Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

Sherri makes one very good point. You and your supporters don't give a damn that it occurs in non-Muslim countries. All your posts are focused on Islam. What do you really care about child brides and the brutality they have to endure? You only care that's it is another way you can demonize Islam.

Not once do you address the actual issue - what these girls go through, how they are treated and what can be done.

You are talking about FAMILY LIFE IN YEMEN------nothing can be done. Stuff
can be done (with great difficulty) in the USA about that which yemenis do
at home ---but nothing in a sovereign shariah adherent country---with lots of hills
and tribal enclaves. I had a ---professional interaction----from which I learned
that amongst yemeni muslims----a girl has no friends -----her own mother and
brothers will side with her abusive husband (that interaction took place here
in the USA) Getting back to the case at hand-----the father of the dead
girl had six daughters and no sons. Think about his situation right now.
I can help------he will not dare to complain about what happened and is very
likely to cooperate with a cover-up

I was thinking more about what can be done about the issue world wide, but you make good points about Yemen - very tribal, backwards, and the poorest nation in the ME. The central government is not very effective either.
In Muslim societies, the best solution is Muslim clerics, Mosques, and Islamic leaders need to let their voices be heard, and denounce this practice as an "Islamic right". Right now they are doing the EXACT OPPOSITE. :cuckoo:
The story in the OP is not true.

Try to deal with Reality!

The 'Reality' is that you are a lying hypocritical fraud. You are about the only one who's been unable to deal with the reality that you've chosen to squat on chatboards during most of your waking moments seeking any means to post disgusting Nazi-type propaganda attacking the religion of Judaism, Jewish people AND of course the State of Israel, as well as anyone around the globe who doesn't share your precise bigotry.

I recall few posters so devoted to spreading the filth that they'd keep it going while taking a child to the ER.......
The sad news is that hubby's grandmother was raped and murdered as a young mother
of three----the two babies died with her ------The only good news is that the experience
of the beauty of shariah did galvanized hubby's grandfather to get his son----and the
little orphan OUT OF THAT HELL HOLE
Don't you ever get tired of rehashing your 40 yr. old antecedal stories allegedly told to you by family members??

I know that we are all sick of hearing them......... :eusa_hand:
Well technically Mohammad was 54 and Aisha 6 when he was engaged to her. So he waited an entire 2 years before he raped er married her when she became 8.

Such a patient, kind man.

The pinnacle of Moslem manhood - women as property.
The story in the OP is not true.

Try to deal with Reality!

The 'Reality' is that you are a lying hypocritical fraud. You are about the only one who's been unable to deal with the reality that you've chosen to squat on chatboards during most of your waking moments seeking any means to post disgusting Nazi-type propaganda attacking the religion of Judaism, Jewish people AND of course the State of Israel, as well as anyone around the globe who doesn't share your precise bigotry.

I recall few posters so devoted to spreading the filth that they'd keep it going while taking a child to the ER.......


Well said Marge !!
Don't you ever get tired of rehashing your 40 yr. old antecedal stories allegedly told to you by family members??

I know that we are all sick of hearing them......... :eusa_hand:
Well technically Mohammad was 54 and Aisha 6 when he was engaged to her. So he waited an entire 2 years before he raped er married her when she became 8.

Such a patient, kind man.

The pinnacle of Moslem manhood - women as property.
Mohammad was, according to Muslims and Islam, "an example of a human being perfect in every way". Including, but not limited to, raping er marrying an eight year old. So why shouldn't Muslim men follow in the footsteps of "the final messenger", and have their way with some eight year olds themselves, I ask?
All of us are not as eager for WWIII as Hollie so obviously is.

We do not see Islam as evil incarnate, we many of us have no stomach or heart for all of this demonization and hate .

Americans will not support another war for Israel, no matter how you try to sell it.

Ah, the lying whore for HAMAS yelps again, slinking out from under her rock to try demonizing another poster because she's too cowardly to face the opprobrium she has earned with her hypocrisy.

