Curious about your thoughts on Petraeus considered as Secretary of State?

The opposite of what? We've already seen Trump supporters supporting Petraeus JUST because they feel Hillary got off the hook.

So one minute they had ethics and morals saying Hillary should be locked up, and the next they want a guy that actually plead guilty to a crime as the third highest position in government.

The opposite of what? The opposite of leftists not making a big deal about Petreaus because of his past. I want to see these hypocrites make a big deal out of it.

So this is one of those... we''ll give up on Hillary being a criminal as soon as you guys forgive Petraeus? yeah... that's not going to work. How about, both are guilty, so pick a different person for Sec. of State?

Okay, but the people that will complain about him will be the same people that voted for Hillary. That's what I want to rub in.

You should complain about him as well. He's everything Trump disqualified Clinton for.

And yet she ran (and almost won) for President.

So tell me why should Hil-liar be allowed access to the most important job in the world and a General who dedicated his life to our country not even be considered for SOS?

She wasn't convicted of anything, Petraeus was.
I would imagine that every person working a Langley has a TS or better clearance. What they don't have is director level clearance. Neither did Broadwell.
Background checks? Yes. TS clearance? No.

So no one at the CIA has clearance except the director?
That's funny.
What's funny is your claim I'm the one who is too partisan and not worthy of debate? LOL

What do clearances at the CIA have to do with your partisan position on Petraeus?
Do you think he will be able to get his sex / sending classified information scandal behind him, or does he not have a chance..?

David Petraeus shared classified info. Can he be secretary of state? -

View attachment 100796
So far the one Cabinet selection with which I have a problem.....
BTW, that home wrecking wench he was banging lives near here.
She lives in an area populated by successful upper middle class self loathing Caucasian liberals. And of course when this all came out, her neighbors rushed to her defense. But never expressed a bit of remorse or empathy toward her husband.
Anyway. I don't like this selection. I think if a person is willing to cheat on their spouse, they cannot be trusted. I guess we will have to see what kind of a job he does.
The opposite of what? The opposite of leftists not making a big deal about Petreaus because of his past. I want to see these hypocrites make a big deal out of it.

So this is one of those... we''ll give up on Hillary being a criminal as soon as you guys forgive Petraeus? yeah... that's not going to work. How about, both are guilty, so pick a different person for Sec. of State?

Okay, but the people that will complain about him will be the same people that voted for Hillary. That's what I want to rub in.

You should complain about him as well. He's everything Trump disqualified Clinton for.

And yet she ran (and almost won) for President.

So tell me why should Hil-liar be allowed access to the most important job in the world and a General who dedicated his life to our country not even be considered for SOS?

She wasn't convicted of anything, Petraeus was.

Neither was OJ, but that doesn't mean he's not a murderer.

They both mishandled classified information. One got convicted, the other didn't. But they both did the same thing. what he did was worse than what Petraeus did?

I don't know if it's worse, but destroying evidence (like Hillary did) certainly doesn't win favor with authorities or courts.

Neither should lying to the FBI and obstructing a federal investigation, which Petraeus did. Think about that. The guy that helped investigate and get Petraeus to plead guilty, might soon have Petraeus as his boss.
I'm just stating facts .

You tell me . Do you think the General was treated the same as anyone else??

Maybe it wasn't the white thing , more likely its cause he's connected . But I'm just saying there's no fucking way he didn't catch a break .

Most people with first offenses do catch breaks. It's the people that break the law repeatedly that don't get them.

Tell that to the kid that took pictures on the Sub with his cell phone and didn't share them with anyone before he erased them. He got a year in prison.

I have absolutely no idea what you are referring to.

Sailor gets year in prison for taking photos in nuclear sub

And as I stated, first time offenders catch a break. He was subject to get six years in prison and only got one. Furthermore it was more than just the pictures. He tried to destroy evidence in the process of being investigated.
It's definitely a controversial topic and we are not the first to question a double-standard of justice; one for the Clinton's and one for everyone else.

