Christian bakers who refused to make cake for homosexual "wedding" break gag order

This is why its so easy for the rw establ to lead around their supporters by the nose while they're simultaneously robbing them blind :clap2:
This is a perfect example a libtard stupidity. Libs are retarded commie turds.

The issue is choice and the attack on choice. If someone doesn't want to bake a cake, I think it's very dangerous road to travel where LAWS issued to FORCE someone to do something against their choice.

This isn't just regarding cakes, this is regarding anything, to FORCE people against their wishes is an attack on personal choice.

When you open a business in the public square, you must serve the public ... which includes blacks at the lunch counter and gays in the bakery, etc.

And that business is subject to necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies – including public accommodations laws.
Same sex marriage is the law of the land

Bake the fucking cake and stop being such drama queens
Nope. If people don't want to promote LGBT cult behaviors, they don't have to. You aren't a race of people. Repeat after me: YOU AREN'T A RACE OF PEOPLE.
Neither is your religion
Silly seems to think Civil Rights are only determined by race.
Umm. You do...All of you libs do.
At least you're consistent at being wrong.

Conservatives for the most part have been hostile to the rights of gay Americans, seeking to deny them their due process rights, their right to equal protection of the laws, and their right to enter into marriage contracts – hateful acts of intolerance and bigotry 'justified' by the conservative 'argument' that because gay Americans don't constitute a race, they're not entitled to Constitutional protections as a class of persons.

Of course, that conservative 'argument' fails in the context of 14th Amendment jurisprudence.
Anyone who is still freaking out over same sex marriage in 2016 really needs to get a life

Bake the fucking cake
Nope. It has nothing to do with "freaking out" just because a court rules one way or the other doesn't mean peoples views change with that ruling...jeez what kind of fantasy world do you live in. Faggots are still the disgusting mentally ill scum they were before the court ruled and the first amendment covers the bakers and the florists and the t shirt maker.

And negroes are allowed to marry white women even though you still think it is "yucky"
Welcome to 2016
The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother.

Hey look above folks, the typical racist Trump supporter.
if they're only baking cakes for thumpers then they never shoulda' moved their *cough* "business" out of the church basement.
Hey genius. Read the First Amendment...."free exercise thereof..."
The bakers did not refuse to bake a cake for lesbians. They declined to participate in an event based on their religious beliefs.
A tenet on which the formation of this nation is based.
And please. Don't even try fooling yourself into believing that if the bake shop were owned by Muslims or other politically correct protected class, you would not be supporting the bake shop owners.
You need to read First Amendment case law – your post is as ignorant as it is wrong:

“We have never held that an individual's religious beliefs...excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that the State is free to regulate. On the contrary, the record of more than a century of our free exercise jurisprudence contradicts that proposition.”

Employment Division v. Smith

And public accommodations laws are in fact valid, concerning an activity the state is free to regulate.
wasn't that by Scalia as well? lol C_Clayton_Jones ;)

Public accommodation thereisnospoon you PoS
Christian Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Same-Sex Wedding Speak Out

Of course the "tolerant left" (an oxymoron I know) is threatening them still. I am glad to see they would still do the same thing again.

I know it is a shock- Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.
It's against my religion to pay taxes. Does it apply to my religious rights?
You are being a moronic tool. Enjoy my ignore list.
Run away like a little bitch. That's how you guys keep winning victories.
Anyone who is still freaking out over same sex marriage in 2016 really needs to get a life

Bake the fucking cake
Nope. It has nothing to do with "freaking out" just because a court rules one way or the other doesn't mean peoples views change with that ruling...jeez what kind of fantasy world do you live in. Faggots are still the disgusting mentally ill scum they were before the court ruled and the first amendment covers the bakers and the florists and the t shirt maker.

And negroes are allowed to marry white women even though you still think it is "yucky"
Welcome to 2016
The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother.

I'm curious about your outstanding features, since this is what today's white supremacists look like. Are you fat and poorly educated?

And please. Don't even try fooling yourself into believing that if the bake shop were owned by Muslims or other politically correct protected class, you would not be supporting the bake shop owners.

Actually I would think exactly the same.

However, if the bakers had been Muslims- you wouldn't give a damn about the case.
Anyone who is still freaking out over same sex marriage in 2016 really needs to get a life

Bake the fucking cake
Nope. It has nothing to do with "freaking out" just because a court rules one way or the other doesn't mean peoples views change with that ruling...jeez what kind of fantasy world do you live in. Faggots are still the disgusting mentally ill scum they were before the court ruled and the first amendment covers the bakers and the florists and the t shirt maker.

And negroes are allowed to marry white women even though you still think it is "yucky"
Welcome to 2016
The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother.

I'm curious about your outstanding features, since this is what today's white supremacists look like. Are you fat and poorly educated?


Are you the one that scours facebook for family pictures you can mock? At least they have families that love each other. It doesn't look like they have any perverts either.
Baking a cake for a gay wedding does not violate anybody's religious beliefs.

