Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

The incident addressed in the OP did not even happen.

And let us just call it what it is, if it had happened, child abuse.

And when I look for articles about child abuse, I find a leading cause for it is Poverty.

We may have great difficulty relating with perpetrators of child abuse, but the fact is none of these incidents occur in a vacuum. There is poverty and a lack of education in many places in our world, even inside our own country, and unfortunate incidents happen. The child of course is a victim, but often perpetrators are victims, too, of their own pasts and their experiences.

I think about another form of child abuse, the sexual abuse of young children by adults. I live in a place where it is so common and kept so secret. Even for the victims, I dont know what is better, keeping the secret or bringing it in the open.

The abuse of children is a horrible thing and all societies confront it.

Demonizing groups and people does not fix the problem.

You might begin by apologizing for your own attempts to do exactly such demonizing: it was the choice you made for most of the 70 preceeding pages.

I've no patience with lecturing on morality coming from such a blatant hypocrite. (It's behavior typical of thse with narcissistic personality disorders, incidentally - to engage in 'turnabouts' and act as though nothing had happened.)

We ALL make choices, and we each should expect to have to live with the results. You have no 'leg' to stand on in this instance.
I am not the one who started a thread based on a lie and spread hate based on the lie in the OP.

Lies exist to be confronted with Truth, for some of us that is true anyway.

For me, it all goes back to a man who was crucified on a Cross, who died for every person. That includes every child the victim of child marriages.

Any person demonizes people as they have used this thread to do, and uses innocent children to do it with, deserves to have what they are doing exposed.

As far as discussing Jews here, the point is they have been a part of this too.
"Thread based on hate"?

So let us get this straight, nutmeg. Muslim animals forced an 8 year old to marry, and the poor girl dies from internal bleeding because of being RAPED, and bringing that to light, is considered "hate".


Sherri makes one very good point. You and your supporters don't give a damn that it occurs in non-Muslim countries. All your posts are focused on Islam. What do you really care about child brides and the brutality they have to endure? You only care that's it is another way you can demonize Islam.

Not once do you address the actual issue - what these girls go through, how they are treated and what can be done.

You are talking about FAMILY LIFE IN YEMEN------nothing can be done. Stuff
can be done (with great difficulty) in the USA about that which yemenis do
at home ---but nothing in a sovereign shariah adherent country---with lots of hills
and tribal enclaves. I had a ---professional interaction----from which I learned
that amongst yemeni muslims----a girl has no friends -----her own mother and
brothers will side with her abusive husband (that interaction took place here
in the USA) Getting back to the case at hand-----the father of the dead
girl had six daughters and no sons. Think about his situation right now.
I can help------he will not dare to complain about what happened and is very
likely to cooperate with a cover-up
"Thread based on hate"?

So let us get this straight, nutmeg. Muslim animals forced an 8 year old to marry, and the poor girl dies from internal bleeding because of being RAPED, and bringing that to light, is considered "hate".


Sherri makes one very good point. You and your supporters don't give a damn that it occurs in non-Muslim countries. All your posts are focused on Islam. What do you really care about child brides and the brutality they have to endure? You only care that's it is another way you can demonize Islam.

Not once do you address the actual issue - what these girls go through, how they are treated and what can be done.

You are talking about FAMILY LIFE IN YEMEN------nothing can be done. Stuff
can be done (with great difficulty) in the USA about that which yemenis do
at home ---but nothing in a sovereign shariah adherent country---with lots of hills
and tribal enclaves. I had a ---professional interaction----from which I learned
that amongst yemeni muslims----a girl has no friends -----her own mother and
brothers will side with her abusive husband (that interaction took place here
in the USA) Getting back to the case at hand-----the father of the dead
girl had six daughters and no sons. Think about his situation right now.
I can help------he will not dare to complain about what happened and is very
likely to cooperate with a cover-up

I was thinking more about what can be done about the issue world wide, but you make good points about Yemen - very tribal, backwards, and the poorest nation in the ME. The central government is not very effective either.
I don't get what this Ashkenazi stuff has to do with anything...much less child marriage.

