Dana Perino: "We Did Not Have a Terrorist Attack on Our Country During President Bush

Dana Perino: "We Did Not Have a Terrorist Attack on Our Country During President Bush

She was correct.

Dana Perino: "We Did Not Have a Terrorist Attack on Our Country During President Bush's Term"

Now I've heard of revisionist history but REALLY?

I guess Dana has never heard of that whole September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack.

Hey stupid, she was referring to the years after 9/11.

And let the spinning begin.. Despite the fact that she never made the distinction of after 9/11.. I am curious as to how you know this?? You both wear the same designer tin foil hats?
So which is it?? After 9/11 or during the previous Bush administration?? Can you morons please get your stories straight?? It is extremely hard for the extremely intelligent to keep track of the spin from the extremely stupid..

Some come on guys.. Have a little huddle or something before you spin this in different directions..
Dana Perino: "We Did Not Have a Terrorist Attack on Our Country During President Bush's Term"

Now I've heard of revisionist history but REALLY?

I guess Dana has never heard of that whole September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack.

Hey stupid, she was referring to the years after 9/11.

According to con fav website religionofpeace.com there were 23 Muslim terrorist attacks, not counting 9/11, on US soil, during GW Bush's term.

Whooopsie!!! 23 attacks?? Wow.. What do you neotards say now?? Can you for once just admit that She and Faux Noise screwed up on their information?? Or are you going to spin it some more??
Dana Perino: "We Did Not Have a Terrorist Attack on Our Country During President Bush's Term"

Now I've heard of revisionist history but REALLY?

I guess Dana has never heard of that whole September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack.

Hey stupid, she was referring to the years after 9/11.

And let the spinning begin.. Despite the fact that she never made the distinction of after 9/11.. I am curious as to how you know this?? You both wear the same designer tin foil hats?

I know this because I'm smarter than you are and I'm not an ideologue.
Dana Perino: "We Did Not Have a Terrorist Attack on Our Country During President Bush's Term"

Now I've heard of revisionist history but REALLY?

I guess Dana has never heard of that whole September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack.

Hey stupid, she was referring to the years after 9/11.

what's stupid is pretending a terrorist attack nine months into baby bush's term didn't happen.

would you give president obama a pass if, heaven forbid, we were attacked now?

didn't think so...

thanks for playing.
Dana Perino: "We Did Not Have a Terrorist Attack on Our Country During President Bush's Term"

Now I've heard of revisionist history but REALLY?

I guess Dana has never heard of that whole September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack.

Hey stupid, she was referring to the years after 9/11.

According to con fav website religionofpeace.com there were 23 Muslim terrorist attacks, not counting 9/11, on US soil, during GW Bush's term.

According to whose standards?
9/11 was a criminal act, at least that what Holder and Obama are saying

If that serves as the new rationale, why did we go to war over a criminal attack? Why can't we try those responsible in criminal court?

September 11 was nothing if not a terrorist attack. Dana doesn't know about the Cuban Missile crisis or terrorism. And yet she served as the idiot Bush's press secretary! Wow!

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