Daddy's A She Now?


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Watch as a little girl finds out her dad is transgender

Now she want's to be a boy:

Watch as a little girl finds out her dad is transgender

Now she want's to be a boy:

It's sick and disgusting and the child should be removed from such a twisted, messed-up environment and fostered or adopted into a mentally stable environment.

Transgenderism is a psychological issue, they're not well in the head.
Poor child will probably grow up with her own mental illness being allowed to be raised by such disgusting mentally ill people..

To allow children to stay in that type of environment, this is actual child abuse.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz, wake me up when you neo nuts have something real and tangible to whine people are starting to really sound ridiculous and sad.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz, wake me up when you neo nuts have something real and tangible to whine people are starting to really sound ridiculous and sad.
I contemplated whether it was even worth my time to respond to you since its like talking to a wall. The safety and well being of a minor should be EVERYONE'S concern. The fact that its NOT your's is disgusting.
ffs, this is nothing short of child abuse. This. is. fucked. up.

You cannot change your gender, it is NOT a choice.

Take this kid away from these mentals.
Poor child will probably grow up with her own mental illness being allowed to be raised by such disgusting mentally ill people..

To allow children to stay in that type of environment, this is actual child abuse.
I agree 100%.

The majority of Leftists don't though, they think men suddenly becoming women, women suddenly becoming men and boys wanting to be girls and girls wanting to be boys is COMPLETELY normal :uhoh3:

Then there's the weird Gender Fluid thing, where in the morning they feel like a man and in the afternoon they feel like a woman etc.

WTF?! THIS is normal apparently :eek-52:
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz, wake me up when you neo nuts have something real and tangible to whine people are starting to really sound ridiculous and sad.

"something real and tangible"

Men having their dicks chopped off and getting boobies ISN'T real and tangible? Little girls suddenly being confronted with what used to be Daddy but is now another Mama and then the little girl thinking "I want to become a boy" ISN'T real and tangible?

Typical Leftist gibberish :rolleyes-41:
Poor child will probably grow up with her own mental illness being allowed to be raised by such disgusting mentally ill people..

To allow children to stay in that type of environment, this is actual child abuse.
I agree 100%.

The majority of Leftists don't though, they think men suddenly becoming women, women suddenly becoming men and boys wanting to be girls and girls wanting to be boys is COMPLETELY normal :uhoh3:

Then there's the weird Gender Fluid thing, where in the morning they feel like a man and in the afternoon they feel like a woman etc.

WTF?! THIS is normal apparently :eek-52:
The lefties only say no to God.
This is a horrible thing to do to a child. Wait until the kid is grown or just get out of the child's life completely.
I don't know guys. While you pedos were watching the baby, I was watching the mother.

Now, allow me to demonstrate. The devil, is always in the details.

The mother had horn rimmed glasses. She also had a boyish haircut. One must look to the over all ramifications of political action. Although this child is adorable, it is the dark seed of this "woman" and it's probably better down the line if it does turn into a boy. That way, no more horn rims.

Doubtless, this one child is this selfish psychopaths one chance at procreation and turning it into a family and baby hating parody of karl marx is probably a good thing.

you see, in var, vun must find zee gute in eweryzing.
I don't know guys. While you pedos were watching the baby, I was watching the mother.

Now, allow me to demonstrate. The devil, is always in the details.

The mother had horn rimmed glasses. She also had a boyish haircut. One must look to the over all ramifications of political action. Although this child is adorable, it is the dark seed of this "woman" and it's probably better down the line if it does turn into a boy. That way, no more horn rims.

Doubtless, this one child is this selfish psychopaths one chance at procreation and turning it into a family and baby hating parody of karl marx is probably a good thing.

you see, in var, vun must find zee gute in eweryzing.

OMG! So the whole family might Transgender :eek-52:

Leftists everywhere will be orgasmic at the first Transgender Family :uhoh3:
"So, when does daddy start having a period like you do, mommy? When will he be able to carry a baby like you carried me before I was born?"

God bless you and that little girl always!!!

I don't get this ... a guy believes he's in the wrong body and wants to be a woman, "trans"-whatever to become a woman, then goes around referring the themselves as a "trans" NOT a "woman", just bringing attention to the fact that they are not a woman.


I don't get this ... a guy believes he's in the wrong body and wants to be a woman, "trans"-whatever to become a woman, then goes around referring the themselves as a "trans" NOT a "woman", just bringing attention to the fact that they are not a woman.



Also when they "trans" into a woman, having previously been a man, does that mean that whilst they still were a man they were a lesbian "trapped" in a man's body? Or if like Caitlin Jenner becoming a "trans" but now saying even though now a woman she'll still fancy women.

Huh? Is it ANY wonder these people have problems? Because I'm pretty dizzy now even just re-reading what I've just written.


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