Clarence Thomas Signals Willingness to Overturn Obergefell v. Hodges

Proposition 8 passed by 52% Hardly overwhelming and the Mormons and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donating $20 million to campaign for its passage. The years was 2008, 14 years ago. A question on a civil right should never have been put to a popular vote, and there is little doubt that the result would be very different today.

Proposition 8 was later invalidated by a majority of the CA . Supreme court
So you love democracy until you don't love democracy. My, how convenient.
The country evolved on gay marriage
Then you shouldn't worry about the issue being kicked back to the states. Regardless, the point of me using the word "evolved" instead of "lied" is obviously above your intellectual pay grade.
Conservatives still maintain their hate
I'm conservative and have no hate whatsoever towards gays. Put your straw man away, he's only making you look dumber.
Americans want states' rights. Americans want laws that reflect our morals.

It was activist judges who made the rulings in cases like Obergefell, Loving, and Griswald. They need to be overturned.
Except that it is the federal government's job to assure that every single person within the US are guaranteed their Constitutional rights, in these cases the rights to privacy and to get married, which are implied but (per the 9th Amendment) perfectly valid. 70 years later, the 14th Amendment reaffirmed at the federal level that states can't undo those rights either. It is literally the Supreme Court's job to not let any individual states take those rights away.
Except that it is the federal government's job to assure that every single person within the US are guaranteed their Constitutional rights, in these cases the rights to privacy and to get married, which are implied but (per the 9th Amendment) perfectly valid. 70 years later, the 14th Amendment reaffirmed at the federal level that states can't undo those rights either. It is literally the Supreme Court's job to not let any individual states take those rights away.
Looks like you're wrong.
That's the beauty of the republic. I think liberal dumbfucks control several states. Move to one where they agree with your politics, don't mandate a one-size-fits-all nationwide tyranny. After all, democracy, right?
Once again, the left loves democracy, except when they don't love democracy.
Americans want states' rights. Americans want laws that reflect our morals.

It was activist judges who made the rulings in cases like Obergefell, Loving, and Griswald. They need to be overturned.
Was Anthony Kennedy an "activist judge" ?

There is nothing in the tenth amendment that says that the rights reserved for the states are absolute and can be exercised in a way that deprives individuals of due process or equal protection under the law.

You want states rights? Then you want to tear up the constitution and revert to the Articles of Confederation.

Now tell us again how patriotic you are.
Was Anthony Kennedy an "activist judge" ?

There is nothing in the tenth amendment that says that the rights reserved for the states are absolute and can be exercised in a way that deprives individuals of due process or equal protection under the law.

You want states rights? Then you want to tear up the constitution and revert to the Articles of Confederation.

Now tell us again how patriotic you are.
We want states to determine the issues of abortion and queer marriage.

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