Clinton Foundation covers Benghazi deal

Samuel Nixon

Active Member
May 20, 2015
“I want those emails out. Nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than I do,” Clinton told reporters during a campaign stop in Iowa. “I respect the State Department. They have their process, as they do for everybody, not just for me, but anything that they might do to expedite that process, I heartily support. I want the American people to learn as much as we can about the work that I did.”

Clinton s Benghazi emails do not change understanding of embassy attack US news The Guardian

We've been definitely fooled.
It is out of question that we are, but the question is at what moment she turned the deal for her own benefit. She might've used her Foundation funds to cut off a single page that mattered for those thousands and let us read her privates of zero value.
Alternatively they say Hillary might have been hacked by other countries' Secret Services and again spending Foundation millions on covering this fact.

Any ideas what this revelation means for further investigation?
If she wanted them out that badly, why has it taken years, and may take more, to 'get them out'?
“I want those emails out. Nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than I do,” Clinton told reporters during a campaign stop in Iowa. “I respect the State Department. They have their process, as they do for everybody, not just for me, but anything that they might do to expedite that process, I heartily support. I want the American people to learn as much as we can about the work that I did.”

Clinton s Benghazi emails do not change understanding of embassy attack US news The Guardian

We've been definitely fooled.
It is out of question that we are, but the question is at what moment she turned the deal for her own benefit. She might've used her Foundation funds to cut off a single page that mattered for those thousands and let us read her privates of zero value.
Alternatively they say Hillary might have been hacked by other countries' Secret Services and again spending Foundation millions on covering this fact.

Any ideas what this revelation means for further investigation?
If she was using a private server all it takes is about an hour or less to unplug and turn over the server.

Hillary is full of shit.
If she wanted them out that badly, why has it taken years, and may take more, to 'get them out'?

If she was using a private server all it takes is about an hour or less to unplug and turn over the server.

That's what I'm talking about, it looks very suspicious.
A private server is too easy to unlock if necessary, and it became clear something went wrong not long ago. It was impossible to hide such a fail for years and it is more likely that she knows exactly what she's trying to do.
She wants everyone to believe a hare is in the hat. She wants everyone to blame her for emails that never existed to reveal the truth in the very crucial moment.

If it will turn out these emails never existed her opponents will have no leg to stand on.

There must be the way to expose her.
"The emails from Clinton's personal email account made public by the State Department do not appear to contain any revelations that could badly damage her bid for the presidency in 2016... "

"A number of the emails to Clinton, some from high-ranking officials, are flattering to the former first lady."

BTW presumably any such correspondence is already on government servers ^

...various congressional probes have produced little damaging evidence.

State Department spokeswoman said that the 296 emails released on Friday "do not change the essential facts or our understanding of the events before, during or after the attacks."

They were the first installment of a rolling release of 55,000 pages of emails from her time as secretary of state between 2009 and 2013 that are due to be released in the coming months.

While Clinton's critics are particularly interested in Benghazi emails, several congressional probes have found no "smoking gun" linking her to any failure to protect the Americans who were killed.

Clinton, the front-runner for the nomination to represent the Democratic Party in the November 2016 presidential election, called for the State Department to release the emails as soon as possible.

"Anything that they might do to expedite that process I heartily support," the former first lady and U.S. senator told reporters at a campaign event in Cedar Falls, Iowa. "I want them out as soon as they can get out."

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the U.S. State Department to produce a plan to release batches of Hillary Clinton's emails from her time there, raising the prospect of months of drip-by-drip disclosures that could plague her presidential campaign.

U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras ordered the State Department to prepare a timetable by next week for the rolling release of the 55,000 pages of emails sent and received by Clinton, according to a court document.

It was a rebuke to the State Department, which had said on Monday it might need until January 2016 to produce the emails.

Making the emails public in batches, as requested by the judge, could give Clinton's opponents on the campaign trail multiple chances to attack her.

Clinton has said she used a private email account because it was more convenient and points out that she violated no rules.

U.S .judge pressures State Dept. on Clinton emails release Reuters
If she wanted them out that badly, why has it taken years, and may take more, to 'get them out'?

If she was using a private server all it takes is about an hour or less to unplug and turn over the server.

That's what I'm talking about, it looks very suspicious.
A private server is too easy to unlock if necessary, and it became clear something went wrong not long ago. It was impossible to hide such a fail for years and it is more likely that she knows exactly what she's trying to do.
She wants everyone to believe a hare is in the hat. She wants everyone to blame her for emails that never existed to reveal the truth in the very crucial moment.

If it will turn out these emails never existed her opponents will have no leg to stand on.

There must be the way to expose her.
She's already just takes someone in charge of the justice department willing to follow the God Dammned law to seize her server and indict her on criminal conspiracy.
If she wanted them out that badly, why has it taken years, and may take more, to 'get them out'?

If she was using a private server all it takes is about an hour or less to unplug and turn over the server.

That's what I'm talking about, it looks very suspicious.
A private server is too easy to unlock if necessary, and it became clear something went wrong not long ago. It was impossible to hide such a fail for years and it is more likely that she knows exactly what she's trying to do.
She wants everyone to believe a hare is in the hat. She wants everyone to blame her for emails that never existed to reveal the truth in the very crucial moment.

If it will turn out these emails never existed her opponents will have no leg to stand on.

There must be the way to expose her.
She's already just takes someone in charge of the justice department willing to follow the God Dammned law to seize her server and indict her on criminal conspiracy.
Sorry, Mud, the DOJ doesn't have time for trivial shit. They have to investigate the Cleveland police department. Seems as though another cop has been acquitted. Make reservations in the future.

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