Kristian Saucier
[T]he most sensitive photos Saucier took have been classified as "confidential," which is the lowest tier of classified information, although they are also separately restricted as nuclear-related information ... While prosecutors say Saucier's conduct risked "potentially grave damage" to national security and the Navy claims "a serious and lasting adverse impact" from the sailor's actions, those kinds of phrases are more typically applied to information the government safeguards as "Secret," corresponding to data whose disclosure is expected to cause "serious" damage to national security, or "Top Secret," corresponding to "exceptionally grave" damage to national security.

On 19 August 2016, Saucier was sentenced to one year in prison, six months of home confinement, and fined $100, far less than the six-year sentence the prosecution sought. Saucier's attorney surmised that the Clinton investigation may have influenced the lighter sentence, and Saucier's shipmates urged the judge to consider varying penalties applied for similar behavior:

Although relieved, Rinckey does say that "it could be argued here that depending on what your name is, that's the type of justice you get in the United States."

Rinckey says he's not sure if the judge was swayed by significant media attention comparing Saucier's case with the Clinton email controversy.

"He cryptically made some comments about selective prosecution and how that didn't play any factor. Do I think it may have? Sure. But I think there was enough mitigation that the judge was able to depart from the sentencing guidelines [on that basis alone]," he says.

Scott Nelson, Saucier's chief petty officer aboard the Alexandria through mid-2009, wrote a letter to the court that the order had collapsed aboard the submarine.

"There was no real discussion of legal ramifications of minor security violations, nor was there any significant enforcement of policy for most minor mistakes," Nelson wrote, adding that typical punishments including demotion or pay loss "could also be suspended at the commanding officer's discretion for sailors with great potential to overcome the mistake, as was the case with our sailor of the year who received a DUI."
You do know that Clinton used the gov secure system to communicate about classified material right? Her private server was intended for personal and non classified communications. She never should have muddied the water by mixing personal and business as we learned a few slipped through the cracks
Are you saying she activated her government email address?
No, the email address from the govt was for UNCLASSIFIED .....She chose her server instead of the State unclassified email to receive non CLASSIFIED emails or lowest level of classified material..... She did not set up her server for top SECRET stuff.....for one, she couldn't.....there is no way to email from the top SECRET server....and 2, this email server of hers was a replacement to using the email system, which is designated by our Gvt as an Unclassified server, for daily duties.

The government set up a secure fax, in her home for her to receive CLASSIFIED info, and that is how she got higher classified material and the highest top SECRET she got while in the state dept in special rooms....never ever in email....or the secure fax.
Not sexual harassment and it was perjury over a blow job. That question should never have been asked under oath.

1) I thought was too partisan to have a debate?
There really is no debate. You're just too partisan...


President Clinton admits he lied under oath in 2001
The President, who swept into Washington amid a flurry of scandal headlines eight years ago, left the same way.

He admitted giving misleading answers to Paula Jones' lawyers when they tried to grill him about Lewinsky in a 1998 deposition.

Clinton denied he was having sexual relations with the White House intern, figuring that because the affair was long over, and because they did not engage in intercourse, he was not technically lying. The evasions ultimately led to his impeachment by the House on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.

"I tried to walk a fine line between acting lawfully and testifying falsely, but I now recognize that I did not fully accomplish that goal and that certain of my responses to questions about Ms. Lewinsky were false," Clinton said.

But he went out parsing until the end, admitting to giving "false" answers - but not to lying.

His lawyer, David Kendall, told reporters that Clinton "did not lie. We have not admitted that he lied, and he did not do so today. He has conceded that he tried to conceal the relationship with Ms. Lewinsky."

As part of the deal, Clinton agreed to pay a $25,000 fine and gave up his right to ask the government to fund his enormous court costs.
1) I thought was too partisan to have a debate?

I didn't say that. Try reading the post again.

2) Incorrect and correct. He settled his sexual harassment suit with Paula Jones but admitted to perjury in his affair with Monika. Why do you think Democrats should get a pass on sexual harassment investigations? Everyone knows this isn't the first lie Bill gave to the American public. "I didn't inhale" and "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman" were just his two most popular lies.

Sexual misconduct had nothing to do with impeachment proceedings. It was all bullshit political theater much as Benghazi and the email bullshit was.

