Clinton's firewall of black voters is crumbling

Alt right makes up maybe 1 % of the population... why focus on them, when Trump is not associated with them in any way?
Not only do you have the popularity of the views of Laura Ingraham and Rick Perry down completely wrong, but you do not seem to realize that they openly support Trump and he accepts that endorsement and often appears on stage with these people.

What on Earth are you talking about?

False equivalency... some of the alt-right people are just fine, some are not. The differences in thought are massive. Why is it so difficult for you to see people as individuals? Are you a racist?

You do realize that the alt-right banner is basically associated with non-establishment republicans. Some of them insane, some brilliant... like the fabulous faggot.

Such a sufferer of homophobia!
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And who says that people are going to vote contrary to what they've answered in polls in favor of Trump. Remember, there was a bias in the 2012 election: toward Romney. 19 of 23 polls has a bias toward Romney, some by as many as 5 to 7 points.
Lol, there you go with the straw man arguments.

Dont you ever tire of lying to yourself? you haven't claimed that Trump's actual support is 5 to 10 points higher than it is reported in the polls? Because I can quote you doing just that.

What I'm asking you to do is provide us with a rational basis for those assumptions. You simply beg the question, assuming it must be so. But you've provided no evidence that it is.

You're literally offering us your belief as your sole basis of evidence. And your belief isn't actually evidence.

At one point you tried to offer us an argument based on conservative support for trump. But when I demonstrated that Trump has among the lowest satisfaction ratings of any GOP candidate in about 20 abandoned it. And as the 2012 election demonstrates, the 'liberal bias' you assume didn't exist. A conservative bias did. By a ratio of about 6 to 1.

So what do you have but naked belief and quietly desperate hopefulness that Trump is doing *better* than the polls indicate? If 2012 and your own standards of 'conservative support' are any standard, he's likely doing significantly worse than the polls indicate.
You are making a Straw Man argument by saying my argument about the polls is the same as the one conservatives made for Romney in 2012, which they are not.

I'm offering the 2012 polls bias toward conservatives with Romney performing significantly *worse* than the polls indicated as evidence contradicting your assumptions.

So I don't think a 'strawman' means what you think it means. As I'm not attributing to you an argument you're not making. I'm offering evidence contradicting your assumptions.

That would be referred to as a 'rebuttal with evidence'.

You've presented nothing to justify your assumption that Trump is actually performing 5 to 10 points better the polls indicate. Lets see if you manage in this post.

Conservatives then argued that the pollsters were deliberately rigging the polls out of malice for Romney, and I do not claim that.

My explanation for the distortion in the polls is based on subtle errors and subtle bias based on world view, and not a deliberate skewering of the polls.

And you have nothing to back that up. Its pure speculation. As there was 'world view' in the last election. And yet the polls didn't didn't have a left leaning bias. They leaned overwhelmingly toward the right.

Thus, what rational basis do you have for your assumption that Trump will do *better* than the polls indicate? Its clearly not history, which demonstrates the exact opposite.


Even fellow conservatives have admitted that Trump's enormous disapproval rating and low satisfaction among republicans strongly suggests that he'll perform lower than the polls indicate, as undecided voters will break against him....and some conservatives won't come out in support of him.

So I ask again....what beyond your own belief do you offer to support your assumptions? As belief isn't actually evidence. And so far...its all you have.
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Do you really believe that black people are going to vote for someone that was endorsed by the KKK--along with several other white hate groups.?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President

Do you really believe that 27 million legal voting Hispanics in this country are going to vote for someone who has degraded and insulted them to no end?
Clinton Has 69-Point Lead Over Trump in Latest Latino Vote Tracking Poll - Latino USA

Do you really believe that the largest voting block in this country, (women) are going to run to Donald Trump, after he has launched insults at their gender?
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump


Do you really believe that black people are going to vote for someone that was endorsed by the KKK?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President

Do you really believe that 27 million legal voting Hispanics in this country are vote for someone who has degraded and insulted them to no end?
Clinton Has 69-Point Lead Over Trump in Latest Latino Vote Tracking Poll - Latino USA

Do you really believe that the largest voting block in this country, (women) are going to run to Donald Trump, after he has launched insults at them?
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump


Better vote for someone who gets endorsed by the KKK rather than someone who endorses the KKK!


