Curious about your thoughts on Petraeus considered as Secretary of State?

No, you didn't misunderstand it, you tried to twist it. You aren't even a good troll....
Agreed, You're the better troll:
...Is it ok when you beat your wife as long as you aren't giving away classified information?

If I really wanted to be a good troll, I could be one. That's the difference between you and I. Try as you may... you can only try to take cheap shots and then fail.
the General got a slap on the wrist because he's a well connected white man .

You act like he was busted for a dui or somthing . No, dui Guys would get a harsher punishment .


There really is no debate. You're just too partisan to see that Petraeus is damaged goods in the exact same way that Trump characterized Clinton as.
the General got a slap on the wrist because he's a well connected white man .

You act like he was busted for a dui or somthing . No, dui Guys would get a harsher punishment .


There really is no debate. You're just too partisan to see that Petraeus is damaged goods in the exact same way that Trump characterized Clinton as.

Dude keeps arguing about misdemeanors and won't answer a simple question.

If a person has a DUI are they going to get a job as a school bus driver.

That perfectly explains why Petraeus shouldn't be Sec. of State.
petraeus gave thousands of classified documents to a person not cleared to have them, 300 marked SECRET documents, he allowed her to copy, he stored these classified secret and compartmental TOP SECRET documents in his unlocked desk drawer and gave massive amounts of secret and top secret docs to her.

Hillary had 107 emails out of 50,000 emails on her server, that were classified and only 7 of those were top secret...she gave them or handed them over to no one, she did not remove them from their proper place, her staff had top secret clearance who participated in them...and ZERO were stolen or hacked.
OOPS I MEAN, KOCH has been sold a bill of goods by HIS beloved FAUX media hacks

Not according to the New York Post:

Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials | New York Post
I believe the words and actions of the FBI over news reports. If they didn't find cause to prosecute them I believe they have good reason for that. They do in fact have more info than the washing post and political pundits.

Well...... only one of two things took place here: either this report is a lie, or Comey overlooked this exchange between Hillary and her housekeeper. Which one is it?
I couldn't tell you. The fact that it was reviewed by the FBI and it didn't change their thoughts about prosecuting leads me to believe that criminal activity wasn't found

Because it's not real and was never part of any investigation.
You're right. He was a great soldier who served with honor, right up until the time he didn't.
Correct. Like Bill Clinton, he let his dick do his thinking. Do you forgive Bill Clinton for perjury and sexual harassment? Do you forgive Bill Clinton for worrying more about getting his dick sucked by Monica instead of al-Qaeda?
She wasn't cleared for the material. What Petraeus did was wrong and he paid a price for that mistake.

Obviously justice has been different for Republicans and military personnel than it is for Democrats over the past 8 years. I wonder why? did you watch the video? Did you see where you were wrong about Petraeus lying? Or are you going to say Comey lied about that?
Of course Comey lied. Saying that Clinton was careless means either that she and her staff were not competent to understand the rules for handling classified material or that she chose to disregard them, which would show intent and be a chargeable offense.
Intent to what?
Intent to mishandle classified materials. The only alternative explanation to Clinton deliberately ignoring the rules for some purpose is that she and her staff had no idea what the rules were, and that is not credible. If you need further proof of intent to commit a crime, five of her top aides, including her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills demanded immunity from prosecution before talking to the FBI.
Yes and that's my point. Somebody who knowingly mishandled classified info by storing it on a private device versus somebody who knowingly handed it over to somebody who was not cleared to view it are two very different things and the later is a more serious offense

Especially when that person was the Director of Central Intelligence.
I'm disappointed he's being considered based on his intentionally exposing classified information. But I didn't expect much from either of these presidential candidates and so I'm done with my complaining for at least awhile and will figure once again we got what we deserved.
..Maybe it wasn't the white thing , more likely its cause he's connected . But I'm just saying there's no fucking way he didn't catch a break .
So you are retracting your claim it was the "white thing"? Even so, that doesn't cleanse you of making such a racist claim.

the General got a slap on the wrist because he's a well connected white man .

You act like he was busted for a dui or somthing . No, dui Guys would get a harsher punishment .
How does it apply to only when one is on duty? You either have that clearance or you don't.
Sorry, man, but there is a thing known as "need to know". I had a TS clearance, but if I didn't have a "need to know", I wasn't given access to TS material.

I would imagine that every person working at Langley has a TS or better clearance. What they don't have is director level clearance. Neither did Broadwell.
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I'm disappointed he's being considered based on his intentionally exposing classified information. But I didn't expect much from either of these presidential candidates and so I'm done with my complaining for at least awhile and will figure once again we got what we deserved.
What he did was wrong, but he released the info to a biographer, historian, not the fucking Russians or Wikileaks.

That doesn't excuse what he did, it only clarifies it.
Peraeus was the Director of Central Intelligence. Not a Republican or a member of the military.
You have no problem with the CIA director knowingly and willfully sharing very highly classified material with someone he knew was not cleared to see it?
Yes, I do have a problem with it. He was charged and convicted of a misdemeanor. If a person comes clean and completes their sentence, do you think they should be forgiven? Do you think Virginia Governor McAuliffe was wrong to restore voting rights to felons? Should Bill Clinton be forgiven for his perjury and disbarment once he served his punishment?

