Convicted Clinton Indonesian Financier Returns To The US, Confirms Clinton Pay-To Play


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Pay-To-Play' With Hillary Turned Indonesian Into a billionaire...and he has no problem being open about it.

EXCLUSIVE: Convicted Clinton Indonesian Financier Returns To The US

"When James Riady and his family’s company, called the Lippo Group, pled guilty to campaign fraud in the 1990s for donations to Bill Clinton, it looked as if the Indonesian-based businessman’s days were over — and just another ugly chapter of American political history.

Yet, starting in 2011 when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, the Riadys started their return to the United States through a new Chinese subsidiary called Lippo China Resources, which sought to become a minority owner in a Utah company called CS Mining.

Riady’s Lippo China Resources hopes to obtain majority ownership of the Utah company at a bankruptcy court hearing Friday in Salt Lake City. They are trying to acquire the land — the size of Manhattan — at fire-sale prices, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has found.

The Riady family — Indonesian citizens who property worldwide and business holdings that include mainland China — hope to gain control of the copper, gold and silver reserves on 60,000 acres in Utah.

The Clinton-Riady saga appeared to end Jan. 10, 2001, 10 days before Clinton left the White House, when Attorney General Janet Reno penned a guilty plea for Riady. The move infuriated Republicans because it looked as if Clinton was going easy on his former financial patron.

Despite Riady’s guilty plea, the Indonesian billionaire remains quite open about how his payments to the Clintons have produced tangible benefits for him and his family’s company.

In 2009, for instance, when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, Riady re-entered the United States for the first time by getting a waiver from the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta. Asked why he was able to re-enter the United States, Riady told the Washington Post in 2010 he was able enter the United States because of $20,000 he paid to the Clinton Foundation.

Two years later, with Hillary still at the State Department, Lippo China made its bid for a 28 percent stake in CS Mining."
Clinton is yesterdays news, just a distraction from what Mueller is attempting to do.
I was about to ask why snowflakes like yourself have to lie when anyone points out hos much of a criminal POS Hillary Clinton is, considering the DNC fought so hard to make her their candidate, but then I already knew the answer:

Every time anyone points out how criminal the Democrats snowflakes immediately try to distract / divert the focus away from you are trying to do.

Hillary is far from 'old news'. Like Barry, she refuses to just go away. Hillary is trying to keep herself 'relevant' to keep her hopes alive for a possible 3rd Presidential Run. She even announced she has joined the criminal 'Resistance'.

Hillary should have been wearing an orange prison jump suit on election day instead of a pants suit. So she keeps pressing her luck, keeps pushing forward like nothing is wrong, like she did nothing wrong / illegal. She keeps putting herself in the spotlight....

Be careful what you wish for, Hillary...I am sure there is an orange prison jump suit just short and round enough for you. :p
Hillary is a great saleswoman.

Sold access to The White House when Bill was President.
Sold Pardons when Bill was on his way out of The White House.
Sold our Uranium to The Russians
Sold access to The State Department
And Sold our Copper to Indonesia & China.

For a fee of course....always for a fee.
No Free Rides Man!
Clinton is yesterdays news, just a distraction from what Mueller is attempting to do.
I was about to ask why snowflakes like yourself have to lie when anyone points out hos much of a criminal POS Hillary Clinton is, considering the DNC fought so hard to make her their candidate, but then I already knew the answer:

Every time anyone points out how criminal the Democrats snowflakes immediately try to distract / divert the focus away from you are trying to do.

Hillary is far from 'old news'. Like Barry, she refuses to just go away. Hillary is trying to keep herself 'relevant' to keep her hopes alive for a possible 3rd Presidential Run. She even announced she has joined the criminal 'Resistance'.

Hillary should have been wearing an orange prison jump suit on election day instead of a pants suit. So she keeps pressing her luck, keeps pushing forward like nothing is wrong, like she did nothing wrong / illegal. She keeps putting herself in the spotlight....

