'Christian' Putin considers to prohibit Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Nothing happens in Russia without approval of Putin. Especially a coming prohibition of a Christian Denomination with more as 170,000 believers.Why Putin & Popes hate Jehovah's Witnesses?

The Reason could be only one:

- They ignore the state completely and want to live according Jesus and Bible Teaching!
And not to Putin's command.

Russia is not a conservative state, it is continue to be a leftists utopia with Lenin's mummy in Kremlin and Red sterns. All important positions are in hands of former KGB ad CPSU members .And leftist needs an own, state church.

In modern 'conservative' Russia it is a crime, to visit a 'wrong' church..

How Putin will enforce the ban on Jehovah's Witnesses?

By sending them to prison for 'extremism'? All 170,000 believers?

Either Putin's officials are completely insane and fools, or he himself is one.
Ever Hitler could not prohibit Jehovah's Witnesses, although he send most of them in concentration camps.

Putin shall better prohibit Islam in Russia or send his corrupted 'friends' and officials behind bar.
Or fight mafia and criminals.

Russian Government files lawsuit against Jehovah’s Witnesses to declare it an extremist group

More than 170,000 people in Russia are at risk of being criminally prosecuted for reading the Bible together or talking to others about their faith

Russia 'want to make Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist group'

A good church for Putin.


A very bad one:


According to Putin's new law all Jehovah's Witnesses are criminals and like in Hitler's Germany must be send to prison.

Jehovah's Witnesses and Putin coming soon?


NWO, Satan, Presstitutes, dead churches, faggots, thieves, liars, demons, corrupted politicians hate Jehova's Witnesses. Is Putin a servant of Evil?
Some of Putin lovers begin to realize that there is something wrong with their demigod? Or maybe you Baron got into the trouble and someone broke into your house and makes you write this disgusting comments? In this case please try to give us a sign.
Good OP with one error: Russia is a fascist state not a communist one. Putin's regime reminds us of Hitler's in proscribing JWs.
I did Bible study with JW's for many a year back east. Lovely people. But once you get deep into JW theology I can understand why many consider the religion to be a cult.

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