Couple Sentenced For Murder of 15 Day Old Baby...No Different Than Abortion

And there it is, the condition. See, that wasn't so hard now was it?

So you've defined viability as the ability to survive with assistance from a 3rd party. Guess what cupcake: A normal, healthy fetus of any age can survive with the help of it's mother via the gestational process, and is therefore VIABLE.

Way to defeat your own argument.
I said that before. Were you not paying attention?

As far as it being viable with the help of the mother, that is only inside of her body. So now you're trying, and failing, to alter my position -- which is viability to survive outside of the womb.

What difference does it make? Why is does your "viability" argument apply outside the womb and not inside?
The difference is the law. It allows a woman to terminate her pregnancy up until the point the fetus can survive outside the womb.

Oh, brilliant... :rolleyes:

The law once said slavery was perfectly legal. Did that make it morally or ethically acceptable?
The law also says guns are legal. Is that not good?

Actually the law doesn't say that guns are legal. The Bill of Rights is not a list of privileges granted by government, it is a list of the inherent liberties of a free people that the government is forbidden from taking away.

Swing and a miss.

The point is, cupcake, that using law as a metric of morality is downright asinine. Everything the Nazis did was perfectly legal under their own flag of authority, and had they not been defeated by a superior force it would remain legal today. Remember that the next time you use the "law" to justify your positions about the rights of others.
I’m guessing liberals think this termination of life was the choice of the parents. No different than abortion.
Georgia couple found guilty of murdering 15-day-old daughter while on meth

So 15 day old is the same as a fetus?

Physically? No.
Inherently? Yes.

Both are human and deserve an equal chance at life.

One is born and one isn't.

So what? Does the birth canal convey personhood?
I’m guessing liberals think this termination of life was the choice of the parents. No different than abortion.
Georgia couple found guilty of murdering 15-day-old daughter while on meth

So 15 day old is the same as a fetus?

Physically? No.
Inherently? Yes.

Both are human and deserve an equal chance at life.

One is born and one isn't.

So what? Does the birth canal convey personhood?

Being born conveys personhood.
I’m guessing liberals think this termination of life was the choice of the parents. No different than abortion.
Georgia couple found guilty of murdering 15-day-old daughter while on meth

So 15 day old is the same as a fetus?

Physically? No.
Inherently? Yes.

Both are human and deserve an equal chance at life.

One is born and one isn't.

So what? Does the birth canal convey personhood?

Being born conveys personhood.

Really? So if I were to beat a pregnant woman and cause her to miscarry, I wouldn't be charged with homicide?

You better get on the horn with some judges, bro. There's a plethora of innocent people in prison right now. Chop chop!

So 15 day old is the same as a fetus?

Physically? No.
Inherently? Yes.

Both are human and deserve an equal chance at life.

One is born and one isn't.

So what? Does the birth canal convey personhood?

Being born conveys personhood.

Really? So if I were to beat a pregnant woman and cause her to miscarry, I wouldn't be charged with homicide?

You better get on the horn with some judges, bro. There's a plethora of innocent people in prison right now. Chop chop!


Dude, if you were to beat a women it would be assault at very minimum.

Why the apples and oranges BS?
Physically? No.
Inherently? Yes.

Both are human and deserve an equal chance at life.

One is born and one isn't.

So what? Does the birth canal convey personhood?

Being born conveys personhood.

Really? So if I were to beat a pregnant woman and cause her to miscarry, I wouldn't be charged with homicide?

You better get on the horn with some judges, bro. There's a plethora of innocent people in prison right now. Chop chop!


Dude, if you were to beat a women it would be assault at very minimum.

Why the apples and oranges BS?

I didn't ask about the woman now did I? I asked about the dead child. If it's not a person, why would I be charged with homicide?

Think, McFly, think....
One is born and one isn't.

So what? Does the birth canal convey personhood?

Being born conveys personhood.

Really? So if I were to beat a pregnant woman and cause her to miscarry, I wouldn't be charged with homicide?

You better get on the horn with some judges, bro. There's a plethora of innocent people in prison right now. Chop chop!


Dude, if you were to beat a women it would be assault at very minimum.

Why the apples and oranges BS?

I didn't ask about the woman now did I? I asked about the dead child. If it's not a person, why would I be charged with homicide?

Think, McFly, think....

Its not a person until born.

Why is that hard for you to grasp?
Its not a person until born.


You will be charged with death of a fetus.

Which is a HOMICIDE you fucking numbskull.

Do you not understand what a homicide is? I'll help you:


Need to see it in practice? Here you go:

"Rodney E. Black was convicted Thursday of charges stemming from the April 17, 2015, murder of Latisha Reidelberger and the child she was carrying. In addition to murder, the 58-year-old Black was charged with three counts of intentional homicide of an unborn child."

Man convicted of murder, homicide of an unborn child

How many examples would you like, dumbass? Cuz Google is chock full of them. Sit the fuck down.
Its not a person until born.


You will be charged with death of a fetus.

Which is a HOMICIDE you fucking numbskull.

Do you not understand what a homicide is? I'll help you:

View attachment 262149

Need to see it in practice? Here you go:

"Rodney E. Black was convicted Thursday of charges stemming from the April 17, 2015, murder of Latisha Reidelberger and the child she was carrying. In addition to murder, the 58-year-old Black was charged with three counts of intentional homicide of an unborn child."

Man convicted of murder, homicide of an unborn child

How many examples would you like, dumbass? Cuz Google is chock full of them. Sit the fuck down.

Your source doesn't ID the homicide charge.

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