Zone1 Christian Nationalists Reawaken Ameria


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2021
This is so sick I don't know what to say. Is Trump behind this? His sons are part of this insane tour.

Christian Nationalist ReAwaken America Goes Scorched Earth On Jews

This coming weekend, the ReAwaken America tour will spread its disdain for Jews and Judaism in Las Vegas, Nevada – the twenty-first city in its national campaign to blame Jews for supposedly preventing America from becoming a Christian nation.

Headline speakers at the upcoming event include conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of Infowars fame. Jones has stated that America’s problems are attributed to the “Jewish mafia”: “They run Uber, they run the health care, they’re going to scam you, they’re going to hurt you.” He has accused Jews of participating in a “global corporate combine.” Jones has also stated that a large number of attendees at the Unite the Right violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were Jewish plants paid by the Jewish billionaire George Soros to discredit white supremacists.

Another headliner at this weekend’s event will be Rosanne Barr, who proclaimed in July of this year: “Nobody died in the Holocaust. That’s the truth. It should happen—six million Jews should die right now because they cause all the problems in the world. Hollywood is an organized crime network, and I’m not the right kind of Jew for Jews in Hollywood.”.............
The ReAwaken America Tour is an American far-right and Christian nationalist movement launched in 2021 by Oklahoma entrepreneur Clay Clark and former Donald Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn.

Since early last year, some of the most prolific spreaders of conspiracy theories have been barnstorming across the country alongside a stacked cast of pro-Trump speakers, preachers and self-proclaimed prophets.

Each stop of the ReAwaken America Tour is part conservative Christian revival, part QAnon expo and part political rally. It features big name stars in the MAGA galaxy, including MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, Trump adviser Roger Stone and former President Donald Trump's son, Eric. There are meet and greets, a buffet and, lately, baptisms and the casting out of demons.
This is so sick I don't know what to say. Is Trump behind this? His sons are part of this insane tour.

Christian Nationalist ReAwaken America Goes Scorched Earth On Jews

This coming weekend, the ReAwaken America tour will spread its disdain for Jews and Judaism in Las Vegas, Nevada – the twenty-first city in its national campaign to blame Jews for supposedly preventing America from becoming a Christian nation.

Headline speakers at the upcoming event include conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of Infowars fame. Jones has stated that America’s problems are attributed to the “Jewish mafia”: “They run Uber, they run the health care, they’re going to scam you, they’re going to hurt you.” He has accused Jews of participating in a “global corporate combine.” Jones has also stated that a large number of attendees at the Unite the Right violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were Jewish plants paid by the Jewish billionaire George Soros to discredit white supremacists.

Another headliner at this weekend’s event will be Rosanne Barr, who proclaimed in July of this year: “Nobody died in the Holocaust. That’s the truth. It should happen—six million Jews should die right now because they cause all the problems in the world. Hollywood is an organized crime network, and I’m not the right kind of Jew for Jews in Hollywood.”.............
nothing new----very similar to the episcopalian, methodist, presbyterian methodist, propaganda I read as a child-----ever before 1960
nothing new----very similar to the episcopalian, methodist, presbyterian methodist, propaganda I read as a child-----ever before 1960

Boy, that was some low rent town you lived in.



In a hotel ballroom owned by Donald Trump, barely an hour into a two-day conspiracist talkathon, your correspondent lost the plot. It happened amid calls for the audience to quit being “weak-kneed wussies” and “join Team Jesus”, and warnings about child traffickers and poisonous vaccines. What really did it, though, was an invitation to approach the stage to be healed by a self-styled prophet resembling Ozzy Osbourne.

Later one of Mr Trump’s sons took to the podium. Worship music played; several hundred hands went up in prayer. Someone blew a shofar, a trumpet used in Jewish rituals that is popular among some charismatic Christians. Was this a Trump rally, a religious revival or a gabfest about how globalists had spread covid-19 to suspend civil liberties? Was it all of those things? The man selling tickets over the phone—at a recommended price of $250, or pay what you wish—had offered just two instructions. No masks allowed and please leave guns in the car.
Boy, that was some low rent town you lived in.
In the town of my childhood---there were no "rentals" ---just lots of little houses, privately owned. It was an old town---founded pre revolutionary war----with structures that had signs "GEORGE WASHINGTON WAS HERE". The local river harbored Indian arrow heads on the shores thereof---(and snakes)

In a hotel ballroom owned by Donald Trump, barely an hour into a two-day conspiracist talkathon, your correspondent lost the plot. It happened amid calls for the audience to quit being “weak-kneed wussies” and “join Team Jesus”, and warnings about child traffickers and poisonous vaccines. What really did it, though, was an invitation to approach the stage to be healed by a self-styled prophet resembling Ozzy Osbourne.

Later one of Mr Trump’s sons took to the podium. Worship music played; several hundred hands went up in prayer. Someone blew a shofar, a trumpet used in Jewish rituals that is popular among some charismatic Christians. Was this a Trump rally, a religious revival or a gabfest about how globalists had spread covid-19 to suspend civil liberties? Was it all of those things? The man selling tickets over the phone—at a recommended price of $250, or pay what you wish—had offered just two instructions. No masks allowed and please leave guns in the car.
gee----sounds very SOUTHERN BAPTIST. I came across southern baptists in the NAVY
This is so sick I don't know what to say. Is Trump behind this? His sons are part of this insane tour.

