Zone1 And Jesus said "Depart from me, all you..." What? Evil believers? No, "Evildoers"


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
A lot of people think they can do all manner of evil and still end up in Heaven.

What a bunch of delusional *&^%$ that is! I can't think of a worse "belief."

But then again, belief doesn't appear to have much to do with our Judgment, according to this and other Scriptures.

"Even the demons believe and tremble" (Book of James, 2nd chapter)

So much for what you believe. A lot of Protestants wax superior in the fake knowledge that their beliefs are better than... totally superior to, those of the Catholics..

But again, belief itself doesn't matter. What matters is what you DO.

Jesus says in this psg (I will fetch it for you)

Depart from Me, all you evil DOERS

not believers

Matthew 7:23

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And then I will confess to them, 'I have never known you, remove yourselves far from me, you workers of evil.'
A lot of people think they can do all manner of evil and still end up in Heaven.

What a bunch of delusional *&^%$ that is! I can't think of a worse "belief."

But then again, belief doesn't appear to have much to do with our Judgment, according to this and other Scriptures.

"Even the demons believe and tremble" (Book of James, 2nd chapter)

So much for what you believe. A lot of Protestants wax superior in the fake knowledge that their beliefs are better than... totally superior to, those of the Catholics..

But again, belief itself doesn't matter. What matters is what you DO.

Jesus says in this psg (I will fetch it for you)

Depart from Me, all you evil DOERS

not believers

Matthew 7:23

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And then I will confess to them, 'I have never known you, remove yourselves far from me, you workers of evil.'
The Catholic church consciously permitted their flock to choose Darwinian evolution over Genesis.

How can there be any greater evil than that, from a Christian's perspective?

Every other evil you're imagining, follows naturally from that!

The Catholic church has concluded that they are bigger and more important than HIM.
A lot of people think they can do all manner of evil and still end up in Heaven.
Not in the childish version of Heaven that your cult religion imagines ---but in its far more more enlightened equivalent .
It just will take longer for souls engaged in Evil, and perhaps many many incarnations .

However , within balanced Universe there is no Time as we experience it in the Matterium .
Not in the childish version of Heaven that your cult religion imagines ---but in its far more more enlightened equivalent .
It just will take longer for souls engaged in Evil, and perhaps many many incarnations .

However , within balanced Universe there is no Time as we experience it in the Matterium .
Most Christians do not believe in re-incarnation..

(don't understand much else here.. :uhoh3: )

the irony!

TIR is not hateful. I don't think I've ever seen her act in a hateful way. She also doesn't go around constantly proclaiming in a haughty way that only her church is the "true church" and implying that everyone else is not saved.

Maybe you perceive her as hateful because she corrects your claims, with scripture, on a regular basis. Quoting scripture to correct false claims is not hateful, in fact when someone takes the time and effort to try to show that a certain doctrine is not scriptural, that means they care and don't want the person they're posting to or others reading to be misled.

Love and truth go together. There's a quote that says love without truth is hypocrisy... and truth without love is brutality.

^ that actually would be a good topic for a thread of its own, but I was just popping in here for a minute, I gotta figure out dinner right now.
TIR is not hateful. I don't think I've ever seen her act in a hateful way. She also doesn't go around constantly proclaiming in a haughty way that only her church is the "true church" and implying that everyone else is not saved.
I read this far.

If my Church is THE Church and I don't tell people, I am negligent.

Just because you don't know what the true Church is doesn't mean no one else does.
The Catholic church consciously permitted their flock to choose Darwinian evolution over Genesis.

How can there be any greater evil than that, from a Christian's perspective?

Every other evil you're imagining, follows naturally from that!

The Catholic church has concluded that they are bigger and more important than HIM.
How does one's belief re evolution make him/her evil or not evil? That is such a silly standard to use to judge somebody. Jesus was pretty big on not judging other people on what they believed but rather judge by what people do to other people. Are the ladies running Catholic charities doing evil when they give of their time and talent to make life a little more bearable or maybe even possible for others? Do you think God thinks what they might or might not believe about evolution to be more important than that?

Disclaimer: I am not nor have I ever been Catholic. But I do think ANYBODY who loves the Lord and seeks to know what God expects of them and do it is probably going to be okay.
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How does one's believe on evolution make him/her evil or not evil? That is such a silly standard to use to judge somebody.
For one example, I consider indoctrination of young children with supernatural beliefs to be child abuse, and hence evill.
Jesus was pretty big on not judging other people on what they believed but rather judge by what people do to other people.
That which your jesus was big on, is of no interest to me because I consider him to be a fictional character.
Are the ladies running Catholic charities doing evil when they give of their time and talent to make life a little more bearable or maybe even possible for others?
No, and I've never tried to hold the flock responsible for the evils of the church.
Do you think God thinks what they might or might not believe about evolution to be more important than that?
The Catholic church involved itself in evolution when it instructed it's flock that it's permissable to throw out creation and Genesis, and adopt a belief in Darwinian evolution.