Be careful what you wish for, Hillary...I am sure there is an orange prison jump suit just short and round enough for you. :p
Donnie promised an investigation of Hillary long ago. he promised to put her in prison. Why hasn't he.
They simply don't care, WHATEVER the Clinton's have done is simply fine.
Why isn't Trump investigating her? He said he would, but nothing.
Where the hell is Sessions?

The Capitol Police are leading the Federal investigation into Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Foreign Espionage Ring, 'negotiating' with her to get her 'permission' to look at her PC that is in their possession. WTF? Where is sessions? Where is the FBI? Why are the keystone cops the lead investigators in a federal foreign Espionage Case?

Sessions declared he would press on and do his job even after Trump didn't display any confidence in him.... Well maybe if he got off is ass and sent the FBI in to take over the DWS Espionage Case and had them put the already proven case against Hillary together he would EARN some trust.
Hillary is a great saleswoman.

Sold access to The White House when Bill was President.
Sold Pardons when Bill was on his way out of The White House.
Sold our Uranium to The Russians
Sold access to The State Department
And Sold our Copper to Indonesia & China.

For a fee of course....always for a fee.
No Free Rides Man!
Hillary NEVER sold uranium to the Russians. Thats why your posts are so FOS.
They simply don't care, WHATEVER the Clinton's have done is simply fine.
Why isn't Trump investigating her? He said he would, but nothing.
Where the hell is Sessions?

The Capitol Police are leading the Federal investigation into Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Foreign Espionage Ring, 'negotiating' with her to get her 'permission' to look at her PC that is in their possession. WTF? Where is sessions? Where is the FBI? Why are the keystone cops the lead investigators in a federal foreign Espionage Case?
Why hasn't Trump investigated Mrs. Clinton?
Some of us understand our entire system is corrupt.
You're so full of shit....Obama bypassed his own Immigration's ban / denial of entry for Putin's lawyer into the US...under HIS corrupt system.
Again, why has he done NOTHING?
Probably because he is up to his ass in false accusations, conspiracy theories, and fake news. If Jeff Sessions is pissed that Trump displayed a lack of confidence in him maybe it is because his DOJ has completely ignored the crimes committed by the Democratic Party.

After recusing himself from Mueller's investigation that should give him plenty of time to bring Hillary, Wasserman-Schultz, and Susan Rice to justice.
Again, why has he done NOTHING?
Probably because he is up to his ass in false accusations, conspiracy theories, and fake news. If Jeff Sessions is pissed that Trump displayed a lack of confidence in him maybe it is because his DOJ has completely ignored the crimes committed by the Democratic Party.

After recusing himself from Mueller's investigation that should give him plenty of time to bring Hillary, Wasserman-Schultz, and Susan Rice to justice.

If they investigated the DC swamp we'd probably have to hold a special election to refill half the empty congressional seats.
Again, why has he done NOTHING?
Back to the initial question...

If this lawyer was so tied to Putin / Russia, why did Barry go out of his way to give her special permission to come into the US, and why was Hillary's lawyer chaperoning her?

OR we could get back to the topic of discussion about how the Clinton's criminal convicted financier is openly declaring how engaging in Pay-To-Play with Hillary made him a billionaire evidence of Hillary Influence Peddling and Pay-To-Play.
Again, why has he done NOTHING?
Probably because he is up to his ass in false accusations, conspiracy theories, and fake news. If Jeff Sessions is pissed that Trump displayed a lack of confidence in him maybe it is because his DOJ has completely ignored the crimes committed by the Democratic Party.

After recusing himself from Mueller's investigation that should give him plenty of time to bring Hillary, Wasserman-Schultz, and Susan Rice to justice.

Poor Don. A sleaze ball predatory "capitalist" who’s foray into the political arena was based upon birtherism and accusing Ted Cruz' father of involvement in the Kennedy assassination is now hamstrung by fake news and false accusations. What a whiney little bitch.
You got it all wrong, it's not about Hillary, it's about Russia, Russia, Russia!


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