Couple Sentenced For Murder of 15 Day Old Baby...No Different Than Abortion

There is no god, you fucking idiot. god is a creation by man in order to deal with his mortality.
Believing in God just requires common sense.
Sadly, you are right.

Common sense or mass delusion. Take your pick.
Faith in the Lord. You forgot that. I’ve been in combat. As the saying goes, “ there are no atheist in foxholes.”

Who gives a shit whether you were in combat or not. This is not a theocracy although we seem to have radical Christians in this country who want to impose their religious beliefs on others.
I give a shit. The fuckers I shot gave a shit at the time. They were trying to kill me just as hard as I was them. But they were not innocent babies in the womb. We knew our task at the time. We had choices. Innocent have no voice.
Cool. An infant does not have the ability to survive outside the womb. Do we get to kill them too?
Not true. Most born infants survive outside of the womb.
So they survive “outside” the womb as “infants.” Then what were they in the ninth month inside the womb?
The only excuses allowed for an abortion that late is if the unborn child is dying or facing lethal abnormalities or if the mother's life is in danger.
Not in “blue states” like The People’s Republic of California, The People’s Republic of Illinois, The People’s Republic of New York, The People’s Very Communist Republic of Massachusetts.

We have radical Christians in Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi and Louisiana to name a few. Even Pat Robertson calls Alabama's law extreme.
You just named some of the best states in America.
And there it is, the condition. See, that wasn't so hard now was it?

So you've defined viability as the ability to survive with assistance from a 3rd party. Guess what cupcake: A normal, healthy fetus of any age can survive with the help of it's mother via the gestational process, and is therefore VIABLE.

Way to defeat your own argument.
I said that before. Were you not paying attention?

As far as it being viable with the help of the mother, that is only inside of her body. So now you're trying, and failing, to alter my position -- which is viability to survive outside of the womb.

What difference does it make? Why is does your "viability" argument apply outside the womb and not inside?
The difference is the law. It allows a woman to terminate her pregnancy up until the point the fetus can survive outside the womb.
Do you trust every law that is made by man ?? If you say yes, then you can't be helped.

God's law is supreme, and it trump's man's law everytime. Don't believe it, just try to break God's law's or man's law to the point of abuse and ridiculousness over and over again.

It won't be good for ya.

Consequences are something no one figures upon until BAM they hit ya like a ton of bricks when you least expect it one day, and especially if didn't change your ways in which were just plain bad.

Now just like any or some law's, there are degree's for which they can be abused and are broken.

So thank God for man, for whom within him he also takes his directions and learnings from God almighty, where as there is mercy, compassion, and righteous judgement in which are all part of it, and man (thank goodness), attempts to apply the laws created in the same ways as his creator did for him, in which were also in the same ways.

Just be responsible folks, and things will be OK. 1st and foremost however "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" ......................... AMEN !!!
Thank G-d, you don't get to decide G-d's laws.
God gave us morality as his children. When we try to play God then we get the human race into situations it need not go.
There is no god, you fucking idiot. god is a creation by man in order to deal with his mortality.
Believing in God just requires common sense.
Sadly, you are right.

Common sense or mass delusion. Take your pick.
Faith in the Lord. You forgot that. I’ve been in combat. As the saying goes, “ there are no atheist in foxholes.”
Bless you, Bush92. Our military guys are on bended knee, and God is with them. You go, guy!

Not even close. A pregnan woman’s child is still apart of her body.

So why does the child have different DNA?
Are you suggesting that the fetus wasn’t part of the woman’s body? Because that’s all I said. Your attempt to sound witty failed miserably.

Absolutely I am. It is not her arm. It is not her heart. It is a distinct entity with it's own genetic structure. The fact that a fetus must reside inside a body for 9 months does not make it a part of that body. I live in a house and I use it's features to sustain myself. That doesn't make me a floorboard. :rolleyes:
Lol you’re arguing about something as dumb as semantics. A fetus and a woman are biologically connected whether you like it or not. You can say that can’t be defined as “part of” if you want, but it is what it is. I’m not even sure what point you are trying to make. I certainly didn’t say anything about her DNA.

The mere circumstance of being "connected" to something does not change the nature of being a separate entity. Sometimes I plug headphones into my cell phone to listen to music. That doesn't make them part of the phone. On the same principle a fetus being connected to a mother doesn't make it a part of the mother. By your logic an infant that breastfeeds is a "part of the mother".
Your comparing human life to a set of headphones? Very Stalinistic, very Himmleresque, very Pol Pot.
Ability to survive outside of the womb.