By what authority do you claim to speak for what does or does not violate someone else's religious beliefs?

As for me, it absolutely would violate my beliefs and standards, to actively participate in or support a celebration of that which I know to be immoral. I utterly reject any claimed authority on your part to tell me otherwise.
Baking a cake for a gay wedding does not violate anybody's religious beliefs.

By what authority do you claim to speak for what does or does not violate someone else's religious beliefs?

As for me, it absolutely would violate my beliefs and standards, to actively participate in or support a celebration of that which I know to be immoral. I utterly reject any claimed authority on your part to tell me otherwise.

Paying taxes violates my religious beliefs. Who are you or the government to force me into an immoral practice such as paying taxes. Oh I forgot you only give a shit about CHRISTIAN religious beliefs you fucktard
Anyone who is still freaking out over same sex marriage in 2016 really needs to get a life

Bake the fucking cake
Nope. It has nothing to do with "freaking out" just because a court rules one way or the other doesn't mean peoples views change with that ruling...jeez what kind of fantasy world do you live in. Faggots are still the disgusting mentally ill scum they were before the court ruled and the first amendment covers the bakers and the florists and the t shirt maker.

And negroes are allowed to marry white women even though you still think it is "yucky"
Welcome to 2016
The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother.

I'm curious about your outstanding features, since this is what today's white supremacists look like. Are you fat and poorly educated?


Are you the one that scours facebook for family pictures you can mock? At least they have families that love each other. It doesn't look like they have any perverts either.

I took it upon myself to look up this guy on facebook, after the group Anonymous released the names of the local Klan in Missouri in a youtube video.

If you think the Klan are upstanding members of our society, you are truly one sick individual. Now I'm going to wonder which one of these you resemble.
And negroes are allowed to marry white women even though you still think it is "yucky"
Welcome to 2016
LGBT is not a race of people. Repeat after me YOU ARE NOT A RACE OF PEOPLE. Point to the 14th where it talks about "just some deviant sex behaviors but not others"..
Why do you idiots keep saying that? Of course they aren't a race. The fourteenth amendment isn't just a protection of race. I believe the word is citizen.

Further whether you feel it's deviant or not is not of any value.
Neither is your religion

Religion, idiot, is covered in not one, but TWO places specifically named as protected in the Constitution (1st & 14th Amendments). Your deviant sex behaviors, in contrast, are mentioned NOWHERE in the Constitution. And until you seek tax-exempt status as what you really are, a cult that slavishly practices a weird constantly-devolving set of "anything goes" ephemeral dogma, you have no specific protections under the Constitution. Obergefell cannot and did not rewrite the Constitution to include non-religion behaviors. It cannot, because the Judicial cannot function as the Legislature.

Sorry. :itsok:
T.S . It did and you'll have to either accept it you sit in your denial of it. Makes no difference to me.
This is why its so easy for the rw establ to lead around their supporters by the nose while they're simultaneously robbing them blind :clap2:
This is a perfect example a libtard stupidity. Libs are retarded commie turds.

The issue is choice and the attack on choice. If someone doesn't want to bake a cake, I think it's very dangerous road to travel where LAWS issued to FORCE someone to do something against their choice.

This isn't just regarding cakes, this is regarding anything, to FORCE people against their wishes is an attack on personal choice.

According to these progressive nutcases, a black baker should be forced to bake a cake for the KKK, and a Jew should be forced to bake a cake for a neo-Nazi.
"The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother."

New posters and people unfamiliar with the Trump supporter who wrote this horribly racist screed need to see just what kind of trash the OP is -- ICYMI
And negroes are allowed to marry white women even though you still think it is "yucky"
Welcome to 2016
LGBT is not a race of people. Repeat after me YOU ARE NOT A RACE OF PEOPLE. Point to the 14th where it talks about "just some deviant sex behaviors but not others"..
Your religion is not a race of people. In fact, it is totally voluntary

Yet, it is protected
if they're only baking cakes for thumpers then they never shoulda' moved their *cough* "business" out of the church basement.
Hey genius. Read the First Amendment...."free exercise thereof..."
The bakers did not refuse to bake a cake for lesbians. They declined to participate in an event based on their religious beliefs.
A tenet on which the formation of this nation is based.
And please. Don't even try fooling yourself into believing that if the bake shop were owned by Muslims or other politically correct protected class, you would not be supporting the bake shop owners.
You need to read First Amendment case law – your post is as ignorant as it is wrong:

“We have never held that an individual's religious beliefs...excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that the State is free to regulate. On the contrary, the record of more than a century of our free exercise jurisprudence contradicts that proposition.”

Employment Division v. Smith

And public accommodations laws are in fact valid, concerning an activity the state is free to regulate.
wasn't that by Scalia as well? lol C_Clayton_Jones ;)

Public accommodation thereisnospoon you PoS

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