I don't get what your obsession with the correlation between poverty and
what you call "child marriage" has to do with a 40 year old man pounding
an eight year old to death.
I little tidbit for you-------lots and lots of those
child marriages to which you refer, not only do not include first nite sex----
in some cases they do not even include first nite being alone together----and MOST
do not involve extreme age disparities. The little girl did not die easily. The case here
is a 40 year old man who murdered a screaming child-----it was not an accident

It's not my "obsession". It's the "obsession" with UNICEF and other human rights groups who are actively trying put an end to child marriages. If you feel it's an "obsession" - take it up with them. At least they're doing something about it beyond raging on the internet :)

I don't believe anyone claimed it was an accident. What an odd thing to say.

Yemen’s child bride problem is back in the spotlight following the reported death of Rawan, an eight-year-old girl, as a result of injuries sustained on her wedding night. In response, Yemen’s Human Rights Minister Huriyah Mashour called for action: “Many child marriages take place every year in Yemen. It’s time to end this practice.” Mashour is seeking to draft a new law for parliament raising the minimum age of marriage for girls to 18 years.

The recent history of Yemen has been fraught with violence and instability. Shortly after the unification of North and South Yemen in 1990, the country descended into a brief civil war in 1994. Unified Yemen was ruled by President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and separatist movements remained active throughout his rule. In February 2012, Saleh resigned in response to massive protests calling for democratic reform. This period saw Yemeni women take an increasingly active role in the protests against Saleh’s regime. Since Saleh’s resignation, the country has been going through a tenuous political transition to establish a new constitution and elected government.

The problem of child marriage is not confined to Yemen. It can be found across different continents, cultures, and religions. However, one thread ties these experiences together, and that is poverty. According to Human Rights Watch, child marriage is most prevalent in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia that are “characterized by persistent poverty and low levels of economic development.” The trend is certainly discernible in Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East. The country is “beset by high unemployment, widespread corruption, and rampant human rights abuses.” As a result of the economic situation, these marriages often take the shape of a commercial transaction as the father seeks the dowry payments as a means to lighten his family’s financial burdens.

....A number of other factors also enable this practice to persist unabated. In the past, the Yemeni government failed to pass legislation setting the minimum age of marriage for minors. Conservative leaders succeeded in blocking a ban on child marriage with the weak claim that such a move would go against the country’s culture and religion. This claim is baseless. In contrast to Yemen, while many countries in the Middle East and North Africa recognize sharia as a source of law these nations have set minimum age limits for marriage. In Iraq and Egypt the minimum age of marriage is 18 years.

The political situation in Yemen remains tenuous, and the government does not have control over many parts of its own territory. In such an environment, women and children are susceptible to abuse and exploitation. However, this political transition provides an opportunity for reform in support of greater rights for women and children. The number of female activists in Yemen has grown as a result of the protests in 2011. Although they face many obstacles, these are positive signs of increased awareness and a growing public debate on these issues that affect many Yemeni girls and women.

The article touches upon many of the points Osomir also made concerning child marriage - weak government, political instability, poverty, culture, religion, and lack of economic development.
I don't get what this Ashkenazi stuff has to do with anything...much less child marriage.

I don't get what your obsession with the correlation between poverty and
what you call "child marriage" has to do with a 40 year old man pounding
an eight year old to death.
I little tidbit for you-------lots and lots of those
child marriages to which you refer, not only do not include first nite sex----
in some cases they do not even include first nite being alone together----and MOST
do not involve extreme age disparities. The little girl did not die easily. The case here
is a 40 year old man who murdered a screaming child-----it was not an accident

It's not my "obsession". It's the "obsession" with UNICEF and other human rights groups who are actively trying put an end to child marriages. If you feel it's an "obsession" - take it up with them. At least they're doing something about it beyond raging on the internet :)

I don't believe anyone claimed it was an accident. What an odd thing to say.