It isn't working, l'il sherriKKKins...... You've just borne false witness against Hollie here. But as long as you pimp that lie to yourself that you don't demonize or hate, oh no! - then you can strut about preening yourself and informing everyone how much more moral you are.

Too bad it's all a lie you keep telling yourself.
The sad news is that hubby's grandmother was raped and murdered as a young mother
of three----the two babies died with her ------The only good news is that the experience
of the beauty of shariah did galvanized hubby's grandfather to get his son----and the
little orphan OUT OF THAT HELL HOLE
Don't you ever get tired of rehashing your 40 yr. old antecedal stories allegedly told to you by family members??

I know that we are all sick of hearing them......... :eusa_hand:

Pssst, Sunnni: You have the ability to skip over her posts if you don't like 'em. Freedom of speech does not require anyone to listen, pay attention, or respond.
I believe I have heard it said that Muslims aspire to being just like their prophet. It is a "do as I do" philosophy.
Just like Christians aspire to be as Jesus was. "What would Jesus do" Muslims' case it's "what would Mohammed do?" And we are seeing them do just that.
I agree with Coyote in this much: this thread SHOULD be about how to prevent children under 16 or so from being abused by much older males. And not about taking pokes at Islam-per-se. I think it's entirely reasonable to condemn the words of that putz legislator in Iran who asserted it was 'right' and 'pious' to insist girls be married at age 9. But it is dead wrong to attack all of Islam as approving. While 'emulating the Prophet' is indeed an ideal in Islam in much the way that 'emulating Jesus' is in Christianity - it does not appear as though all Muslim clerics include marrying a 9 year old as part of that.

Until someone can *prove* that such is 'mainstream' Islamic practice, it is wrong to condemn it as being such.

Although it is certainly looking as though -IN SOME ISOLATED BACKWOODS TRIBAL AREAS! - some fringe extremists do practice such abusive 'custom', and Yemen and Afghanistan and Iran seem to be the 'hotspots' for such.

In the US where the problem is not so much
I believe I have heard it said that Muslims aspire to being just like their prophet. It is a "do as I do" philosophy.
Just like Christians aspire to be as Jesus was. "What would Jesus do" Muslims' case it's "what would Mohammed do?" And we are seeing them do just that.

Yes - SOME of the Muslims. And it were best that the rest of the Muslims dealt with it and corrected them - but I think that's unlikely to happen until there are some stable representative governments in those nations.

The OVERALL problem remains, though - and we could discussing what can be done about it in areas where there IS some chance of success. I'd prefer that - much though I enjoy bitch-slapping that lying HAMAS whore for her hypocrisy, even she could possibly have something to contribute to seeking to solve the problem.
The incident addressed in the OP did not even happen.

And let us just call it what it is, if it had happened, child abuse.

And when I look for articles about child abuse, I find a leading cause for it is Poverty.

We may have great difficulty relating with perpetrators of child abuse, but the fact is none of these incidents occur in a vacuum. There is poverty and a lack of education in many places in our world, even inside our own country, and unfortunate incidents happen. The child of course is a victim, but often perpetrators are victims, too, of their own pasts and their experiences.

I think about another form of child abuse, the sexual abuse of young children by adults. I live in a place where it is so common and kept so secret. Even for the victims, I dont know what is better, keeping the secret or bringing it in the open.

The abuse of children is a horrible thing and all societies confront it.

Demonizing groups and people does not fix the problem.

You might begin by apologizing for your own attempts to do exactly such demonizing: it was the choice you made for most of the 70 preceeding pages.

I've no patience with lecturing on morality coming from such a blatant hypocrite. (It's behavior typical of thse with narcissistic personality disorders, incidentally - to engage in 'turnabouts' and act as though nothing had happened.)

We ALL make choices, and we each should expect to have to live with the results. You have no 'leg' to stand on in this instance.

Bringing up the fact that members of all religions , to include Jews, , have participated in child marriage and still do is simply setting forth facts.

