Christian Parents Physically Attack Gay Son Before Disowning Him

Here's how Jesus dealt with slanderers.

Luke 11 (ESV)

Now he was casting out a demon that was mute. When the demon had gone out, the mute man spoke, and the people marveled. But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the prince of demons,” while others, to test him, kept seeking from him a sign from heaven. But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls. And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul. And if I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe; but when one stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoil. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."

Luke 11 ESV - The Lord s Prayer - Now Jesus was - Bible Gateway
You telling someone about how a Christian should act, is akin to Mother Teresa telling General Patton how to wage war. :lame2:

Again, you pointing out how a Christian should act, is akin to OJ Simpson giving lessons on how to be a good husband. :banana2:

Listening to an infidel's advice on how be a good Christian is like listening to Andrea Yates' advice on how to be a good mother.
Given that the troll is attacking the poster rather than the content of the thread and adding nothing of value it is time to treat the noob with the contempt he deserves.
You wish to talk about honest Christians, something you know nothing about, but when it is pointed out to you, that you know nothing about Christians, you cut and run and try another form of attack. Shame on you for not being an honorable person, that too, is something you know nothing about, honor.
Are you an example of an honest Christian?
I try my best to be honest in every aspect of my life, not just my Christianity. I don't act one way toward one person and different to someone else, and I refrain from insulting people, when it can be helped. Calling a homosexual a 'fudge packer' is not nice and is uncalled for.

What I don't like is people, who are not Christian, and have never tried to live up to the title, telling me how a Christian is supposed to behave, act and think. That's like me telling a doctor how to treat cancer, I have no clue, so I bow to his knowledge, and if I don't like it, I seek a second opinion, but I don't go to a witch doctor for that second opinion, because I think I will like what he tells me more, not if I want to healed.

And people who group all Christians together, are doing the same thing as saying, a black woman robbed the store, thus all black women are thieves. It makes no sense whatsoever.

For me, it's really simple, tell people the truth as you know it to be. Lying to someone, and telling them what you think they want to hear, always does more damage than good.
Sorry about changing the quote. I thought it was obvious what I was trying to teach jillian about her bigotry against religious people like "the parents".

Of course, jillian lack the mental capacity see the obvious connection between her bigotry and the bigotry of others.

The irony in jillian's bigoted post was the way she expressed her hatred and bigotry to dehumanize the target of her hate. She failed to see how those statements are the same statements used on gays by other bigots to dehumanize and oppress gays.

Those statements were the expression of jillian's hatred and bigotry. All it took was swapping the noun to reveal jillian's true nature.
Here's how Jesus dealt with slanderers.

Luke 11 (ESV)

Now he was casting out a demon that was mute. When the demon had gone out, the mute man spoke, and the people marveled. But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the prince of demons,” while others, to test him, kept seeking from him a sign from heaven. But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls. And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul. And if I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe; but when one stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoil. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."

Luke 11 ESV - The Lord s Prayer - Now Jesus was - Bible Gateway

Is that what Jesus will do to a libeler like yourself?
Sorry about changing the quote. I thought it was obvious what I was trying to teach jillian about her bigotry against religious people like "the parents".

Of course, jillian lack the mental capacity see the obvious connection between her bigotry and the bigotry of others.

The irony in jillian's bigoted post was the way she expressed her hatred and bigotry to dehumanize the target of her hate. She failed to see how those statements are the same statements used on gays by other bigots to dehumanize and oppress gays.

Those statements were the expression of jillian's hatred and bigotry. All it took was swapping the noun to reveal jillian's true nature.

But instead of apologizing immediately you chose to call others names like "infidels". Then you compound your insincerity by attacking Jillian.

Jesus wouldn't be fooled by your dishonesty.
Given that the troll is attacking the poster rather than the content of the thread and adding nothing of value it is time to treat the noob with the contempt he deserves.
You wish to talk about honest Christians, something you know nothing about, but when it is pointed out to you, that you know nothing about Christians, you cut and run and try another form of attack. Shame on you for not being an honorable person, that too, is something you know nothing about, honor.
Are you an example of an honest Christian?
I try my best to be honest in every aspect of my life, not just my Christianity. I don't act one way toward one person and different to someone else, and I refrain from insulting people, when it can be helped. Calling a homosexual a 'fudge packer' is not nice and is uncalled for.

What I don't like is people, who are not Christian, and have never tried to live up to the title, telling me how a Christian is supposed to behave, act and think. That's like me telling a doctor how to treat cancer, I have no clue, so I bow to his knowledge, and if I don't like it, I seek a second opinion, but I don't go to a witch doctor for that second opinion, because I think I will like what he tells me more, not if I want to healed.

And people who group all Christians together, are doing the same thing as saying, a black woman robbed the store, thus all black women are thieves. It makes no sense whatsoever.

For me, it's really simple, tell people the truth as you know it to be. Lying to someone, and telling them what you think they want to hear, always does more damage than good.