What would you expect UNICEF to say? UNICEF is all about

"just drop your coins in the box"
UNICEF is, very much, a self perpetuating institution---it is not
an omniscient deity

I do agree with them----rich people are not poor Marie Antoinette married at age 17
I don't get what your obsession with the correlation between poverty and
what you call "child marriage" has to do with a 40 year old man pounding
an eight year old to death.
I little tidbit for you-------lots and lots of those
child marriages to which you refer, not only do not include first nite sex----
in some cases they do not even include first nite being alone together----and MOST
do not involve extreme age disparities. The little girl did not die easily. The case here
is a 40 year old man who murdered a screaming child-----it was not an accident

It's not my "obsession". It's the "obsession" with UNICEF and other human rights groups who are actively trying put an end to child marriages. If you feel it's an "obsession" - take it up with them. At least they're doing something about it beyond raging on the internet :)

I don't believe anyone claimed it was an accident. What an odd thing to say.

What would you expect UNICEF to say? UNICEF is all about

"just drop your coins in the box"
UNICEF is, very much, a self perpetuating institution---it is not
an omniscient deity

I do agree with them----rich people are not poor Marie Antoinette married at age 17

Marie was wed over two hundred years ago...things change...
I am not the one who started a thread based on a lie and spread hate based on the lie in the OP.

Lies exist to be confronted with Truth, for some of us that is true anyway.

For me, it all goes back to a man who was crucified on a Cross, who died for every person. That includes every child the victim of child marriages.

Any person demonizes people as they have used this thread to do, and uses innocent children to do it with, deserves to have what they are doing exposed.

As far as discussing Jews here, the point is they have been a part of this too.
"Thread based on hate"?

So let us get this straight, nutmeg. Muslim animals forced an 8 year old to marry, and the poor girl dies from internal bleeding because of being RAPED, and bringing that to light, is considered "hate".


Sherri makes one very good point. You and your supporters don't give a damn that it occurs in non-Muslim countries. All your posts are focused on Islam. What do you really care about child brides and the brutality they have to endure? You only care that's it is another way you can demonize Islam.

Not once do you address the actual issue - what these girls go through, how they are treated and what can be done.

wrong again Coyote----sherri makes no point at all and neither do you. WHO are
YOU do decide what people "give a damn" about? As to "child brides" --child
brides is not the topic introduced by this thread------certainly not YOUR definition of
"child bride" which you claim is any girl under 18 who marries a man ---of ANY
AGE. The topic is a case in yemen in which a 40 year old man ---who, having paid
MAHR to marry an 8 year old-----banged her to death on the day of the wedding.

YOU seem to imagine that everyone in the world agrees with YOUR IDIOTIC
notion that a girl who willingly and happily marries under the age of 18 ---to a
boy also under the age of 18 is a VICTIM OF CHILD ABUSE -----then you spread the
arguement out from that idiotic contention

INDIA? I know lots of hindu girls------physicians and surgeons who married
at age 16-----who today in our old age are STILL DELIGHTED with their spouses, '
Long ago----one of them told me with great confidence "MY DAUGHTER WILL
MARRY AS I DID---- I WILL ARRANGE IT FOR HER" she was a bit annoyed
when I said 'yeah right' --------as it turned out the girl married a jew---a boy
of her own choosing-------well the mom never expressed displeasure She is still
practicing medicine and her husband is still----of all things for an Indian----a psychiatrist.

The arrangement back then -----when she married was more like an introduction thru
family-----(that means caste) than a forced thing with money changing hands---two
very good students-------it was a "match" She was 16----not 8 As to being
abused----NOT HER!!!!! .....there were times when she intimidated me..........

you want to call that an abusive "child marriage"?
The incident addressed in the OP did not even happen.

And let us just call it what it is, if it had happened, child abuse.

And when I look for articles about child abuse, I find a leading cause for it is Poverty.

We may have great difficulty relating with perpetrators of child abuse, but the fact is none of these incidents occur in a vacuum. There is poverty and a lack of education in many places in our world, even inside our own country, and unfortunate incidents happen. The child of course is a victim, but often perpetrators are victims, too, of their own pasts and their experiences.

I think about another form of child abuse, the sexual abuse of young children by adults. I live in a place where it is so common and kept so secret. Even for the victims, I dont know what is better, keeping the secret or bringing it in the open.

The abuse of children is a horrible thing and all societies confront it.

Demonizing groups and people does not fix the problem.

You might begin by apologizing for your own attempts to do exactly such demonizing: it was the choice you made for most of the 70 preceeding pages.

