Conservatives like to blame the government for our economic problems, but the blame must go...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Colorado the job creators themselves.

Sure, government COULD hinder job growth, but it really doesn't currently. Regulations, for instance, have an insignificant effect on job growth. The BLS statistics prove that. Revenue as a percentage of GDP is near the historic low. Of course high taxes on the wealthy historically does very little to hinder growth. In the 50s the tax percentage on the wealthy was signficantly higher and we still had great growth.

Let's look at the facts. Corporate profits are at an all time high. The wealthy are wealthier than EVER BEFORE. Where is the outrage at these people? Why don't they invest in a stronger labor force? Wel gee it's obviously because they only care about themselves. If the mimum wage in one state is $8.00, you can damn well bet they will pay it to their entry level workers despite the fact that people can't fucking live off of it.

The truth is that government can do a lot to help economic growth and cutting taxes for the wealthy and throwing away regulations isn't the way to do it. Boosting consumer demand is how you grow the economy. Tax cuts for the middle class is one. Raising the minimum wage is another. Any jobs lost from this (which would be small depending on how high you raised it) would be regained and more with the boost to consumer spending from the poor. Giving unemoyment benefits to those who really need it boosts demand. As a short term strategy, boosting food stamps will stimulate the economy as well (like it or not it does).

God I wish liberals could take over. New and improved democrats would be great.

Fuck republicans.
I wish a party of moderates would take over that believed in spending on our own country!
Infrastructure could use a few hundred billion more!
Energy infrastructure
Invest in science. More on projects to find other earth like planets and more money for fusion!
r&d investment

Maybe a higher tax on the super rich!
raise the minimum wage to 10 dollars per hour
Let's favor the lower and middle class!!!

Sick of the losertrians.
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I find it sad how the losertrians oppose cutting taxes for the middle class. They're stooges for the super rich...That hate investing in this country.
Haha that's right, Matthew, embrace your leftist ideology.
I wish a party of moderates would take over that believed in spending on our own country!
Infrastructure could use a few hundred billion more!
Energy infrastructure
Invest in science. More on projects to find other earth like planets and more money for fusion!
r&d investment

Maybe a higher tax on the super rich!
raise the minimum wage to 10 dollars per hour
Let's favor the lower and middle class!!!

Sick of the losertrians.

You sir are describing a leftist.
I wish a party of moderates would take over that believed in spending on our own country!
Infrastructure could use a few hundred billion more!
Energy infrastructure
Invest in science. More on projects to find other earth like planets and more money for fusion!
r&d investment

Maybe a higher tax on the super rich!
raise the minimum wage to 10 dollars per hour
Let's favor the lower and middle class!!!

Sick of the losertrians.

You sir are describing a leftist.
The leftwing will save this country if we let them.
I wish a party of moderates would take over that believed in spending on our own country!
Infrastructure could use a few hundred billion more!
Energy infrastructure
Invest in science. More on projects to find other earth like planets and more money for fusion!
r&d investment

Maybe a higher tax on the super rich!
raise the minimum wage to 10 dollars per hour
Let's favor the lower and middle class!!!

Sick of the losertrians.

You sir are describing a leftist.
The leftwing will save this country if we let them.

The far left will not save anyone but themselves..
I wish a party of moderates would take over that believed in spending on our own country!
Infrastructure could use a few hundred billion more!
Energy infrastructure
Invest in science. More on projects to find other earth like planets and more money for fusion!
r&d investment

Maybe a higher tax on the super rich!
raise the minimum wage to 10 dollars per hour
Let's favor the lower and middle class!!!

Sick of the losertrians.

You sir are describing a leftist.
The leftwing will save this country if we let them.

He's trying......LOLOLOL!


I wish a party of moderates would take over that believed in spending on our own country!
Infrastructure could use a few hundred billion more!
Energy infrastructure
Invest in science. More on projects to find other earth like planets and more money for fusion!
r&d investment

Maybe a higher tax on the super rich!
raise the minimum wage to 10 dollars per hour
Let's favor the lower and middle class!!!

Sick of the losertrians.

You sir are describing a leftist.

You don't believe in investing in your own country? What's so wrong with it??? We're a mixed economy. Did you forget?

There isn't a pure system on earth...Simply, because a pure system is hell.

