Why is Trump afraid to testify on his own behalf!

You couldn’t pronounce my name.

You cannot post anything intelligent. Or on topic.

It’s a sign of your cowardice and tragic mental retardation.

By the way, you pussy: you remain off topic.

To assist you, the false thread headline contends that declining to testify is somehow cowardice. It simply is not.
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No laughing matter. It’s clearly true.

Also tragic.

Sucks to be you.

By the way, I remind you of the error and ignorance of the mindless thread topic — in case you ever wish to post ON topic.

You coward.

It is still true that a decision not to testify is often smart but is not a sign of fear.
Will they go after Cohen for perjury (again) along with grand larceny? Or are they too focused on going after their rival with non-crimes?

P.S. Any news on the kid?
Yes. Jasmine was located by an investigator from the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. She was in Mesa in a homeless camp.

I wrote an absolutely blistering letter and sent it to every supervisor in the system.

No they won't try Cohen again. There is nothing that could benefit democrats. If not for this, Cohen is old news boring.
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