Christian Conservative Hate Group causes cancellation of Tea Party Rally

massresistance are a fringe group:

"MassResistance protested a Macys store in Boston because they believed Macys was dressing transgendered mannequins in their windows. MassResistance went so far as to roam the Macys and photograph what they considered "normal" mannequins and then compared the photos on their website."
MassResistance Watch: February 2009

The Tea Party is wise to distance themselves from this lunatic fringe.

I don't see hate. I see some silly opinions. But the way lefties LIE, I can't trust what your website says.

And you want to see fringe, look at Code Pink's website. Yet the Southern Poverty Law Center doesn't see fit to say anythying about them.


Stalkling people is hate. massresistance stalks GLBT people.

How stupid do you have to be not to realize who will be doing the stalking if we allow men in women's restrooms just because they wear women's clothes.

Good Grief! THINK!

I have a question for you.

What is wrong with fighting back against an agenda, designed to destroy the Christian idea of marriage?

Hate my foot. That's self defense.

Gays attacked first!

We didn't say, "hey let's change the idea of homsexuality."

They came in and said, "let's change the idea of marriage, remove that plank of morality, and then we will further degrade morals in this country so we have make more recruits!"

And we should do nothing???????????????

I don't think so.

There are many, many GLBT gay people. There are many, many straight christian folk who accept and respect gay people.

I have a question for is someone else's dignity, security and respect degrading to yours?

Who is degrading WHO'S DIGNITY, SECURITY AND PRIVACY????????

I didn't decide to change aspects of the gay life style.

It was the gays who decided to attack marriage.

Nice try.


NOW, all of a sudden out of the blue, after thousands of years going back to Ancient Greece and the touted homosexual relationship like Hercules and Hylas; NOW we have to gay marraige.

Sorry, that screams, POLITICAL AGENDA.

That screams desperate attack on something in the way of increasing gays' numbers and power in the US and that's CHRISTIAN MORALITY. That's TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE.

And everyone knows it or they would be voting for gay marriage at the polls. NO one is, because they KNOW what the gays are up to and they aren't fooling no one.

So, keep up your rhetoric, I'll keep stating the facts.


Wanting to be legally married is "attacking marriage"? :lol::lol::lol: Really? You just said that? :lol::lol::lol:
The name Pale Rider brings forth an image of a white supremacist on a motorcycle. I wonder if that was intentional?
I have a question for the christians here:

Take a pause, read the MassResistence website, and reflect please:

Now can any of you tell me what is "christian" about this group? Isn't it just a wee bit possible that hate is the real agenda and "christian" is just a dodge?

Do any of you know of this group (before this story broke, I mean)? Does it have any sort of relationship to your church? Cuz I look at it and see nothing but a web version of the Westboro Baptist Church...and if these are christians, then the word simply has no meaning.

Twenty years ago, these people most likely would have been claiming to be "patriots" and aiming their hate at blacks or women. Do you really want to remain passive when others with bad intentions take the name of your faith and make it synoymous with hate....or do you mebbe sometimes wanna criticisize the fake christians who do harm in your faith's name?

I have a question for you.

What is wrong with fighting back against an agenda, designed to destroy the Christian idea of marriage?

Hate my foot. That's self defense.

Gays attacked first!

We didn't say, "hey let's change the idea of homsexuality."

They came in and said, "let's change the idea of marriage, remove that plank of morality, and then we will further degrade morals in this country so we have make more recruits!"

And we should do nothing???????????????

I don't think so.

Destroy it, by wanting to take part in it. Yeah, that makes a boatload of sense. Your entire argument here is silly, what you're implying here is that it's okay to be anti-gay, but not anti-Christian. You can hate some groups, but not others. The all mysterious and encompassing 'they' attacked 'first.' Attacked how? By wanting to be legally married to someone of the same-sex and receive all the benefits that normally apply? Attacked what? Marriage, or your Christian idea of marriage? Marriage isn't a Christian invention, while it is a tradition, so who is a Christian Church to say what the idea of marriage is actually about?

