Curious about your thoughts on Petraeus considered as Secretary of State?

Not sexual harassment and it was perjury over a blow job. That question should never have been asked under oath.

1) I thought was too partisan to have a debate?
There really is no debate. You're just too partisan...

2) Incorrect and correct. He settled his sexual harassment suit with Paula Jones but admitted to perjury in his affair with Monika. Why do you think Democrats should get a pass on sexual harassment investigations? Everyone knows this isn't the first lie Bill gave to the American public. "I didn't inhale" and "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman" were just his two most popular lies.

President Clinton admits he lied under oath in 2001
The President, who swept into Washington amid a flurry of scandal headlines eight years ago, left the same way.

He admitted giving misleading answers to Paula Jones' lawyers when they tried to grill him about Lewinsky in a 1998 deposition.

Clinton denied he was having sexual relations with the White House intern, figuring that because the affair was long over, and because they did not engage in intercourse, he was not technically lying. The evasions ultimately led to his impeachment by the House on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.

"I tried to walk a fine line between acting lawfully and testifying falsely, but I now recognize that I did not fully accomplish that goal and that certain of my responses to questions about Ms. Lewinsky were false," Clinton said.

But he went out parsing until the end, admitting to giving "false" answers - but not to lying.

His lawyer, David Kendall, told reporters that Clinton "did not lie. We have not admitted that he lied, and he did not do so today. He has conceded that he tried to conceal the relationship with Ms. Lewinsky."

As part of the deal, Clinton agreed to pay a $25,000 fine and gave up his right to ask the government to fund his enormous court costs.
Peraeus was the Director of Central Intelligence. Not a Republican or a member of the military.
You have no problem with the CIA director knowingly and willfully sharing very highly classified material with someone he knew was not cleared to see it?
Yes, I do have a problem with it. He was charged and convicted of a misdemeanor. If a person comes clean and completes their sentence, do you think they should be forgiven? Do you think Virginia Governor McAuliffe was wrong to restore voting rights to felons? Should Bill Clinton be forgiven for his perjury and disbarment once he served his punishment?
Of course people should be forgiven but that also doesn't mean their past should be completely forgotten. Especially when being considered for a position as prestigious as Sec of State.
...and Bill Clinton will be serving in the government post of? For the next 4 years?

He was guilty. He got impeached by the House. I hoped he would get removed from Office. He didn't. That's come and gone... he won't ever be serving in government office again. It's irrelevant.
You make a valid point and I'm not disputing your entitlement to that opinion. I, for one, give SOME lieghway to public servants, much like cops who speed, I dont expect them to get a ticket like the rest of us. I do think Clinton made a mistake with the server, but I don't think it warranted criminal charges. I also respect and appreciate the 4 years she served as Secretary of State. It saddens me that there are those who recognize none of the good and sacrifice that she did and only focus on the bad. A distorted version of the bad at that.

I'm not saying she is guilt free and I'm not saying she was even a good candidate. I didn't vote for her, mostly because she lacked a message that I could connect with, but trustworthiness was definitely a factor as well.
Clinton's work ethic as SoS impressed me too, but little thinks like "sniper fire" caused me to not give her an A+. When the whole email thing came to light, especially in how it played into her being in the loop with her embassies, I'd give her a C at best.

I think the Republicans overplayed their hand about Benghazi, especially with Hillary, since, IMHO, it was more about what orders the Ambassador was operating under for the President. Hillary had obviously removed herself from the loop with her private, unclassified email system.
Of course people should be forgiven but that also doesn't mean their past should be completely forgotten. Especially when being considered for a position as prestigious as Sec of State.
A valid point and one for Congress to decide since they are in a better position to the details of his mistake(s).
You do know that Clinton used the gov secure system to communicate about classified material right? Her private server was intended for personal and non classified communications. She never should have muddied the water by mixing personal and business as we learned a few slipped through the cracks
Are you saying she activated her government email address?

No, she never used her government address:

Did Clinton have a government email account?

No. The FBI said she declined to have one set up for her.

The State Department’s information technology staff did create two email accounts associated with Clinton that were not used by her. One was used to send mass emails to all State Department employees on her behalf. That was [email protected], and it was not configured to receive emails. The other was [email protected], which was created only to manage Clinton’s Outlook Calendar. That one was not configured to send or receive emails. (See page 10.)

A Guide to Clinton’s Emails
You do know that Clinton used the gov secure system to communicate about classified material right? Her private server was intended for personal and non classified communications. She never should have muddied the water by mixing personal and business as we learned a few slipped through the cracks
Are you saying she activated her government email address?
Not .gov email, there is protocol how high level officials handle classified information. Specified, places to meet, ways to carry documents, special computers and offline servers etc. Clinton made reference to her use of these protocols numerous times during the campaign

How Secretaries of State handle classified information
This is true, but what do you want to bet it will be the exact opposite?

The opposite of what? We've already seen Trump supporters supporting Petraeus JUST because they feel Hillary got off the hook.

So one minute they had ethics and morals saying Hillary should be locked up, and the next they want a guy that actually plead guilty to a crime as the third highest position in government.

The opposite of what? The opposite of leftists not making a big deal about Petreaus because of his past. I want to see these hypocrites make a big deal out of it.

So this is one of those... we''ll give up on Hillary being a criminal as soon as you guys forgive Petraeus? yeah... that's not going to work. How about, both are guilty, so pick a different person for Sec. of State?

Okay, but the people that will complain about him will be the same people that voted for Hillary. That's what I want to rub in.

You should complain about him as well. He's everything Trump disqualified Clinton for.

And yet she ran (and almost won) for President.

