Christian Conservative Hate Group causes cancellation of Tea Party Rally

You're labeled as liberal because you active promote liberal/progressive policies. Not because you opposite conservatives.

Forgive me, I forget some here don't understand that 'liberal' is now a pejorative for everything wrong with society. The terms "Liberal and 'liberal' have different definitions depending on context.
I am liberal or progressive or forward looking on many issues, but that does not make me ignorant, stupid, a communist, socialist, marxist or un-American, all meanings attached to the word 'liberal' by those on the RW.
I have opinions which are clearly conservative, but not in the sense I understand the meaning of conservative today. Today's 'conservatives' have morphed into a force motivated by the selfish disregard for their fellow human beings, and the plants and animals which share the earth us.
In fact, the term which best suits them today is not conservative, it is reactionary. A radical believe in tradition, a rejection of science which fits not their opinions, and fear of change.

Forgive me, I forget some here don't understand that 'liberal' is now a pejorative for everything wrong with society. The terms "Liberal and 'liberal' have different definitions depending on context.

Strange, I thought "conservative" was the pejorative for everything wrong with society. Just ask many on the left and they will confirm that.

Today's 'conservatives' have morphed into a force motivated by the selfish disregard for their fellow human beings, and the plants and animals which share the earth us.
In fact, the term which best suits them today is not conservative, it is reactionary. A radical believe in tradition, a rejection of science which fits not their opinions, and fear of change.

In fact, based upon the above quote, it seems that you agree with me about conservatism being the pejorative for everything wrong with society.

And no, being liberal or progressive does not make you ignorant, stupid, a communist, socialist, marxist or un-American. There are some liberals who fit that, just as there are some conservatives who fit it pretty well too.


I don't disagree, however, my focus was on the 'faux' conservative, the "loud minority" who hate everyone and everything - real or imaginary - which has opinions and ideas which differ from their own.
Of course there are those on the LW with the same 'agenda'.
Yes they do. However I wouldn't say they're a hate group. I'd say they're pro family, pro heterosexual, and there's nothing hateful about that.

I'd say that the homos supporters are throwing around the words hate and bigot a little loosely here, as they always do when they hear or see anything opposing their agenda. The same can be said about homos. They have a track record of being some of the most hateful, bigoted and militant people there are. No one demonizes like a homo or homo supporter that's just heard someone voice a differing opinion about homosexuality.

I see no more hate or bigotry coming from massresistance than any other homo support site I've seen. They're simply trying to get across a pro family, pro marriage, pro heterosexual message. I give them credit for that.

What are they doing turning up at a transgendered conference with webcams? They are clearly hostile to GLBTQ people.

The GLBTO got something to hide? A webcam isn't a weapon.

Apparently, Sky Dancer thinks men dressed in women's clothing have a "right" in the women's rest room. :cuckoo:
Let's deal in facts. Facts are Tea Partiers have been caught holding racist signs.

Prove that please.

The fact that someone is at a tea party event and holding a racist sign does not mean that that person is a "tea partier". It simply means someone who wants to show bigotry of some kind whether it is racial bigotry or bigotry against the Tea Party movement and/or conservatives is holding a racist sign.


Immie, if you show up at an event I have organized carrying a hate sign and I make no effort to shame you away, I leave people with the impression that I can accept you as part of the group. Hate is a deal breaker for me and many like me. I cannot participate, support or even view as legitimate the Tea Party if it is willing to tolerate hate extremists within its midst.

One or the other, brotherman...not both.
massresistance are a fringe group:

"MassResistance protested a Macys store in Boston because they believed Macys was dressing transgendered mannequins in their windows. MassResistance went so far as to roam the Macys and photograph what they considered "normal" mannequins and then compared the photos on their website."
MassResistance Watch: February 2009

The Tea Party is wise to distance themselves from this lunatic fringe.
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Let's deal in facts. Facts are Tea Partiers have been caught holding racist signs.

Let's deal in facts, not your brainwashed facsimile.

A) Those that have had racist signs at Tea Party rallies are told to leave.

B) Many of those who do are infiltrators, deliberately carrying those signs to discredit the Tea Party.

C) We are still waiting for the video of Rep Carson being called the N word at a Tea Party.

In other words you have no facts about the tea party. Just the typical left wing mantra against ANYONE that threatens the left.

What are they doing turning up at a transgendered conference with webcams? They are clearly hostile to GLBTQ people.

The GLBTO got something to hide? A webcam isn't a weapon.