Cool. An infant does not have the ability to survive outside the womb. Do we get to kill them too?
Not true. Most born infants survive outside of the womb.
So they survive “outside” the womb as “infants.” Then what were they in the ninth month inside the womb?
The only excuses allowed for an abortion that late is if the unborn child is dying or facing lethal abnormalities or if the mother's life is in danger.
Not in “blue states” like The People’s Republic of California, The People’s Republic of Illinois, The People’s Republic of New York, The People’s Very Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
It wasn't always like that, my mama's ancestors came from the Boston Area, finally made their way to the bluebonnet state after detours in a few other states where Presbyterians were welcome!

There is no god, you fucking idiot. god is a creation by man in order to deal with his mortality.
Amazing how strong Blind Faith is among Athiests.

Matter, Energy, Space, & Time didn't create themselves from nothingness.

Believing in Christ does require Faith.

Believing in God just requires common sense.
They can't be Democrats anymore until they swear an oath to be atheists, and the women have to show how they have had a few abortions before being elected to office to fight off the several right-to-lifers in the Republican Party who believe in Jesus.
There is no god, you fucking idiot. god is a creation by man in order to deal with his mortality.
Believing in God just requires common sense.
Sadly, you are right.

Common sense or mass delusion. Take your pick.
Faith in the Lord. You forgot that. I’ve been in combat. As the saying goes, “ there are no atheist in foxholes.”
Bless you, Bush92. Our military guys are on bended knee, and God is with them. You go,
There is no god, you fucking idiot. god is a creation by man in order to deal with his mortality.
Believing in God just requires common sense.
Sadly, you are right.

Common sense or mass delusion. Take your pick.
Faith in the Lord. You forgot that. I’ve been in combat. As the saying goes, “ there are no atheist in foxholes.”
Bless you, Bush92. Our military guys are on bended knee, and God is with them. You go, guy!

Beautress = beautiful person. Thank you.
Cool. An infant does not have the ability to survive outside the womb. Do we get to kill them too?
Not true. Most born infants survive outside of the womb.
So they survive “outside” the womb as “infants.” Then what were they in the ninth month inside the womb?
The only excuses allowed for an abortion that late is if the unborn child is dying or facing lethal abnormalities or if the mother's life is in danger.
Not in “blue states” like The People’s Republic of California, The People’s Republic of Illinois, The People’s Republic of New York, The People’s Very Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
It wasn't always like that, my mama's ancestors came from the Boston Area, finally made their way to the bluebonnet state after detours in a few other states where Presbyterians were welcome!

Like the saying goes, “I wasn’t born in Texas but I got there as fast as I could.” Wonderful place to raise a good Christian family.
Cool. An infant does not have the ability to survive outside the womb. Do we get to kill them too?
Not true. Most born infants survive outside of the womb.
So they survive “outside” the womb as “infants.” Then what were they in the ninth month inside the womb?
The only excuses allowed for an abortion that late is if the unborn child is dying or facing lethal abnormalities or if the mother's life is in danger.
Not in “blue states” like The People’s Republic of California, The People’s Republic of Illinois, The People’s Republic of New York, The People’s Very Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
It wasn't always like that, my mama's ancestors came from the Boston Area, finally made their way to the bluebonnet state after detours in a few other states where Presbyterians were welcome!

Californians are moving to Texas to make it a mess just like they did Colorado. Just like New Yorkers did to Vermont and New Hampshire.
Anyp is a good place to raise a Christian family. I raised mine way up North. Lots of good Christian's here. I'll see them in church Sunday. Some vote gop and some don't. Not in my interests to sway them either way. Politics has no place in the house of God.
Anyp is a good place to raise a Christian family. I raised mine way up North. Lots of good Christian's here. I'll see them in church Sunday. Some vote gop and some don't. Not in my interests to sway them either way. Politics has no place in the house of God.
Yes politics does have a place in the House of God. What was Jesus exposing in his life on this earth? The political situation of Rome with regards to its occupied territories of the Empire.
Jesus teachings focused around helping the poor and destitute. We both know how he felt about the wealthy and materialism. Yet our focus is the almighty buck which surely shows a huge fault. Greed is rampant. I will agree that able bodied should be working and earning a good wage.
If I had to predict I would say our pastor leans to the left on most issues except abortion. But he does not speak well of being wealthy.
If I had to predict I would say our pastor leans to the left on most issues except abortion. But he does not speak well of being wealthy.
You’re very shallow minded on the issue, your political correctness has made you fucking retarded
And society decided guns should be legal. There are many laws, some are good, some are not. Society decides.

That wasn't my question now was it.
Your question is stupid. It's based on the premise that no law is right.

Again, society decides which laws are right. And our society has decided that women's rights should supersede the rights of a fetus until it can viably survive outside of the womb. You don't have to like that, but then TFB.

Wrong, my premise was "using law as a metric of morality is downright asinine" - which I have now explicitly stated for you THREE times. You're the one hiding behind the law as a justification for abortion. Why won't you do the same for slavery or Nazi atrocities, hmm?

