Coca-Cola CEO says China friendlier to Business than US

an unthoughtout answer.

50 cents an hour for labor and multitude of dollars for exporting/importing.
It goes well beyond the cost of labor.
Other operating costs as well....less regulations to adhere to; vendor costs also less.
Labor is a small portion...but of course the one you want to play on. feel labor costs are the deciding factor hands down...but when one mentions the costs of regulations you say "regulations mean nothing and have no affect on them" is who you are.

Labor is a small part of the cost of doing business in a labor intensive industry?

Once again you prove you know nothing about business.

Labor is a small part of the Sticker Price. Silly. :eusa_whistle:

Really? Then why all the rightwing hysteria about teachers' salaries and benefits?
Sounds like to me that she is advocating that we build a WALL, either physically or with laws, to keep people in. You know, we provide these companies this utopian "workers" paradise and Coke does not want to participate, so she advocates letting them leave. Only trouble is, when too many companies start to leave, the only answer will be to MAKE them stay here. Sounds like another regime of not too long ago.

What scares me is that I think she actually BELIEVES this. You get enough people believing this kind of crap and you will have punitive laws that limit where companies can go and what they can do.

not make them stay here let other American businesses take their market share.

Coke is trying to manipulate us with this statement.

They can manipulate their own dick. They are people right?

If they perfer communism then let them go.

Corporate profits are at record highs and they cry poverty?

Some other business can have their record profit.

I agree.

But I am also smart enough to ask "why do they feel it is best to manufacture in china?"

You see...there is a pattern with the likes of you TM. The likes of you do not want to learn from events.

The credit card issue? The likes of you did not learn that it is always best to read before you sign. The likes of you preferred it best to simply make it so reading is not necessary before you sign. Refulations.

The likes of you dont want to try to understand why coke is saying this. The likes of you want to simply dismiss the statement and move on.

The likes of you, TM are what i refer to as reactiontionsts. You prefer to ignore.......and then having to react when there is no way to ignore.

Me? I like to be pro-active. I like to learn from events so I am able to avert them in the future so they do not have an adverse affect on me.

What blatter

The likes of you is defending a commmunist country OVER the US because you fear Coca Colas threats to us even in the face of them pulling down record profits here.

You are a dupe.
Well there is this, let's see who's igoring the facts about whether or not public land is being sold to China.

The Clark County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously on Tuesday to begin negotiations with ENN Mojave Energy for a deal that could see the land sold or leased, possibly at a price below its open market value.

“For the first time... we’ll have the opportunity to finally manufacture something here,” said commissioner Steve Sisolak during the meeting. “I’d like to move as rapidly as we could on this.”

ENN is represented by Richard Bryan, formerly a US Senator and Nevada governor, and now a shareholder at state law firm Lionel Sawyer & Collins.

Bryan brings political connections that could help clear one of several hurdles facing development of the land.

The proposed Mohave Green Center would comprise a 93,000 sq metre factory with six production lines capable of making 5.4 million thin-film panels a year, and a solar project to be built in two 360MW phases, using modules from the plant.

At full build-out, it would be one of the largest PV generation facilities in the world.

China's ENN plans PV factory and 720MW project for Nevada - Solar - Renewable energy news - Recharge - wind, solar, biomass, wave/tidal/hydro and geothermal
Not ONE admission of the lies I outed here.

No links to back up the lies.

I had to go find the info myself to see it was a lie.

I prove the lie and what do they do?

Lie about the lie and then run away.
Labor is a small part of the cost of doing business in a labor intensive industry?

Once again you prove you know nothing about business.

Labor is a small part of the Sticker Price. Silly. :eusa_whistle:

Really? Then why all the rightwing hysteria about teachers' salaries and benefits?

So tell me how teacher's salaries have anything to do with manufacturing?? We're talking about making and importing something, not unions. Jeez!!
Friendly to business? Look at Barry Hussein's rhetoric, "the US Chamber of Commerce is a sinister tool of the GOP". Time and time again Barry tells his goggle eyed neo-socialist followers that corporations are evil. A hoard of spoiled white kids occupied Wall Street in the last couple of weeks.
Chinese energy company seeks more county land for 'eco-city' - Monday, Sept. 19, 2011 | 4:03 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Your story doesnt pass muster

Sisolak also said ENN wants to purchase, not lease, all 9,000 acres of county land. That could be a sticking point with some county commissioners who have expressed reservations about selling the land.

They did not sell the land and someone is LYING to you and you bought the lie

They did not sell the land like she claimed
friendly to business? Look at barry hussein's rhetoric, "the us chamber of commerce is a sinister tool of the gop". Time and time again barry tells his goggle eyed neo-socialist followers that corporations are evil. A hoard of spoiled white kids occupied wall street in the last couple of weeks.

Labor is a small part of the Sticker Price. Silly. :eusa_whistle:

Really? Then why all the rightwing hysteria about teachers' salaries and benefits?

So tell me how teacher's salaries have anything to do with manufacturing?? We're talking about making and importing something, not unions. Jeez!!