Apparently, Sky Dancer thinks men dressed in women's clothing have a "right" in the women's rest room. :cuckoo:

They do when the rent the space for a transgendered conference. How much do you know about transgendered people?
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massresistance are a fringe group:

"MassResistance protested a Macys store in Boston because they believed Macys was dressing transgendered mannequins in their windows. MassResistance went so far as to roam the Macys and photograph what they considered "normal" mannequins and then compared the photos on their website."
MassResistance Watch: February 2009

So they're anti homo... so what? Seems the problem is, simply, that you think anyone that's not on board with your pro homo agenda is a fringe group.
What are they doing turning up at a transgendered conference with webcams? They are clearly hostile to GLBTQ people.

I'd say they're keeping an eye on the opposition. A webcam isn't a weapon.

It's depends on how it's used. In this case, having the webcam outside the bathroom constituted a form of harassment. The webcam is a tactic used on more than one occasion by massresistance. They also used it in a school and were asked to leave.

massresistance stalks gay people.

Who the hell is doing the stalking, if men dresssed as women are going in Ladies bathrooms!!!!!!! Do you have any brain at all? Think for pity sake!!!!!!

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The Tea Party is waking up. Why aren't you, Pale Rider?
The Tea Party waking up is your worse nightmare. The fact that this movement is growing by the day is your worse nightmare. These are average americans who see that this president has declared war on the things that makes this country great. Has declared war on the constitution. Is taking this great country straight down the friggin' toilet.

When are you going to wake up and start holding this inept president accountable for his abject failings. His broken promises?

Have you figured out yet that Obama doesn't shit ribbons of rainbows. That he doesn't fart rose scented fairy dust. That he shits foul smelling spew, and egg farts just like the rest of us?

Have you figured out that life isn't about Unicorns. Rainbows. Pretty flowers. Peace signs. Bongs. Roach clips. Birkenstocks. Ben & Jerry?
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The Tea Party is waking up. Why aren't you, Pale Rider?
The Tea Party waking up is your worse nightmare. The fact that this movement is growing by the day is your worse nightmare. These are average americans who see that this president has declared war on the things that makes this country great. Has declared war on the constitution. Is taking this great country straight down the friggin' toilet.

When are you going to wake up and start holding this inept president accountable for his abject failings. His broken promises?

Have you figured out yet that Obama doesn't shit ribbons of rainbows. That he doesn't fart rose scerted fairy dust. That he shits foul smelling spew, and egg farts just like the rest of us?

Have you figured out that life isn't about Unicorns. Rainbows. Pretty flowers. Peace signs. Bongs. Roach clips. Birkenstocks. Ben & Jerry?

I don't feel threatened by the Tea Party. Their agenda is fiscally conservative. I have no problem with that.

They are taking steps to make sure the fringe wingnuts don't define their mission.

Good for them.
I have a question for the christians here:

Take a pause, read the MassResistence website, and reflect please:

Now can any of you tell me what is "christian" about this group? Isn't it just a wee bit possible that hate is the real agenda and "christian" is just a dodge?

Do any of you know of this group (before this story broke, I mean)? Does it have any sort of relationship to your church? Cuz I look at it and see nothing but a web version of the Westboro Baptist Church...and if these are christians, then the word simply has no meaning.

Twenty years ago, these people most likely would have been claiming to be "patriots" and aiming their hate at blacks or women. Do you really want to remain passive when others with bad intentions take the name of your faith and make it synoymous with hate....or do you mebbe sometimes wanna criticisize the fake christians who do harm in your faith's name?

I have a question for you.

What is wrong with fighting back against an agenda, designed to destroy the Christian idea of marriage?

Hate my foot. That's self defense.

Gays attacked first!

We didn't say, "hey let's change the idea of homsexuality."

They came in and said, "let's change the idea of marriage, remove that plank of morality, and then we will further degrade morals in this country so we have make more recruits!"

And we should do nothing???????????????

I don't think so.
How is a person's right to live without the fear this MassResistence group seeks to instill in GLBT people reducable to which bathroom people use? I have been in men's rooms...likely every chick my age has at one time or another. I've seen men in women's bathrooms too. It never occurred to me at the time this was a Huge Fucking Deal.

Trivializing the most personal and deeply felt aspect of someone else's life experience for sport -- how terribly "christian" of any of you.
I have a question for the christians here:

Take a pause, read the MassResistence website, and reflect please:

Now can any of you tell me what is "christian" about this group? Isn't it just a wee bit possible that hate is the real agenda and "christian" is just a dodge?

Do any of you know of this group (before this story broke, I mean)? Does it have any sort of relationship to your church? Cuz I look at it and see nothing but a web version of the Westboro Baptist Church...and if these are christians, then the word simply has no meaning.