No, your premise was to pick an unpopular law and use that as a metric with which to compare other laws you don't like. But the reality is in doing that, one can compare unpopular laws with any law once you delve into such a ridiculous position. There are some people who are against current gun laws. Not saying I agree with them, but they too could compare slavery with gun laws under the guise of ... at one time, society wanted slavery.

It's a stupid position taken by stupid people who don't think their argument all the way through.

For the 4th time, my premise was: "using law as a metric of morality is downright asinine". Period. Throw out all the bullshit word salad you want to try and twist my statement, it won't work. Furthermore, my position is not limited to a singular unpopular law. I can list you a plethora of repugnant laws that have plagued this country since it's founding and would serve to re-enforce my premise - laws are NOT a metric of morality. Quit hiding behind "this is what society has decided". Societies have decided atrocious things since time began, that does NOT justify them and you fucking well know it.
Every time you ask that you will get the same answer... I never referred to the law as moral. So g'head and ask it again.

And again, comparing laws you don't like with laws that are unpopular is a fail. It's a false comparison and a desperate attempt by losers who can't adequately find a legitimate fault in the law their trying to disparage. Evidence of that...? Poll Americans and a majority will respond that slavery laws were awful. Poll Americans about Roe v. Wade and a majority will respond they are in favor of it. Rendering your false comparison DOA.
I said that before. Were you not paying attention?

As far as it being viable with the help of the mother, that is only inside of her body. So now you're trying, and failing, to alter my position -- which is viability to survive outside of the womb.

What difference does it make? Why is does your "viability" argument apply outside the womb and not inside?
The difference is the law. It allows a woman to terminate her pregnancy up until the point the fetus can survive outside the womb.
Do you trust every law that is made by man ?? If you say yes, then you can't be helped.

God's law is supreme, and it trump's man's law everytime. Don't believe it, just try to break God's law's or man's law to the point of abuse and ridiculousness over and over again.

It won't be good for ya.

Consequences are something no one figures upon until BAM they hit ya like a ton of bricks when you least expect it one day, and especially if didn't change your ways in which were just plain bad.

Now just like any or some law's, there are degree's for which they can be abused and are broken.

So thank God for man, for whom within him he also takes his directions and learnings from God almighty, where as there is mercy, compassion, and righteous judgement in which are all part of it, and man (thank goodness), attempts to apply the laws created in the same ways as his creator did for him, in which were also in the same ways.

Just be responsible folks, and things will be OK. 1st and foremost however "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" ......................... AMEN !!!
Thank G-d, you don't get to decide G-d's laws.
God gave us morality as his children. When we try to play God then we get the human race into situations it need not go.
That is your morality, not a morality you can impose on others; many of whom don't even believe in your god.
That wasn't my question now was it.
Your question is stupid. It's based on the premise that no law is right.

Again, society decides which laws are right. And our society has decided that women's rights should supersede the rights of a fetus until it can viably survive outside of the womb. You don't have to like that, but then TFB.

Wrong, my premise was "using law as a metric of morality is downright asinine" - which I have now explicitly stated for you THREE times. You're the one hiding behind the law as a justification for abortion. Why won't you do the same for slavery or Nazi atrocities, hmm?

No, your premise was to pick an unpopular law and use that as a metric with which to compare other laws you don't like. But the reality is in doing that, one can compare unpopular laws with any law once you delve into such a ridiculous position. There are some people who are against current gun laws. Not saying I agree with them, but they too could compare slavery with gun laws under the guise of ... at one time, society wanted slavery.

It's a stupid position taken by stupid people who don't think their argument all the way through.

For the 4th time, my premise was: "using law as a metric of morality is downright asinine". Period. Throw out all the bullshit word salad you want to try and twist my statement, it won't work. Furthermore, my position is not limited to a singular unpopular law. I can list you a plethora of repugnant laws that have plagued this country since it's founding and would serve to re-enforce my premise - laws are NOT a metric of morality. Quit hiding behind "this is what society has decided". Societies have decided atrocious things since time began, that does NOT justify them and you fucking well know it.
Every time you ask that you will get the same answer... I never referred to the law as moral. So g'head and ask it again.

And again, comparing laws you don't like with laws that are unpopular is a fail. It's a false comparison and a desperate attempt by losers who can't adequately find a legitimate fault in the law their trying to disparage. Evidence of that...? Poll Americans and a majority will respond that slavery laws were awful. Poll Americans about Roe v. Wade and a majority will respond they are in favor of it. Rendering your false comparison DOA.

You're the moron presenting 'law' as justification for abortion, yet somehow the same logic does not apply to other situations? A majority approved of them at one time in history you dipshit.

At this point I don't know if you're intentionally being obtuse or are just incredibly fucking stupid. I suspect the latter, and I bet if you were alive in 1800 you'd have been out in the fields cracking whips with the best of them "because the law says I can".

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