You took the side of a libeler over the truth. Says volumes about you that you would attack the person telling the truth rather than deal with the transgressor.
Normal parents aren't real parents. Everyone is different.

I wonder if the progressives' normal parents" are actually radical militant feminist lesbians living with their gay son?
No, actually every parent accepts their child the way he/she is, except some religious fanatics.
Sorry about changing the quote. I thought it was obvious what I was trying to teach jillian about her bigotry against religious people like "the parents".

Of course, jillian lack the mental capacity see the obvious connection between her bigotry and the bigotry of others.

The irony in jillian's bigoted post was the way she expressed her hatred and bigotry to dehumanize the target of her hate. She failed to see how those statements are the same statements used on gays by other bigots to dehumanize and oppress gays.

Those statements were the expression of jillian's hatred and bigotry. All it took was swapping the noun to reveal jillian's true nature.

But instead of apologizing immediately you chose to call others names like "infidels". Then you compound your insincerity by attacking Jillian.

Jesus wouldn't be fooled by your dishonesty.
Again, you thinking you know what Jesus would or wouldn't be, is akin to Charles Manson giving Robin Williams lessons on how to make people laugh. You have no idea who Jesus is, much less what He would or wouldn't be. So, why don't you stop pretending that you do.
Jesus Christ taught his followers to love the sinner and hate the sin.


This is just another manifestation of the facade, where the 'sin' is contrived pursuant to justifying the bigotry.
Given that the troll is attacking the poster rather than the content of the thread and adding nothing of value it is time to treat the noob with the contempt he deserves.
You wish to talk about honest Christians, something you know nothing about, but when it is pointed out to you, that you know nothing about Christians, you cut and run and try another form of attack. Shame on you for not being an honorable person, that too, is something you know nothing about, honor.
Are you an example of an honest Christian?
I try my best to be honest in every aspect of my life, not just my Christianity. I don't act one way toward one person and different to someone else, and I refrain from insulting people, when it can be helped. Calling a homosexual a 'fudge packer' is not nice and is uncalled for.

What I don't like is people, who are not Christian, and have never tried to live up to the title, telling me how a Christian is supposed to behave, act and think. That's like me telling a doctor how to treat cancer, I have no clue, so I bow to his knowledge, and if I don't like it, I seek a second opinion, but I don't go to a witch doctor for that second opinion, because I think I will like what he tells me more, not if I want to healed.

And people who group all Christians together, are doing the same thing as saying, a black woman robbed the store, thus all black women are thieves. It makes no sense whatsoever.

For me, it's really simple, tell people the truth as you know it to be. Lying to someone, and telling them what you think they want to hear, always does more damage than good.

You took the side of a libeler over the truth. Says volumes about you that you would attack the person telling the truth rather than deal with the transgressor.
The only side I took, was to point out, that you have no idea who Jesus is, or what He preached, or what it is to be a Christian. You not being able to recognize that, tells the world that you have no common sense, maybe a bunch of book learnin, but no common sense whatsoever.
Jesus Christ taught his followers to love the sinner and hate the sin.


This is just another manifestation of the facade, where the 'sin' is contrived pursuant to justifying the bigotry.

If you had your way, you would parade murderers and rapists through the streets as though they were gods, and then have dinner with them, before thanking them for their contributions to society and sending them home.
Given that the troll is attacking the poster rather than the content of the thread and adding nothing of value it is time to treat the noob with the contempt he deserves.
You wish to talk about honest Christians, something you know nothing about, but when it is pointed out to you, that you know nothing about Christians, you cut and run and try another form of attack. Shame on you for not being an honorable person, that too, is something you know nothing about, honor.
Are you an example of an honest Christian?
I try my best to be honest in every aspect of my life, not just my Christianity. I don't act one way toward one person and different to someone else, and I refrain from insulting people, when it can be helped. Calling a homosexual a 'fudge packer' is not nice and is uncalled for.

What I don't like is people, who are not Christian, and have never tried to live up to the title, telling me how a Christian is supposed to behave, act and think. That's like me telling a doctor how to treat cancer, I have no clue, so I bow to his knowledge, and if I don't like it, I seek a second opinion, but I don't go to a witch doctor for that second opinion, because I think I will like what he tells me more, not if I want to healed.

And people who group all Christians together, are doing the same thing as saying, a black woman robbed the store, thus all black women are thieves. It makes no sense whatsoever.

For me, it's really simple, tell people the truth as you know it to be. Lying to someone, and telling them what you think they want to hear, always does more damage than good.

You took the side of a libeler over the truth. Says volumes about you that you would attack the person telling the truth rather than deal with the transgressor.
The only side I took, was to point out, that you have no idea who Jesus is, or what He preached, or what it is to be a Christian. You not being able to recognize that, tells the world that you have no common sense, maybe a bunch of book learnin, but no common sense whatsoever.


Your ludicrous assumptions are really amusing. You know absolutely nothing about my knowledge of Christianity. Instead you flatter yourself by trying to come up with cliches that you believe to be "clever". You jumped in and made a fool of yourself. That is your problem, not mine.
Jesus Christ taught his followers to love the sinner and hate the sin.