Do you really believe that black people are going to vote for someone that was endorsed by the KKK?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President

Do you really believe that 27 million legal voting Hispanics in this country are vote for someone who has degraded and insulted them to no end?
Clinton Has 69-Point Lead Over Trump in Latest Latino Vote Tracking Poll - Latino USA

Do you really believe that the largest voting block in this country, (women) are going to run to Donald Trump, after he has launched insults at them?
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump


Better vote for someone who gets endorsed by the KKK rather than someone who endorses the KKK!

Whatever--I have got one too.

OK, I am so sick of this bullshit I am going to go one by one over these lies about Trump and respond to each one and then I will link back to this post for the next four months, maybe longer.

So white nationalist groups are NOT siding with Trump?

Of course they are because they are nationalists, but Trump is not an ethnic nationalist like they are. He is a civic nationalist, but th White Nationalists are happy with half a loaf, unlike #NeverTrumpers.

Is the media lying about how Trump has:
  • Talked about the size of his dick during a major party debate?
Why is it that no one has a problem with Marco Rubio bringing that sad discussion up, but piles on Trump for feebly defending himself from it?

  • Said that John McCain is not a hero, because he got caught?
Trump immediately corrected himself and repeated three times that McCain was a hero. IMO McCain is a traitor and a collaborator, but Trump accepts him as a POW hero.

  • Said "blood coming out of her, whatever"?
Trump says he was going to say 'Coming out of her eyes and her ears and her nose' but interrupted himself as his ADD mind went to another topic mid sentence.

You are attacking Trump for something HE DID NOT SAY, but you are imagining what he meant and want to lynch him for it.

  • Said he watched as "thousands and thousands of people were cheering" on 9/11?
There were thousands and thousands of people cheering the collapse of the World Trade Center globally. Trump mistakenly remembered them as being in New Jersey. You are splitting hairs, the main point is that lots of Muslims took pride in that attack on us, and liberals want to pretend like it never happened.

  • Said "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States", only to now soften that stance?
1. How is that a lie?
2. Trump does not talk like a wonk and qualify and footnote every single sentence he ever utters. IN CONTEXT he was talking about immigration of unvetted refugees that might include terrorists coming from Muslim countries, much like Carter shut down immigration from Iran.

  • Said "I could shoot people and not lose voters"?
That is not exactly what he said. He said he had such a loyal following that he could shoot someone in the middle of a street and many of them would still follow him. And he is right. Hillary still h as him out matched in that department though as her actions have led to a great many deaths and most Democrats still are loyal to her enough to rig the Democratic Party nomination for her to win over Sanders.

  • Said "Obama is the founder of ISIS"?
That is called hyperbole and Trump wont back off from it because it is true in the way hyperbole can be true. Obama could have destroyed ISIS early on and refused to. Instead he downplayed the threat and the failure of his policies by simply referring to them as 'the JV Team'. This odious incompetence amounts to having practically played the most crucial role in failing against all odds to eliminate ISIS while it was still an easily manageable problem.

That is hardly a lie for Trump to characterize it in the way he has.

  • Said "Second Amendment people, maybe there is something you can do"?
And we are; we are organizing and campaigning against Hillary like never before. The lie here is that Trump critics want to pretend Trump meant that they should lead a revolt which is not a reasonable interpretation given the context of a political rally.

  • Said at a rally "Maybe he should have been roughed up"?
I have not seen that one, but I agree with it. So what? I think these ass holes should be left bleeding on the curb for the EMTs to get to them.

  • Refused to immediately rebuke David Duke's endorsement, and lying by saying "I don't know anything about him"?
Trump had rebuked Dukes supposed endorsement (it has actually never happened to that point at least) many times prior to that. How many times does he have to do that knowing that each time he responds it gives new life to that particular news cycle about the lie of Dukes endorsement? Talk about 'Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Why don't you guys just ask Trump if he has stopped beating his wife yet?

Meanwhile Clinton has had a KKK endorsement that she still has not rebuked for months, but that is no story.

  • Said about a Hillary debate bathroom break, "I know where she went. It's disgusting, I don't want to talk about it No, it's too disgusting. Don't say it, it's disgusting"?
So what? What is your point about something that Trump did not say?

  • Said "I'll get 95% of the African American vote"?
Hyperbole. No one thinks Trump will get 95% of the black vote. Maybe 20%

  • Said "there's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am"?
He was speaking of among those running for POTUS no one beats him at supporting the military politically.