You keep deflecting from the real subject of Petraeus and why he's controversial.
I can't blame you, it is a losing argument given what Trump says disqualified Clinton.
I would imagine that every person working a Langley has a TS or better clearance. What they don't have is director level clearance. Neither did Broadwell.
Background checks? Yes. TS clearance? No.

So no one at the CIA has clearance except the director?
That's funny.
What's funny is your claim I'm the one who is too partisan and not worthy of debate? LOL

I didn't say that ,dope. what he did was worse than what Petraeus did?

I don't know if it's worse, but destroying evidence (like Hillary did) certainly doesn't win favor with authorities or courts.

Neither should lying to the FBI and obstructing a federal investigation, which Petraeus did. Think about that. The guy that helped investigate and get Petraeus to plead guilty, might soon have Petraeus as his boss.

All things are considered in criminal cases.

You take a guy with no criminal record--not even an outstanding parking ticket, and he gets busted with coke. He's not going to get the same sentence as somebody who doesn't have a job and has been in trouble with the law in the past. More than likely if he's otherwise an outstanding citizen, he will get treatment and probation if that.

General Patreous has an outstanding military career. He spent his life serving our country. He made a mistake, and he paid for it. However yes, he did get his charges and sentence reduced because of his record. And look at Hillary. There is only one reason for having your own server, and that is to have complete control over it so one can completely erase incriminating evidence. Setting up your own server and dealing with classified information was no mistake or accident. She probably spent a lot of money to have that thing in her home.
You do know that Clinton used the gov secure system to communicate about classified material right? Her private server was intended for personal and non classified communications. She never should have muddied the water by mixing personal and business as we learned a few slipped through the cracks
Are you saying she activated her government email address?
No, the email address from the govt was for UNCLASSIFIED .....She chose her server instead of the State unclassified email to receive non CLASSIFIED emails or lowest level of classified material..... She did not set up her server for top SECRET stuff.....for one, she couldn't.....there is no way to email from the top SECRET server....and 2, this email server of hers was a replacement to using the email system, which is designated by our Gvt as an Unclassified server, for daily duties.

The government set up a secure fax, in her home for her to receive CLASSIFIED info, and that is how she got higher classified material and the highest top SECRET she got while in the state dept in special rooms....never ever in email....or the secure fax.

That's not what Comey testified to. He stated to Congress that she did have classified emails on her server.
So this is one of those... we''ll give up on Hillary being a criminal as soon as you guys forgive Petraeus? yeah... that's not going to work. How about, both are guilty, so pick a different person for Sec. of State?

Okay, but the people that will complain about him will be the same people that voted for Hillary. That's what I want to rub in.

You should complain about him as well. He's everything Trump disqualified Clinton for.

And yet she ran (and almost won) for President.

So tell me why should Hil-liar be allowed access to the most important job in the world and a General who dedicated his life to our country not even be considered for SOS?

She wasn't convicted of anything, Petraeus was.

Neither was OJ, but that doesn't mean he's not a murderer.

They both mishandled classified information. One got convicted, the other didn't. But they both did the same thing.

First, OJ was arrested, indicted and tried.
Clinton was not. to equate them is plain dumb.

Second, neither OJ nor Clinton have anything in the world to do with Petraeus or why he is or isn't eligible to be SoS.

They in no way did the same thing. It's retarded to even try and make that argument. It's simply not objectively true or possible.
Okay, but the people that will complain about him will be the same people that voted for Hillary. That's what I want to rub in.

You should complain about him as well. He's everything Trump disqualified Clinton for.

And yet she ran (and almost won) for President.

So tell me why should Hil-liar be allowed access to the most important job in the world and a General who dedicated his life to our country not even be considered for SOS?

She wasn't convicted of anything, Petraeus was.

Neither was OJ, but that doesn't mean he's not a murderer.

They both mishandled classified information. One got convicted, the other didn't. But they both did the same thing.

First, OJ was arrested, indicted and tried.
Clinton was not. to equate them is plain dumb.

Second, neither OJ nor Clinton have anything in the world to do with Petraeus or why he is or isn't eligible to be SoS.

They in no way did the same thing. It's retarded to even try and make that argument. It's simply not objectively true or possible.