So tell me why should Hil-liar be allowed access to the most important job in the world and a General who dedicated his life to our country not even be considered for SOS?
the General got a slap on the wrist because he's a well connected white man .

You act like he was busted for a dui or somthing . No, dui Guys would get a harsher punishment .


Just pointing out how our justice system is bias . That's all .

Do you think it's not ?
Dude, you claimed he was given a pass because he was white. That's racist. The fact you don't recognize it's racist is very, very interesting to me.

I'm just stating facts .

You tell me . Do you think the General was treated the same as anyone else??

Maybe it wasn't the white thing , more likely its cause he's connected . But I'm just saying there's no fucking way he didn't catch a break .

Most people with first offenses do catch breaks. It's the people that break the law repeatedly that don't get them.
the General got a slap on the wrist because he's a well connected white man .

You act like he was busted for a dui or somthing . No, dui Guys would get a harsher punishment .


Just pointing out how our justice system is bias . That's all .

Do you think it's not ?
Dude, you claimed he was given a pass because he was white. That's racist. The fact you don't recognize it's racist is very, very interesting to me.

I'm just stating facts .

You tell me . Do you think the General was treated the same as anyone else??

Maybe it wasn't the white thing , more likely its cause he's connected . But I'm just saying there's no fucking way he didn't catch a break .

Most people with first offenses do catch breaks. It's the people that break the law repeatedly that don't get them.

Tell that to the kid that took pictures on the Sub with his cell phone and didn't share them with anyone before he erased them. He got a year in prison.
petraeus gave thousands of classified documents to a person not cleared to have them, 300 marked SECRET documents, he allowed her to copy, he stored these classified secret and compartmental TOP SECRET documents in his unlocked desk drawer and gave massive amounts of secret and top secret docs to her.

Hillary had 107 emails out of 50,000 emails on her server, that were classified and only 7 of those were top secret...she gave them or handed them over to no one, she did not remove them from their proper place, her staff had top secret clearance who participated in them...and ZERO were stolen or hacked.
OOPS I MEAN, KOCH has been sold a bill of goods by HIS beloved FAUX media hacks

Not according to the New York Post:

Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials | New York Post

You do understand that paper is a tabloid, don't you?

There are about ten other media outlets reporting the same thing. Would you like me to list them?

Just pointing out how our justice system is bias . That's all .

Do you think it's not ?
Dude, you claimed he was given a pass because he was white. That's racist. The fact you don't recognize it's racist is very, very interesting to me.

I'm just stating facts .

You tell me . Do you think the General was treated the same as anyone else??

Maybe it wasn't the white thing , more likely its cause he's connected . But I'm just saying there's no fucking way he didn't catch a break .

Most people with first offenses do catch breaks. It's the people that break the law repeatedly that don't get them.

Tell that to the kid that took pictures on the Sub with his cell phone and didn't share them with anyone before he erased them. He got a year in prison.

I have absolutely no idea what you are referring to.
Just pointing out how our justice system is bias . That's all .

Do you think it's not ?
Dude, you claimed he was given a pass because he was white. That's racist. The fact you don't recognize it's racist is very, very interesting to me.

I'm just stating facts .

You tell me . Do you think the General was treated the same as anyone else??

Maybe it wasn't the white thing , more likely its cause he's connected . But I'm just saying there's no fucking way he didn't catch a break .

Most people with first offenses do catch breaks. It's the people that break the law repeatedly that don't get them.

Tell that to the kid that took pictures on the Sub with his cell phone and didn't share them with anyone before he erased them. He got a year in prison.

I have absolutely no idea what you are referring to.

Sailor gets year in prison for taking photos in nuclear sub
Dude, you claimed he was given a pass because he was white. That's racist. The fact you don't recognize it's racist is very, very interesting to me.

I'm just stating facts .

You tell me . Do you think the General was treated the same as anyone else??

Maybe it wasn't the white thing , more likely its cause he's connected . But I'm just saying there's no fucking way he didn't catch a break .

Most people with first offenses do catch breaks. It's the people that break the law repeatedly that don't get them.

Tell that to the kid that took pictures on the Sub with his cell phone and didn't share them with anyone before he erased them. He got a year in prison.

I have absolutely no idea what you are referring to.

Sailor gets year in prison for taking photos in nuclear sub

And as I stated, first time offenders catch a break. He was subject to get six years in prison and only got one. Furthermore it was more than just the pictures. He tried to destroy evidence in the process of being investigated.
Not .gov email, there is protocol how high level officials handle classified information. Specified, places to meet, ways to carry documents, special computers and offline servers etc. Clinton made reference to her use of these protocols numerous times during the campaign

How Secretaries of State handle classified information
Thanks for the link. It's fascinating that it starts out with a statement we now know to be false:
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she never sent classified information through her private email account while she served as America's top diplomat, a claim that has been met with skepticism.

While it's common for having underlings process and present material, including classified material (I've been on both ends of that), it's important for leaders to have direct access too. By her own admission, Hillary cut herself off one means of access, one means for her ambassadors to contact her with sensitive information.
I'm just stating facts .

You tell me . Do you think the General was treated the same as anyone else??

Maybe it wasn't the white thing , more likely its cause he's connected . But I'm just saying there's no fucking way he didn't catch a break .

Most people with first offenses do catch breaks. It's the people that break the law repeatedly that don't get them.

Tell that to the kid that took pictures on the Sub with his cell phone and didn't share them with anyone before he erased them. He got a year in prison.

I have absolutely no idea what you are referring to.

Sailor gets year in prison for taking photos in nuclear sub

And as I stated, first time offenders catch a break. He was subject to get six years in prison and only got one. Furthermore it was more than just the pictures. He tried to destroy evidence in the process of being investigated. what he did was worse than what Petraeus did?

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