Which is true.

  • Said "I have a good brain"?
Well he has won the Republican nomination against all odds and 16 opponents who are political professionals while he is an amateur.

I think he does have a good brain. Works better than Hillary's who has to depend on rigged delegate counts she probably bought with charitable donations.

  • Said "I have the best words"?
Trump again has done what the pros thought was impossible for him to do, and we know he is speaking to the broadest range of audience by speaking at a 4th grade level most of the time - just like advertisers do. Appears to be working quite well.

Why do you hate Democracy?

  • Said that he develops his foreign policy by watching teevee shows?
A good businessman gets his information wherever he can get it. Why should Trump not get some of his information from a TV show he has on as he gets ready for bed?

I say kudos to him for honesty and not pretending like he gets 100% of his data from a Congressional committee hearing or some such wonkish snobbery.

  • Said at a rally "Knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise"?
He offered to pay for someones legal bill if they had to use self defense as these protesters were swinging wildly at people. What the hell is wrong with self defense to you guys? These were paid thugs hired by the DNC to disrupt Trumps rallies and his supporters had a right to know that he had their backs. So what?

  • Talked about "the old days" at a rally, saying that demonstrators would be carried out on a stretcher"?
But that is true. And you fault Trump for telling the Truth?

These are things he has said. They're not things the media has made up. The white nationalist groups that support him, really support him. That's not something the media has made up.
All kinds of groups support Trump and others that support Hillary do so for their own agenda and purpose, such as the Communist Party and the KKK supporting Hillary, but no rational person faults Hillary or Trump for what these fringe groups say or do.

That is for shills and hacks to do.

As for me, I am more concerned about what Hillary Clinton has DONE than what Trump has SAID.
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Do you really believe that black people are going to vote for someone that was endorsed by the KKK?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President

Do you really believe that 27 million legal voting Hispanics in this country are vote for someone who has degraded and insulted them to no end?
Clinton Has 69-Point Lead Over Trump in Latest Latino Vote Tracking Poll - Latino USA

Do you really believe that the largest voting block in this country, (women) are going to run to Donald Trump, after he has launched insults at them?
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump


Better vote for someone who gets endorsed by the KKK rather than someone who endorses the KKK!

Whatever--I have got one too.

And this is supposed to tell us what?

The Bushes are very, very slow and dumb people? We already knew that! Even you as dumb regressive liberals knew that!
Alt right makes up maybe 1 % of the population... why focus on them, when Trump is not associated with them in any way?
Not only do you have the popularity of the views of Laura Ingraham and Rick Perry down completely wrong, but you do not seem to realize that they openly support Trump and he accepts that endorsement and often appears on stage with these people.

What on Earth are you talking about?

False equivalency... some of the alt-right people are just fine, some are not. The differences in thought are massive. Why is it so difficult for you to see people as individuals? Are you a racist?

You do realize that the alt-right banner is basically associated with non-establishment republicans. Some of them insane, some brilliant... like the fabulous faggot.

Why didnt you answer my question? The alt Right is not defined by libtards who cant see a difference between Laura Ingram and David Duke, dude.

Do you really believe that black people are going to vote for someone that was endorsed by the KKK?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President

Do you really believe that 27 million legal voting Hispanics in this country are vote for someone who has degraded and insulted them to no end?
Clinton Has 69-Point Lead Over Trump in Latest Latino Vote Tracking Poll - Latino USA

Do you really believe that the largest voting block in this country, (women) are going to run to Donald Trump, after he has launched insults at them?
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump


Better vote for someone who gets endorsed by the KKK rather than someone who endorses the KKK!

Whatever--I have got one too.

And this is supposed to tell us what?

The Bushes are very, very slow and dumb people? We already knew that! Even you as dumb regressive liberals knew that!

The only people that are STUPID are Trump supporters. To actually believe that blacks are going to trade in Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump is beyond on the pale--LOL

But really it doesn't surprise me that you would think that.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


Do you have any idea how many times KKK Robert Byrd has been used by Republicans to try and obtain the black vote over these many decades?--LOL Didn't touch it. You people are the most politically ignorant people on planet earth.
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Trump will lose in the biggest landslide in 30 years
Yeah just like the UK voted to stay in the EU, ......ooops, wait they voted contrary to the polls and to leave the EU!

go figger.