Let's equate him to Bill Cosby.
What's funny is your claim I'm the one who is too partisan and not worthy of debate? LOL
I didn't say that ,dope.
LOL This reminds me of the famous Groucho (or Chico) Marx quote "who are you going to trust, me or your lying eyes?"

There really is no debate. You're just too partisan to see that Petraeus is damaged goods in the exact same way that Trump characterized Clinton as.
Okay, but the people that will complain about him will be the same people that voted for Hillary. That's what I want to rub in.

You should complain about him as well. He's everything Trump disqualified Clinton for.

And yet she ran (and almost won) for President.

So tell me why should Hil-liar be allowed access to the most important job in the world and a General who dedicated his life to our country not even be considered for SOS?

She wasn't convicted of anything, Petraeus was.

Neither was OJ, but that doesn't mean he's not a murderer.

They both mishandled classified information. One got convicted, the other didn't. But they both did the same thing.

First, OJ was arrested, indicted and tried.
Clinton was not. to equate them is plain dumb.

Second, neither OJ nor Clinton have anything in the world to do with Petraeus or why he is or isn't eligible to be SoS.

They in no way did the same thing. It's retarded to even try and make that argument. It's simply not objectively true or possible.

They both mishandled classified information. Comey testified to that. Just because she wasn't arrested and convicted doesn't make her not guilty. If Comey did the right thing and suggested that Lynch forward the investigation to a grand jury, she wouldn't have gotten off so easily.
You do know that Clinton used the gov secure system to communicate about classified material right? Her private server was intended for personal and non classified communications. She never should have muddied the water by mixing personal and business as we learned a few slipped through the cracks
Are you saying she activated her government email address?
No, the email address from the govt was for UNCLASSIFIED .....She chose her server instead of the State unclassified email to receive non CLASSIFIED emails or lowest level of classified material..... She did not set up her server for top SECRET stuff.....for one, she couldn't.....there is no way to email from the top SECRET server....and 2, this email server of hers was a replacement to using the email system, which is designated by our Gvt as an Unclassified server, for daily duties.

The government set up a secure fax, in her home for her to receive CLASSIFIED info, and that is how she got higher classified material and the highest top SECRET she got while in the state dept in special rooms....never ever in email....or the secure fax.

That's not what Comey testified to. He stated to Congress that she did have classified emails on her server.
YES, she did have 7 or 8 email chains between her staff and then they forwarded them to Hillary, that were classified secret or top secret at the time they were sent to each other.... but, they were not top secret documents or anything like that...they were emails Hillary received from Syd Blumenthal, a friend of hers and it appears to be a valuable friend at that, because he was an informant... he sent all kinds of information that he felt could be important to her....and when she received these emails, she forwarded them to her aides/staffers to investigate what Syd was telling her and see if any of it can be or is true. I read that many of Syd's emails were fruitless with non-actionable information, but SOME of them would turn out to be accurate and give the State Dept information they did not know....

Well, the SOME of the emails that had information that her aides felt could be actionable information that they discovered, they forwarded back to Hillary to discuss what they found out, with her...

At the same time, our Intelligence community found out through their sources this SAME information that Syd had forwarded to Hillary that she was having her staffers check out. the State Dept did not know about the Intelligence community classification of this information and the intelligence community did not know about the State dept having this information.... at the time the emails were sent back to Hillary.

So YES, there was top level classified information in the 7 or 8 email chains, but it was NOT information they got from the IC or top secret server, but from a public source, syd blumenthal....

There can be an argument, that her staffers with top secret clearance investigating syd's emails, should have recognized the material was or should be classified to top secret perhaps, or for Hillary to recognize such, but she was above doing the actual classification, it should have been done by her aides before she ever got them forwarded to her, and marked properly....

She did not remove top secret classified material from it's proper place....which is how the law reads that you all claim she broke...there is no one that knows more about this case and Patraeus's case than Comey, he has all the clearance to see it all from both and has overseen each of those investigations, no one knows more than him... and Comey says what Patreaus did was MUCH WORSE than what Clinton did....AND he said there was no intent to break the law with the top secret info Hillary had, while with Patreaus committed obstruction of justice thru his intentional lies and passed on top secret documents to someone not authorized, INTENTIONALLY....

Hillary never did that...

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