Clarence Thomas Signals Willingness to Overturn Obergefell v. Hodges

ALL marriage is a cultural custom.

What you are saying is that the bible gives conflicting accounts of what is "biblical marriage" and you are choosing your own interpretation to suit your own beliefs.
Nope. I am saying the Bible speaks of cultural customs AND also speaks of God's will. God's will for marriage is male and female, Jesus said so.
This must be one of your "alternate facts" - a lie becomes "evolution" the moment Congress confirms you to the bench.
No, that's the spin libtards put on it when the Clintons and Obamas changed their tune regarding same sex marriage. I'm just employing the same propaganda technique.
Good for the goose, good for the gander.
Crap, do I need to be a biologist to recognize the difference between a goose and a gander?
Did you not see this coming? I did.
No doubt they’ll be canceling women’s right to vote next.
We just want to cancel out the Negro, Moon Bat, Illegal and Soccer Mom votes. They always fuck it up voting for this destructive Democrat filth so we should return to the model our Founding Fathers had where only land owning White men had the right to vote. Much better country then.
No, that's the spin libtards put on it when the Clintons and Obamas changed their tune regarding same sex marriage. I'm just employing the same propaganda technique.
Good for the goose, good for the gander.
Crap, do I need to be a biologist to recognize the difference between a goose and a gander?

Nope .... no spin in that. A lie is a lie (unless you are a conservatard judicial activist lying to Congress).
Nope .... no spin in that. A lie is a lie (unless you are a conservatard judicial activist lying to Congress).
Yeah, it's so terrible when conservatives do the same thing leftists do, huh.
Same sex marriage was overwhelmingly rejected by voters in California. It took one GAY activist judge on his last day before retirement to throw out that vote. Don't expect sympathy if Obergefell is overturned.
Proposition 8 passed by 52% Hardly overwhelming and the Mormons and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donating $20 million to campaign for its passage. The years was 2008, 14 years ago. A question on a civil right should never have been put to a popular vote, and there is little doubt that the result would be very different today.

Proposition 8 was later invalidated by a majority of the CA . Supreme court

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