Coca-Cola CEO says China friendlier to Business than US

The Coke CEO is just doing his part in spreading the corporate interests' talking point that the weakness in the US job market is the Government's fault.
Every person in the know says that China is more friendly to business and has cheaper labor. So, when are we going to listen ad change this?

We have to change our policy toward China, change or tax structure towards corporations, dismantle or reform our unions and do the same with our regulations.

Congress has to start listening and people in the unions have to start understanding the only thing unions are good for are the Union bosses and political parties. They may cover the lazy workers but a good corporation is going to keep good workerrs, give them good working conditions and pay them good wages to keep them. That's only common sense.

We need to start boycotting products made in other countries, and make companies that stay here very rich so they pay their employees well and we show what happens when the Keep it in the US of A.

Pretty much what I have been saying all along in this thread.
But I need to add something that I said earlier....

Americans are not willing to sacrifice. They complain about Wal-Mart, but shop there for it is easier on their pocketbooks. They will say "coke is a traitor" but they will buy it anyway becuase they like the taste of coke.

We see it in sports. They complain about the salaries...especially when the ticket prices go up...but they sell out the stadiums anyway.

People like to complain....but they refuse to sacrifice.....and the important part.....


Please tell me why it is unpatriotic for Coke to move their operations to China, but it is not unpatriotic for Americans to still buy Coke anyway?
Really? Then why all the rightwing hysteria about teachers' salaries and benefits?

So tell me how teacher's salaries have anything to do with manufacturing?? We're talking about making and importing something, not unions. Jeez!!

Would you like to talk about union manufacturing jobs in the US being lost when operations were moved overseas to places like China?

Would that make you feel better?

Michigan and California are in deep trouble financially. How many of you would be willing to pass a law making them Right to Work states ( no unions) so five major corporations would relocate in each state coming back from overseas?
Other than shipping all the costs you mentioned are pretty much the same here as in China.

If labor is an insignificant cost, why were you whining the other day about not being able to afford to hire more help? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

never did I say it was insignificant.

Why must you spin what I said? Are you that insecure with your position on this topic?

And the other costs are the same?


You sure you dont want to retract that rediculous statement? are a fool.

No, you didn't say 'insignificant'. You said 'small'.

Feel free to tell the class what the BIG difference is.

Insiginificant means it is of no significance. It plays no role. It is a non issue.

Small is a relative term as compared to other things

When you have 20 different operating items of eqaul size, each one may all be small compared to the operating costs as a whole, but it does not mean they are not significant.
To the contrary, each one is significant in it own right.

My unemployment ratio is quite small, but the ratio itself is quite significant as it dictates some very important staffing decisions.

But that is something you likely would never understand.
Really? Then why all the rightwing hysteria about teachers' salaries and benefits?

So tell me how teacher's salaries have anything to do with manufacturing?? We're talking about making and importing something, not unions. Jeez!!

Would you like to talk about union manufacturing jobs in the US being lost when operations were moved overseas to places like China?

Would that make you feel better?

Teaching Salaries and benefits are a district by district issue and are not related to cost of production. Until Students are regularly logging in to On Line 1-12 Education, in competition with Public School Enrollment, the teachers are safe. Still the issue is both innovation and Labor wars for the rest of us. Interesting, don't you think?

Advanced Machinery, Advanced Computers effecting Jobs. Who knew. :)
The Coke CEO is just doing his part in spreading the corporate interests' talking point that the weakness in the US job market is the Government's fault.

Funny...I dont know this as fact....but I bet Coke sales have not gone down during this recession and overall financial crunch.

So it seems to me that if, in fact, this is true, then maybe he is saying something that is accurate.

Again, likely something you can not relate to.
I have a cousin that drove for Coke. Teamster. Heavily involved with the Union, still. How many job's inside of the US would be effected, by playing games?
So tell me how teacher's salaries have anything to do with manufacturing?? We're talking about making and importing something, not unions. Jeez!!

Would you like to talk about union manufacturing jobs in the US being lost when operations were moved overseas to places like China?

Would that make you feel better?

Teaching Salaries and benefits are a district by district issue and are not related to cost of production. Until Students are regularly logging in to On Line 1-12 Education, in competition with Public School Enrollment, the teachers are safe. Still the issue is both innovation and Labor wars for the rest of us. Interesting, don't you think?

Advanced Machinery, Advanced Computers effecting Jobs. Who knew. :)

it used to be where a machinist would manually turn a lathe and his quality and quyantity were based on his dedication and his work ethic.

Now companies brought in CNC and the quality and quantity are predetermined and not at all a result of anything about the man/woman that puishes the button on and pushes the button off.

