Christian Parents Physically Attack Gay Son Before Disowning Him

This episode reminds me some of a poignant Moth radio story I heard a few years back. Truly moving, this man...

Jeffery Rudell tells his story of a coming out gone wrong.

"If you’re a parent and wondering how important it is to support your newly out child when it means going against your held beliefs, listen to this. Jeffery Rudell shares a poignant tale of familial love gone haywire."

The Moth on Tumblr Jeffery Rudell tells his story of a coming out...

“How is it possible that they were able to teach me love and loyalty in excess of what they themselves possessed?”

Here: Just found the youtube of it:

Listen, if you have the time. You can't help but be touched by his story.
actually in modifying my post to insert YOUR bigotry, you violated board rules. your post has been reported.

now run along and be the hate-filled, lying bigot that you are.

Hahahah predictable hypocrit. It's your bigotry.
LoL. He definitely knew what he was doing when making this video. Bleeding hearts liberals got played hard, like a violin in the hands of a master musician.

Easy way to make mad $$$.
You're such an idiot. Even if the boy knew what was going to happen, what does it matter? His parents are just idiots and should never attack him just for being gay.

If the boy knew, which I think he did or he wouldn't have recorded it....then he was WRONG. I don't agree with what the parents said & did, but the kid was wrong how he did it.

He knew how his parents would react and filmed it. He was beaten by his father - he has proof of that. If he didn't film them and claimed to have been beaten, would you believe him?
That wasn't a beating.

He didn't even hit the kid that hard. And yes I have experience with beatings.

Hitting someone is assault. That is a violation of the law. You have no right to even touch anyone without their explicit consent.
Then tell me why the kid didn't go to the cops with his video and have his parents charged with assault? I'll tell you why.

He didn't care about getting slapped a couple times. All he cared about was getting his cool video to post so as to embarrass his parents. And the fact that he has made a lot of money from the video is a nice little bonus no?

And I never said it wasn't assault. I said it wasn't a beating.

Your opinion of his reason for recording what happened and $5 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. The facts are that he didn't use it as you alleged.
actually in modifying my post to insert YOUR bigotry, you violated board rules. your post has been reported.

now run along and be the hate-filled, lying bigot that you are.

Hahahah predictable hypocrit. It's your bigotry.

A genuine Christian would apologize for violating the rules because that would be the honest thing to do.
actually in modifying my post to insert YOUR bigotry, you violated board rules. your post has been reported.

now run along and be the hate-filled, lying bigot that you are.

Hahahah predictable hypocrit. It's your bigotry.

A genuine Christian would apologize for violating the rules because that would be the honest thing to do.
Would a genuine Muslim or Jew do? What about a genuine fudge packer?

Weird post.
This episode reminds me some of a poignant Moth radio story I heard a few years back. Truly moving, this man...

Jeffery Rudell tells his story of a coming out gone wrong.

"If you’re a parent and wondering how important it is to support your newly out child when it means going against your held beliefs, listen to this. Jeffery Rudell shares a poignant tale of familial love gone haywire."

The Moth on Tumblr Jeffery Rudell tells his story of a coming out...

“How is it possible that they were able to teach me love and loyalty in excess of what they themselves possessed?”

Here: Just found the youtube of it:

Listen, if you have the time. You can't help but be touched by his story.

I watched the video.........his parents did the right thing when he announced to them that he was a degenerate homo.

They disowned him and put everything he owned in a pile in the yard and set fire to it.

And never spoke to their perverted ex-son again.......... :thup:
A genuine Christian would apologize for violating the rules because that would be the honest thing to do.

You can get the best time for me to believe that for information about your experience with this one.


Deceleration Alert!


Ok, I am going to have to think about what maxgrit said, assuming that it is in English...

Sounds like he was having mimosas for breakfast followed by a six pack to wash it down. :D
No one hit him because he was gay. They hit him because he was disrespectful to his mother. She didn't walk up and slap his face because he announced that he was gay. He deserved it.

He may not like it, but the house doesn't belong to him. It belongs to his mother and father. The man was no longer a child. He was 19. There is no obligation to treat a 19 year old man as if he was a 10 year old boy.
No one hit him because he was gay. They hit him because he was disrespectful to his mother. She didn't walk up and slap his face because he announced that he was gay. He deserved it.

He may not like it, but the house doesn't belong to him. It belongs to his mother and father. The man was no longer a child. He was 19. There is no obligation to treat a 19 year old man as if he was a 10 year old boy.

It is illegal to hit anyone irrespective of what they say. They could evict him if they didn't like what he was saying but they were breaking the law by assaulting him.
actually in modifying my post to insert YOUR bigotry, you violated board rules. your post has been reported.

now run along and be the hate-filled, lying bigot that you are.

Hahahah predictable hypocrit. It's your bigotry.

A genuine Christian would apologize for violating the rules because that would be the honest thing to do.

You telling someone about how a Christian should act, is akin to Mother Teresa telling General Patton how to wage war. :lame2:
actually in modifying my post to insert YOUR bigotry, you violated board rules. your post has been reported.

now run along and be the hate-filled, lying bigot that you are.

Hahahah predictable hypocrit. It's your bigotry.

A genuine Christian would apologize for violating the rules because that would be the honest thing to do.

You telling someone about how a Christian should act, is akin to Mother Teresa telling General Patton how to wage war. :lame2:

I never told him how to act.

I pointed out how an honest Christian would act when they discovered that they were wrong.

Next time try reading what was actually posted instead of what you want to believe was posted.
actually in modifying my post to insert YOUR bigotry, you violated board rules. your post has been reported.

now run along and be the hate-filled, lying bigot that you are.

Hahahah predictable hypocrit. It's your bigotry.

A genuine Christian would apologize for violating the rules because that would be the honest thing to do.

You telling someone about how a Christian should act, is akin to Mother Teresa telling General Patton how to wage war. :lame2:

i know that christianity doesn't require bigotry. i also know that christianity doesn't require you to adopt an obscure passage from leviticus which you don't believe in anyway.

you don't know WHAT i know about christianity. but jesus would hate the intolerant scum using his name to justify hatred and bigotry
actually in modifying my post to insert YOUR bigotry, you violated board rules. your post has been reported.

now run along and be the hate-filled, lying bigot that you are.

Hahahah predictable hypocrit. It's your bigotry.

A genuine Christian would apologize for violating the rules because that would be the honest thing to do.

You telling someone about how a Christian should act, is akin to Mother Teresa telling General Patton how to wage war. :lame2:

I never told him how to act.

I pointed out how an honest Christian would act when they discovered that they were wrong.

Next time try reading what was actually posted instead of what you want to believe was posted.

Again, you pointing out how a Christian should act, is akin to OJ Simpson giving lessons on how to be a good husband. :banana2:

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