The polls for Brexit were very close, within the margin of error. The polls for Trump and Hillary aren't even in the same hemisphere.

Stop making a fool out of yourself
Trump will lose in the biggest landslide in 30 years
Yeah just like the UK voted to stay in the EU, ......ooops, wait they voted contrary to the polls and to leave the EU!

go figger.

The polls for Brexit were very close, within the margin of error. The polls for Trump and Hillary aren't even in the same hemisphere.

Stop making a fool out of yourself
Stay had a 10 point lead in a poll on day of the vote and even had farage thinking they were going to lose
Trump will lose in the biggest landslide in 30 years
Yeah just like the UK voted to stay in the EU, ......ooops, wait they voted contrary to the polls and to leave the EU!

go figger.

The polls for Brexit were very close, within the margin of error. The polls for Trump and Hillary aren't even in the same hemisphere.

Stop making a fool out of yourself
Stay had a 10 point lead in a poll on day of the vote and even had farage thinking they were going to lose

Here's some Brexit polling, with history:

The Bloomberg Brexit Tracker

With the 'remain' and 'leave' separated by about 2% on the day of the referendum. With a full 9% indicating that they were undecided.
Damn, I guess you Trumpies will never figure this out.


How hard is that to figure out? We're not going to vote for an all white political party.

Clinton to headline African-American, Latino events as Trump attempts to make inroads
Hillary Clinton to headline black, Latino events -

Trump will not be there .. wasn't even invited.

You can post all the madness you want about Clinton and the KKK .. we already know who the racists are .. and their party is all white.

Give it up Trumpies .. not going to happen.
OK, I am so sick of this bullshit I am going to go one by one over these lies about Trump and respond to each one and then I will link back to this post for the next four months, maybe longer.

So white nationalist groups are NOT siding with Trump?

Of course they are because they are nationalists, but Trump is not an ethnic nationalist like they are. He is a civic nationalist, but th White Nationalists are happy with half a loaf, unlike #NeverTrumpers.

Is the media lying about how Trump has:
  • Talked about the size of his dick during a major party debate?
Why is it that no one has a problem with Marco Rubio bringing that sad discussion up, but piles on Trump for feebly defending himself from it?

  • Said that John McCain is not a hero, because he got caught?
Trump immediately corrected himself and repeated three times that McCain was a hero. IMO McCain is a traitor and a collaborator, but Trump accepts him as a POW hero.

  • Said "blood coming out of her, whatever"?
Trump says he was going to say 'Coming out of her eyes and her ears and her nose' but interrupted himself as his ADD mind went to another topic mid sentence.

You are attacking Trump for something HE DID NOT SAY, but you are imagining what he meant and want to lynch him for it.

  • Said he watched as "thousands and thousands of people were cheering" on 9/11?
There were thousands and thousands of people cheering the collapse of the World Trade Center globally. Trump mistakenly remembered them as being in New Jersey. You are splitting hairs, the main point is that lots of Muslims took pride in that attack on us, and liberals want to pretend like it never happened.

  • Said "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States", only to now soften that stance?
1. How is that a lie?
2. Trump does not talk like a wonk and qualify and footnote every single sentence he ever utters. IN CONTEXT he was talking about immigration of unvetted refugees that might include terrorists coming from Muslim countries, much like Carter shut down immigration from Iran.

  • Said "I could shoot people and not lose voters"?
That is not exactly what he said. He said he had such a loyal following that he could shoot someone in the middle of a street and many of them would still follow him. And he is right. Hillary still h as him out matched in that department though as her actions have led to a great many deaths and most Democrats still are loyal to her enough to rig the Democratic Party nomination for her to win over Sanders.

  • Said "Obama is the founder of ISIS"?
That is called hyperbole and Trump wont back off from it because it is true in the way hyperbole can be true. Obama could have destroyed ISIS early on and refused to. Instead he downplayed the threat and the failure of his policies by simply referring to them as 'the JV Team'. This odious incompetence amounts to having practically played the most crucial role in failing against all odds to eliminate ISIS while it was still an easily manageable problem.

That is hardly a lie for Trump to characterize it in the way he has.

  • Said "Second Amendment people, maybe there is something you can do"?
And we are; we are organizing and campaigning against Hillary like never before. The lie here is that Trump critics want to pretend Trump meant that they should lead a revolt which is not a reasonable interpretation given the context of a political rally.

