Cyclonus/Agus: Medusa [NFL Disasters]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA remind you of a patriotism-parable like Dave?

What do you think?

This is a patriotism-concept vignette with political/cultural overtones, which is why I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB, but I welcome any comments/feedback.


"The wily and wolfish first-knight robot Cyclonus of the evil army of Decepticons (from planet Cybertron) descended on Earth's moon and began spying on the intrigue and ergonomics of TrumpUSA capitalism and media. You see, Cyclonus was interested in the drama of civilization as it related to the commercial flowery of capitalism-consciousness. Cyclonus wanted to see if human civilization warranted an invasion/colonization by A.I. robots. However, another (more heroic/valiant) robot named Agus (a crusading space-pilot who worked as a freelance warrior) also descended on Earth's moon at the same time with the intention to study/analyze TrumpUSA capitalism as a micro-symbol of network imagination, resource imagination, and customs imagination. Agus would not let Cyclonus simply conclude humanity was weak and frail."


CYCLONUS: It seems Americans love Super Bowl ads!
AGUS: Yes, they appreciate consumerism and media...
CYCLONUS: The New England Patriots won 6 titles since 2001!
AGUS: Tom Brady (their QB) has become a media icon...
CYCLONUS: It's swift and elegant marketing sports to consumers!
AGUS: TrumpUSA capitalism/media is one of 'ornamentation.'
CYCLONUS: There is much room for avarice and corruption...
AGUS: Yes, that's true; athletes can take illegal drugs and exploit markets.
CYCLONUS: Many TrumpUSA citizens are cynical about sports-marketing.
AGUS: They disapprove generally of America being run by a casino-mogul.
CYCLONUS: Donald Trump is the first celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan!
AGUS: Americans are critical of Reaganomics now and perhaps 'Trumponomics.'
CYCLONUS: It seems 'Trumponomics' is one of ebb-and-flow consumerism.
AGUS: Yes, it's one of media trends, consumer markets, and product placement!
CYCLONUS: Imagine then the symbolic value of Super Bowl ads in TrumpUSA.
AGUS: It is quite symbolic...
CYCLONUS: Think of the mythical underworld demon-deity Medusa, Agus!
AGUS: Yes, that is wise, Cyclonus; Medusa is a goddess of hypnosis.
CYCLONUS: She has a head of snakes and is a poisonous archer.
AGUS: Her gaze turns men into stone; she represents obsession.
CYCLONUS: She is both alluring and deadly and symbolic of prioritization.
AGUS: So you're referencing Medusa as an 'avatar' for TrumpUSA?
CYCLONUS: Precisely, Agus; Medusa captures the intrigue of TrumpUSA.
AGUS: How so?
CYCLONUS: Medusa reminds us that consumerism can be...hypnotic!
AGUS: I see what you mean; countless executives obsess over ad profits.
CYCLONUS: They daydream about Super Bowl ad revenue as much as sports!
AGUS: So you're suggesting that Medusa reflects TrumpUSA obsession with profit.
CYCLONUS: Doesn't that seem quite plausible?
AGUS: I suppose Medusa is some kind of 'TrumpUSA' totem for academic study!
CYCLONUS: It is therefore likely that Medusa might suggest a 'TrumpUSA invasion.'
AGUS: I doubt you can simply cite Medusa for your ambition to colonize Earth!
CYCLONUS: You doubt too much about the 'simple virtue' of networks/civilization.
AGUS: I'm simply critical of ascribing Medusa as a 'justification deity' for invasion!
CYCLONUS: Just think of what Medusa might say about Super Bowl disasters...
AGUS: So Super Bowls that disappointed fans/audiences invoke Medusa's poison?
CYCLONUS: Precisely; such disappointing Super Bowls do not glorify ads/revenue!
AGUS: How does that warrant an invasion of Earth and human civilization?
CYCLONUS: If TrumpUSA capitalism/media can not refute Medusa, it is weak...
AGUS: Here's a simple defense --- Medusa might like TrumpUSA video-games.
CYCLONUS: Such as Monopoly (Parker Brothers)?
AGUS: Yes; Monopoly is a real-estate fantasy board-game, adapted into a video-game.
CYCLONUS: Many TrumpUSA citizens have Monopoly as an iPhone video-game app!
AGUS: I rest my case...
CYCLONUS: So you argue that since humans love Monopoly, capitalism is praised.
AGUS: Precisely, Cyclonus; with this simple 'toy,' we see Medusa shining!
CYCLONUS: I concede defeat; let us depart Earth's moon; I will not invade.
AGUS: Medusa would be pleased...


"Cyclonus and Agus departed from Earth's solar-system and concluded/decided that TrumpUSA capitalism had the sufficient network/infrastructure maturity and objectivity not to warrant an invasion and reorientation of civilization functionalism. Cyclonus was merely skeptical that such a simple form of 'media-based governance' (TrumpUSA) would yield any form of substance-based social consciousness towards capitalism-theory or contract-peace. However, Agus persuaded Cyclonus that since TrumpUSA citizens praised/loved their Monopoly (Parker Brothers) real-estate video-game apps on their iPhones, Americans were indeed 'celebrating' the value and quality of capitalism applied to everyday life/imagination. After all, real-estate was an extension of capitalism psychology. Cyclonus and Agus therefore decided that Super Bowl disasters that disappointed fans/audiences and hence made consumers 'skeptical' of ad revenues during the big game were offset by the fact that the Monopoly real-estate video-game iPhone app reminded Americans of the basic value of coordinated markets. TrumpUSA value was justified, and Agus managed to persuade the calculating Cyclonus not to invade/colonize Earth. Many more Super Bowls (and ads!) would be enjoyed in the years to come (on Earth)."


"This was a tale of great TrumpUSA patriotism, passion, and prophecy. Cyclonus was a dastardly and wolfish robot who wanted to justify invading Earth by citing its menial flaws. Agus was the more heroic and visionary robot who cited the colorful Monopoly (Parker Brothers) real-estate board-game and adapted iPhone video-game app to argue that TrumpUSA capitalism was a thing of great commercial ornamentation. Would Americans continue to celebrate/admire sports-marketing themed Hollywood (USA) films such as Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise), Any Given Sunday (Al Pacino), and Ali (Will Smith)? Would Cyclonus return to Earth's solar-system again to monitor and dissect the flaws of capitalism-theory as it was applied to human civilization? If so, would another defender (such as the objective Agus) arrive to thwart such an intention and remind everyone of the simple fruits of human politics?"



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