Stop lying about what you've been up to on this thread: we can all see the posts you made, and the scurrilous and hate-filled 'sources' which you dragged onto it as you got more shrill and desperate to attack.

Your own words stand witness to your continuing to lie about your intent.
You are talking about FAMILY LIFE IN YEMEN------nothing can be done. Stuff
can be done (with great difficulty) in the USA about that which yemenis do
at home ---but nothing in a sovereign shariah adherent country---with lots of hills
and tribal enclaves. I had a ---professional interaction----from which I learned
that amongst yemeni muslims----a girl has no friends -----her own mother and
brothers will side with her abusive husband (that interaction took place here
in the USA) Getting back to the case at hand-----the father of the dead
girl had six daughters and no sons. Think about his situation right now.
I can help------he will not dare to complain about what happened and is very
likely to cooperate with a cover-up

I was thinking more about what can be done about the issue world wide, but you make good points about Yemen - very tribal, backwards, and the poorest nation in the ME. The central government is not very effective either.
In Muslim societies, the best solution is Muslim clerics, Mosques, and Islamic leaders need to let their voices be heard, and denounce this practice as an "Islamic right". Right now they are doing the EXACT OPPOSITE. :cuckoo:

That's not entirely true. It depends on where. There are many who are speaking out against it, saying Islam does not condone underage marriage and pushing for legislation to mandate and enforce minimum ages. The difficulty is you huge areas that are under-educated, impoverished, tribal that need to be over come.
JEWS are participants in child marriages too.

This thread is about a 40 year old man who pounded an eight year old to death----not
particularly a "child marriage" Forced sex upon a wife in Jewish law is utterly and
completely disallowed. At to the jews of Yemen---they are utterly fascinated with
MAIMONIDES and every word he wrote which they consider authoritative (it verges on
neurotic) My own mother-in-law was married at about age 12-----or 11----Her father
had died making her in danger of physical confiscation and legal enslavement to the local
imam (imam is the term yemeni muslims use for their chieftains---even the KING was
called "IMAM" back then) In any case---even you can read maimonides if you wish----
he effectively declared LAW-----and outlawed any hint of coercion in sex to the point
that he disallowed quarreling spouses to engage in sex or------fascinatingly, did not allow
a husband to wake his wife from sleep in order to engage in sex and (gasp) considered
any attempt to so engage while she was asleep to be a perversion. The lady had to
be awake and entirely willing-------I will not get into his foreplay advice-----you can seek
that yourself. Also ---like Hindus of India----kids who are "married" or often
"married" for quite awhile---only by virtue of Betrothal. I understand that you
never read the New Testament----however the description of the conception
of Jesus----involves a miraculous conversation between Mary and Gabriel (?) ----
in which the betrothed Mary states that she never had sex She is thought to
be 14 at that time----all of which would be consistent with the more's of pharisee
jews in her time. Notice that she was never pounded to death.

UNDER 18 marriage as a definition for CHILD ABUSE THRU FORCED MARRIAGE-----
is silly. however it is a good idea in places in which force is actually a real problem---
like India and muslim countries ---and lots of african countries of any creed

now what point were you struggling to make? Baptists are also
known to engage in very early marriages ------Loretta Lynn---was 14
Jerry Lee Lewis was 14 when he married a 17 year old. He also liked to stay close to home and married a 13 year old cousin when he was 22. He is from a religious family and is cousin to Mickey Gilley and Rev Jimmy Swaggert.
Marie was wed over two hundred years ago...things change...

Not so much-------and not everywhere and not with all people. My point is that your
definition of abuse as "marriage under age 18" is silly FORCED MARRIAGE
is abuse. and banging an 8 year old to death is abuse

Child marriage is defined in the year 2013 by human righrs groups as marriage under 18.

You either discuss the fictitious story in the OP in the context of child marriage or the context of child abuse.