  • Said at a rally "Maybe he should have been roughed up"?
I have not seen that one, but I agree with it. So what? I think these ass holes should be left bleeding on the curb for the EMTs to get to them.

  • Refused to immediately rebuke David Duke's endorsement, and lying by saying "I don't know anything about him"?
Trump had rebuked Dukes supposed endorsement (it has actually never happened to that point at least) many times prior to that. How many times does he have to do that knowing that each time he responds it gives new life to that particular news cycle about the lie of Dukes endorsement? Talk about 'Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Why don't you guys just ask Trump if he has stopped beating his wife yet?

Meanwhile Clinton has had a KKK endorsement that she still has not rebuked for months, but that is no story.

  • Said about a Hillary debate bathroom break, "I know where she went. It's disgusting, I don't want to talk about it No, it's too disgusting. Don't say it, it's disgusting"?
So what? What is your point about something that Trump did not say?

  • Said "I'll get 95% of the African American vote"?
Hyperbole. No one thinks Trump will get 95% of the black vote. Maybe 20%

  • Said "there's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am"?
He was speaking of among those running for POTUS no one beats him at supporting the military politically.

Which is true.

  • Said "I have a good brain"?
Well he has won the Republican nomination against all odds and 16 opponents who are political professionals while he is an amateur.

I think he does have a good brain. Works better than Hillary's who has to depend on rigged delegate counts she probably bought with charitable donations.

  • Said "I have the best words"?
Trump again has done what the pros thought was impossible for him to do, and we know he is speaking to the broadest range of audience by speaking at a 4th grade level most of the time - just like advertisers do. Appears to be working quite well.

Why do you hate Democracy?

  • Said that he develops his foreign policy by watching teevee shows?
A good businessman gets his information wherever he can get it. Why should Trump not get some of his information from a TV show he has on as he gets ready for bed?

I say kudos to him for honesty and not pretending like he gets 100% of his data from a Congressional committee hearing or some such wonkish snobbery.

  • Said at a rally "Knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise"?
He offered to pay for someones legal bill if they had to use self defense as these protesters were swinging wildly at people. What the hell is wrong with self defense to you guys? These were paid thugs hired by the DNC to disrupt Trumps rallies and his supporters had a right to know that he had their backs. So what?

  • Talked about "the old days" at a rally, saying that demonstrators would be carried out on a stretcher"?
But that is true. And you fault Trump for telling the Truth?

These are things he has said. They're not things the media has made up. The white nationalist groups that support him, really support him. That's not something the media has made up.
All kinds of groups support Trump and others that support Hillary do so for their own agenda and purpose, such as the Communist Party and the KKK supporting Hillary, but no rational person faults Hillary or Trump for what these fringe groups say or do.

That is for shills and hacks to do.

As for me, I am more concerned about what Hillary Clinton has DONE than what Trump has SAID.
Jim, I hope you sat down and relaxed for a while after all that spinning and deflecting.

My personal favorite is where I quoted Trump's hilarious "I have the best words" line and you asked me why I "hate Democracy".


He said all of that and more (I forgot to include "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me"), and you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. That's okay, I see that all the time from both sides. But you seriously should get some overtime pay for your efforts on his behalf. Trying to stay on top of his ridiculous, ignorant, childish comments must be like trying to drink water through a freakin' fire hose.
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Jim, I hope you sat down and relaxed for a while after all that spinning and deflecting.

What statement was spin or deflection? My putting Trumps statements into context is not spin, it is hermeneutics, lol.

My personal favorite is where I quoted Trump's hilarious "I have the best words" line and you asked me why I "hate Democracy".

You mock Trump for speaking at a level 95% of voters understand because you prefer Wonk Speak that almost no one understands. That is as antiDemocratic as you can get.

He said all of that and more (I forgot to include "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me"), and you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. That's okay, I see that all the time from both sides.

I am not obliged to do a damned thing. When this year began Bernie Sanders was my first choice among Democrats and Rand Paul among Republicans. When Paul dropped out I leaned toward Ted Cruz, but then after his denunciation of Trump for the Chicago violence I went to Trump in the GOP, but my primary choice was still Sanders. When Sanders dropped out, Trump was the only disestablishmentarian left. And so now I support him over the lying, brain damaged criminal Hillary Clinton.