Really, with a name that includes the phrase 'tea party,' I hope you don't wonder why it often comes with allegations of being a hate group.
They do when the rent the space for a transgendered conference. How much do you know about transgendered people?

That I don't want Glen or Glenda in my restroom just because they are wearing women's clothes.


If Glen and Glenda rented the space for a conference they are certainly entitled to use the bathroom without being harassed.

Look you think you are the only person to have a covention center.

Renting a space for a conference, doesn't rent the restrooms. They are still open to the public and the public uses them.

And that's still men going into women's rest rooms.

Nice try, but still no brain.

They do when the rent the space for a transgendered conference. How much do you know about transgendered people?

That I don't want Glen or Glenda in my restroom just because they are wearing women's clothes.


Seriously? This is what worries you? Maybe you should just go before leaving home, and avoid all possible public bathroom "horrors".

Maybe YOU should think that it isn't just about you or gays, it's about CHILDREN, you brainless wonder.

The Tea Party is waking up. Why aren't you, Pale Rider?

Pale Rider will always excuse anything done by far right harassment groups. There is no point in assuming otherwise.

And I can always count on you homos coming out of the wood work to demonize me or anyone else every time they voice their opinion against your homo agenda.

You're all to predictable.
How is a person's right to live without the fear this MassResistence group seeks to instill in GLBT people reducable to which bathroom people use? I have been in men's rooms...likely every chick my age has at one time or another. I've seen men in women's bathrooms too. It never occurred to me at the time this was a Huge Fucking Deal.

Trivializing the most personal and deeply felt aspect of someone else's life experience for sport -- how terribly "christian" of any of you.

So, because you are brainless, and don't think of the implications of this, it's okay. Typical.


No, don't look at the dangers of this, just be more focussed on your own self centered vanity at showing everyone how you don't hate.

So, it's all about YOU, and how YOU feel, instead of any dangers of having men, in the ladies rest room as long as they wear women's clothes.

Why are 20 something girls so damn stupid?

Egad, it makes me want to apologize to everyone for once being a 20 something girl!


LOL. I was gonna express my outrage at you till I read the part where you think I'm in my 20's. I'll be 57 tomorrow, you nitwit. Do you think only the young are capable of mutual respect?

O, and by the way I have a kid. She's seen men in ladies' rooms too, and has not melted.

Before unisex bathrooms, it was fairly common for dads on their own to take their little girls to the bathroom in the ladies' room. In some crowded public spaces, any available stall is good enough, though that's usually chicks wandering into men's rooms. Sometimes people make mistakes about the signs.

I don't know of any recorded case of someone suffering from some deep emotional damage because they had to wash their hands next to a stranger whose gender was not what they you?
Stalkling people is hate. massresistance stalks GLBT people.

If they were stalking, they'd be prosecuted for it.

You call anyone that isn't on board with your pro homo agenda a fringe, hate group. Well include me, because I'm not on board with your pro homo agenda either.
I support marriage equality, yes.

If you want to hate me for it, so be it.

Honey, you can't be married, because TRUST ME, marriage isn't equal!!!!!!!

Are you with me on this married people??????

My take on marriage is the following:

its not mentioned in the constitution therefore its not up to the federal government how marriage is done its up to the states.

The people and governments of states can decide if they want to sanction whatever kind of marriage they see fit. If another state allows a gay couple to marry (for example my state of MA) then all the states must accept that marriage as valid.

Thats my opinion on how it should be handled.

It should be up to the states on whether they want to accept that marriage as valid.

And if a couple is legally married in one state, each other state should recognize their marriage instead of behaving like 3rd world countries where law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are afraid to visit in case they had an accident or get sick.

Well, I'm sorry but those against that have a say to, and "law abiding" people shouldn't be able to undermine the desires of a state against gay marriage, by simply marrying in another state.
The Tea Party is waking up. Why aren't you, Pale Rider?

