Child-Killer as 'Comforter-in-Chief'


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Colorado native Abdulrahman al-Awlaki wasn’t in a movie theater when his life met a sudden, violent end. He was enjoying a backyard barbeque with his cousin in southeastern Yemen when the home was destroyed by a drone-delivered Hellfire missile.

Abdulrahman was sixteen years old when he was murdered by the United States government. He had run away from home in a desperate attempt to find his father, Anwar, a "radical cleric" who was the well-publicized target of the Obama administration’s assassination program.

Despite the fact that Anwar al-Awlaki was never formally charged with a crime – let alone convicted of one – he was assassinated on Obama’s orders two weeks before the Regime slaughtered his son and eight other innocent people.

Seeking to justify the murder of a child, the Obama administration circulated the story that the 16-year-old was actually an adult "suspected" of being a "militant."

That story was refined somewhat once it was proven that Abdulrahman was a teenager. However, the administration has never dropped the pretense that the summary execution of that innocent U.S. citizen was, in some sense, a strategic success. Since the Regime killed him – and, in its sovereign wisdom, the Regime never errs – the young man simply couldn't be innocent.

Aftermath in Aurora: Child-Killer as 'Comforter-in-Chief' by William Norman Grigg

Obama says, "we will never know fully what causes someone to take the life of another," but I bet he does.
So..........taking the life of terrorists isn't okay anymore?

Be so kind as to show us the charges, the supposed crimes and activities of the 16 year old that made him a terrorist. And no, simply being in Yemen does not qualify.

Further be so kind as to detail for us the specific charges against his father. Explain why, if he was a known terrorist, no formal charges were ever made, no listing of his crimes and a Trial in absentia.
To all you liberals, when did you guys get balls and cheer for Osama's death, during Bush's term you said waterboarding was torture and it was dastardly and horrible, now you support killing old farts that commit crimes against humanity? i'm proud of you, now lets execute this fucker in CO and the rest of these criminal/terrorist dirtballs....
To all you liberals, when did you guys get balls and cheer for Osama's death, during Bush's term you said waterboarding was torture and it was dastardly and horrible, now you support killing old farts that commit crimes against humanity? i'm proud of you, now lets execute this fucker in CO and the rest of these criminal/terrorist dirtballs....

Forget the Constitution and due process! Just do it. Get Zimmerman too...
I have to agree to some extent. innocents are wiped out every day by our bombs and military, and no one is up in arms about that despite the fact that it makes someone else's neighborhood a warzone. As americvans we have to remember that this tragedy is nothing compared to what happens in places like iraq, afganistan, and other places in the middle east, and that is due to our war. Those are people's homes.

i must also add that i think Romney would only make things worse like Bush. Obama may still be fighting some of those wars, but he has not made things worse. It would be great if we would stop.
Wonder what you would say if there were another attack in America? Bet your tune would change then.

You and all of us would be screaming bloody murder. We would be demanding retibution.

These dirtbags do not care if they kill you, your family. Hell your entire Town. They would blow you away without thought one.

The only way to fight these asshole dirtbags is to get down and dirty just like them. I could give fuck one if we kill the terrorist and all those who are with him. His family means less than nothing to me. Just like my family means less than nothing to him and his dirtbag buddies.

I'm glad Barry is going after these assholes and I hope he continues to do so.

If you have a problem with the deaths then suck it up and tough shit. I could give fuck one. The more they kill the less there are to come after us in America and don't think they won't.
Way to go Claudette! You sure do display a love for your god's creation.

The OP seems to have come to the realization that youth who become terrorists just might have a legitimate beef with our fine nation.

Baby steps.
God ain't got much to do with dirtbags there LL.

They only believe in Allah and according to them they are doing Allahs work.

If you don't think they would kill you and your entire family in a NY minute then you are one dumb SOB. They wouldn't bat an eye.

You can continue to believe in the goodness. I don't. Baby steps my ass.
To all you liberals, when did you guys get balls and cheer for Osama's death, during Bush's term you said waterboarding was torture and it was dastardly and horrible, now you support killing old farts that commit crimes against humanity? i'm proud of you, now lets execute this fucker in CO and the rest of these criminal/terrorist dirtballs....

You guys have trouble making distinctions.

Killing Osama Bin Laden..who plotted and financed the 9/11 attacks..was fine.

[ame=]Time Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 10 - YouTube[/ame]

Killing and torturing a bunch of guys in Iraq that didn't do squat except being in the wrong place at the wrong time was not.

[ame=]The Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal April 30, 2004 - YouTube[/ame]

By the way..Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11.

[ame=]Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

1:17 if you want to skip the bumbling..
So..........taking the life of terrorists isn't okay anymore?

Be so kind as to show us the charges, the supposed crimes and activities of the 16 year old that made him a terrorist. And no, simply being in Yemen does not qualify.

Further be so kind as to detail for us the specific charges against his father. Explain why, if he was a known terrorist, no formal charges were ever made, no listing of his crimes and a Trial in absentia.

I guess I'm having a hard time understanding your logic here.

There were a lot of "Innocent" people who had the bad luck of being in Germany, Japan, North Korea, North Vietnam, Iraq or Afhganistan who were blown up when we dropped bombs on things or people and frankly, I doubt you ever batted an eye about one of them.

But some "innocent" people happened to be a terrorist camp or in a terrorist convoy when Obama blew them up, and suddenly you are renting your clothes at the thought of innocent life lost?

There are a lot of things you can validly criticize Obama for, but the problem with you guys are that you are against things merely because Obama did them. Even if you were previously for them, and would have defended them to the hilt if Bush did it.
Fear. It defines you.

Fear?? Not hardly.

Anger?? You bet.

My ass. You are afraid. That fear allows you to justify anything.

My ass back at ya you idiot.

Glad you think you know me there idiot. Unlike you I have no compassion for those dirtbags or their families. Believe me. They have none for all the women and children they kill either.

You seem to believe they actually give fuck one who they kill. Believe me. They don't. Men, women and kids are all the same to those dirtbags. All in the name of Allah.

I have no sympathy for them or their families.

Your free to feel compassion for their dead kids and family members. I don't and never will.

9-11 took that right out of the ball park for me.

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