Certainly, no societies are free of child abuse. I remember a recent story we were discussing of an Israeli woman who murdered her two young daughters. That true case of child abuse is every much as brutal as the fictitious tale spun in the OP. And it discloses problems Israels colonialist settlers deal with, as they become immigrants in Israel.

Again with the lying and the continuing to attack Jews, Judaism and Israel. What a filthy vile creature you are choosing to be!

Don't you see that all of your lying here is as harmful to your soul as you seek to be to the reputation of Judaism, Jews, and Israel ????

Women murder their young children all over the world - remember Andrea Yates, that 'good Christian woman'? She killed five of her 'spawn', didn't she?

So why did you feel compelled to throw in the filth about 'colonialist settlers'. We already know that you do not consider those people human, that you believe the Fogel children deserved to die......

Why do you keep reminding everyone that you have NO concern or feelings for children when their parents are Jews? We've seen you in action: we know what you are.

Give it up, sherriKKKins: you ARE a Jew-hater. At least the likes of an EOTS has the miniscule decency to acknowledge his own bigotry.

SherriKKKins = the very exemplar of a 'hypocrite Pharisee'
Before I completely forget: in the US it seems we have more of a problem with unwed teen mothers than teen marriages.

I don't have the stats handy, but I believe that the average age of the males involved in getting teen girls pregnant was something like 6-12 years older. IOW, a girl of 15 'dating' a guy who was 21..... or a 13 y/o with an 18 y/o.

So this is far less 'teen promiscuity' than it is 'child abuse' by predatory young males.
I was thinking more about what can be done about the issue world wide, but you make good points about Yemen - very tribal, backwards, and the poorest nation in the ME. The central government is not very effective either.
In Muslim societies, the best solution is Muslim clerics, Mosques, and Islamic leaders need to let their voices be heard, and denounce this practice as an "Islamic right". Right now they are doing the EXACT OPPOSITE. :cuckoo:

That's not entirely true. It depends on where. There are many who are speaking out against it, saying Islam does not condone underage marriage and pushing for legislation to mandate and enforce minimum ages. The difficulty is you huge areas that are under-educated, impoverished, tribal that need to be over come.
When you have a religious leader, which is usually the highest authority, in as you say "impoverished, tribal" Muslim areas tell the ignorant, uneducated people that their religion sanctions child marriage because Mohammad did so, I don't think they need any other excuse to do just that. LOL
For those of you who do not seem to know-----Osama bin Laden did not
rise up out of poverty----and he had a university degree in engineering.
For those of you who do not seem to know-----the Taliban who insist
that girls remain home and not attend school-----is made up of the
cream of the crop of University students and graduates of pakistan.

The wife that jumped in front of Osama to save him-----was a teenager
shipped over from Yemen------as a reward for her unusual level of piety.

For the person who claims anything I write from personal experience
or conversation must be a lie because if it does not exist on google----
I have spoken to scores of pakistani and indian muslims over the
past 45 years and ---also since the 1980s when the taliban began
to flourish in Afghanistan (I was acquainted with only one Afghani
doctor-----but that was very long ago----like 40 years ago and had
practically no conversation with him) I can assure that person----
in Pakistan----the medical school graduates are not the poor, oppressed
and uneducated. I got my information from them. The educated of
Pakistan adulate the TALIBAN and are very proud to announce that this
or that relative or classmate ---IS TALIBAN-----and--"you don't understand
how good is a shariah society" <<<< that was the statement of a
young opthalmologist who got pale and began to tremble when I finally
informed him that I am a jew------he insisted "NO YOU AREN'T" I
never told him that my husband is a survivor of the shariah cesspit --
Yemen. I was afraid he might drop dead

Roudy ---shouldn't you be dancing? Today is simchat torah----first
year I missed the celebration with the Yemenites I am collecting Coyote's
comments for PURIM
How many times do we have to go through this?

All because there are people intent on spreading hate and lies about Islam, to justify more violence against Muslims, more killing, more wars.

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