Pale Rider will always excuse anything done by far right harassment groups. There is no point in assuming otherwise.

And I can always count on you homos coming out of the wood work to demonize me or anyone else every time they voice their opinion against your homo agenda.

You're all to predictable.

You do more to prove that you are nothing but a rapidly marginalized hate group. far as I know, I am the only "homo" on this thread. But you probably believe that anyone who supports equal rights for all tax-paying, law-abiding citizens is a "homo". If people like YOU are the alternative....that makes it a good thing to be called.
I have a question for the christians here:

Take a pause, read the MassResistence website, and reflect please:

Now can any of you tell me what is "christian" about this group? Isn't it just a wee bit possible that hate is the real agenda and "christian" is just a dodge?

Do any of you know of this group (before this story broke, I mean)? Does it have any sort of relationship to your church? Cuz I look at it and see nothing but a web version of the Westboro Baptist Church...and if these are christians, then the word simply has no meaning.

Twenty years ago, these people most likely would have been claiming to be "patriots" and aiming their hate at blacks or women. Do you really want to remain passive when others with bad intentions take the name of your faith and make it synoymous with hate....or do you mebbe sometimes wanna criticisize the fake christians who do harm in your faith's name?

Um, it was a liberal, NYCarbiner, that labeled them as "Christian". From my perusing their site, I have not seen them claiming to be Christian. I have not seen a conservative here claiming they are Christian.

In other words, it was a mis-labeling of the group by a liberal. They should not be considered Christian although maybe there are some Christian individuals who support them.


Thankies, Immie. You are always a note of fairness even when we vigorously disagree.

IMO, MassResistence is "christian" in the same way that the KKK is...or that Timothy McVeigh was a "patriot". Seems to me, people who really are should be even more outraged than I over misappropriation of their group's name.

What are we supposed to do about it?

We Christians believe that we are known by the fruits of our labors and that others are as well.

I made a statement about a year ago. I said, George W. Bush was no conservative and I got lamblasted by liberals for daring to insinuate that he was a liberal. He was "our" problem not theirs.

I do not see MassResistance as a Christian Organization. From my looking at their site, I don't much like what I see. I don't agree with them. I'm not overly fond of the Gay Rights Movement, but neither am I fond of the idea of discrimination against GLBT. I'd rather let people live their own lives as long as they leave me and mine alone. I do not see eye to eye with MassResistance or Westboro Baptist Church. In fact, as far as I am concerned WBC is anti-Christian... totally opposed to the word of God.

Groups such as these have the legal right to call themselves Christian if they want to do so. I have no right to deny them such rights. They will prove themselves for what they are in time.

The KKK has never been Christian despite the fact that they use Christian symbols. Satan has the ability to "appear" as an angel of light. The KKK is Satan on earth.

Timothy McVeigh was no patriot.

The Tea Party is waking up. Why aren't you, Pale Rider?

Pale Rider will always excuse anything done by far right harassment groups. There is no point in assuming otherwise.

And I can always count on you homos coming out of the wood work to demonize me or anyone else every time they voice their opinion against your homo agenda.

You're all to predictable.

If you aren't gay yourself, and have no loved ones who are, then why does this issue trip your trigger every time?

I mean good grief...I care deeply about people not picking endangered wildflowers, but I ain't hanging around every hiking trial annoying folks about it. It is not front and center in my life, yanno?
There are many, many GLBT gay people. There are many, many straight christian folk who accept and respect gay people.

I have a question for is someone else's dignity, security and respect degrading to yours?

Who is degrading WHO'S DIGNITY, SECURITY AND PRIVACY????????

I didn't decide to change aspects of the gay life style.

It was the gays who decided to attack marriage.

Nice try.


NOW, all of a sudden out of the blue, after thousands of years going back to Ancient Greece and the touted homosexual relationship like Hercules and Hylas; NOW we have to gay marraige.

Sorry, that screams, POLITICAL AGENDA.