And the people who take those hobs to turn on and off the machine....exactly what is it that warrants them getting paid what the old time lathe turners used to make?

Or the receptionist that used to answer 30 lines....but now that we have voice mail, only needs to answer the few calls that bounce back to her desk......exactly why should she get paid more than she used to? For what? Doing less?

Of course, the left refuses to recognize this
Truthmatters... what concerns me is the fact that you harp that Coca Cola is making RECORD PROFITS. Okay, Exxon-Mobile made record profits last year as well. You keep saying that as though making record profits is some kind of obscene act?? When companies make profits, does it anger you?

I know that in other threads you so casually believe that the government should be responsible for this and do that. It is quite endless actually. And of course, it is wrong, in YOUR eyes, that a company should be concerned with PROFITS before it is concerned with the welfare of THE PEOPLE. I find that very, very curious.

Coprorations are in business, believe it or not, to MAKE RECORD PROFITS. Since the United States IS a capatalistic nation, we believe that corporations should be free (relatively so) to pursue those profits. And a CEO who guides his corporation to those profits is rewarded. Does that make you angry? Perhaps because YOU are not entitled to those proceeds simply because it "would be fair?"

Wow, I am relatively new here and don't know a lot about people yet. But I see where this is going, and I have to say very frankly, that I feel very sorry for you. A corporation making profits in your eyes is a bad thing. The government doing everything is a good thing. Do you not have the ability to provide for yourself? Is there something that generates this tendency to believe in a socialistic reality?

Sad... very, very sad...
never did I say it was insignificant.

Why must you spin what I said? Are you that insecure with your position on this topic?

And the other costs are the same?


You sure you dont want to retract that rediculous statement? are a fool.

No, you didn't say 'insignificant'. You said 'small'.

Feel free to tell the class what the BIG difference is.

Insiginificant means it is of no significance. It plays no role. It is a non issue.


No, that's not what insignificant means.
No, you didn't say 'insignificant'. You said 'small'.

Feel free to tell the class what the BIG difference is.

Insiginificant means it is of no significance. It plays no role. It is a non issue.


No, that's not what insignificant means.

in·sig·nif·i·cant   /ˌɪnsɪgˈnɪfɪkənt/ Show Spelled[in-sig-nif-i-kuhnt] Show IPA
1. unimportant, trifling, or petty: Omit the insignificant details.
2. too small to be important: an insignificant sum.
3. of no consequence, influence, or distinction: a minor, insignificant bureaucrat.
4. without weight of character; contemptible: an insignificant fellow.
5. without meaning; meaningless: insignificant sounds.

Insignificant | Define Insignificant at

You are not nearly as intelligent as I first thought you are.
Truthmatters... what concerns me is the fact that you harp that Coca Cola is making RECORD PROFITS. Okay, Exxon-Mobile made record profits last year as well. You keep saying that as though making record profits is some kind of obscene act?? When companies make profits, does it anger you? why do you pretend this crap? quit lying. They are complaining we keep them from making money and that China would be make them more money when they are at record profit levels

I know that in other threads you so casually believe that the government should be responsible for this and do that. It is quite endless actually. And of course, it is wrong, in YOUR eyes, that a company should be concerned with PROFITS before it is concerned with the welfare of THE PEOPLE. I find that very, very curious.You jsut dont want to understand the oppositions position so you lie about it.

Coprorations are in business, believe it or not, to MAKE RECORD PROFITS. Since the United States IS a capatalistic nation, we believe that corporations should be free (relatively so) to pursue those profits. And a CEO who guides his corporation to those profits is rewarded. Does that make you angry? Perhaps because YOU are not entitled to those proceeds simply because it "would be fair?"Why do you defend them from trying to talk us into being more like communist China? did you sell your soul to the corporations?

Wow, I am relatively new here and don't know a lot about people yet. But I see where this is going, and I have to say very frankly, that I feel very sorry for you. A corporation making profits in your eyes is a bad thing. The government doing everything is a good thing. Do you not have the ability to provide for yourself? Is there something that generates this tendency to believe in a socialistic reality?Quit lying about my postions and MAYBE you will understand

Sad... very, very sad...

You are in here defending a corporation over your own country.