I've no patience with lecturing on morality coming from such a blatant hypocrite. (It's behavior typical of thse with narcissistic personality disorders, incidentally - to engage in 'turnabouts' and act as though nothing had happened.)

We ALL make choices, and we each should expect to have to live with the results. You have no 'leg' to stand on in this instance.

Bringing up the fact that members of all religions , to include Jews, , have participated in child marriage and still do is simply setting forth facts.
It's not my "obsession". It's the "obsession" with UNICEF and other human rights groups who are actively trying put an end to child marriages. If you feel it's an "obsession" - take it up with them. At least they're doing something about it beyond raging on the internet :)

I don't believe anyone claimed it was an accident. What an odd thing to say.

What would you expect UNICEF to say? UNICEF is all about

"just drop your coins in the box"
UNICEF is, very much, a self perpetuating institution---it is not
an omniscient deity

I do agree with them----rich people are not poor Marie Antoinette married at age 17

Marie was wed over two hundred years ago...things change...

Not so much-------and not everywhere and not with all people. My point is that your
definition of abuse as "marriage under age 18" is silly FORCED MARRIAGE
is abuse. and banging an 8 year old to death is abuse
What would you expect UNICEF to say? UNICEF is all about

"just drop your coins in the box"
UNICEF is, very much, a self perpetuating institution---it is not
an omniscient deity

I do agree with them----rich people are not poor Marie Antoinette married at age 17

Marie was wed over two hundred years ago...things change...

Not so much-------and not everywhere and not with all people. My point is that your
definition of abuse as "marriage under age 18" is silly FORCED MARRIAGE
is abuse. and banging an 8 year old to death is abuse

Child marriage is defined in the year 2013 by human righrs groups as marriage under 18.

You either discuss the fictitious story in the OP in the context of child marriage or the context of child abuse.

Certainly, no societies are free of child abuse. I remember a recent story we were discussing of an Israeli woman who murdered her two young daughters. That true case of child abuse is every much as brutal as the fictitious tale spun in the OP. And it discloses problems Israels colonialist settlers deal with, as they become immigrants in Israel.
It's not my "obsession". It's the "obsession" with UNICEF and other human rights groups who are actively trying put an end to child marriages. If you feel it's an "obsession" - take it up with them. At least they're doing something about it beyond raging on the internet :)

I don't believe anyone claimed it was an accident. What an odd thing to say.

What would you expect UNICEF to say? UNICEF is all about

"just drop your coins in the box"
UNICEF is, very much, a self perpetuating institution---it is not
an omniscient deity

I do agree with them----rich people are not poor Marie Antoinette married at age 17

Marie was wed over two hundred years ago...things change...

And sometimes they don't. Life, as it existed for women in 7th century Middle East is really not much different today.

You couldn't have missed the harsh reaction from Westerners when discussing women's rights and status. One of the things we all abhor is the treatment of women in patriarchal islamist cultures --in fact, over all, Westerners are very much revolted by the sub-human status of Islamic women under Sharia.

What has changed? If it were just laws that affected the status of equal rights applied to women and minorities then how did such laws get put on the books? Clearly, some perspectives about humanity have undergone some sort of inherent change. The trend is clearly away from more barbaric tendencies and towards more cooperative and compassionate ones, at least for some of humanity.

Much of the world is recognizing that subjugation of about one-half of the world's population is abhorrent and unproductive in terms of overall human survival. Humanity backslides for certain and some ideologies continue to refuse reform and enlightenment. But with each act of horror, we seem to learn a little bit and we push a little more forward... at least some of us. We repeat our mistakes, but we also grow more inclusive, sympathetic and empathetic to the plight of those around us... at least some of us. Ghandi certainly recognized this aspect of human nature, as did Martin Luther King.
All of us are not as eager for WWIII as Hollie so obviously is.

We do not see Islam as evil incarnate, we many of us have no stomach or heart for all of this demonization and hate .

Americans will not support another war for Israel, no matter how you try to sell it.
Last edited:
The incident addressed in the OP did not even happen.

And let us just call it what it is, if it had happened, child abuse.

And when I look for articles about child abuse, I find a leading cause for it is Poverty.