DID YOU KNOW that most community colleges and state colleges in states like Califorina used to be free? Colleges have become nothing more than a corporation that seeks to take peoples money. Time to force them back to their roots.

Yes the far left needed money for their over bloated social programs, whish is why no one should ever vote far left..

DID YOU KNOW that most community colleges and state colleges in states like Califorina used to be free? Colleges have become nothing more than a corporation that seeks to take peoples money. Time to force them back to their roots.

Yes the far left needed money for their over bloated social programs, whish is why no one should ever vote far left..
kosh, I've asked you this before and I'll ask it again: what, to you, is the difference between the far left and moderate left?

DID YOU KNOW that most community colleges and state colleges in states like Califorina used to be free? Colleges have become nothing more than a corporation that seeks to take peoples money. Time to force them back to their roots.

Like everything else this POS does, take money away from the earners to pay for the indigent! Want to do something, NO MORE TENURE, and cut professors pay in half, giving the rest to their students tuition .... Let's see how they like it!

DID YOU KNOW that most community colleges and state colleges in states like Califorina used to be free? Colleges have become nothing more than a corporation that seeks to take peoples money. Time to force them back to their roots.

Yes the far left needed money for their over bloated social programs, whish is why no one should ever vote far left..
kosh, I've asked you this before and I'll ask it again: what, to you, is the difference between the far left and moderate left?

And you have been answered far left drone..

DID YOU KNOW that most community colleges and state colleges in states like Califorina used to be free? Colleges have become nothing more than a corporation that seeks to take peoples money. Time to force them back to their roots.

Yes the far left needed money for their over bloated social programs, whish is why no one should ever vote far left..
kosh, I've asked you this before and I'll ask it again: what, to you, is the difference between the far left and moderate left?

And you have been answered far left drone..
So in other words you have no idea?

DID YOU KNOW that most community colleges and state colleges in states like Califorina used to be free? Colleges have become nothing more than a corporation that seeks to take peoples money. Time to force them back to their roots.

Yes the far left needed money for their over bloated social programs, whish is why no one should ever vote far left..
kosh, I've asked you this before and I'll ask it again: what, to you, is the difference between the far left and moderate left?

And you have been answered far left drone..
So in other words you have no idea?

AS posted it was answered when you asked then far left drone..

If your far left programming would not accept it then, it definitely will not accept now.

Now here is hint for you: The far left is what you voted twice and support without hesitation or question.
DID YOU KNOW that most community colleges and state colleges in states like Califorina used to be free? Colleges have become nothing more than a corporation that seeks to take peoples money. Time to force them back to their roots.

Yes the far left needed money for their over bloated social programs, whish is why no one should ever vote far left..
kosh, I've asked you this before and I'll ask it again: what, to you, is the difference between the far left and moderate left?

And you have been answered far left drone..
So in other words you have no idea?

AS posted it was answered when you asked then far left drone..

If your far left programming would not accept it then, it definitely will not accept now.

Now here is hint for you: The far left is what you voted twice and support without hesitation or question.
Humor me then. If the answer is so obvious I'm sure you could just explain it.
Yes the far left needed money for their over bloated social programs, whish is why no one should ever vote far left..
kosh, I've asked you this before and I'll ask it again: what, to you, is the difference between the far left and moderate left?

And you have been answered far left drone..
So in other words you have no idea?

AS posted it was answered when you asked then far left drone..

If your far left programming would not accept it then, it definitely will not accept now.

Now here is hint for you: The far left is what you voted twice and support without hesitation or question.
Humor me then. If the answer is so obvious I'm sure you could just explain it.

It has been far left drone, but you did not accept then and you certainly will not accept now. Case and point my hint!

Please show all the policies that you agree with that reside outside of the far left.

Here is another hint: Your title shows that you are far left!
kosh, I've asked you this before and I'll ask it again: what, to you, is the difference between the far left and moderate left?

And you have been answered far left drone..
So in other words you have no idea?

AS posted it was answered when you asked then far left drone..

If your far left programming would not accept it then, it definitely will not accept now.

Now here is hint for you: The far left is what you voted twice and support without hesitation or question.
Humor me then. If the answer is so obvious I'm sure you could just explain it.

It has been far left drone, but you did not accept then and you certainly will not accept now. Case and point my hint!

Please show all the policies that you agree with that reside outside of the far left.

Here is another hint: Your title shows that you are far left!
Just admit you don't have an answer.

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