This is just another manifestation of the facade, where the 'sin' is contrived pursuant to justifying the bigotry.

If you had your way, you would parade murderers and rapists through the streets as though they were gods, and then have dinner with them, before thanking them for their contributions to society and sending them home.


You are really trying hard to :dig: yourself a deep hole!
Jesus Christ taught his followers to love the sinner and hate the sin.


This is just another manifestation of the facade, where the 'sin' is contrived pursuant to justifying the bigotry.

If you had your way, you would parade murderers and rapists through the streets as though they were gods, and then have dinner with them, before thanking them for their contributions to society and sending them home.
And this is based on what, exactly.

Either cite the post in support of this or concede the fact that you're a liar and likely insane.
Given that the troll is attacking the poster rather than the content of the thread and adding nothing of value it is time to treat the noob with the contempt he deserves.
You wish to talk about honest Christians, something you know nothing about, but when it is pointed out to you, that you know nothing about Christians, you cut and run and try another form of attack. Shame on you for not being an honorable person, that too, is something you know nothing about, honor.
Are you an example of an honest Christian?
I try my best to be honest in every aspect of my life, not just my Christianity. I don't act one way toward one person and different to someone else, and I refrain from insulting people, when it can be helped. Calling a homosexual a 'fudge packer' is not nice and is uncalled for.

What I don't like is people, who are not Christian, and have never tried to live up to the title, telling me how a Christian is supposed to behave, act and think. That's like me telling a doctor how to treat cancer, I have no clue, so I bow to his knowledge, and if I don't like it, I seek a second opinion, but I don't go to a witch doctor for that second opinion, because I think I will like what he tells me more, not if I want to healed.

And people who group all Christians together, are doing the same thing as saying, a black woman robbed the store, thus all black women are thieves. It makes no sense whatsoever.

For me, it's really simple, tell people the truth as you know it to be. Lying to someone, and telling them what you think they want to hear, always does more damage than good.

You took the side of a libeler over the truth. Says volumes about you that you would attack the person telling the truth rather than deal with the transgressor.
The only side I took, was to point out, that you have no idea who Jesus is, or what He preached, or what it is to be a Christian. You not being able to recognize that, tells the world that you have no common sense, maybe a bunch of book learnin, but no common sense whatsoever.


Your ludicrous assumptions are really amusing. You know absolutely nothing about my knowledge of Christianity. Instead you flatter yourself by trying to come up with cliches that you believe to be "clever". You jumped in and made a fool of yourself. That is your problem, not mine.
Knowledge of Christianity, is far different from knowing who Jesus is, what He preached and what it is to be a Christian. If you can't recognize that, you should really ask someone to explain it to you.

An atheist, Muslim, Jew, and many others, have knowledge of Christianity, just as I have knowledge of what they believe, the difference is, I don't practice what they practice, so they will know much more about their beliefs than I will. Of coarse, you won't recognize this as what I am saying, you will again, try to feign some 'knowledge' of what a Christian is supposed to be.
So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!
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How not to act:

A 19-year-old boy from the US has secretly filmed his parents verbally and physically attacking him after having a conversation with them about his homosexuality.

Daniel tries to explain to his Christian parents that he hasn’t chosen to be gay. They proceed to disown him and demand he move out. His mother then physically attacks him, before his father tells him that he is a disgrace.

Read more at Shocking video Daniel coming out to his parents.

The transcript of the conversation is there if you can't watch the video. What sort of sick bastard beats his own child simply for being gay? And how idiotic is the mother to believe a book over science?

I am assuming that for most Christians, if you were told your son/daughter was gay you would love them regardless and allow them to remain living under your roof. Instead, these parents hated their son so much they didn't want anything to do with him.

How idiotic is believing the pseudoscience of homofascist politics over God's word?

Notwithstanding, physically attacking one's child over this is hardly a solution, though the idea of a child remaining under one's roof as the child thinks to live his life however he pleases is not love either, certainly not on the part of the child, now is it?

Are you suggesting that the parents must tolerate that? If so, you’re mad.
Sorry about changing the quote. I thought it was obvious what I was trying to teach jillian about her bigotry against religious people like "the parents".

Of course, jillian lack the mental capacity see the obvious connection between her bigotry and the bigotry of others.

The irony in jillian's bigoted post was the way she expressed her hatred and bigotry to dehumanize the target of her hate. She failed to see how those statements are the same statements used on gays by other bigots to dehumanize and oppress gays.

Those statements were the expression of jillian's hatred and bigotry. All it took was swapping the noun to reveal jillian's true nature.

But instead of apologizing immediately you chose to call others names like "infidels". Then you compound your insincerity by attacking Jillian.

Jesus wouldn't be fooled by your dishonesty.

He also isn't smart enough to teach anyone anything. But isn't it cute that we're getting a whole new group of fundie wackjobs?

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