmative action, talking to gun-grabbers, etc. Now, I decided to do a poll among US Jews, 90% of whom are Democrats (or WERE).

That wasn't hard for me to do. I grew up in New York City, and went through 16 years of the New York City pubic school system. Anybody who did that will know that in those classes, the overwhelming majority were Jews. So, I went to, looked up phone numbers for my old Jewish classmates, and called them up (the ones who were more politically conscious). I came up with 56 names/numbers, that actually reached people.

I asked them what their political party is. I found that very few of them were Democrat. Almost none. This surprised me, because I recalled them wearing buttons for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 (Democrat presidential candidate), and JFK in 1960. I asked what turned them to the right, In almost every instance, they said it was Democrat friendliness to Muslims, like Ilhan Omar, and increasing unfriendliness to Israel.

I told them, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. They expressed a feeling of betrayl. One woman said "We've given them our votes for 50 years, and now they turn on us. And for what ? A bunch of Islamic crazies, who are out to destroy our country, and Israel both?"

This morning, I heard on the news that Rep. Ilhan Omar said that Israel is to be blamed for having a bad human rights record. HA HA HA. You have to stop and laugh. In Israel, ALL Israelis have the right to vote. Women are treated as equals. People have the right to buy and drink alcoholic beverages. People own dogs. All religions can practice their faith. They do ordinary things that, in Islamic countries, people are unable to do.

Democrats are hanging themselves by aligning with anti-Semitic Muslims (like their failure to condemn Omar's anti-Semitic remarks), and throwing Israel and US Jews to the wolves. They are playing with fire, and could wind up losing the state of New York, and all of its 29 electoral votes in the 2020 election. As well, they could lose Florida (also 29 electoral votes), which also has a large Jewish population. A total of 58 electoral votes.

Lastly, this time around, they will not have the benefit of propagandizing people into voting Democrat because of the Mueller investigation, which helped them to win the US House in 2018.
I get the feeling that this anti-Jew, pro-Muslim sentiment is going to increase over the next year. The more it does, the less chance Democrats will have of winning back the White House.

I am sure that most jews would have no problem joining with conservatives who hate jews.
Conservatives hate Jews?
A group of donkeys are a drove.

A group of Jews are a conspiracy.
A group of donkeys are a drove.

A group of Jews are a conspiracy.
As of 2017, New York State's Jewish population was approximately 1,759,570 people. The 1,759,570 Jews of New York State represent around 9% of the total population of the state.

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