Christian Nationalist ReAwaken America Goes Scorched Earth On Jews

This coming weekend, the ReAwaken America tour will spread its disdain for Jews and Judaism in Las Vegas, Nevada – the twenty-first city in its national campaign to blame Jews for supposedly preventing America from becoming a Christian nation.

Headline speakers at the upcoming event include conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of Infowars fame. Jones has stated that America’s problems are attributed to the “Jewish mafia”: “They run Uber, they run the health care, they’re going to scam you, they’re going to hurt you.” He has accused Jews of participating in a “global corporate combine.” Jones has also stated that a large number of attendees at the Unite the Right violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, were Jewish plants paid by the Jewish billionaire George Soros to discredit white supremacists.

Another headliner at this weekend’s event will be Rosanne Barr, who proclaimed in July of this year: “Nobody died in the Holocaust. That’s the truth. It should happen—six million Jews should die right now because they cause all the problems in the world. Hollywood is an organized crime network, and I’m not the right kind of Jew for Jews in Hollywood.”.............
Again, most of the antisemitism comes from the right wing. It always has. Since 10/7, the alt-right has made a deliberate attempt to say that liberals and progressives are rabidly antisemitic. Which is a lie.
Again, most of the antisemitism comes from the right wing. It always has. Since 10/7, the alt-right has made a deliberate attempt to say that liberals and progressives are rabidly antisemitic. Which is a lie.
nope----now antisemitism is that which is commonly miscalled LEFT WING---the left and right designations are very outdated

The Four Evangelical Enablers of the Trumpocalypse

Four evangelicals have been especially vocal in their support of Trump. I mention them by name not to demean these individuals but because I believe each one of them need to be held accountable for avidly supporting the president and acting like evangelicals who don’t do the same are unchristian and immoral.

Ralph Reed, former head of the Christian Coalition and founder and chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, recently said that evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” President Trump in the upcoming election.1 In my field of counseling, what Reed said is considered “gaslighting,” an effort to make someone think they are crazy or in the wrong if they don’t look at things the way you do. I believe the Bible teaches that we have a moral obligation to vigorously oppose someone like Trump and remove him from office as soon as possible before he does any more damage to our democracy.

Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, said in an interview that Trump earned his support because of his abilities as a businessman, that there was nothing Trump could do to endanger his support or the support of other evangelical leaders, and that he “can’t imagine him doing anything that’s not good for the country.”2 Trump is a demonstrably immoral and incompetent businessman, most of what he does as president is impulsively thought out and acted on, and one has to wonder just how bad he would have to act before evangelicals like Falwell would see him as a real and present danger not only to our country but to the world at large. Could Trump literally, as he has boasted,3 walk to the center of 5th Avenue in New York City and shoot someone before evangelicals would finally sour on him?

Franklin Graham, president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse and The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, when asked about Trump’s lying, refused to acknowledge that he lies, saying that Trump sometimes misspeaks “like all of us do.”4 Trump recently cracked the 13,000 false or misleading statements barrier.5 Doesn’t that fact alone suggest he is a pathological liar rather than a pathological mis-speaker? And, given that “The Lord detests lying lips” (Proverbs 12:22), shouldn’t evangelicals like Graham realize that God has a serious problem with a pathological liar leading our country?
Again, most of the antisemitism comes from the right wing. It always has. Since 10/7, the alt-right has made a deliberate attempt to say that liberals and progressives are rabidly antisemitic. Which is a lie.

Sixties Fan

I find this mindboggling. What kind of Americans are these people?


Smith is popular among the far-right and has recommended neo-Nazi propaganda such as a World War II movie that paints Germany as the victim and questions the taught history of the war, posts memes denying the Holocaust on social media and said on an episode of the far-right The Pete Quinones Show podcast that Jewish people are behind “all of these things that are used to control us.”

Other speakers at Friday’s ReAwaken America event include My Pillow CEO and Trump supporter Mike Lindell, and Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security advisor who has become a noted conspiracist.


Smith is popular among the far-right and has recommended neo-Nazi propaganda such as a World War II movie that paints Germany as the victim and questions the taught history of the war, posts memes denying the Holocaust on social media and said on an episode of the far-right The Pete Quinones Show podcast that Jewish people are behind “all of these things that are used to control us.”

Other speakers at Friday’s ReAwaken America event include My Pillow CEO and Trump supporter Mike Lindell, and Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security advisor who has become a noted conspiracist.
oh----a replay of the islamo nazi propaganda that littered my childhood episcopalian, methodist, presbyterian, lutheran town. ---which BTW was LILY WHITE----and completely restricted until the mid fifties when the post war baby boom made the building of little houses and sale to growing families PROFITABLE---still lily white, however. When it became a bit INTERGRATED----the locals BLAMED DA JOOOOOS
- whatever is the judo/christian coalition, seldom heard of - would be what's at the end of the dark alleyway waiting for whoever might venture a stroll in their neighborhood. in this case, republicans.

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