You dont seem to understand what it means to love America
Im begining to believe the tea party actually thinks this country IS corporations instead of the government the founders left us.
I often refer to soda pop as chemicals in a can... Holy hell, you can even wash the filthiest coal dust and oil from clothes with it as an aid to keep the washer from retaining that grit and grime.
Truthmatters... what concerns me is the fact that you harp that Coca Cola is making RECORD PROFITS. Okay, Exxon-Mobile made record profits last year as well. You keep saying that as though making record profits is some kind of obscene act?? When companies make profits, does it anger you? why do you pretend this crap? quit lying. They are complaining we keep them from making money and that China would be make them more money when they are at record profit levels

I know that in other threads you so casually believe that the government should be responsible for this and do that. It is quite endless actually. And of course, it is wrong, in YOUR eyes, that a company should be concerned with PROFITS before it is concerned with the welfare of THE PEOPLE. I find that very, very curious.You jsut dont want to understand the oppositions position so you lie about it.

Coprorations are in business, believe it or not, to MAKE RECORD PROFITS. Since the United States IS a capatalistic nation, we believe that corporations should be free (relatively so) to pursue those profits. And a CEO who guides his corporation to those profits is rewarded. Does that make you angry? Perhaps because YOU are not entitled to those proceeds simply because it "would be fair?"Why do you defend them from trying to talk us into being more like communist China? did you sell your soul to the corporations?

Wow, I am relatively new here and don't know a lot about people yet. But I see where this is going, and I have to say very frankly, that I feel very sorry for you. A corporation making profits in your eyes is a bad thing. The government doing everything is a good thing. Do you not have the ability to provide for yourself? Is there something that generates this tendency to believe in a socialistic reality?Quit lying about my postions and MAYBE you will understand

Sad... very, very sad...

You are in here defending a corporation over your own country.

You dont seem to understand what it means to love America

I don't love America? Wow, and when I joined the Air Force at 18 and volunteered to go to Vietnam, I thought it was because I loved my country. I was probably shot by that VC because I hated my country. I'm so glad that a person like you straightened me out.

You don't have a clue as to what the founders left us or created. Small and limited government. The antithesis to everything you want.
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The Coke CEO is just doing his part in spreading the corporate interests' talking point that the weakness in the US job market is the Government's fault.

yep the corporate war on regulations and laws that protect consumers and the environment.

I have said for the last decade that right wingers just love communist China and have more in common with it than the USA.
Anyone hear about Coca Cola in India?

Coca-Cola and Water Use in India: "Good Till the Last Drop" : The Primate Diaries
the company's controversial practices in India continue involving the over-exploitation of limited water resources and the contamination of groundwater supplies.
I used to drink soda all the time but have since only purchased it ocassionally. Its worth noting that sugary sodas have next to no nutritional value. Sugar is termed "empty calories"

intersting article.
I dont drink soda...I like iced tea. My wife likes diet coke...but after what I heard the CEO say this morning, I asked if she would switch to another cola...and she agreed to.
Truthmatters... what concerns me is the fact that you harp that Coca Cola is making RECORD PROFITS. Okay, Exxon-Mobile made record profits last year as well. You keep saying that as though making record profits is some kind of obscene act?? When companies make profits, does it anger you? why do you pretend this crap? quit lying. They are complaining we keep them from making money and that China would be make them more money when they are at record profit levels

I know that in other threads you so casually believe that the government should be responsible for this and do that. It is quite endless actually. And of course, it is wrong, in YOUR eyes, that a company should be concerned with PROFITS before it is concerned with the welfare of THE PEOPLE. I find that very, very curious.You jsut dont want to understand the oppositions position so you lie about it.

Coprorations are in business, believe it or not, to MAKE RECORD PROFITS. Since the United States IS a capatalistic nation, we believe that corporations should be free (relatively so) to pursue those profits. And a CEO who guides his corporation to those profits is rewarded. Does that make you angry? Perhaps because YOU are not entitled to those proceeds simply because it "would be fair?"Why do you defend them from trying to talk us into being more like communist China? did you sell your soul to the corporations?

Wow, I am relatively new here and don't know a lot about people yet. But I see where this is going, and I have to say very frankly, that I feel very sorry for you. A corporation making profits in your eyes is a bad thing. The government doing everything is a good thing. Do you not have the ability to provide for yourself? Is there something that generates this tendency to believe in a socialistic reality?Quit lying about my postions and MAYBE you will understand

Sad... very, very sad...

You are in here defending a corporation over your own country.

You dont seem to understand what it means to love America

I don't love America? Wow, and when I joined the Air Force at 18 and volunteered to go to Vietnam, I thought it was because I loved my country. I'm so glad that a person like you straightened me out.

Thanks for your service <S>

TM is the type that would question your patriotism....but ask her to part with her computer that is made in Japan and spend $100 more to buy all American and she will say "fuck that, why the hell should I pay more?"

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