The point is YOUR team says teachers ruin the system because they get paid too much.

But then he says labor is a samll cost and not a big issue.
Run away run away your lies were outed and you dont have the guts or morals to aplogise for your lies.

This is why you will lose
If the United States does not like jobs going overseas, it can become competitive with the rest of the world. We don't HAVE to have confiscatory taxes or overregulation. The United States can change it's policies. Until then, we can go broke and other countries profit from our own government's poor decisions.

I believe the land in southern Nevada has been sold because I live here and it is the whole topic of conversation everywhere. Even state representatives making personal appearances to explain it to us and what we can expect. I don't know why the Las Vegas Sun would say what it did. The truth or veracity of ANY media is questionable at best. This is NOT a city. This is classified as rural desert. Anything that happens is known to every person in about 15 minutes.

Accept it or not. Doesn't matter to me.
Chinese energy company seeks more county land for 'eco-city' - Monday, Sept. 19, 2011 | 4:03 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Your story doesnt pass muster

Sisolak also said ENN wants to purchase, not lease, all 9,000 acres of county land. That could be a sticking point with some county commissioners who have expressed reservations about selling the land.

They did not sell the land and someone is LYING to you and you bought the lie

They did not sell the land like she claimed

And my link above says Harry Reid has gone to China, they are trying to free up the title so it can be sold. Without the sale, the project probably won't move forward. So maybe it's not officially "sold" yet, what do you think is going to happen??

Clark County is moving to have the land appraised by solar experts as it begins formal negotiations with ENN, which is expanding its presence in US solar two years after forming a pact with US utility Duke Energy.

Under state law, the county could sell or lease the land to a single buyer – without first offering it to the public – at less than fair market value if the commissioners determine that the proposed development will have a local economic benefit.
If the United States does not like jobs going overseas, it can become competitive with the rest of the world. We don't HAVE to have confiscatory taxes or overregulation. The United States can change it's policies. Until then, we can go broke and other countries profit from our own government's poor decisions.

I believe the land in southern Nevada has been sold because I live here and it is the whole topic of conversation everywhere. Even state representatives making personal appearances to explain it to us and what we can expect. I don't know why the Las Vegas Sun would say what it did. The truth or veracity of ANY media is questionable at best. This is NOT a city. This is classified as rural desert. Anything that happens is known to every person in about 15 minutes.

Accept it or not. Doesn't matter to me.

WHAT PART of they are making record profits now do you NOT understand?

You love Coca Cola more than this country.

You are also a liar.
Was the land SOLD like she claimed?

She lied

No she told the truth, all that's left is the paperwork. You can't seem to wrap your head around it. You're more focused on what you think is a lie than what is happening in Southern Nevada, China is knocking on your door and you're worried about who lied. That's pretty sad.
Sisolak also said ENN wants to purchase, not lease, all 9,000 acres of county land. That could be a sticking point with some county commissioners who have expressed reservations about selling the land.

Do you think the people of Vegas will relect these clowns if they sell this land to China?

would you vote for them?
If the United States does not like jobs going overseas, it can become competitive with the rest of the world. We don't HAVE to have confiscatory taxes or overregulation. The United States can change it's policies. Until then, we can go broke and other countries profit from our own government's poor decisions.

I believe the land in southern Nevada has been sold because I live here and it is the whole topic of conversation everywhere. Even state representatives making personal appearances to explain it to us and what we can expect. I don't know why the Las Vegas Sun would say what it did. The truth or veracity of ANY media is questionable at best. This is NOT a city. This is classified as rural desert. Anything that happens is known to every person in about 15 minutes.

Accept it or not. Doesn't matter to me.

You said crap that you gave NO backup to prove and I did the research and YOU are dead wrong.

They have not sold the land and very likely will NOT sell land for fear of NOT getting relected ( you wouldnt vote for them would you?).

Your response is the typical of the right I have experiecned on here.

You refuse to admitt your mistake and instead still claim Im wrong without one shred of proof.

This is why you will lose this next election.

The right lies and has no morals.

You lie and vote for liars.
Do you think the people of Vegas will relect these clowns if they sell this land to China?

would you vote for them?

Keep dreaming, Harry Reid is working on this. It will supply NV residents with much needed jobs. All that's left is the paperwork.

And no, I wouldn't vote for them. I wouldn't have voted for Harry Reid either.
Yup, this is disheartening.

Coca-Cola chief criticises US tax rules -

Coca-Cola now sees the US becoming a less friendly business environment than China, its chief executive has revealed, citing political gridlock and an antiquated tax structure as reasons its home market has become less competitive.

Muhtar Kent, Coke’s chief executive, said “in many respects” it was easier doing business in China, which he likened to a well-managed company. “You have a one-stop shop in terms of the Chinese foreign investment agency and local governments are fighting for investment with each other,” he told the Financial Times.

By "friendlier", obviously he means it is cheaper to manufacture their product there. I don't drink soda products, so I could care less. I hope they move ALL of their bottling business to China. They can't even protect MILK in China for crying out loud. I can't wait to see the QC on CocaCola products!

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