He pleaded to the misdemeanor. He was facing multiple felonies.
Restoring voting rights is in no way the same as putting Petraeus back into a position of public trust with classified material.
....Hillary had 107 emails out of 50,000 emails on her server, that were classified and only 7 those were top secret...she gave them or handed them over to no one, she did not remove them from their proper place, her staff had top secret clearance who participated in them...and ZERO were stolen or hacked.

you've been sold a bill of goods by your beloved FAUX media hacks
Not quite correct since she destroyed 30,000 emails. The numbers you quoted are the ones investigators know about.

You have no proof she wasn't hacked. It was an unsecure server and, as SoS, she would obviously be a target. Only the most inept intelligence agency wouldn't take a shot at hacking into her account.
It's the LAW that govt employees NOT SEND any personal emails to be govt archived...they must ONLY send govt documents or govt emails to be archived. Hillary deleted her personal emails....she followed the RULES & LAW.

Yes, we do have PROOF that she was NOT hacked...the FBI found NO HACKS....

IT'S YOU who has no proof that she was hacked....

not one, zip, zero emails from her server has showed up on wikileaks, or anywhere that was not obtained thru the FOIA requests that the state dept released....not a one!
Correct, I have no proof she wasn't hacked. Now tell me I should trust someone who is so paranoid and callous that they pass classified information over an unsecure email system because they don't trust the government system. Or, IMHO, wanted to cover their tracks since, as Hillary well knows since she helped pass the law, that all email used on a government system must be archived.
There is no government CLASSIFIED email system.... top SECRET and secret is stored on a server that has no internet /email access.... She and her staff were discussing information a source, OUTSIDE of the government, gave them.... it so happened that this info, from their source, ( Syd Blumenthal), was also gathered by our intelligence community simultaneously, and they classified it top secret....that's why None of the top SECRET emails had Classified markings and her staff did not know it was top secret.... they didn't believe it was top SECRET stuff because they got the info from a public source, a non Gvt source and if he could find these things out from his public sources, HOW could it be top secret?

If HILLARY had used the government email server and gotten a user id on the email her staffers used in the state dept, it too was an UNCLASSIFIED email system.
Derail as much as you like but the fact remains there are governmental secure systems and unsecure private systems. How do you think the Ambassador of Libya sends classified messages to the SoS? By carrier pigeon? Pony Express? Air mail?
You do know that Clinton used the gov secure system to communicate about classified material right? Her private server was intended for personal and non classified communications. She never should have muddied the water by mixing personal and business as we learned a few slipped through the cracks
the General got a slap on the wrist because he's a well connected white man .

You act like he was busted for a dui or somthing . No, dui Guys would get a harsher punishment .


There really is no debate. You're just too partisan to see that Petraeus is damaged goods in the exact same way that Trump characterized Clinton as.

Dude keeps arguing about misdemeanors and won't answer a simple question.

If a person has a DUI are they going to get a job as a school bus driver.

That perfectly explains why Petraeus shouldn't be Sec. of State.

It really is that simple. I couldn't believe Petraeus was even being considered after the way they went after Clinton.
If people were truly objective then the Hillary supporters that excused her behavior should also excuse Petraeus, and the Trump supporters that wanted Hillary disqualified from running should not support Petraeus. If he is nominated there will be hypocrisy on both sides.

This is true, but what do you want to bet it will be the exact opposite?
I think many on the left will focus on the hypocrisy of the Right and use the rhetoric they used agaist Hillary against them. They will have a point

Wait a minute, they (who voted for Hillary) will be focusing on the hypocrisy of the right? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You don't call "lock her up" for mishandling classified info, to allow the General who was convicted and plead guilty of mishandling classified info serve as sec of state, hypocrisy? It fits the definition

So does the other way around. That's my point. Libs will be complaining like all hell about the Generals nomination, but forgetting who they voted for President at the same time.
I understand you're point. I guess my point is just going over your head. All good, it's not a big deal
You do know that Clinton used the gov secure system to communicate about classified material right? Her private server was intended for personal and non classified communications. She never should have muddied the water by mixing personal and business as we learned a few slipped through the cracks
Are you saying she activated her government email address?
You're right. He was a great soldier who served with honor, right up until the time he didn't.
Correct. Like Bill Clinton, he let his dick do his thinking. Do you forgive Bill Clinton for perjury and sexual harassment? Do you forgive Bill Clinton for worrying more about getting his dick sucked by Monica instead of al-Qaeda?

Not sexual harassment and it was perjury over a blow job. That question should never have been asked under oath.

The Petraeus case had nothing to do with sexual misconduct and everything to do with classified material.

Petraeus alone is under scrutiny for this position. It's his actions alone that are relevant. Not the Clintons.
OJ was prosecuted and the decision was decided by a jury. Stop using that example....
I can see why you don't like me using the "not enough evidence to convict" when applied to your defense of Hillary, but I disagree. As the Comey quote posted previously states, there wasn't enough evidence to file charges. It's not an exoneration. In fact, Comey goes on to say she should have known better.
You make a valid point and I'm not disputing your entitlement to that opinion. I, for one, give SOME lieghway to public servants, much like cops who speed, I dont expect them to get a ticket like the rest of us. I do think Clinton made a mistake with the server, but I don't think it warranted criminal charges. I also respect and appreciate the 4 years she served as Secretary of State. It saddens me that there are those who recognize none of the good and sacrifice that she did and only focus on the bad. A distorted version of the bad at that.

I'm not saying she is guilt free and I'm not saying she was even a good candidate. I didn't vote for her, mostly because she lacked a message that I could connect with, but trustworthiness was definitely a factor as well.

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