Creeping paranoia

This guy tells fox news that Pelosi's thugs came to him in the night and that he wants his voice heard before Obama puts him down (as in the insane rumor about offing the elderly).

Where's Sarah Palin when you need her? She could help this guy, you betcha!
These people are starting to worry me.

The forces allied against healthcare reform are very rich and very powerful.

The Republicans and the "Blue Dog" Democrats are their lap dogs.

What Obama is proposing is pretty basic really.

A public option for everybody and no denial of coverage for "pre-existing conditions."

Everyone gets a public option when they turn 65 anyway.
they are scaring me a little too...if arguments were on truth, i'm all for that, but on lies about killing people? then this, in their crazy minds, could justify killing dems in office/.....?
Protester on Fox: Pelosi 'Thugs' Came In 'Middle Of The Night,' Health Care Plan 'Sentences Our Families To Death' | LiveWire

This guy tells fox news that Pelosi's thugs came to him in the night and that he wants his voice heard before Obama puts him down (as in the insane rumor about offing the elderly).

The right has no truth, so they lie.

Should we be surprised?

Really? When did you become a right-winger? I must have missed the memo.
If you think there is nothing wrong with euthanasia or abortion your moral compass points south.

Tell me there grump do you agree with Cass Sunstein - Obama's regulations czar that we chould be able to abort children until they are two years old?
If you think there is nothing wrong with euthanasia or abortion your moral compass points south.

Tell me there grump do you agree with Cass Sunstein - Obama's regulations czar that we chould be able to abort children until they are two years old?

Can you provide a link for that?
ell me there grump do you agree with Cass Sunstein - Obama's regulations czar that we chould be able to abort children until they are two years old?

OK, OK....I am NO doctor, so can someone please explain to me MEDICALLY, how someone can abort a child up to two years of age???
Protester on Fox: Pelosi 'Thugs' Came In 'Middle Of The Night,' Health Care Plan 'Sentences Our Families To Death' | LiveWire

This guy tells fox news that Pelosi's thugs came to him in the night and that he wants his voice heard before Obama puts him down (as in the insane rumor about offing the elderly).

The right has no truth, so they lie.

Should we be surprised?

take your head out of your ass dipshit...the left has lied and still does right this are not to bright are ya?....
Source? It can be found in his write up in wiki. As I've said before google the guy. Sunstein is a guy with a wide variety of opinions and almost everyone will hate at least some of them. he seems to believe most environmental legislation is a waste of time meaning the greenies don't like him. He halso thinks we should let old folks die rather than spend money on them.

Again all of this can be found in his Wiki write up.
ell me there grump do you agree with Cass Sunstein - Obama's regulations czar that we chould be able to abort children until they are two years old?

OK, OK....I am NO doctor, so can someone please explain to me MEDICALLY, how someone can abort a child up to two years of age???

My question too! WTH are you talking about? I have googled INTENSELY, and can find nothing of this concrete. Do you have links to prove these sentiments of Cass?

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