They were freely admitting that the Christian cause was corrupt and outdated. Who knows what the imaginary god in your head could be thinking?
The Catholic church involved itself in evolution when it instructed it's flock that it's permissable to throw out creation and Genesis, and adopt a belief in Darwinian evolution.
Wrong. No such instruction.

There is no question that God created the earth and all that is upon and around. Genesis, as always, is part of the liturgy, Bible study, teaching, etc.
Wrong. No such instruction.
There 'is' such instruction my friend, but you don't agree with the way I've worded it. You should maybe quote the official language so that our audience can see that we're talking about the same thing.
Both versions are usefull for comparison.
There is no question that God created the earth and all that is upon and around.
Yes, of course there is a big question of the god's creating the earth, or anything for that matter!
It's just not a question for you. Maybe at least half the people on this earth don't believe it? (estimate?)
Genesis, as always, is part of the liturgy, Bible study, teaching, etc.
Genesis is a part for only those who accept it. It could be that the majority of Catholics have taken the church up on its offer of Darwin's evolution?
Yes, of course there is a big question of the god's creating the earth, or anything for that matter!
It's just not a question for you. Maybe at least half the people on this earth don't believe it? (estimate?)

Ha, wow, you're projecting your own view to the world, but that's flat out false. The overwhelming majority of the world believes in a higher power. Of course not all believe in the God of the Bible, but the point is that atheists make up a relatively small percentage of people in the world's population, so to say that "half the earth" doesn't believe the world was created is nothing but you projecting your Canadian godless worldview on to everyone else.

ETA: I do agree with something you said earlier however. Your statement that the Catholic church is misleading their flock to believe Darwinism, and that is evil... you are right about that. And it's good that at the very least you can see that a church's actions shouldn't go against the foundation. On that particular point you have more wisdom than the believers on this thread who make excuses for that church's actions.
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Ha, wow, you're projecting your own view to the world, but that's flat out false. The overwhelming majority of the world believes in a higher power. Of course not all believe in the God of the Bible, but the point is that atheists make up a relatively small percentage of people in the world's population, so to say that "half the earth" doesn't believe the world was created is nothing but you projecting your Canadian godless worldview on to everyone else.
Try to be polite. I'm not suggesting that half the world's people, or more, are atheists. I'm saying that something like about half don't believe in your god. Some believe in other gods and some don't believe in any god. It's all in the meaning of the word, 'atheist'.

In general, less Canadians are believers in the god than Americans.
But again, belief itself doesn't matter. What matters is what you DO.

surly true - just not what many christians believe - works they claim will get them no where - who are truly foolish people.

the religion of antiquity may go a bit further than doing - requires triumph over evil - to be worthy of judgement and a chance for admission to the everlasting.

- everyone else may hope for reincarnation.
Wrong. No such instruction.

There is no question that God created the earth and all that is upon and around. Genesis, as always, is part of the liturgy, Bible study, teaching, etc.
Just because life evolves to some extent doesn't mean there was any great leap from animal to human.

the Church, i believe, just says that one can believe in evolution or some form of it w/o ceasing to be Catholic, as long as one admits it is GOD who created that which evolves...
surly true - just not what many christians believe - works they claim will get them no where - who are truly foolish people.

the religion of antiquity may go a bit further than doing - requires triumph over evil - to be worthy of judgement and a chance for admission to the everlasting.

- everyone else may hope for reincarnation.
well, I understood the first sentence

the 2nd one

not so much
For one example, I consider indoctrination of young children with supernatural beliefs to be child abuse, and hence evill.

That which your jesus was big on, is of no interest to me because I consider him to be a fictional character.

No, and I've never tried to hold the flock responsible for the evils of the church.

The Catholic church involved itself in evolution when it instructed it's flock that it's permissable to throw out creation and Genesis, and adopt a belief in Darwinian evolution.

They were freely admitting that the Christian cause was corrupt and outdated. Who knows what the imaginary god in your head could be thinking?
I normally don't respond to chopped up posts that too often destroy context and content of other people's posts. I am one who thinks Darwin got a lot of things right and also one who believes God created the universe and everything in it. Darwin does not dispute Genesis but only that a 'day' in Genesis did not necessarily have to be 24 hours. Creation in itself is a miracle but in my opinion has been a very long miracle. I also have no problem with those who take it as literally 24 hour days.

I personally think it far more evil to judge people for their beliefs and to try destroy people's faith most especially the children.

And if you do not believe Jesus existed, why bother to chime in on a thread quoting Jesus? Why do you do that?

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