I am simply explaining Trump to you so you might have a chance to grasp the mans meaning and the context.

Apparently you are uninterested in understanding the Truth of the matter and want to wallow in partisan mire.

Do you even believe in the concept of objective Truth any more, Mac?

But you seriously should get some overtime pay for your efforts on his behalf. Trying to stay on top of his ridiculous, ignorant, childish comments must be like trying to drink water through a freakin' fire hose.

Lol, the nerve of people like you to dismiss a man as "ridiculous, ignorant, childish" who has accomplished even one third what Trump has in his life is just astonishing.

And why do you say such things? All for one reason only; he is running for President against your party's nominee.

That is it, sum and total and all the verbiage you spew to justify your asinine pronouncements on Trump dont amount to anything more than that; simplistic partisan hackery.
Jim, I hope you sat down and relaxed for a while after all that spinning and deflecting.

What statement was spin or deflection? My putting Trumps statements into context is not spin, it is hermeneutics, lol.

My personal favorite is where I quoted Trump's hilarious "I have the best words" line and you asked me why I "hate Democracy".

You mock Trump for speaking at a level 95% of voters understand because you prefer Wonk Speak that almost no one understands. That is as antiDemocratic as you can get.

He said all of that and more (I forgot to include "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me"), and you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. That's okay, I see that all the time from both sides.

I am not obliged to do a damned thing. When this year began Bernie Sanders was my first choice among Democrats and Rand Paul among Republicans. When Paul dropped out I leaned toward Ted Cruz, but then after his denunciation of Trump for the Chicago violence I went to Trump in the GOP, but my primary choice was still Sanders. When Sanders dropped out, Trump was the only disestablishmentarian left. And so now I support him over the lying, brain damaged criminal Hillary Clinton.

I am simply explaining Trump to you so you might have a chance to grasp the mans meaning and the context.

Apparently you are uninterested in understanding the Truth of the matter and want to wallow in partisan mire.

Do you even believe in the concept of objective Truth any more, Mac?

But you seriously should get some overtime pay for your efforts on his behalf. Trying to stay on top of his ridiculous, ignorant, childish comments must be like trying to drink water through a freakin' fire hose.

Lol, the nerve of people like you to dismiss a man as "ridiculous, ignorant, childish" who has accomplished even one third what Trump has in his life is just astonishing.

And why do you say such things? All for one reason only; he is running for President against your party's nominee.

That is it, sum and total and all the verbiage you spew to justify your asinine pronouncements on Trump dont amount to anything more than that; simplistic partisan hackery.
And your defense of Trump doesn't amount to "simplistic partisan hackery"?

It's different somehow?
And your defense of Trump doesn't amount to "simplistic partisan hackery"?

It's different somehow?
Yeah, Mac, it is different because I am using these freakishly effective things known as "Fact and Reason", to which you have not resorted in response as of yet, only mockery and an appeal to equivalence.

You have not rebutted EVEN ONE ITEM as of yet.

Do you even realize it?
And your defense of Trump doesn't amount to "simplistic partisan hackery"?

It's different somehow?
Yeah, Mac, it is different because I am using these freakishly effective things known as "Fact and Reason", to which you have not resorted in response as of yet, only mockery and an appeal to equivalence.

You have not rebutted EVEN ONE ITEM as of yet.

Do you even realize it?
All you've done is offer the standard spin that partisans on both ends offer. We both know that any disagreement I provide will be met with precisely the same type of response. I provided several quotes of his that an honest person would admit are silly, undignified, ignorant, embarrassing, pick your adjective. Why bother with the back-and-forth? While I am indeed fascinated by the psychology of partisan ideology, I am under no obligation to participate.

As an Independent, I get to be honest. To wit:

Hillary Clinton is one horrible, terrible candidate, about the worst candidate the Dems could have belched out. You don't see a lot of passion for her from those who will be voting for her, because the honest among us will admit it. And I have absolutely no doubt that she thanks her lucky stars multiple times every single day that the GOP chose the election of her candidacy to completely and utterly lose its shit.
Milwaukee was a war zone...not a smart move at the time. Plus what you want them to do round up blacks and force them to the damn rally?
He could go to a Black area and talk to Blacks. But, Donald would not do that. He just says 'What do you have to lose' at a White ralley. If he wants Black votes he can give them the respect to go to them.

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