We may have great difficulty relating with perpetrators of child abuse, but the fact is none of these incidents occur in a vacuum. There is poverty and a lack of education in many places in our world, even inside our own country, and unfortunate incidents happen. The child of course is a victim, but often perpetrators are victims, too, of their own pasts and their experiences.

I think about another form of child abuse, the sexual abuse of young children by adults. I live in a place where it is so common and kept so secret. Even for the victims, I dont know what is better, keeping the secret or bringing it in the open.

The abuse of children is a horrible thing and all societies confront it.

Demonizing groups and people does not fix the problem.
And...You have great difficulty understanding that Islam is a main contributor to the prevalence of child marriage among Muslims. :rofl:
All of us are not as eager for WWIII as Hollie so obviously is.

We do not see Islam as evil incarnate, we many of us have no stomach or heart for all of this demonization and hate .

Americans will not support another war for Israel, no matter how you try to sell it.

And you base your claims on what? ??

Sherri, do you even think before you post ? You make absolutely no fuckin sense. It's as if you just take anything out your ass and post it here.
Do you understand why every poster here thinks you have mental issues?
Yup. Muslims raping 9 year olds all across the Muslim world because their 54 year old prophet did so...guess what....ITS THE JOOOOS FAULT! :cuckoo:
The incident addressed in the OP did not even happen.

And let us just call it what it is, if it had happened, child abuse.

And when I look for articles about child abuse, I find a leading cause for it is Poverty.

We may have great difficulty relating with perpetrators of child abuse, but the fact is none of these incidents occur in a vacuum. There is poverty and a lack of education in many places in our world, even inside our own country, and unfortunate incidents happen. The child of course is a victim, but often perpetrators are victims, too, of their own pasts and their experiences.

I think about another form of child abuse, the sexual abuse of young children by adults. I live in a place where it is so common and kept so secret. Even for the victims, I dont know what is better, keeping the secret or bringing it in the open.

The abuse of children is a horrible thing and all societies confront it.

Demonizing groups and people does not fix the problem.
And...You have great difficulty understanding that Islam is a main contributor to the prevalence of child marriage among Muslims. :rofl:

The funniest part was when she said that : "Demonizing groups and people does not fix the problem
That's what she does all fuckin day !! What a demented Nazi hypocrite this POS is
The sad news is that hubby's grandmother was raped and murdered as a young mother
of three----the two babies died with her ------The only good news is that the experience
of the beauty of shariah did galvanized hubby's grandfather to get his son----and the
little orphan OUT OF THAT HELL HOLE
Don't you ever get tired of rehashing your 40 yr. old antecedal stories allegedly told to you by family members??

I know that we are all sick of hearing them......... :eusa_hand:
Well technically Mohammad was 54 and Aisha 6 when he was engaged to her. So he waited an entire 2 years before he raped er married her when she became 8.

Such a patient, kind man.
The incident addressed in the OP did not even happen.

And let us just call it what it is, if it had happened, child abuse.

And when I look for articles about child abuse, I find a leading cause for it is Poverty.

We may have great difficulty relating with perpetrators of child abuse, but the fact is none of these incidents occur in a vacuum. There is poverty and a lack of education in many places in our world, even inside our own country, and unfortunate incidents happen. The child of course is a victim, but often perpetrators are victims, too, of their own pasts and their experiences.

I think about another form of child abuse, the sexual abuse of young children by adults. I live in a place where it is so common and kept so secret. Even for the victims, I dont know what is better, keeping the secret or bringing it in the open.

The abuse of children is a horrible thing and all societies confront it.

Demonizing groups and people does not fix the problem.
And...You have great difficulty understanding that Islam is a main contributor to the prevalence of child marriage among Muslims. :rofl:

The funniest part was when she said that : "Demonizing groups and people does not fix the problem
That's what she does all fuckin day !! What a demented Nazi hypocrite this POS is
Exactly, she spends her entire living breathing time demonizing Jews. :lmao:
All of us are not as eager for WWIII as Hollie so obviously is.

We do not see Islam as evil incarnate, we many of us have no stomach or heart for all of this demonization and hate .

Americans will not support another war for Israel, no matter how you try to sell it.

Such pointless melodrama, Sherry. Nowhere did my comments make any suggestion of war.

Your jooooo obsession is a pathology. You need help.

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