That screams desperate attack on something in the way of increasing gays' numbers and power in the US and that's CHRISTIAN MORALITY. That's TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE.

And everyone knows it or they would be voting for gay marriage at the polls. NO one is, because they KNOW what the gays are up to and they aren't fooling no one.

So, keep up your rhetoric, I'll keep stating the facts.


Wanting to be legally married is "attacking marriage"? :lol::lol::lol: Really? You just said that? :lol::lol::lol:

Then explain why there has been no mention of marriage EVER, going back to Ancient Greece, until now?

Why, all of a sudden is it soooooooo urgent?

How is a person's right to live without the fear this MassResistence group seeks to instill in GLBT people reducable to which bathroom people use? I have been in men's rooms...likely every chick my age has at one time or another. I've seen men in women's bathrooms too. It never occurred to me at the time this was a Huge Fucking Deal.

Trivializing the most personal and deeply felt aspect of someone else's life experience for sport -- how terribly "christian" of any of you.

So, because you are brainless, and don't think of the implications of this, it's okay. Typical.


No, don't look at the dangers of this, just be more focussed on your own self centered vanity at showing everyone how you don't hate.

So, it's all about YOU, and how YOU feel, instead of any dangers of having men, in the ladies rest room as long as they wear women's clothes.

Why are 20 something girls so damn stupid?

Egad, it makes me want to apologize to everyone for once being a 20 something girl!


LOL. I was gonna express my outrage at you till I read the part where you think I'm in my 20's. I'll be 57 tomorrow, you nitwit. Do you think only the young are capable of mutual respect?

O, and by the way I have a kid. She's seen men in ladies' rooms too, and has not melted.

Before unisex bathrooms, it was fairly common for dads on their own to take their little girls to the bathroom in the ladies' room. In some crowded public spaces, any available stall is good enough, though that's usually chicks wandering into men's rooms. Sometimes people make mistakes about the signs.

I don't know of any recorded case of someone suffering from some deep emotional damage because they had to wash their hands next to a stranger whose gender was not what they you?

Perhaps TeaPartySamarai is such a case. :eusa_eh:
If they were stalking, they'd be prosecuted for it.

You call anyone that isn't on board with your pro homo agenda a fringe, hate group. Well include me, because I'm not on board with your pro homo agenda either.
I support marriage equality, yes.

If you want to hate me for it, so be it.

Honey, you can't be married, because TRUST ME, marriage isn't equal!!!!!!!

Are you with me on this married people??????


If you are married, why did you choose to attack marriage by seeking to get married?
It should be up to the states on whether they want to accept that marriage as valid.

And if a couple is legally married in one state, each other state should recognize their marriage instead of behaving like 3rd world countries where law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are afraid to visit in case they had an accident or get sick.

Well, I'm sorry but those against that have a say to, and "law abiding" people shouldn't be able to undermine the desires of a state against gay marriage, by simply marrying in another state.

So, you are against the U.S. Constitution then.
Pale Rider will always excuse anything done by far right harassment groups. There is no point in assuming otherwise.

And I can always count on you homos coming out of the wood work to demonize me or anyone else every time they voice their opinion against your homo agenda.

You're all to predictable.

You do more to prove that you are nothing but a rapidly marginalized hate group. far as I know, I am the only "homo" on this thread. But you probably believe that anyone who supports equal rights for all tax-paying, law-abiding citizens is a "homo". If people like YOU are the alternative....that makes it a good thing to be called.

So "I" am a "group?"

And I was under the impression that Sky Dancer is a lesbian. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. Whatever.

I support Civil Unions for homos. What more do you want? You want me to accept your perversion? Ain't gonna happen. It's sick, disgusting, and turns my stomach. Course I've told you that a hundred times, and I'll tell you that another hundred times if you'd like.

I don't hate the person, I hate the perversion, the sin. You homos are free to do whatever you want as far as I'm concerned. Just don't try and push it on me. Keep it to yourself.

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