Twenty years ago, these people most likely would have been claiming to be "patriots" and aiming their hate at blacks or women. Do you really want to remain passive when others with bad intentions take the name of your faith and make it synoymous with hate....or do you mebbe sometimes wanna criticisize the fake christians who do harm in your faith's name?

Um, it was a liberal, NYCarbiner, that labeled them as "Christian". From my perusing their site, I have not seen them claiming to be Christian. I have not seen a conservative here claiming they are Christian.

In other words, it was a mis-labeling of the group by a liberal. They should not be considered Christian although maybe there are some Christian individuals who support them.

I have a question for the christians here:

Take a pause, read the MassResistence website, and reflect please:

Now can any of you tell me what is "christian" about this group? Isn't it just a wee bit possible that hate is the real agenda and "christian" is just a dodge?

Do any of you know of this group (before this story broke, I mean)? Does it have any sort of relationship to your church? Cuz I look at it and see nothing but a web version of the Westboro Baptist Church...and if these are christians, then the word simply has no meaning.

Twenty years ago, these people most likely would have been claiming to be "patriots" and aiming their hate at blacks or women. Do you really want to remain passive when others with bad intentions take the name of your faith and make it synoymous with hate....or do you mebbe sometimes wanna criticisize the fake christians who do harm in your faith's name?

I have a question for you.

What is wrong with fighting back against an agenda, designed to destroy the Christian idea of marriage?

Hate my foot. That's self defense.

Gays attacked first!

We didn't say, "hey let's change the idea of homsexuality."

They came in and said, "let's change the idea of marriage, remove that plank of morality, and then we will further degrade morals in this country so we have make more recruits!"

And we should do nothing???????????????

I don't think so.

There wouldn't be a gay rights movement if gays hadn't been harassed. Check out why Stonewall happened.
Let's deal in facts. Facts are Tea Partiers have been caught holding racist signs.

Prove that please.

The fact that someone is at a tea party event and holding a racist sign does not mean that that person is a "tea partier". It simply means someone who wants to show bigotry of some kind whether it is racial bigotry or bigotry against the Tea Party movement and/or conservatives is holding a racist sign.


She can't, and she won't. That's why she ignored me when I challenged her to do the same thing.

Actually, I had not read your post, or I would not have made mine.

I have a question for the christians here:

Take a pause, read the MassResistence website, and reflect please:

Now can any of you tell me what is "christian" about this group? Isn't it just a wee bit possible that hate is the real agenda and "christian" is just a dodge?

Do any of you know of this group (before this story broke, I mean)? Does it have any sort of relationship to your church? Cuz I look at it and see nothing but a web version of the Westboro Baptist Church...and if these are christians, then the word simply has no meaning.

Twenty years ago, these people most likely would have been claiming to be "patriots" and aiming their hate at blacks or women. Do you really want to remain passive when others with bad intentions take the name of your faith and make it synoymous with hate....or do you mebbe sometimes wanna criticisize the fake christians who do harm in your faith's name?

I have a question for you.

What is wrong with fighting back against an agenda, designed to destroy the Christian idea of marriage?

Hate my foot. That's self defense.

Gays attacked first!

We didn't say, "hey let's change the idea of homsexuality."

They came in and said, "let's change the idea of marriage, remove that plank of morality, and then we will further degrade morals in this country so we have make more recruits!"

And we should do nothing???????????????

I don't think so.

There are many, many GLBT gay people. There are many, many straight christian folk who accept and respect gay people.

I have a question for is someone else's dignity, security and respect degrading to yours?
massresistance are a fringe group:

"MassResistance protested a Macys store in Boston because they believed Macys was dressing transgendered mannequins in their windows. MassResistance went so far as to roam the Macys and photograph what they considered "normal" mannequins and then compared the photos on their website."
MassResistance Watch: February 2009

The Tea Party is wise to distance themselves from this lunatic fringe.

I don't see hate. I see some silly opinions. But the way lefties LIE, I can't trust what your website says.

And you want to see fringe, look at Code Pink's website. Yet the Southern Poverty Law Center doesn't see fit to say anythying about them.

They do when the rent the space for a conference.

You still didn't answer why it is they have a problem. Are they ashamed, trying to hide something, don't want to be exposed... what?

Who wants some hostile bozo shoving a webcam in your face when you're going to the bathroom?

Wait a minute. You said they were outside the bathroom, not inside.

And I haven't seen anything that say's anybody has been hostile.

Can you say something without making something up?

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