Darren Wilson says he's sorry but his conscience is clear


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Darren Wilson says he's sorry but his conscience is clear
Darren Wilson says he s sorry but conscience is clear - CNN.com
(CNN) -- Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, in his first interview since the fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, told ABC News Tuesday that he's not tormented by that fateful encounter in suburban St. Louis last summer.

"I don't think it's haunting," Wilson said. "It's always going to be something that happened. The reason I have a clean conscience is that I know I did my job right."

Repeating what he told a grand jury investigating the shooting, Wilson said Brown reached into his police vehicle and grabbed for his gun. Wilson said he feared for his life.

"All I wanted to do was live," Wilson told ABC's George Stephanopoulos.

Wilson said Brown unloaded "a barrage of swinging and grabbing and pulling" and that he was struck on the left side of his face.

"I didn't know if I'd be able to withstand another hit like that," Wilson told ABC.

"I had reached out my window with my right hand to grab onto his forearm because I was going to try and move him back and get out of the car to where I'm no longer trapped," the officer said.

"I just felt the immense power that he had. And then the way I've described it is, it was like a 5-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan. That's just how big this man was," Wilson said.

Wilson said he urged Brown to back off or he would fire.

"You're too much of a (bleeped) to shoot me," Wilson claimed Brown told him.

Wilson told ABC that he was sorry for the loss of life but that he was simply doing his job and following his training.

The interview was the first by Wilson, who had not been seen in public since the August 9 shooting.

In newly released transcripts of testimony that the grand jury heard while considering whether to bring charges in Brown's death, Wilson told the jurors that he had never fired his gun on duty before that day.

Wilson told the grand jury his original goal was to arrest Brown, after identifying him as a possible suspect in a shop theft.

Wilson fired 12 shots, according to the grand jury proceedings.

The officer told the St. Louis County grand jury that two shots were fired during a struggle at his police vehicle and that he then fired three bursts of gunfire as he chased and later backed away from Brown. He testified that his Sig Sauer .40-caliber gun held a maximum of 13 bullets.

Lesson to be learned: don't go for an officers gun.
Actually, he was pretty clear that he was not sorry.

That guy should never have been a cop. He never knew what to do - not even when the kid backed away and raised his hands.
Actually, he was pretty clear that he was not sorry.

That guy should never have been a cop. He never knew what to do - not even when the kid backed away and raised his hands.

And you opinion is based on no facts and a really biased opinion. Thanks for nothing.
I am sorry to the parents of Michal Brown They must be heart broken. But your boy didn't have to die. All he had to do is be respectful to other human beings, cops and other humans and just used the bloody sidewalk instead of being a cocky disrespectful creep. Mike would still be alive right now. He didn't put up his hands and didn't say "don't shoot." It's all Bullshit. Too bad, it sounded so liberal.
He was roughing up a small asian man, as well. Mr And Mrs Brown..what say you to THAT?

Plus, the rioters burned down Brown Sr's church.
Michael Brown out - weighted Wilson by thirty pounds or so, Brown was aggressive and attacked Wilson in his prowl car. Fled a few feet, then came back to attack the officer. He was shot attacking the officer. Brown was a petty criminal brazenly walking down the street as if he was god's gift to man kind. All Wilson was doing was trying to do was his job. Enforce the law.
If Michael Brown had not robbed that store this would never have happened. If he had chosen not to get high that night and robbed the store he would be alive today.
After close inspection, I can certify there are no tea people involved in the Ferguson protests. I have not seen one misspelled sign or goofy hat.

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